Roads Uncharted

S1 E21: Diverging Paths

Episode Summary

Eight and Arthas are blindfolded and led through the woods to the elven city hidden within. After a round of questioning, the two receive disheartening news from their companions. Despite this, the pair renew their resolve to continue their quest together.

Episode Notes

The Kinder-Kai lead Eight and Arthas through the woods blindfolded, the twists and turns intended to not only confuse their captives, but to provide enough time for Jokul and Rialla to be questioned and dealt with. The elves face a rare predicament, however, when they need to bring Arthas into the holding cell. Tyr is brought in to temporarily reduce the Giant-Kin’s size, which Arthas finds difficult to handle.

After some questioning, Mira hands Eight the letters that Jokul and Rialla wrote in order to say good-bye. The letters indicate that Rialla has been offered an opportunity she can’t refuse, and that Jokul will be staying behind to support her. After Eight and Arthas provide responses, the pair head off to the small library for some personal research. While the librarian fetches their texts, Arthas reveals his ulterior motive for studying the pantheons of the outside world.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Cole @ColeMorreale and Wren @ThornyDryad

Transcript by CJ Kallevig

Episode Transcription

Upbeat piano intro ends [00:28] 

Mysterious melody fades in [00:29]

Dax: Eight, Arthas. You currently are standing with Jokul and Rialla surrounded by around 15 elves. Only one of them has lowered their mask to show their face. They’re all covered in head-to-toe leather, their hoods pulled up to shadow their faces. The leader, that had spoken to you, studies each of you in turn.

Dax (as the lead elf): [masc, british accent] If you’re going to go into the city, then you must agree to be blindfolded. So that you cannot share our secrets. Do you agree?

Wren: I kind of look around a little bit and seeing we’re completely surrounded with all of these folks, I lower my meat tenderizer, which I believe I was brandishing. My eyes switch from that stark crimson color and kind of fade back to more of a deep violet. As I drop the hammer, I turn and look to this person with the mask off and simply say,

Wren (as Eight): Well, given the current situation, I believe we don’t have much choice. Do we, Arthas?

Neil (as Arthas): I suppose you’re correct.

Wren (as Eight): Will you be blindfolding Bessie?

Wren: And I gesture to the donkey.

Dax: The elf looks over at the donkey and then looks at you, Eight. 

Dax (as the lead elf): I suppose that will be prudent then, wouldn’t it? 

Wren (as Eight): She does not say much.

Dax (as the lead elf): Then if you are in agreeance,

Dax: The elf reaches down into a pocket at their side and pulls out a couple of strips of leather. You first watch them blindfold the donkey, you then watch them hand one of the larger strips over to Arthas. Then they hand a strip to you and they wait for you to put the blindfold on.

Neil: I do so.

Wren: Holding the leather, I raise my eyebrows and give the slightest head shake at the fact they actually blindfolded the donkey. I shrug my shoulders and just kind of bring it up over my lenses and try and secure it.

Dax: To be fair, you made it sound like you wanted the donkey blindfolded. So, they were doing it because they thought you were requesting it.

Wren (as Eight): This is a very strange custom but I am happy to be experiencing it. Now which way do I go?

Dax: So once the two of you have your blindfolds on, Eight, you can feel someone in one hand give you the reins to Bessie. You can feel on your left shoulder, someone’s arm, or someone’s palm, as they put a little pressure on your shoulder and start to push you forward as they lead you. Arthas, you can feel a small hand gripping yours, pulling you forward. As you walk, could have been 15 minutes, could have been an hour for all you know, in the darkness of the blindfold. Every once in a while you’ll hear,

Dax (as the lead elf): Take a step. That’s it.

Dax: Or,

Dax (as the lead elf): Watch yourself, it’s a little slippery here.

Dax: They’re leading you gently and kindly through the woods, the twists and the turns. Eventually, you can start to see light through the blindfold. You can hear the sounds of numerous people and then you are told to stop. You are told that you can remove your blindfolds.

Wren: Peeling the leather off of my face, I just kind of like lift it up and peer out from under it. As I take a look at wherever I am, I am just kind of pull the leather strap out from over my head and down along my side. Then turn and look at Bessie, and like quickly undo the leather on her as well. I just kind of kneel down, still looking at the rest of the room and I give her a chin rub. I’m just like,

Wren (as Eight): It’s okay Bessie. That was kind of silly, wasn’t it? But now we can write that you’re great at blindfolded leading.

Dax: When the blindfolds come off, you are faced with a massive city. Not a city that Eight, you have seen in Saleen and Kadiba, but a big sprawling mass of buildings. Every single one of them made out of wood, their roofs thatched and covered in moss or entwined branches. You look up into some of the tall trees that are around and you can see that there are buildings built within the highest treetops. Rope and wood bridges leading from one tree to the next. Every elf you see wears clothing and colors that match nature. So browns, greens, there are pale pinks and purples of the flowers. There’s yellows of the sun. As your escorts continue to lead you through the city, people stop and they stare. You come to the base of a very large tree with a doorway.

Dax (as the lead elf): You’ll have to leave the donkey here. Only temporarily. We’ll make sure nothing happens to it.

Wren (as Eight): She’ll be good if I tie her out.

Wren: I just look for a place to stake out the lead and as we’ve been walking through the streets, I’ve been turning to all the people who are staring, just like,

Wren (as Eight): Hello! I am Eight, how are you? This is a nice city you have. Oh hi! I’m Eight. I am a visitor and this is my friend, Simply Arthas.

Wren: Just like, introducing us to every single person that we see as we’re wandering through the city.

Neil: I’m doing the exact opposite, as I am very used to being a spectacle and trying to make myself look not as small as possible, but as inconspicuous as an 11-foot man with a club can be.

Dax: Your escorts go to lead you down the door, and then they stop. They look at the door, they look at Arthas.

Dax (as the lead elf): Oh dear. Um…

Dax: The face quirks just a little bit, as the leader sits and thinks.

Dax (as the lead elf): Perhaps, we need to do something about this. Um, give us just a moment.

Dax: And you see them lean forward and talk to one of their companions who races off and within a few minutes, comes back with a woman. Black hair, light olive skin, dark eyes, a tattoo on the side of her face.

Dax (as the lead elf): Ah, Tyr. Perfect. I was wondering if you would be able to assist.

Dax: And the leader of your escort kind of gestures to Arthas.

Dax (as the lead elf): This one won’t fit in the holding cells. Is there any way that you could perhaps enchant him for just an hour?

Dax: The leader looks at you, Arthas.

Dax (as the lead elf): I promise it will not hurt, it will not be permanent. It is just something to make you a little smaller while you’re in the room and then in an hour, you’ll go back to your normal size. If that’s alright?

Neil: Arthas is trying to think about how being a small person would work.

Neil (as Arthas): Will all of my clothes still fit?

Dax (as the lead elf): Yes, everything on your person will just be downsized.

Neil (as Arthas): Okay. I am on board as long as it’s temporary.

Dax: The leader nods and you see that this elf, Tyr, look at the two of you.

Dax (as Tyr): [slightly femme voice] Alright. What’s your name?

Dax: Looking at you Arthas.

Neil (as Arthas): I am Arthas Boston Wapon Dynevy Marston Thurlow Lilford, the Champion of Offam. And you?

Dax (as Tyr): I am called Tyr. I’m a magician of sorts. I promise this won’t hurt.

Dax: She reaches forward and puts one palm on each of your arms. She mutters something almost indistinguishable from raspy breathing. Then she steps back and within moments, you start to see that your eyesight shifts as you look at her from having to look down on this person, to being eye level with her. Eight, you watch as Arthas, almost as if piece by piece his body was being replaced with a much smaller version until that final version arrives. It’s very slow, very methodical. He looks just like Arthas, everything fits. Even his club has been knocked down a size or two.

Wren: I put a single hand on the side of my face.

Wren (as Eight): Fascinating. That is some impressive street magic.

Neil (as Arthas): How do you all live like this? How will I ever reach the top shelf?

Wren (as Eight): Mother had the same problem. It’s okay, you find something to stand on. That will give you access to taller things that you need to reach.

Neil (as Arthas): I will require many things to stand on immediately.

Wren (as Eight): Well, I suppose the sooner we get into this hold, the sooner you can be normal sized.

Neil (as Arthas): Gleefully. Tyr, please lead the way.

Dax (as Tyr): Oh, um, I’m just here to cast the spell. Egara will be leading you. I don’t go into the hold. But, it was a pleasure to meet the both of you.

Dax: She gives a slight bow to both of you and then heads off in the direction she came from. The leader, who you now know as Egara, waves and starts heading down through that doorway in the base of the tree. The tunnel that they lead you through is completely made out of dirt, with the exception of some stonework here or there on the walls as if it was built in to help brace the tunnel. You pass by several doors and eventually are brought into one. 

Egara leaves you with two of their fellow elves, still completely masked and hooded. The door has been left open, the room that you stand in is completely made out of stone, with the exception of the roof which is dirt. You can tell because the roots are poking through from the tree above you. There is a table, there are some chairs. There are some candles allowing some light. The door to your room is open, and the two elves stand there in front of the doorway with their backs facing the hallway.

Wren: I kind of look around idly, and then place my hand on the stone and kind of rub a couple of the, a little bit of the side of the wall to just feel it. Tactile, tactile.

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, do you suppose they’re making us prisoners?

Neil (as Arthas): I am unsure but I certainly hope not.

Wren (as Eight): Me too. They seem far too polite and considerate to be captors. Actually,

Wren: I kind of tromp across the floor to the two guards that are at the door. I kind of poke my head out, just kind of like leaning around the frame of the door.

Wren (as Eight): Excuse me. Excuse me.

Dax: One of the elves turns and looks at you.

Wren (as Eight): Hello, my name is Eight and I am your prisoner. But I do have a question.

Dax: They just stare at you.

Wren: They’re wearing the mask, you said?

Dax: Mhmm.

Wren: So, it’s just like, it’s just impassive face.

Dax: Yeah, so you can see everything from the bridge of the nose and the tops of the cheekbones down is completely covered. So their eyes are allowing for all expression.

Wren (as Eight): Our other friends, where have they been taken?

Dax (as the elf guard): [british accent] They have already had their discussion with the council and have been set free.

Wren (as Eight): Oh! Set free, that’s wonderful. And a council, too.

Wren: I turn around and yell into the cell.

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, there’s a council. Jokul and Rialla already talked to the council. That sounds so official.

Neil (as Arthas): Good.

Wren: And then I stop and ponder for a moment. My brows furrowing again and I look to the same guard.

Wren (as Eight): Is the council nice?

Dax (as the elf guard): The council is the council. 

Wren (as Eight): Well that was about the most - 

Dax (as the elf guard): Nice is subjective. 

Wren (as Eight): Okay, that’s a better answer. Okay, well…

Dax (as the elf guard): Well, you also didn’t let me finish.

Wren (as Eight): Well, I’m sorry. I couldn’t tell that you weren’t done. I’ll just be in here, if you need me for anything. Thank you.

Wren: And I’ll just turn around and go back in and stand awkwardly near Arthas.

Wren (as Eight): It’s nice and earthy in here.

Dax: Since Eight really wouldn’t be able to tell, Arthas, you can feel that it is cool. You can imagine that you are pretty far underground. You’re very used to how the temperature feels under dirt and rock.

Neil (as Arthas): I was going to mention that it reminds me of home, but in a weird, sideways way.

Wren (as Eight): Is it the dirt roof and the roots that throw you off?

Neil (as Arthas): That and being so close to the ground.

Wren (as Eight): Oh yes, you are basically half as tall as normal.

Neil (as Arthas): I am not saying that Tyr is the most terrifying small person I have met to date, but they’re up there.

Wren (as Eight): That was a pretty impressive display of magic. I can’t say that I’ve ever met anyone who can fundamentally halve the stature of a giant.

Neil (as Arthas): I can only hope that they are the only one.

Wren (as Eight): Most magics are learned, Arthas. It’s entirely possible that there are multiples of these particular Elves who may be able to do the same thing.

Dax: You both start to hear the sound of feet coming down the hall.

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, do you hear that? Someone’s coming.

Neil: Do I hear multiple Elves or just one?

Dax: You hear multiple sets of feet, yes.

Neil (as Arthas): I suppose we should get ready to receive them.

Wren (as Eight): Do you think I have enough time to boil water and make tea?

Neil (as Arthas): I think we may be short on that.

Wren (as Eight): Alright. Shame.

Dax: At the word ‘shame’, the guards separate from the door and in walk two Elves and then shortly after that, two more. The first two are in head-to-toe armor, bright shining metals mixed with leather and fur pelts. Spears strapped to their back. The other two that follow behind, one wears pale blue robes, has silver hair and green eyes. Slightly feminine features. The other is in dark blue robes, hair shimmering gold, matching eyes. Slightly masculine. As they enter, they nod their heads in a welcoming gesture and each take a seat. The one in the dark blue gestures at the other two chairs, as if asking silently if you would like to also sit.

Neil (as Arthas): No, I will stand.

Wren: I move across the floor and pull out one of the chairs and politely sit with my hands folded and placed on the table.

Wren (as Eight): Hello.

Dax: The one with the dark blue robes speaks.

Dax (as elf in dark blue): [deep masc, british accent] So, I hear that you were caught wandering our woods. That you are here looking for information, or rather you’re passing through to get to information.

Wren (as Eight): That would be an accurate representation of our current situation. Yes, we became lost in the woods and we were trying to reach the massive library in Kidohlva. We did not mean to intrude or get lost. We were just simply passing through.

Dax (as elf in dark blue): Nobody ever passes through these woods. What made you choose to come our way?

Wren: I look over at Arthas and then back across to the Elves seated across the table.

Wren (as Eight): Well, it’s actually kind of embarrassing but we don’t get out much. We aren’t particularly well versed in the traveling habits of most folk in this part of the continent, so would you believe me if I said it was entirely an accident?

Dax (as elf in dark blue): Is it also entirely an accident that you…

Dax: And the Elf looks over at Arthas.

Dax (as elf in dark blue): Came upon a Giant-kin?

Neil (as Arthas): Your Eminence, I assure you I have been wandering for months from my original tribe. I have run into many small folk and currently myself am one. However, finding myself in situations like this is not exactly out of the norm for me.

Wren (as Eight): Arthas has been a coincidental addition to my traveling companions. He is quite large, eats quite a lot, and has an equally large heart to match his appetite.

Dax (as elf in dark blue): Ah. Your companions, the one that looks like an Adar-Kai and the human woman.

Wren (as Eight): You all keep saying Adar-Kai. What is that?

Dax (as elf in dark blue): You don’t know what an Adar-Kai is?

Wren (as Eight): Unfortunately, no.

Dax (as elf in dark blue): Have you never read any history? 

Wren (as Eight): Well, yes. But Mother’s collection was limited. 

Dax: Eight, make a Knowledge check. Easy difficulty. 

Wren: Lore?

Dax: Yep.

Wren: Okay. A Success and three Advantage.

Dax: So, when the Elf asked you if you’ve never read history, and you say ‘well, mother’s collection was quite limited’, the minute the words pass your lips, you remember that the Adar-Kai were the race of Elves that once ruled as an empire over all of Rejiev. They were overthrown over 400 years ago when the world revolted against them. They have since been exiled to an island.

Wren: After I say that, I unfold my hands and tap one finger to my chin twice. Then I go,

Wren (as Eight): Oh wait! I remember. You do not trust him, do you?

Dax (as elf in dark blue): Not entirely but he has been proven to be truthful. So I suppose whether he really is an Adar-Kai or not as he claims he is not, what matters is that he was not lying. And apparently, has a good enough soul to be set free.

Wren (as Eight): And what will you do with them? Since they’re set free?

Dax: The elf kind of shrugs their shoulders.

Dax (as elf in dark blue): Well, I suppose that’s up to them now, isn’t it? If they’re free, they’re free to do what they wish.

Dax: The other Elf, the one in the pale blue robes, has been silent this entire time. Has done nothing but stare straight ahead. And suddenly, they reach out a hand and grasp the other Elf’s shoulder. The two lean their heads in and you can hear that they’re whispering, but you can’t hear what they say. After a few seconds, they separate and the Elf in the dark blue robes stands up.

Dax (as elf in dark blue): It appears that you both are also to be set free. I will allow Mira to make any explanations that she deems necessary. Now, if you’ll forgive me, I must be on my way. I have important duties to attend to.

Dax: The elf bows and leaves the room. With them go not only the two Elves that were in full metal armor, but also the two Elves that were part of your escort from the forest. All that is left is the Elf in the pale blue robes.

[Wren sighs]

Wren: I shift in the chair and look to Arthas.

Wren (as Eight): I don’t know about you Arthas, but this seems to be an entirely bizarre ritual.

Dax (as elf in light blue): [femme, british accent] It’s not bizarre.

Dax: Says the other elf, that still remains in the room.

Dax (as Mira): My people have adopted this ritual, as you would call it, to make sure that those we are allowing in our borders are honest with us. My name is Mira, as the councilman has already offered. I was brought here to read your auras, and to listen in and see if you were telling the truth. I hope you will forgive me and my people’s bizarre activities. For it was in the best interest of our people.

Neil (as Arthas): What does reading an aura entail?

Dax (as Mira): As you talk, part of your soul, your essence, leaks out. I can read its color, I can see it almost like a second sight, and depending on its color and how it fluctuates as you speak, I can tell if you’re telling the truth or not.

Neil (as Arthas): That’s tremendously helpful.

Wren (as Eight): So I assume that we passed the test then?

Dax (as Mira): You did.

Wren (as Eight): And that means we’re free to….

Wren: I trail off and just kind of, have my hands in the air in front of me.

Dax (as Mira): You can leave the city, you can go to the bathhouse, you can get something to eat. Whatever it is you wish. Before you decide though,

Dax: And Mira reaches into those blue robes and from a pocket deep within, pulls out a few pieces of parchment and a stone that appears to be tied onto a leather strap. Eight, you recognize the stone as the sending stone that Lady Benjamina gave to Rialla before your group left the city of Saleen. You see among the parchments is the map and the other parchments have your names on them.

Music shifts to sentimental, sad piano [26:16]

Wren: So I have two letters, one specifically addressed to me, one that is addressed to me and Arthas. So realistically we each have one and a half letters.

Neil: Hmmm.

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, I do not mean to sound rude but you do read Common, yes?

Neil (as Arthas): Yes, yes I can.

Wren (as Eight): Okay. I’m sorry, I did not think you couldn’t but I also wanted to make sure because…

Wren: And I pull up Rialla’s letter and I’m looking at it.

Wren (as Eight): Her penmanship is elegant but quite difficult to read, so I wanted to at least make sure that you weren’t struggling with it like I seem to be. Oh, yep, okay, I think I get this. Alright.

Cole (as Rialla): Eight, it has been a pleasure getting to know you these last few months. I thank you for your companionship and for your eagerness to learn and your kindness. It hasn’t been easy but that doesn’t mean that it’s been bad. I consider it a joyful time traveling with you. I am pained to say that I think that the next leg of this journey will be yours and Arthas’s. I have been given an offer that I cannot turn down. I will be staying here, among the Kinder-Kai. I hope to return with more knowledge to help us on this quest, and I think that it would behoove all of us that I stay. We’ll meet again one day. This is only a goodbye for now, not forever. And when we meet again, we’ll have even more stories to share. Thank you. Sincerely, Rialla Lenoir.

[momentary pause]

Cole (as Rialla): Arthas, it is a shame that we did not get to speak more while we were on the road together. I wish I could have gotten to know you better, but from what I do know, you are brave and a good friend. Thank you for joining us on our journey, and for being there alongside us. Just as I have written to Eight, I am afraid to say that Jokul and I will be staying here with the Kinder-Kai, and that I’ve been given a chance to learn some things I would not otherwise learn. It’s important to me that I stay here. But this isn’t permanent, it’s just for now. We hope to meet you later, down the road. Thank you, be safe and do make sure Eight stays out of trouble. Sincerely, Rialla Lenoir.

[momentary pause]

James (as Jokul): Hopefully you saw my note on the outside of this letter and read Rialla’s note first. I’m not good at goodbyes, I’ve never been one to do so. Usually, goodbyes end on messy terms for me. So, forgive my poor penmanship and letter writing quality.

As Rialla mentioned in her letter that I peeked over her shoulder and read, she’s been given an opportunity that is too important to pass up. As her partner, it is my duty to stay behind and basically support that decision and help her as best I can. I wish I could continue onward as I intended to fulfill the duties that we promised to the people of Saleen, but this is more likely to leave a lasting impact. So I must carry out this decision. This is not goodbye, hopefully we will meet again in the future. If nothing else, we will meet again when your trip to the library is complete. We will be able to compare notes and hopefully resolve the issue of the missing children. Take care of Bessie.

James: And he’ll scribble a signature thing for Eight’s letter. Probably staring at Arthas’s letter, blank piece of paper be like ‘crap I should have addressed that to both of them’. He’ll sit there staring at another blank sheet of paper, just be like..look back at the other paper,

James (as Jokul): And Arthas.

Wren: I kind of look for a nearby surface and pull out a couple scrap pieces of parchment from my bags and set them on the paper and produce a bottle of ink from my waist pouch and one of my favorite quills. I set it down and I look back to Arthas and simply ask,

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, would you like to write a response? Or would you not care to?

Neil (as Arthas): I think I would. I’ll need a moment to consider what to say.

Wren (as Eight): Of course.

Dax: I will say for all intents and purposes, you are in a room that is mostly stone but the roof itself is dirt and you can see roots hanging down above you. There is a table, there are a few chairs, but other than that it’s pretty bare.

Wren: Like a holding room or something?

Dax: Yep.

Wren: Essentially, okay. How much light is there?

Dax: There are tall, thin candles. So there’s candlelight.

Wren: That won’t do, I’ll probably have set up a lantern on the table as well if it’s dark. Assuming they didn’t steal all of my belongings when we came in.

Dax: Nope!

Wren: Okay.

Dax: Nope, you have everything.

Wren: So at least there’s some reading light by the lamp and I’ll kind of run my large hands across the page, kind of crinkle the parchment so that it lays flat. I’ll set the inkwell on the top corner and I just, I go to lick the quill tip and dip the tip in the inkwell. The quill itself is just a fairly simple non-descript, maybe it’s kind of like a quail feather, in a way. Just that mottled brown feather, with the tip which is white. I just start scrawling and it would probably say something along the lines of…and I will write one for each of them!

Wren (as Eight): To Rialla, while it saddens me that our time traveling together now draws to a close, I understand that an opportunity is presented to you, which calls to you. I cannot fault you for wanting to advance your own pursuits, and I wish you all the best. It has been delightful to spend this time together, despite your propensity for staying quiet or sullen in instances. To this end, I will continue along on our travail, and I will seek to learn what has become of the missing children from the city of Saleen.

I thank you for providing me with the sending stone and the map that was originally given to us as we left. With any luck, I will uncover something soon and bring all of those missing children home. Once my task is done, I’m not quite sure what I will do but I’m sure there are many new wonders for me to experience and many questions about my own past and creation that I have to solve. To that end, I will probably continue along my journey until such time that it is fit for me to return. I will keep you in my thoughts. Please take care and try to find reason to be happy. Yours truly, Eight.

Wren: And for Jokul, after finishing that page I just set it to let it set and dry. I pull out another piece of parchment from the stack and start writing. I’ll have it say,

Wren (as Eight): To Jokul, I hope you read Rialla’s letter first. Ha, that’s a joke. But seriously, what can I say other than thank you for your stalwart companionship, for your wit, and for allowing me to feed Horse Jones multiple times on our travels. While I do not know what you ultimately seek to achieve, I do know that you and Rialla share the same path together. And while our own trajectories diverge, I do believe we all seek to reach the same goal. Please take care of yourself, please take care of Rialla, and please take care of Maeve. Next time we see one another, we might have some more philosophical discussions on the merits of spirituality and beliefs. Until then, keep questioning. Keep thinking, and keep pushing yourself. Your friend, Eight.

Wren: And then I’ll do a carrot and say,

Wren (as Eight): Your best friend, Eight.

Wren: And then I will back up from the table and look at Arthas and hold up the quill for you.

Wren (as Eight): When you’re ready.

Neil: And I’ll take it and address it to the both as Arthas has a hard time articulating feelings.

Neil (as Arthas): Everyone has a path to take, opportunity nearly passing by is something that I’m more than familiar with. I am only happy that among the smaller folk I have met, I had the good fortune of run into both of you. I’ve yet to meet someone who speaks with such intelligence as you and to meet someone as diligent or honorable as Jokul. I’ll keep Eight under my watch and continue my quest to attain knighthood. And even though our time was brief, the tales that I’ve gained from our time together will be passed down through my home once I return. Blessings of Ymin to you both. Arthas Boston Wapon Dynevy Marston Thurlow Lilford, Champion of Offam.

Wren: Yours was better.

Neil: I had time to think.

Wren: The brain time.

Dax: It’s true. You were smart and you called the thinking time.

Music shifts back to mysterious melody [39:35]

Wren: After we both finish our letters, I hand them to Mira and ask.

Wren (as Eight): Do you have a library?

Dax (as Mira): We do, in fact.

Wren (as Eight): Wonderful. I have a few questions I would need to do some research on. Unless you are particularly well-versed in spellweavers.

Dax (as Mira): I’ve heard of them but I can’t say I’ve ever met one. If you like, I could certainly lead the two of you to the library. It’s not as big as the one in Kidohlva, by any means of the imagination, but it suits our needs perfectly. Depending on what you’re looking for, it might suit yours.

Neil (as Arthas): Lead the way.

Dax (as Mira): Of course.

Dax: Mira will stand up and will head back down the tunnel and towards the entryway to the base of the tree where Bessie still waits for you, tied up where you left her.

Wren (as Eight): Oh Bessie. Perfect.

Wren: I just walk up to where I have staked the lead into the ground and just kind of pull it up and hold onto the reins. Follow after Mira.

Dax: Mira leads you through the city. Again, people that you pass by stop and glance at you. A few of them stare a little bit more intently, but most of them try to keep to their business. You pass by multiple buildings. It doesn’t appear like this city was set up in any specific structure. It’s not like there’s a residential district or a market district. It seems that this city may have at one point started out as a small village with buildings to suit their needs in one section, and then another section was built up right near it. It’s very haphazard, but everybody generally, from what you can hear and what you can see, tend to be pretty friendly.

Eventually you’re led to a large building, made in the base of a tree. A very large, large tree. Arthas, outside of the mountain, you have yet to see anything this big in your entire life. When Mira opens the large double doors and gestures for you to go into the library. You can see that the floors are a polished stone, that there are sconces all along the walls. There are chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, everything is lit by candlelight. There is one desk in the entryway where an Elf sits, a big tome open in front of them. Then there appear to be stairways, one on each side of the desk leading upward.

Dax (as Mira): If you go in and you talk to Ishta, Ishta will be able to help you.

Wren (as Eight): Thank you Mira. Are you, this is a silly question but, are you assigned to be our guide for our time here? Or will you be departing once we step through the threshold?

Dax (as Mira): Typically, I am not a guide, but if that is something you need in the short term, I can at least offer my services. If you think you would do well on your own, then I will be on my way.

Wren (as Eight): Well, I would hate to be an inconvenience or a burden. For it was not our intent to be brought here, but I have visited plenty of new places before. I think we can probably manage.

Dax (as Mira): If there is anything that you need, then please have Ishta contact us and we’ll do what we can to make your stay more favorable.

Dax: Mira gives you a slight bow and leaves you to it.

Wren (as Eight): They were awfully polite. They were awfully polite, weren’t they, Arthas?

Neil (as Arthas): Certainly. Politest captors I’ve ever had. 

[Wren chuckles]

Wren (as Eight): It would only have been better if they had provided us with a meal while we waited.

Neil (as Arthas): That much is true. Hopefully they’ll be easily accessible once in the city.

Wren (as Eight): I wouldn’t doubt it. Once I spend some time here, we can go fill your belly. It’s been a long day.

Neil (as Arthas): You’re right on that. We should find the elf they mentioned.

Wren (as Eight): Yes.

Wren: I turn and walk through the door towards the elf behind the desk.

Wren (as Eight): Ishta?

Dax: So, the Elf, Ishta, originally you only saw the top of their head. At the sound of their name, they look up. You can see that the features are very slightly feminine. The eyes are a pale lilac, actually, and the ash yellow hair is tied up into a thick braid at the nape of their neck.

Dax (as Ishta): [high-pitched, british accent] Oh! Oh, hello. How may I help you?

Wren (as Eight): Hello, Ishta. My name is Eight and this is my companion, Half-Sized Arthas. He’s normally 11 feet tall. I have come to the library in search of literature regarding a few topics. The first of which, I can readily say, is that I’m looking for any information with respect to spellweavers.

Dax: You see Ishta tap their chin.

Dax (as Ishta): Hmmm. Well, first of all, it’s lovely to meet you Eight. Half-Sized Arthas. Ah, hmm. Spellweavers, spellweavers. Hmm. Oh! If you wait here just a moment, I might have just the thing.

Dax: Ishta closes the large tome they were reading.

Dax (as Ishta): There’s a chair over there, a couple of them.

Dax: They point off to your, your right.

Dax (as Ishta): Be patient, wait here. I’ll be right back. 

Dax: And they run up the stairs that you can see to the left of the desk. 

Wren (as Eight): Ishta, Ishta! Wait, before you go running off! [sighs] Well, hopefully they don’t need to go backtracking because I had other things I needed to ask about.

Neil (as Arthas): They seem excitable.

Wren (as Eight): Knowledge is enough to throw any person into a frenzy. However, [sighs], you’re right.

Wren: I’ll just kind of shuffle off to a table and sit down.

Wren (as Eight): Well, I can at least work on my next inquiry for when they return.

Wren: And I take out a piece of paper, put it on the table.

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, in your years and adventures, have you ever seen…

Wren: GM, forgive me. I would like to recall the symbol that we saw in…?

Dax: Isha?

Wren: Isha, wow my head just lagged, like nope.

Dax: Give me a straight Intellect check, make it Medium difficulty. 

Wren: Do I get any bonuses because you know, I lived through an experience in which I saw it?

Dax: Sure. I’ll give you a boost for that, why not? 

Wren: Cool. I’d also like to spend a Story Point to upgrade it because I want to be able to remember this. 

[sound of dice rolling]

Wren: Oh cool. That’s three Success and two Advantage.

Dax: Okay. You remember that individual unit in Isha was wearing a symbol. And at the time, you couldn’t place where you had seen that symbol before. As your eyes are wandering the walls and the ceiling of the library, you’re taking in the carved wood decor and the various paintings and tapestries along the walls, you happen to turn and notice that one of the paintings has that symbol on it. As you draw closer to get a better inspection of it, you see that the same symbol is on the breastplate of seven individuals. It dawns on you that symbol was worn by the Seven Swords. Warriors that had been brought together during the great war to fight against the Emperor and his Mad Mage.

Wren (as Eight): I feel like that might be important. Perhaps if I’m lucky, insight into that war might give me insight as to why those brigands abducted my friend in Isha. Arthas!

Wren: And I kind of gesture at the painting.

Wren (as Eight): This, this. Do you see this symbol? 

Neil: Have I ever seen that symbol, DM? Aside from just now and in this city? 

Dax: I would say, given the history that your people talk about and what little interaction you had with somebody from the outside world prior to leaving the mountain, you have not seen this symbol yet.

Neil (as Arthas): Hmmmm, no.

Wren (as Eight): You don’t see it right now?

Neil (as Arthas): Oh, I see it now. But I cannot recall seeing it before.

Wren (as Eight): That’s fine. I only saw this a few, goodness, about a month or so, month back. We met the most peculiar crusader when we were visiting another city in the desert. There was a wedding and a feast and I got a bath. But then, the canyon started collapsing and we all almost died! It was pretty impressive, everything considered. But we wound up fighting alongside a warrior who bore the same symbol as this. And I didn’t think much of it at the time, but that’s bizarre because that would make that warrior, goodness, hundreds of years old.

Dax: I will say, because of the advantages, you also did remember that at some point in the war, around the time of their greatest battle, all seven of the Seven Swords mysteriously disappeared. Nobody knows what happened to them.

Wren (as Eight): [sighs] I suppose I should write this on my list of things to accomplish on our trip. Must find Tuck again.

Wren: I’ll sit down at the table and just face the picture. I’m just kind of scrutinizing it.

Dax: Make a Perception check. Please make it at Medium difficulty.

Wren: That is two Failures.

Dax: I will say that the only thing you notice is that not a single one of those in the painting looked like Tuck. There’s something off about it and you’re not really sure what. It gives you this weird, like if you had skin, your skin would crawl and you can’t pinpoint why.

Wren: Hmm. Very interesting.

Dax (as Ishta): Oh Eight!

Dax: You hear from behind you.

Wren (as Eight): Yes?

Dax (as Ishta): Eight, I found these.

Dax: And Ishta comes running back with three books.

Wren (as Eight): Are these all on spellweavers?

Dax (as Ishta): Yes, that’s what you asked for.

Wren (as Eight): This is fantastic! Oh, oh!

Wren: And I point to the painting.

Wren (as Eight): Do you have literature that is respective to this picture?

Dax (as Ishta): The Seven Swords? 

Wren (as Eight): Yes.

Dax (as Ishta): Hmm. I might have something, but it might be closer to a fairytale than actual history. But I can go look.

Dax: Ishta turns to Arthas.

Dax: Half-sized Arthas, is there anything that you are looking for? I’m sorry, I ran up so quickly, I forgot to ask you.

Neil (as Arthas): Do you have any books describing your religions or pantheons?

Dax (as Ishta): Yes! I can find some of the religious texts. Might take a little longer this time but please, make yourselves comfortable.

Dax: Ishta scurries off.

Wren (as Eight): Doing some theological reading, I see.

Neil (as Arthas): Cross-referencing.

Wren (as Eight): Cross-referencing? How so?

Neil (as Arthas): So, back home, Ymin is alive in the earth. He fell in love with a god, but a jealous courter of that god killed him. I’m trying to figure out from our stories and other stories, who that god was.

Wren (as Eight): I see. And…

Wren: I kind of absent-mindedly scratch the base of my neck and kind of look up towards the rafters of the building as I think.

Wren (as Eight): And if you do discover who killed your god from your legend, what would you do?

Neil (as Arthas): Crush him like an ant.

Wren (as Eight): Oh. That’s quite the lofty goal, to defeat a god.

Neil (as Arthas): It would make a good tale.

Wren (as Eight): There’s no denying that. I certainly would like to see something like that. If only for the experience. Well, with us visiting all these different libraries, perhaps we’ll be able to make that a reality for you.

Neil (as Arthas): Certainly would I hope so. And I hope whatever enchantment is keeping me this small wears off soon. I could do no such thing when I’m like this.

Wren (as Eight): I’m sure it won’t last much longer. I believe they said it would take about an hour.

Neil (as Arthas): What a strange way to measure time.

Wren (as Eight): How else would you measure it?

Neil (as Arthas): You just make a mound of snow about the size of your hand and watch it in the sun.

Wren (as Eight): Okay. I can see how that would have an appeal.

Neil (as Arthas): Certainly, and there’s always snow around. It’s about three and half mounds to get from my cave-face to the outside.

Wren (as Eight): Hmm. Arthas, I enjoy your life experiences.

Neil (as Arthas): I appreciate that, Eight.

Wren: As we’re just sitting, waiting, I look to Arthas and earnestly kind of stare for a second.

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, are you content assisting me on my quest to rescue these missing children?

Neil (as Arthas): Gleefully.

Wren (as Eight): Well, that answer was a lot more direct and concise than I was expecting. But I’m glad to hear that you’re still on board with it.

Neil (as Arthas): I mean, I’m not going to say ‘well, good luck’ when there are literal missing children. That seems irresponsible and allowing you to wander the world alone, minus Bessie, seems equally irresponsible.

Wren (as Eight): I suppose I appreciate that consideration. I do like having traveling companions, though it does feel like I’ve gone through an awful lot of them these last few months.

Neil (as Arthas): I mean, when I was alone, I wandered myself into a desert and nearly died. So, you know.

Wren (as Eight): Safety in numbers.

Neil (as Arthas): Precisely.

Wren (as Eight): And also, I do not need to eat or drink, so any food we find can go straight to you!

Neil (as Arthas): This is the best traveling proposition I have had in my life.

Wren (as Eight): Perfect. So it’s settled. We will rescue children, we will identify a murderous god and slay them, and I will…

Wren: I kind of shrink down.

Wren (as Eight): I will discover the purpose of my creation.

Neil (as Arthas): That’s another thing I would be more than happy to find out. How and…mostly how…you were made.

Wren (as Eight): Yes. I would greatly like to know that. Though, the only person who seemed to know, Mother, is gone. Most of her notes didn’t really detail any of the steps she took to create me, so…or why. This will be a very long journey, with no clear course I’m afraid.

Neil (as Arthas): That makes for the best kind of adventure.

Wren (as Eight): I enjoy your enthusiasm.

Neil (as Arthas): Well, someone has to.

Wren (as Eight): You know what this means, Arthas. We are now best friends.

Neil (as Arthas): I would suppose so, yes.

Wren: This whole time, I’ve also been kind of like looking at one of the books that was brought to me. So, I’ve just been scanning through them and speed-reading.

Dax: So, what skill do you think would work best for this speed-reading, to see if you pick up? Or rather, what you pick up? Not if you pick up anything, but what you pick up. What stands out to you?

Wren: Well, definitely Intelligence.

Dax: Mhmm.

Wren: And [sighs] I’m thinking. Like honestly? I’m thinking like Discipline to maintain focus at reading the words while being able to decipher them quickly.

Dax: Sure.

Wren: Because it definitely takes, I would imagine, a lot of concentration to focus on those pages and keep up that detail. Going line by line.

Dax: So, I will say of the three books that you were brought, the thickest one is in Elvish.

Wren: Okay.

Dax: The other two are in Common.

Wren: Okay.

Dax: So, if you would like to do a Discipline check, go ahead and make a Discipline check at Medium difficulty.

Wren: Discipline check, [rolls dice]. Two Advantage.

Dax: So, I’ll say that you are able to pick up a little bit on your first read-through. What you learn is that spellweavers were names given to a specific class of magic-users during the Great War. They, from what you can tell, tend to be of the Moldir Elf race. Most likely because that specific race is so well tied to magic as a natural ability, as to something that you study and learn to manipulate over time. You also gather that after the war, they all went into hiding. But you don’t really garner as to why.

Wren (as Eight): That makes sense as my other friend in Isha was also hiding. How do I learn more about these spellweavers if they’re so hard to find.

Dax (as Ishta): Eight! Arthas!

Dax: You hear behind you again.

Wren (as Eight): Oh, Ishta’s back!

Neil (as Arthas): Ooh! 

Dax: Ishta comes and has one book, a small one, in one hand and two scrolls in the other.

Dax (as Ishta): Arthas, these scrolls are for you. And Eight, this book is for you. Now, I do have a question. Are you planning to borrow these? Are you planning to read them here?

Wren (as Eight): I did not realize borrowing was an option. You see, we won’t be staying for too long. But, perhaps… Arthas, perhaps we could borrow them for a day? And perhaps depart sometime tomorrow?

Neil (as Arthas): That seems like the best idea to me.

Wren (as Eight): Perhaps we could check them out for the evening and for part of the day tomorrow and return them before we leave the city.

Dax (as Ishta): That would be perfect. Follow me to the desk, please.

Wren (as Eight): Okay.

Dax: Ishta scuffles backward, back to the desk and reaches out for all the books. Not the scrolls, but just the books. You see Ishta pulling out these little slips of paper and then you see Ishta take one of the little candles and dribble some wax on the slip of paper, and reaching down below pulls out this big metal [whump noise] and stamps the wax. Then, taking a quill, marks the day’s date and you can see the words ‘Eight and Arthas’ scribbled on the slips of paper. And in each book goes a slip of paper.

Dax (as Ishta): As long as you bring them back by this time tomorrow, you won’t incur any fees and they’ll be free of charge.

Wren (as Eight): Delightful! Free knowledge. I think I like this place.

Neil (as Arthas): Thank you.

Dax (as Ishta): May I ask where you’re staying? Just so that if you don’t come back, I know how to hunt you down.

Wren (as Eight): Oh, um, I suppose I should ask. Where is a place we can stay here?

Dax (as Ishta): Well, we don’t really see a lot of visitors but if you go to the Council, they might be able to ask some people to put you up?

Wren (as Eight): I see. Okay. Oh! Mira. Would you be able to help us find Mira?

Dax (as Ishta): Oh that’s easy.

Dax: You see Ishta reach down towards the bottom of the desk and pulls out this little glass ball and sets it on the desk. You see Ishta stare into its depths and as they do, this strange glow starts to form in the center. Then it speckles out, as if this light was forming little motes that floated in the little glass ball.

Dax (as Ishta): Ah! Mira’s on their way. If you’ll just wait here?

Dax: Takes the glass ball, puts it back.

Wren: As they were doing that, I threw my hands down on the table and was like leaning in, looking at the crystal ball. Just like,

Wren (as Eight): [gasp of delight] What’s, what is this? This is so fascinating!

Wren: My eyes just bright and dazzling as I’m staring at it.

Wren (as Eight): Thank you, Ishta. Mira should be able to help us find a place to stay. So we solved both of our problems.

Dax (as Ishta): If you need anything else, just let me know.

Dax: Ishta opens up the book they were reading when you arrived and seems to have forgotten that you’re here.

Wren: I’ll pick up the books that Ishta brought and put them in a stack and just kind of shoulder them as I go and wait for Mira to arrive.

Dax: It doesn’t take long. Mira manages to open up the door maybe after a few minutes of the situation with the crystal.

Dax (as Mira): Oh, Eight and Arthas. Come, follow me.

Dax: Mira waits for you to exit the library.

Neil: I begin following.

Wren (as Eight): Perfect.

Wren: I’ll grab Bessie on the way out and follow behind.

Dax (as Mira): So, Ishta said that you were looking for a place to stay then. If you would like to follow me, Arthas, I do ask that you watch your head. I imagine that spell is going to be -

Dax: And just as Mira is beginning to finish that sentence, Art, you feel your eyesight instead of being eye-level with Mira, suddenly shoot up. You are now able to look down on people again.

Neil (as Arthas): Thank goodness that’s over.

Wren (as Eight): Simply Arthas. You are just the tallest person I’ve ever met.

Neil (as Arthas): Good. Good.

Dax (as Mira): Ah, yes. So, watch your head and follow me. [chuckles] 

Music fades out [1:05:36]

Dax: Thanks for listening! We hope you’ll join us next time but in the interim, follow us on Twitter @RoadsUncharted.

The “Roads Uncharted” podcast is GMed and produced by Dax, using the Genesys Roleplaying System published by Fantasy Flight Games. You can follow me on Twitter @GM_Dax.

Jokul Genhorn is played by James and Arthas, Champion of Offam is played by Neil.

Rialla Lenoir is played by Cole, follow them on Twitter @ColeMorreale and check out their art.

Eight is played by Wren, who also composed the music for our opening theme. Follow them on Twitter @ThornyDryad.