Roads Uncharted

Roads Uncharted: An Introduction

Episode Summary

A welcome from the GM, Daxara.

Episode Notes

GM Daxara introduces the podcast and provides a brief summation of the game's history, as well as credit to our creative resources. 

Time Stamps:

0:31 - Safety Tools 

0:42 - Artistic and Music Credits


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Episode Transcription

Hi! I’m Daxara, the Game Master. “Roads Uncharted” is a story set in a world of my own creation, called Rejiev. The game was originally a Twitch stream using Dungeons & Dragons 5e, but after nearly a dozen episodes we decided that Genesys would be a better system due to its more narrative properties. Due to this switch, we took time to port our characters over into slightly homebrewed archetypes and careers. True, the characters and their abilities are being improved as we play, but we hope you love them just as much as we do. In case you hear a reference during our podcast, we use safety tools during play. Specifically, we use lines and veils and the consent flower in card form from the Golden Lasso Games website. Credit for our logo goes to Jessie Weirich, with music sourced from Epidemic Sound.