Roads Uncharted

S2 Bonus 1: Eight

Episode Summary

Where did Eight come from? Why are they traveling? In this bonus episode, Eight gives you a little peek into their past.

Episode Notes

Eight chats with you about who they are, who created them, and what they hope to accomplish as they explore the wide world of Rejiev.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris and Wren @ThornyDryad

Episode Transcription

Wren (as Eight): Hello, I am Eight, and I am pleased to meet you! As new best friends, it is my duty to offer you food, comfort, and companionship.

Please do not let my strange appearance make you uncomfortable, friend. I am what many call a warforged. Though, realistically, I fail to see the need for such a distinction as I am quite similar to you in most every way. Why, yes I am covered in metal plates. Thanks for noticing! And..yes, I do only have three fingers..and no eyelids. I..suppose I do understand why you look skeptical of the statement.

Many folk in Rejiev regard warforged as little more than mindless killing machines. Tools of war, meant to be used to terrorize and harm. I have heard as much from some of the other adventurers that I have met along my own travels. But I assure you, friend, this is far from the truth! I am not like they say, I promise. You see, I am a scholar and caretaker. I could never commit wanton violence. It goes against everything Mother has taught me! Mother created me to act as a guardian, housekeeper, and assistant to her in her research. But she passed away. That is why I am out here.

You see, her home and study are tucked away in a small village called Caravanah, floating high in the sky on the Wyvern Islands. After her passing, I decided that it was time to leave everything behind. After all, I cannot tend to those who have passed away and it would do no good for me to sit and languish in a library all by myself. So I decided to set forth with my experience, my journal, and Mother’s teachings.  

My goals are numerous, but I hope to discover why I am so different from what others believe warforged to be. By researching Mother’s mysterious past, I hope to discover exactly where she came from and why she created me. What is my true purpose? Why am I here? What did she intend for me? There are so many unanswered questions that I must solve. With any luck, I just might uncover the truth.