Roads Uncharted

S2 Bonus 2: Arthas

Episode Summary

Why does Arthas carry a blade with a rock attached? In this bonus episode, Arthas gives a little snippet of his story.

Episode Notes

Giant-Kin are rumoured to be extinct, as they choose seclusion over interacting with the world around them. Arthas is the exception, and has chosen to wander the world accumulating titles and stories. 

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Episode Transcription

Neil (as Arthas): Hello! I am, as of right now, Arthas Boston Wapon Dynevy Marston Thurlow Lilford, Champion of Offam. Living in my clan in a mountaintop, my life changed when we gave shelter to a travelling knight. On his exit, he gave me a complete guide on chivalry and knighthood. And I knew my new path.

I’ve been exiled down the cliff-face of my home for being annoying, but this was part of my plan to become a knight. On the way down, after coming to a stop on an overhang on the cliff, and after spitting a few teeth out, I had found a blade worthy of my title. And, after a few hours of pulling it free, I’d managed to take it, and the rock, with me. 

Now I travel righting wrongs and writing stories, hoping to one day return home with a tale large enough to excuse my absence.