Roads Uncharted

S2 Bonus 3: Rou

Episode Summary

In this bonus episode, we’d like to introduce you to Rou, a mysterious traveler from the continent of Baukora.

Episode Notes

Rou provides a little insight as to why he left the safety of his home and what drives him to explore Eulela, the continent to the east.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris and Wren @ThornyDryad

Episode Transcription

Kappa (as Rou): Ah yes, sorry, my name is Rou. Forgive me, I still need to get used to introducing myself. I understand that may sound strange, but where I come from there are guidelines. They’re there to keep yourself safe, live within your means, but most importantly draw as little attention to the family as possible. Speaking of family, they’re kind of the reason I’m out here...the politics are...complicated at best. 

For as long as I can remember, I haven’t felt at ease with the way we’ve done things, governed ourselves. And so, I’m out exploring, widening my world view and learning. Hopefully to find or craft an alternative to the structures back home.

However, my family does not see it that way, especially Mom and Dad. You see, I didn’t exactly leave on the best of terms. To them, this whole venture is an offense to the family. I’m “running away from home”, “shirking my responsibilities” and “rejecting the comfortable life painstakingly laid out before me”. But that’s not it at all. I’m looking for a better way to do things, and no one was going to find it within the old ways. It’s not like I intended to spit in the face of the head family or put anyone other than myself at risk. But impact is different from intention right?

For now, I am past asking for permission and will need to go back asking for forgiveness. And I do fully intend to go back. But when I am ready. I promise. There just has to be more to life than rocking the boat as little as possible. I mean, you understand that right? For now, I just want to see what is out here in the Eastern continent, meet the people, discover magics, and find something new to bring home. I’d appreciate it immensely if you could point me in the right direction.