Roads Uncharted

S2 Bonus 8: What Happens Next

Episode Summary

A clip compilation from Season 2.

Episode Notes

Relive some of the twists and turns from Season 2.

Laugh at the jokes, feel the drama of battle, gasp at secrets revealed and cringe at the betrayal. Whether you need a refresher before we premiere Season 3, or you have yet to listen in, enjoy this selection of clips from a rollercoaster season.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Wren @ThornyDryad and Kappa @TheKappaChris

Transcript by Dax

Episode Transcription

Intro music ends [00:27]

Dax: Season Two for “Roads Uncharted” was filled with many ups and downs, twists and turns. If you haven’t listened to Season Two yet, or you need a refresher on what happened, here’s a clip compilation for your enjoyment. For starters, a new hero joined the party. 

Sentimental music fades in [00:46]

Kappa (as Rou): I’m a traveler, you see, I’m trying to chart my course without having much of a plan. [soft chuckle] Uh, I’m open to recommendations.

Dax (as Sarah): [in a soothing, femme voice] Well, I suppose it might be better if we started off on the right foot. Uhm, why don’t you have a seat?

Dax: And she gestures to the empty chair across from her.   

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, of course! Yes, thank you. [chuckles] 

Dax (as Sarah): My name is Sarah.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh! How rude of me. Yes, my name is Rou. I…always forget the introduction. Well, like you I come from a relatively smaller establishment…established town. Nearby is actually a sort of mine. You know in some western parts there’s a high demand for flexible and durable materials or metals. That’s whereabouts..where I’m from. Uh, have you been to Ashguard?     

Dax: Sarah takes a sip of her cocktail, looks around a little bit as if she’s pondering.

Dax (as Sarah): No, I can’t say that I have.

Kappa (as Rou): Okay, well, Ashguard is about two days journey from Arcwall, where we left from Baukora.  

Dax (as Sarah): Oh, alright. I didn't get to that part of the continent, I was more down in the deeper regions.  

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, it’s very easy to miss. By a mountain and dense forest, so..very, very easy to miss. We don’t get many strangers, uhm, in Ashguard.  

Music fades out [2:29]

Dax: Arthas earned a new title.

Tense combat music fades in [2:33]

Dax: Arthas, raise your great club and anybody that’s sitting in the first row of the arena, yeah they’re not a whole heck of a lot close but perhaps they see some of the muscles in your neck cord up a little bit as you take this next swing. You definitely have this look of fierceness across your face. And as you take your great club, this sword with a boulder attached at the end, and you swing it into Renny, you knock him over and Renny falls to the ground with a great cloud of dust [Dax makes a loud “poof”] enveloping him. And when the dust clears, you are the only one standing. For a minute, everyone is silent. Even Rou and Eight stand there - well, sit there - in a little bit of disbelief. You look at the crowd, maybe you see Eight has that open smile that they have, ‘cause they knew you could do it. They knew Arthas was gonna win. 

Music cuts out abruptly [3:43]

Dax: And all at once the entire arena erupts. And there is [Dax imitates a raucous cheer] cheering and screaming.

Arthas’s theme fades in [3:47]

Dax: And that cheer that people had for you your first fight when they were stomping their feet and cheering your name is ten times louder. It is almost deafening. People come out and they usher you back into the arena, and you can hear as you’re walking down the corridor towards the, what would essentially be a locker room, and you know healers are waiting and people are waiting to repair missing pieces of your armor. You can hear the announcer say,

Dax (as the announcer): And the winner of this year’s fighting competition is Arthas, Champion of Offam!

Dax: And with that another renewed cheer goes out into the crowd. Arthas you have won the annual fighting competition in Azarra.

Music fades out [4:35]

Dax: They met some…interesting…folk. 

Jaunty guitar music fades in [4:41]

Taldoz (as Teddy): …It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Theodore Lawrence Briggs. 

Wren (as Eight): Theodore Lawrence Briggs… excuse me if I’m wrong, but you’re not from this area, are you?

Taldoz (as Teddy): Ah ha! Very perceptive of you. No indeed, I am not. I am what you might call an explorer! An adventurer! A seeker of knowledge.

Wren (as Eight): Really?

Wren: Uh… y-you see my eyes kind of flash in an instant.

Wren (as Eight): I also seek knowledge! And Arthas is… Arthas is a crackerjack explorer and adventurer.

Neil (as Arthas): I certainly try.

Music fades out [5:21]

Sentimental guitar music fades in [5:23]

Dax: Big Mood, how long have you been here? When did you arrive?

Worrier: Earlier this morning.

Dax: Okay. And what are you doing right now?    

Worrier: Right now I am sitting at a local tavern, I’m just sitting there. I’ve got an ale and I’m just waitin’.

Dax: What does Big Mood look like?

Worrier (as Big Mood): [in a deep voice, slight drawl] I’m a seven and a half foot tall, black-furred Minotaur with white horns that curve forward. I’ve got some overalls on, a comfortable looking flannel shirt underneath. A sort of a “farmer vibe”, if you will. Next to me, on the table, err, it’s kinda leaned up against the table, there’s a large wagon wheel for some reason. And there is a garden hoe, leaned up against the wall next to the table. There's also a small cheese plate in front of me that has been left untouched. The nice thing about being a Minotaur in this part of the world is that, ya know, we sort of stand out…ya know. I don’t want to brag, I don’t want to sound like, ya know, I’m an attraction but…I’m a little bit of an attraction.

Kappa: [imitating Rou’s full mouth] You’d fit right in with us.

Worrier (as Big Mood): Well, uh, that would be great! I’d love to fit in with you. Uhm…that’s probably not a thing people say out loud…uh, ya know, I..yeah, ya know this is kinda perfect, if you think about it. As the former proprietor of an adventuring store, for twenty years, top in the business, I learned a thing or two about adventuring. Number one, you meet up in a tavern, that’s where it all starts. Number two, despite the ups and downs and hilarious misunderstandings along the way, over the course of the adventure you become best friends. And that is both of the things that I learned.

Music fades out [7:24]

Dax: So you make your way back to the platform where Reginald is and standing there, talking to Reginald, is the medical worker that you met at the tent and someone else. Francis, why don’t you go ahead and describe yourself.  

Music fades in [7:36] 

Josh (as Francis): [slightly gruff, pompous] Yes of course! You see standing there before you a tiefling, of a lavender type of hue. You can see by my apparel that I am A) well to-do, and B) I am of the employ of the town constabulary, I think that’s the word people use in this society. I'm not positive, but I am clearly of some type of association with the guard. You can see that I wear a very fine cloak, that I wear over what is a fairly standard formal apparel. The equivalent, I would say, of a three-piece suit. I have in one hand a rather long pipe, approximately twelve inches in length, which I am puffing from in a contemplative manner as I browse the area and of course interviewing this individual that we are speaking with. As you can see, I am deep in thought but spot you, most likely, as you approach. Being of unique appearance in these parts. You would notice, I believe, that I have, well mostly, eastern style design apparel. I have a vest on my person that is of much more western design.

Wren (as Eight): Look, friend Rou, friend Arthas! Reginald is currently speaking with the medical examiner and…someone who appears to be very sick. 

Music shifts to a more mysterious melody [9:15]

Dax: It is at this point you start to hear the high, shrill calling of trumpets.

Kappa: Oh no.

Music shifts to a regal violin [9:27]

Dax: And from beyond, in a hidden portion of the cavern, you see a bunch more of these creatures coming towards you. They are blaring these trumpets, some of them are holding little poles with flags. You can see some are tossing brightly colored, what appears to be confetti, but upon closer inspection as they get closer to you, you realize it’s just colored pebbles. On top of a palanq…palanquin? I think that's how you pronounce that. 

Neil: Yup!

Dax: You see a much older squirrel-like creature. Body is hunched over, the fur is graying on most of the body, the face is very white. You see that she wears a crown of feathers and flowers. Her clothing is very gauzy, and almost designed to look like leaves. The palanquin stops about ten feet away from you. Neru and the rest of the creatures all bow to the Queen. When Neru stands up, says,

Dax (as Neru): [high pitched voice] Your majesty, these three individuals were caught in the upper tunnels. They claim that they were not intending to trespass, they wish passage to Kidohlva. We have come offering gifts, and your approval to lead them where they need to be.

Dax: The Queen nods her head a little bit and she turns to you Arthas.

Dax (as the Queen): [older, shaky voice] Well, what offering do you bring the Queen of the Sciuren?

Neil (as Arthas): Your eminence, I have this.

Neil: And I hold up the small, glowing crystal and lower it as gently as I can for her.

Dax: She nods in acceptance and one of the Sciuren comes up and takes the crystal from you and steps back behind the Queen.

Dax (as the Queen): It will light the way in many dark nights. It is acceptable. 

Dax: She turns to you, Eight.

Dax (as the Queen): And what offering do you bring the Queen of the Sciuren?

Wren (as Eight): I..uhm..come bearing…uh..

Wren: I look awkwardly.

Wren (as Eight): Uh, magic chicken?

Dax (as the Queen): Magic chicken, you say?

Wren (as Eight): Yes. Consider it a display in honor of your eminence’s prestige and influence.

Wren: And I would like to summon Eight Jr.

Neil: Oh boy.

Dax: Um, make it Medium difficulty this time, because it’s only the second time you’ve cast this. And take your two Strain.

[Sound of dice rolling]

Wren: Uh…oh. It’s a Failure.

Dax: Just one Failure?

Wren: Just a Failure.

Dax: Alright, describe what this looks like.

Wren: Very similarly to before, I pull out my spoon. Slowly. And I point it at the ground in front of me, and the dust and everything starts to swirl, and it makes a tiny little dust devil. The lights start to kinda shimmer and sparkle and it collapses in on itself, and for the briefest moment you see Eight Jr. again. With its big, gawky chicken eyes and its brilliant feathers. And just as quickly as it appears, it goes [imitates a chicken cluck] and then it just kinda [exhales breath loudly in a “poof”] explodes into a puff of feathers. And there is no chicken, just a mass of dazzling red feathers as the chicken failed to manifest.

Dax: The Queen looks where this chicken should have been, looks up at you.

Dax (as the Queen): Is it supposed to do that?

Wren (as Eight): Not entirely. Are you pleased?

Dax (as the Queen): Not quite. 

Wren (as Eight): Oh. Then..I have…this vat of fat!

Wren: And I grab the barrel and I put the barrel down. 

Wren (as Eight): It can be used for all sorts of things!I am told that it can keep your skin very soft.  

Neil (as Arthas): More or less. That one can make food.

Neil: And I gesture towards Eight.

Dax: The Queen nods and about twenty Sciuren come and grab this barrel and carry it away.

Dax (as the Queen): It is acceptable. 

Dax: She last turns to you, Rou.

Dax (as the Queen): And what do you offer the Queen of the Sciuren? 

Kappa (as Rou): Your highness. Yes, I present to you this fine cloak from the tailors and cloth smiths from Arcwall of Baukora. The western continent across the sea.

Dax (as the Queen): Ooh, imported clothes. 

Music fades to an ominous tune [14:47]

Dax: When you get to the end of the tunnel, the three of you see before you a skeleton trapped in the wall. The head, the hands just below the wrist, and then the ankle - one foot - just above the ankle is all you can see. The hands are waving kind of wildly.  

Dax (as the skeleton): Oh god, you made it. [sighs] Oh thank the deities…

Wren: It’s kinda like, uh, Han Solo frozen in carbonite? More or less?

Dax: Yeah! Yeah, exactly like that. But a skeleton, mhmm.

Kappa: None of this is making my worries go down.

Neil (as Arthas): Sir, I don’t mean to alarm you, but your skin is not there.

Music changes to a delicate violin [15:34]

Dax: The figure slowly removes their hood and as they do so you realize that they are someone with very dark skin, almost as dark as ebony. They have a bald head, and bright silver tattoos along their skull. Their eyes are wide and round, and dark brown, ears come to just the slightest points. They look at each of you in turn, and then their eyes land on you Rou.

Dax (as the stranger): [in a femme voice]I did not come to talk to you, because I did not feel safe approaching you in person. So, I brought you here where we could meet on mutual ground. Anything we say here cannot be overheard, it cannot be repeated by unwanted lips.

Kappa (as Rou): By safe did you mean safe from us hurting you in any way? Or safe from prying ears and eyes?

Dax (as the stranger): Both. 

Kappa (as Rou): Okay.

Wren (as Eight): Or do you mean safe from a more powerful force? 

Dax (as the stranger): All of the above. 

Kappa (as Rou): I would introduce us, but I feel you already know who we are. 

Dax (as the stranger): I do and I don’t. Perhaps it would make you feel a little safer if I introduced myself. My name is Venya, and I am what they call a spellweaver. 

Wren (as Eight): Oh!

Wren: And my eyes do flash instantly when I hear that. 

Wren (as Eight): A spellweaver! I’ve been looking for another one of you! You are so very hard to find. 

Music fades out [17:23]

Dax: Eight uncovered hints about their mysterious past.

Somber piano music fades in [17:29]

Wren (as Eight): Theodore...Theodore Lawrence Briggs, look at this. you see this? This marking! 

Taldoz (as Teddy): It is a bird. 

Wren (as Eight): Not just any bird. 

Wren: And, uh, I lift up my cloak and point to a small etching that’s carved into one of my plates that matches the figure of the bird that’s carved into the wall. Um, it looks like a long-legged bird with a thin, long pointed beak. plain terms it’s basically like, uh, an Ibis. And I point it out and then point back to the wall.

Wren (as Eight): These are identical. 

Taldoz: What can I roll to see if I know anything about this marking? ‘Cause I know that I have, um, magic skills with runes, but... 

Dax: You could roll some-

Taldoz: Okay.

Dax: Lore. 

Taldoz: I’ll do that.

Dax: You could roll some lore.

Taldoz: Looooorrre, got that. Uhhhh, and what difficulty?

Dax: Go ahead and make it easy difficulty.

Taldoz: I’m okay with that. 

[Sound of dice rolling] 

Taldoz: Uh, so three successes. 

Dax: You have seen this marking once before and it was while you were still in your hometown; however, you have no idea why this sigil would be up so far north. There is legend of a town that existed long ago down somewhere in the Southern half of the continent where you all are now. 

[Lip smacking sound] 

Dax: Nobody really knows what happened. Or, at least, nobody where you’re from really knows what happened to the town. It-it’s almost as if it just disappeared from the map. That symbol itself was a representation of the ruling family that of, uh, at the time that it disappeared. 

Taldoz (as Teddy): I need to check one of my books. I definitely need to check one of my books. I know this sigil. I saw this only once before. Back in Arcwall...we should get back to town. I can check my books there. 

Wren (as Eight): You’ll have to tell me what you know.

Taldoz (as Teddy): My memory is vague on the details, but...If my memory serves, this was the sigil of a very prominent family…

Music makes immediate shift to a melancholy piano [20:08]

Dax (as Jenar): [in a femme, British accent] These families have been on the Ruheran Council almost as long as it's been around. Where as these..

Dax: And she flips a couple pages very gently, and she points to an ibis that looks very similar to yours but it’s not exact.    

Dax (as Jenar): Crests like these have come in and out of the council’s history. So, this particular one…this is the last time we see this crest on the council. And this was roughly about 300 years ago. 

Wren (as Eight): Is there a name next to it? Or is there a reference to family, or land it represents?

Dax: She starts flipping through some of the pages, looking for the actual records where like meetings would have been held and who was in attendance.   

Dax (as Jenar): Alright so, that would be…

Dax: And she’s scrolling her fingers down a bunch of names, just barely touching the page. 

Dax (as Jenar): It looks like that crest belongs to the family of…Jruna? I’ve never heard of that one.

Wren (as Eight): Interesting. Jruna…

Wren: And my eyes get really bright in the darkness when she says the name of the family, and the lanterns that were working around are giving that low electric hum. If she listens closely enough, she would probably hear very light rattling as my body shakes or vibrates with a little bit of excitement.   

Music cuts off [21:48]

Dax: Rou and Arthas found some leads on their personal quests. 

Calm piano fades in [21:54]

Kappa: I know there’s no sort of catalog or anything about werewolf society in groups and their own structure, their own politics.

Dax: Mhmm.

Kappa: Is there someone I can find and suspect it to be a werewolf? That has done any of the writings. Perhaps in some of the myths and folklore, maybe there’s someone that stands out?

Dax: Ya know, why don’t you give me a Knowledge check, let’s make it a lore check, and go ahead and give it to me at Easy difficulty so just the one purple.

Kappa: Okay.

[sound of dice rolling]

Kappa: One success. 

Dax: As you’re perusing the books, one of the titles kind of catches your eye. If you weren’t specifically looking for this, you probably, might have just glanced over it and not really made the connection, called “The Hand of Zorei”. Now, you know that Zorei is what is seen as a deity of magic. This thin book with a red leather cover, now as you read through it, the author labeled it as a work of fiction. But the more that you read through and the more that this author writes, you start to get the sense that this is somebody who actually is affected by the shapeshifting ability. They mention a lot of things that, most folklore you’ve read and heard of about werewolves, is not something people comment on. Like the feel of muscle moving under your skin, the unique sounds that the bones cracking makes, the urges that come to you in the night. It almost seems too…real…to be something some human imagined.

The author talks about looking for something called the Hand of Zorei, which purportedly has the power to lift the curse, and throughout the book the author is describing all the struggles, all the people that he meets with. All the different collections and different descriptions of this artifact. From what you can see he doesn’t ever find it in the book, but the book does kind of take on this obsession to find it and lift the curse.   

Kappa: I see. That’s very interesting. And what was the author’s name?

Dax: You can barely make it out, but it is Nemo Silverswift, is the handle that they use.  

Music shifts to a melancholy piano [24:32]

Dax: She points to the section where it talks about Yuné and it indicates that Yuné had fallen in love with a Giant-kin. And unfortunately, the Giant-kin fell to something called The Devourer, and when that happened Yuné - and this part you know from your own legends - Giant-kin legends say that it was Ymin’s dying breath that spread other life onto the world, but according to a lot of these notes and what you read in Devonshire’s book, is that other life existed before all of this. A little contradiction to what you’ve always known as truth, first of all. And second of all, when Ymin died, and like I said the Giant-kin is not named in this particular scroll but I’m just gonna use Ymin because it’s just easier to use a name since you know who this is referencing.   

Neil: Right.

Dax: The Devourer was imprisoned in the Seven Hells for the crime of murder and it was one of the instances that really prompted the gods to decide “we need to kinda leave these mortals to do their own thing for the most part’. And you know that the gods haven’t completely left the world, that they do still interact when they feel it’s necessary. But, it certainly was one of those instances where this was part of the catalyst to..for them to insist that they need to be less involved than they currently are. So she looks at you when - once you’ve had a chance to read all this. 

Dax (as Zura): [in a femme, British accent] Arthas do you happen to know which Giant-kin that they’re referring to?

Neil (as Arthas): I’m…not certain.

Dax: Are you lying to this poor librarian?

Neil: Maybe a little bit, as Arthas has just had his…when you’re told something that you’ve had instilled in your head since you were a little, tiny, five foot tall child wandering around a cave. It’s a little hard -

Dax: [laughing] This child is taller than me! 

Neil: Yeah Arthas is like 10 years old and six-foot-four! [chuckles] Baby-proofing a Giant-kin house is hard. But…yeah Arthas is probably having a little bit of a rough time with that.

Music fades out [27:06]

Dax: They helped strangers.

Ominous flute fades in [27:13]

Dax: As the hour is starting to draw to a close, and you’re making your way through this raspberry supreme, you do notice that Jane stops and puts one hand down on the table. And she starts to grab at her throat with her other hand, and she begins to choke.

Wren (as Eight): Oh no! Uh oh…Jane, are you okay?

[Dax imitates a choking sound]

Dax: And she’s tapping her throat and she’s starting to go very pale, and her lips are starting to turn a little blue.

Wren (as Eight): Are you choking? Can I help you?

Kappa (as Rou): Eight, help her!

Wren (as Eight): May I help you? [to Rou] She needs to nod for “yes”!

Dax: She looks at you, Eight, and is tapping her throat but she doesn’t seem to be able to nod. 

Wren (as Eight): I apologize if this is not what you’d like me to do, but I will assist you.

Wren: And I will get up from the table to perform an emergency maneuver that Mother taught me, in the very rare instant that she would, herself, begin choking.  

Music fades out [28:17]

Dax: Had some close calls.

Ominous, tense music fades in [28:20]

Kappa (as Rou): Earlier I told you that you do not know me. You do not know the skill I possess, and..don’t think I don’t know what you’ve done. Driving a spike between me and my party, casting doubt. This is not some new tactic, nor is it some covert tactic. It’s quite obvious. What are you really hiding? What do you know of the poison, and the pie?

Dax: Would you say any part of what you are saying is a lie?      

Kappa: That implying that I know that he is…implying that I know what he’s doing. This is more of a guess.      

Dax: Trying to basically bluff him, right?

Kappa: Yeah, it’s a bluff.

Dax: Give me a Deception check, Hard difficulty.

Kappa: Ooh! Ooh, okay. [sound of dice rolling] Oh! Oh that’s a lot, Success, two Triumphs, three threats, one Despair.  

Dax: Alright. Vess looks at you, he hangs his head, shakes it and looks up at you. 

Dax (as Aerin): [slightly lower register] Ah, I see it now. I see what you are. No wonder you were asked to leave this city. If I weren’t forced to be on this floor, I might call my companions on you. I’ve gone hunting’s an exhilarating experience, isn’t it.. Rou? [pauses] Now, you asked me a question. Promised her I’d pay off her debts..pity. Pity, pity, pity that she got caught. If we are quite done here, I’d like to be able to send a note to my master. If I ever come across you again, Rou, if that is even what your name is…be sure that it will end with your coat on my wall.     

Wren (as Eight): That’s..enough!

Wren: I will pop out my meat tenderizer. 

Wren (as Eight): You facilitate murder, you are a murderer. An accessory to murder, and your life is forfeit. As is your master’s. I will see to it! Prepare yourself, Aerin, for your judgment.  

Music fades out [31:41]

Dax: Secrets were revealed. 

Tense battle music fades in [31:50]

Dax: It is at this point that the wolf on the right makes a lunge for Rou.


Dax: Rou is much smaller and has not made any move to attack. Now if I remember right, defensive stance gives said a plus one to your melee defense?   

Kappa: Mhmm, mhmm. 

Dax: Okay. I just realized one thing though, is that I forgot to address the Triumph that Arthas rolled.

Neil: Oh shoot.

Dax: I did the damage, what else did you want to do with that Triumph?

Neil: I guess I’ll just clear some strain. 

Dax: I mean if you want you can upgrade the difficulty of that wolf’s check?

Neil: That’s probably a way better idea!

Dax: Okay. Rou very similarly to what you saw happen to Big Mood, this creature lunges at you and it topples into you. It braces its massive paws onto your shoulders and it reaches for the section between your neck and your shoulder and you feel its teeth sink into you.

Kappa: Sure.   

Dax: It did roll some threat, which is good…Rou. This creature topples into you, and bites into your neck. It hurts a hell of a lot. You are going to take eight wounds.

Kappa: Hoooo..oh! Okay…[coughs] Oh…okay. Okay!

Dax: Now out of curiosity, do you scream out? Do you try to put on a brave face? What happens when you get attacked like this?

Kappa: Yes, absolutely I scream out. And almost like…[imitates a stressed, pain-filled cry] From a scream it turns into almost a snarl back at this wolf. [snorts and snarls, panting] And I’d like to use an out-of-turn incidental, if that’s okay?

Dax: Yes you may.  

Kappa: I’d like to “channel the human spirit”, to unleash the beast within.

Dax: You may do so. Give me that, I believe it’s a Hard Discipline check, yes?

Kappa: It is a Hard Discipline check but I’ve got so much Discipline, so much Willpower. Alright, here we go.

[sound of dice rolling]

Kappa: Okay! Well, not good. Four..[laughs] that’s not good for the purple dice! But here we go..[rolls again and then gasps] Oh! Okay, that cancels out that, and that cancels out those two..okay, okay! [rolls dice again] I love these dice so much. Two Success and three Advantage.

Dax: Alright. Describe what that means, to the audience if you will.  

Kappa: Rou has this wolf biting down on his neck, and that scream that has turned into a snarl grows more and more feral, if you will? And he grabs the muzzle of the wolf and starts to pry it off of his shoulder, but along with that, first you hear something - this almost shifting and cracking of bone. If you’re paying attention, Rou is getting taller. His legs are starting to reform and my heels grow out of my shoes and the laces - you hear ‘snap, snap’ as the laces give and snap, splitting open to reveal paws. Very padded and powerful.

The fastenings on my clothing, they release. I wear very particular clothing with lots of zippers and fastenings, they now pop open as my muscles begin to expand and fill the extra fabric. The skin starts to tear and heal rapidly, and then sharp claws then emerge from my hands and my feet. The very heavy looking tail juts out from the gap at the top of my pants and the same unkempt hair on my head turns into shaggy fur and it creeps over to cover my face and bare skin. I’ve grown into the once oversized armor, now it fits perfectly and contours this new form. My skull has elongated to a muzzle and fangs poke out from the top of my jaw. My ears grow to points and move up to the top of my head. Bright golden eyes, voracious, have replaced the sleep-deprived and tired eyes.

This is now the wolf form of Rou. And so, ripping the wolf from my shoulder, tossing it aside, I'm now…not as tall as Arthas, ‘cause Arthas is gigantic, but now I’ve grown a good seven, eight inches taller.

[Kappa breathes heavily]

Kappa (as Rou): [voice much deeper] Eight, Mood..go to Arthas. Get away from me. 

Music fades out [36:50]

Dax: They strengthened bonds.

Mysterious music fades in [36:55]

Wren: Oh boy, Survival. One yellow. And because of Lohr’s Blessing I have a blue, because I’ve been blessed by the god of nature. [rolls dice] Came up blank, all of my dice came up blank. I rolled..all of my good dice came up blank I should say. The purple ones were great, they rolled three fails. So, I’m just stumbling around in the woods for..way too long. Basically like, ‘oh the trail picks up here!’ and I just kinda waddle forward, following after it. And then it’s like ‘oh, wait, no this looks like a rabbit’s tracks’ and then I find another patch of snow and I just follow after that. ‘Oh, they went this way!’ and eventually I just kind of stop, feeling like I’m actually actively tracking Rou and I just start yelling.

Wren (as Eight): [imitating calling out] Friend Rou! Where did you go? Where are you? 

Wren: How bad is the snow right now?

Dax: The snow is actually lightening up, the clouds are starting to dissipate. The snowflakes are getting smaller, it is the tail end of this snowstorm. 

Wren (as Eight): I simply cannot leave Rou out here in the wilderness by themselves. After all, we did promise that we would help take them to Kidohlva with us. And, regrettably, Arcterus seems fairly enamored with him. So, it would be quite a shame if I returned back to town without him, so I will endeavor to find him. As long as it takes. I do not need to sleep.

Kappa: After about, let’s say, ten minutes Rou’s going to find some sort of gathering of trees that he can hide behind or rest upon and try to turn back. [sound of rolling dice] Okay, that’s not too bad. That is two Success and two Advantage. In the same way that I turned into the wolf, turning back looks equally if not more painful as bones seem to crack, they crack and shift. The hair falls off, the extra hair, and the wound that Rou suffered on his shoulder it’s stopped bleeding, but you can tell it’s a very fresh wound. Also Rou is very sweaty and just breathing very hard, [pants] and he will begin fastening the undone buttons and zippers of his clothes. And once again the armor just looks slightly too big for him, just ever so slightly.

Oh yeah and his shoes are broken so I’m going to have to find some more shoes, but he’s very barefoot right now. So he’s lying down on his back and is going like,   

Kappa (as Rou): [groans] Oh this is the worst part.. 

Kappa: Trying to remember all the zippers and buttons.

Dax: Rou, you hear Eight calling for you.    

Kappa: And he hears Eight calling off in the distance and he’s going to bring himself up to his two feet [grunts with exertion] and call out,

Kappa (as Rou): I’m over here, Eight!

[Kappa grunts]

Wren: I will look in that direction and just kinda push my way through the throng of trees that are interposed between me and good friend Rou. And I’ll basically like, slowly peek out from around behind a tree, and see you laying there, or sitting up. 

Music shifts to a sentimental tune [40:48]  

Kappa: Yeah I brought myself to my feet and kinda leaning against the tree. The shoulder that was bit, it doesn’t look broken or anything just kinda letting it rest, like trying to keep it tight against his chest. He’s leaning up against the tree, very tired. [pants a bit]

Kappa (as Rou): I’m here.  

Wren (as Eight): I found you. 

Wren: And I’ll start walking forward, reaching into my bag and I’ll pull out the medical kit that I had used just a moment prior with Big Mood. And I’ve got it cradled in my giant hands and palms.

Wren (as Eight): Rou, you are injured and, forgive me if I am mistaken, you appear to be in distress.  

Kappa (as Rou): [in normal voice] Uh…yeah, yeah. The injury will heal..[groans]..distress is yet to be validated or not. You saw..did you see what happened afterwards? Are there hunters after me?

Wren (as Eight): Just a moment.

Wren: And I’ll put the bag down and I’ll kinda squat and start fiddling through it, and I’ll do basically the same..same dealy. I’ll pull out bandages and salves and start applying them, and I’ll forego the herbs and spices because I am acutely aware that Rou seems to have an aversion to green things. I stand back up and I hold out the materials to you and I just say,

Wren (as Eight): May I dress your wound?   

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, uh, I suppose.  

Wren (as Eight): Excellent. I assure you, this will be infinitely less painful than what caused the injury.    

Wren: And I slap the salve down and it’s just…stinging with the medicinal nature of the material, it just burns a little bit. And I start wrapping it with the bandage, and I don’t look at you while I’m doing this, but you can see my eyes are fairly soft and illuminating your clothes and your skin with a pretty faint purple light.      

Wren (as Eight): Friend Rou, there are no hunters after you. 

Kappa (as Rou): Okay. 

Wren (as Eight): And I must say, I was not quite expecting to see that kind of side of you.  

Kappa (as Rou): I was not ever expecting you to see it either. 

Wren (as Eight): Tell me…

Wren: And I’m still wrapping.

Wren (as Eight): Is this common for people from the western continent? To experience this sort of transformation while under extreme instances of stress?

Kappa (as Rou): Absolutely not, no.

Wren: I kind of shake my head.     

Wren (as Eight): I see. Then, you are a cultural rarity?

Kappa (as Rou): Cultural rarity is the nicest way I’ve ever heard it put. Cursed. Abomination. Beast, is much closer to what I’ve heard - you're not…Eight I understand that you are very fond of me, and I’m grateful for that. But you’re not the least bit scared?      

Wren: I’m quiet for a moment as I continue to wrap the wound for a little bit. And you’d note the color of my lenses change from that bright, vivid violet to more of like a lighter lilac. Almost pseudo-pink, as I’m lost in thought, and once I’m done I secure the bandage and I step back. Just a half-step, and stand there with my arms down at my side and I look you square in the eyes and I say,

Wren (as Eight): If I had any reason to fear for my life, I would not have followed you. The reason, I would say, I am not worried is that the instant you changed, the first thing you did was you directed your friends on how you would like to see them behave. And then, you had also warned us to quote “stay away from you”. If, at any point, I was worried that you would’ve hurt us, you would’ve turned on us without having warned us. Which leads me to believe that shred of humanity, compassion, and feeling for your fellow creatures exists within your body despite whatever physical changes you might endure. 

Kappa (as Rou): I really said that…

Wren (as Eight): As sure as it is night time, you did say that. 

Kappa (as Rou): Okay. It’s always a toss up how much of much of your presence stays. If you don't act quick you’re very, very immediately taken over by instinct. And the instinct of a predator, the instinct of a monster, is to feed. I’m surprised I had the wherewithal to warn you.

Wren (as Eight): How many times have you experienced this?

Kappa (as Rou): More times than I’m able to remember.  

Wren (as Eight): And of these times in excess of remembrance, how many people have you actually caused harm to? People who…

Wren: And my eyes go back to that purple color for a moment. 

Wren (as Eight): For lack of a more elegant term, people who did not deserve it? 

Kappa (as Rou): Me, personally…I don’t think there are any. You have to pack, my family…the numbers of innocent lives lost to this form, the beast. Fairy tales, children’s cautionary tales, stories, are the stuff…we are the reason why, at least in my hometown, your children are warned not to go out at night.     

Wren (as Eight): I have heard stories before, but there are stories for many different things. And Mother’s library was always full of books both historical, educational and fiction. And besides..

Wren: And I kind of turn and face back in the direction we came from.

Wren (as Eight): You are currently traveling with two people that the world would consider to be very dangerous. Are you aware of the old stories of Giant-kin?

Kappa (as Rou): Mhm. I mean, until I met Arthas they were just…large people, again, in children’s stories.   

Wren (as Eight): Exactly. In the time I have been traveling with Arthas, he has been greeted with many suspicious inquiries both vocal and physical. And even mental scrutiny. He has alluded to old stories and old wives’ tales involving Giants stealing children, even killing people and grinding them into a fine dust to turn into bread! While beings of my stature are regarded as nothing more than simple tools for war. To be used for whatever purposes suit those that would claim ownership over us. For your part, it must be divine providence of some sort that you have come into the company of the two of us. For we are all in kind, misunderstood.   

Kappa (as Rou): Suppose you’re right. I’m just…we should head back. 

Wren (as Eight): You are right, we should. I would like to leave this instance with one very simple thing for you to remember. We are your friends, both Arthas and myself, and we will do all we can to make you feel comfortable in our presence and wherever we go.   

Music fades out [49:45]

Dax: And experienced betrayal.

Ominous, tense music fades in [49:49] 

Dax: You say this, and Vess gets a very sly smile across his face. 

Dax (as Aerin): It’s uh, some very powerful words coming from you, Inspector...Francis Broussard. I’m sure our mutual master would be pleasantly surprised to hear that you’re interrogating me for Jane’s death.

Josh (as Francis): I recall but not two seconds ago when you said you didn’t know me! Fancy that.  

Dax: It’s now Vess’s turn. Vess is still prostrating himself on the floor and with the conversation between Francis and Eight, Rou and Arthas you both would notice that he is getting this very sickening, twisted look on his face. He’s actually enjoying the fact that Francis and Eight are going against each other. And Eight, he turns to you.

Dax (as Aerin): I know that Francis here is in my master’s pocket. I know that Francis is the worst of the guards and a crooked detective. Now, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to be let go. I think it’s obvious that I am not the one guilty here.  

Dax: Eight, remind me what your Negotiation skill is.  

Wren: My Negotiation is one rank, Presence two. So a red and a purple.

Dax: Okay. He doesn’t go into specifics more than that.

Music fades out [51:30]

Dax: Lastly, they learned of a vision of potential destruction, and a danger still hidden.

Mysterious clarinet fades in [51:43]

Dax: The three of you, upon entering this state of unconsciousness, find yourselves at first by your lonesome. So first Arthas is there, Rou you feel yourself in this abyss, this darkness by yourself. Eight, same for you. Eventually, you start to see the forms of others, arise out of the darkness. You see the form of Arthas, you see the form of Eight and Rou. The three of you now stand together in nothingness. You hear a voice..

Dax (as the voice): [echoing in the void] An Ibis, carved of gold on ivory, entangled in darkwood vines. Teeth gnashing, claws extended. Sword biting; blood and stone and sweat.

Dax: Off in the distance, light emerges. First a sliver, and then it widens almost as if a doorway was opening.  


Music shifts to an ominous melody [53:19]

Dax (as Venya): It appears it’s already begun. I had a vision, not one week before you arrived. And when I saw the three of you across the way, I felt it in my bones that you were the ones that I had to share it with. I saw an Ibis, carved of gold on ivory, entangled in darkwood vines. I saw..teeth gnashing, claws slashing. Sword biting; blood, stone and sweat. I could hear the screams of thousands of children echoing, almost deafening, and then silence. It was followed by a throaty laugh, the crackle of electricity, and a scream of pain so intense it pierced through all of it.

Dax: Venya stands and starts to pace around the room. 

Dax (as Venya): There were images of people in shackles, escorted across a desert and through woods, their clothes were dirty and their backs scarred and bleeding from the lash. Demons and creatures of unimaginable terror guarding them, following them, their mouths salivating. Flames, destruction…then darkness. 

A single face emerged, yellow skin and balding pate, eyes like burning coal. I saw an orb of crystal and copper. Electricity. A sickening green and the smell of sulfur. And it went dark again and..and then out of the darkness I saw six gems, a pale light glowing from within, but it was dwindling. And then everything went dark. [sighs] I’ve been pondering since then what it could mean, and I don’t know. Not entirely. Does any of this sound familiar to any of you?       

Kappa (as Rou): I don’t know what an ibis is. But everything else does not..I understand what it is, what’s going on. But, no none of it seems familiar.

Wren: In response to you, Rou, I turn and I lift up the part of my cloak kinda near my neck and I point to an image of a long-necked, long-beaked, long-legged bird that is etched into my chestplate.  

Music fades out momentarily and returns [56:30]

Kappa (as Rou): I assume we’re going back to..I mean this isn’t Kidohlva, right? I presume we’re going back to the library. There’s handfuls of information, probably do some research if this is something that we want to do..I’m getting ahead of myself. Venya, what do you want out of this? You wanted to share it with us, I understand, and it's very clear from the vision that we are the ones that should’ve been..that are involved in this vision. But what do you want out of this? What is your diagnosis here?

Dax (as Venya): Considering, at least some of you, are already on a mission to find children that were stolen, children that quite possibly are the screams that I was hearing in my vision. I don’t know if I can rightly task you with finding out this mystery. Solving this riddle. But every fiber of my being is telling me that something very, very wrong is going to happen..and there is a chance to stop it. Something is telling me that the three of you are the ones that are to be involved in figuring this out but I…for my own person can’t task you with doing such. That has to be your decision. If whatever is coming can be stopped, that is what I would like.  

Kappa (as Rou): And you think we have the means? As far as I know we’re just simple travelers. At best, adventurers. And all of a sudden we’re thrown into some great controversy…at least I am. I’m not sure about my companions here.   

Dax (as Venya): I’m not sure. I don’t pretend to know the will of the gods. I don’t pretend to understand everything that I see, every bit of knowledge that comes across my path. All I know is this vision has been haunting me for a week, and when I sighted the three of you I felt nothing but relief. So it’s a matter have been presented with this information, what do you do with it?

Music cuts off [59:09]

Dax: Beginning February 4th, 2022, join the party as they continue their quests in Season 3.