Roads Uncharted

S2 E10: Implications

Episode Summary

Crime is common and logic is often rare. The group learns that this investigation may not be as simple as they originally thought.

Episode Notes

Art and Rou follow a suspicious, unnamed individual who leads them to The Overlook Inn. Arthas heads inside to find out more about them while Rou keeps watch from the building’s exterior. When Arthas begins to question the man they followed, he suggests they should be careful who they trust. When he implies Francis might be a crooked detective, Arthas and Rou rush back to the medical tent in case Eight is in trouble.

Meanwhile, Eight learns from Margot the description of the man who gave her the poison, but shares that she doesn’t know his name. As the conversation continues, Eight becomes upset and attempts to intimidate her by applying pressure to her wrist. When she starts to scream, Francis convinces her to follow him to the station where questioning can be done in private. Ashamed of their actions, Eight hides in the medical tent.

Arthas and Rou arrive to see a crowd dissipating but no Eight or Francis in sight, and they hear from a bystander that Eight had hurt some woman. They find Eight in the medical tent, alone. Rou comforts Eight after they share how they have reinforced the negative perspectives about their kind. Eight refuses to go to the station, but encourages Rou and Arthas to go.

Rou and Arthas arrive in time for them to overhear Margot telling Francis that the individual that gave her the vial had a small tattoo on the fleshy area between the thumb and forefinger. Arthas shares what he learned from the man he followed, to which Francis has an “easy explanation”. They decide to continue the investigation at The Overlook Inn, making sure to grab Eight on the way.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, Wren @ThornyDryad and Josh @JoshuaMSimons

Transcript by Wren

Episode Transcription

Upbeat piano intro music ends [00:27]

Soft and mysterious piano music begins [00:29]

Dax: We start the episode off today following Arthas and trailing behind him, Rou. Last episode, Arthas, during the interrogation of Margot Oakes, you noticed an individual, a little rough looking, shambling off away from where you were standing. And sensing that that might be worth noting, you followed after him.

I would probably say, I know you had said that you weren’t trying to be stealthy but you were keeping a little bit of a distance. Not hard for you to do. Your legs are long enough, if you wanted to close the distance you could easily do so.

Rou, I believe you had said that you were hurrying up to try and catch up to Arthas. So, why don’t we start off there. You’ve caught up to the big Giant-Kin. What are the two of you doing as you follow this individual?

Kappa: I’m going to reach out and tap Arthas on the arm. 

Kappa (as Rou): Arthas we were in the middle of something. What is so pressing?

Neil (as Arthas): I believe he may know her.

Kappa (as Rou): Who are you talking about? I didn’t -

Neil: I just point in the most stealthy way that I possibly can at the guy I’m trying to trail. 

Kappa: I’m going to look over in that direction. What do I see? Do I see who Arthas is indicating to? 

Dax: So, directly ahead of the two of you is this individual. He looks to be a little bit taller than average in height. Black hair. From what little bits of his skin you can see, he appears to be a paler individual. Covered in clothes that were, at one point, probably were very nice, but now they have some tatters. They're a little dirty and he does seem to be shambling a little bit. People are giving him a little bit of a berth, so it is relatively easy to pick him out of the crowd.

Kappa (as Rou): He definitely does look suspicious. Do you think it’s useful that we follow? I mean, of course you do, you’re following him. Do you wish for assistance? Should I head him off or something? 

Neil (as Arthas): I think I can handle it. Just make sure, Eight stays...I guess, with that lead. 

Kappa (as Rou): Okay. Are you sure? I could provide back up. You were very – you took quite a beating during your fight.

Neil (as Arthas): Healers took care of most of that. And besides, he doesn’t look like he’ll give me much trouble. 

Kappa (as Rou): Okay. 

Neil: And, with that, I’m going to keep trailing this guy to figure out where he’s going or what he’s doing. 

Dax: Sure. You follow him for maybe 10 minutes before you end up at this large, ramshackle building relatively close to the airport. The building has a sign on the front that says it is the “Overlook Inn”. And he goes inside. But before he does, he stops and wipes something off the front of his coat. Probably should have been smart to take off his coat and wipe the dirt off the back, as well, but he did not. And he walked in and left you outside. Do you follow? 

Neil: Are there any windows that I can sort of look in?

Dax: Yeah, there’s a couple. They are very grime and dirt-covered. But if you get right up there you can see, kind of, blurry images as to what’s going on in there. 

Neil: How many people can I see? 

Dax: If you look in the first-level window, you can see that there is someone – you can only see their upper body. So potentially they are standing behind a bar or a desk of some sort. You can see one person walking up to the bar and you can see that there are two people sitting at a table. Other than that, you can’t see much of the room.

Neil: Alright, I guess I’m gonna have to walk in there. 

Dax: This building, potentially, at one point, may have been a warehouse. It has these large double doors that you are able to walk through relatively easy. You just have to stoop a bit. Rou, are you following Arthas into the inn? 

Kappa: I’m not following into the inn. I’d like to say that I feigned walking back over to Eight and Inspector. But, after, I’m sure, Arthas continues following I will follow after Arthas to make sure that everything is okay. Arthas seemed very confident and, so, I want to give him that, sort of, opportunity. But provide back up in case anything goes wrong. 

Dax: Okay, so you’re kind of hanging out by the windows and doors making sure that you’re listening for any sounds of trouble then.

Kappa: Correct, yes.

Dax: Arthas, you walk into the Overlook Inn and you can immediately see that there is this gray- haired, unkempt, individual behind a bar shining, cleaning, not really sure, a glass mug. I don’t really know how much cleaning there actually is considering every once and a while he spits into the mug and then wipes it with this dirty rag. 

The individual standing nearby is the person you have been trailing. As you look around the room, you do see the two individuals sitting at the table that you saw through the grimy window. They are actually two Gnomes. And then off to the right you see an individual who, if you look at him, his face is a little broken. Almost looks like, maybe, he had been a fighter at one point. Broken nose. He’s got scars across his face. But he’s wearing a very fashionable gambeson, sipping a glass of red wine. 

At this point in the day it is starting to get dark. It is around supper time and you can smell fresh bread wafting in from somewhere. The person behind the bar nods to you but doesn’t say anything.

Neil: I nod back at him and, I suppose, start making my way inside and try to get a better look at the guy that was hanging around our interrogation.

Dax: You walk in. It’s a largish building, but as far as the space that is accorded the dining area, it’s not very large at all. Probably enough for maybe 10 tables and the bar. So you don’t have to move in too far to be fully in the building. If you’re trying to get a look at the individual at the bar without actually walking up to the bar, you can see he is now sitting on a stool and he has one hand on the bar top. But he’s keeping his face relatively hidden. His hair is relatively disheveled and long enough where it can cover his face if he’s not pushing it back.

Neil: The interrogation we did, that wasn’t just, like, in an easily accessible public park, right? Or just like…?

Dax: It was out in the main thoroughfare. 

Neil: Okay, I just want to make sure that he wasn’t just a guy that happened to be there and I am trailing some dude who’s just trying to get a drink. 

Dax: I mean, maybe? Maybe not. 

Neil: I guess I’m going to start walking over to the bar and just, sort of, seat myself next to him. blunt am I going to be with this? So I’ll get seated and just immediately go with…

Neil (as Arthas): So what were you up to? 

Dax: The man shakes, almost as if he was awakened by your sentence. Turns and looks at you.

Dax (as the man): [slightly lower register] Oh! I’m sorry, what? 

Neil (as Arthas): I couldn’t help but notice you were hanging very close to an investigation that me and some compatriots were conducting. And now I have followed you to this bar. What are you up to? 

Dax (as the man): An investigation?

Neil (as Arthas): Yes.

Dax (as the man): I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Neil (as Arthas): Over a poisoning.

Dax (as the man): A poisoning, huh?

Neil (as Arthas): Yes.

Dax (as the man): Interesting.

Dax: He takes out a little notebook from his cape and starts making notes with his little ink pen. 

Dax (as the man): Who was poisoned?

Neil: Is there a way that I can roll motive in Genesys? 

Dax: So, what you can do, you can make it a Perception Check and it’s going to be Hard difficulty, so three purple. And I’m going to use a story point to upgrade it once. So it’ll be two purple and one red. 

Dice rolling sound  [8:38]

Neil: Oooh! Two Failures and a Threat. 

Dax: He seems to be very interested. Taking notes. Doesn’t seem to be too put off that you are being so inquisitive. I will say, take a strain for that threat. You have to support a lot of your weight on your feet and not actually sit on the stool since the stool is so much smaller than you. 

Neil: Well, he seems trustworthy enough! 

Neil (as Arthas): One Jane Freewell during the pie-eating contest.

Dax (as the man): Oh, is that what the people in the medical tent were talking about? I overheard them saying something earlier today. Something about a girl that had fallen ill during some event. Such a shame. Such a shame! 

Neil (as Arthas): Well, yes. That’s what me and the other investigators were getting to the bottom of.

Dax (as the man): Did you follow me… all this way?

Neil (as Arthas): Yes, yes I did.

Dax: He motions to you to come in closer.

Neil: I do so.

Dax (as the man): You know, I’d be a little more careful about who I trust if I were you.

Neil (as Arthas): Do you care to elaborate on that, or…?

Dax (as man): That Tiefling that you’re talking to? 

Neil (as Arthas): Yes?

Dax (as the man): Not exactly who he says he is.

Dax: He looks around to make sure that the bartender is far enough away and nobody else is prying.

Dax (as the man): You see, he calls himself, Francis, right?

Neil (as Arthas): Yes.

Dax (as the man): He asked some person about cheese, didn’t he? He always asks about cheese. I hear...he’s crooked. Calls himself a detective and works for the town guard. But I hear he’s got some underground dealings. A not-so-good-fellow, if you ask me.

Neil (as Arthas): Do you have anything to back those claims up, or…? 

Dax (as the man): Sure. Ask him what his favorite wine is. I bet you anything it’s not something that you can get around here.

Neil (as Arthas): I’ll keep that in mind. 

Neil: And I stand up and start making my way toward the door. 

Dax (as the man): Hey, hey wait a minute here! Ain’t you got something for that? That information’s worth money!

Dax: He starts gesturing with his fingertips, like you do when you’re executing a tip.

Neil: I rifle through my pocket and hand him a gold. 

Dax: He bites it. When it doesn’t bend,

Dax (as the man): Nice doing business with you.

Dax: Slams the gold on the counter top and nods to the barkeep who then turns and grabs a very nice-looking bottle off of the back shelf. Rou, you see Arthas exiting the Overlook Inn, closing the double-doors behind him.

Kappa (as Rou): Arthas, forgive me! I had a bad feeling and decided to follow, just in case. I hope that’s okay.

Neil (as Arthas): Quite alright. 

Kappa (as Rou): Okay.

Neil (as Arthas): But, we may have larger problems.

Kappa (as Rou): What do you mean? Is everything okay in there?

Neil (as Arthas): Francis. Apparently, may be less law-inclined than we expected.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh no, that’s quite troubling. We trusted him so blindly!

Neil (as Arthas): He did have the pipe. 

Kappa (as Rou): The pipe was quite…quite convincing.

Neil: Is Eight alone with them?

Dax: Yeah, the two of you left Eight and Francis together.

Neil: I have broken into the sprint.

Dax: Okay, Rou are you - how fast are you chasing after Arthas? [laughs]

Kappa: I’m trying to keep up but I know, I know I can’t. [laughs] I cannot.

Dax: Okay, I wasn’t sure if you would break into a sprint yourself or if you were just going to do the “well, I guess I’ll just walk because there’s no way that I can catch up.”

Kappa: I believe it’s more of a jog. I’m not all-out sprint, because I know I can’t catch up, but…the prospect of one of my friends being in danger is quite troubling. Best friend, I should say. Thank you for reminding me.

Fast-paced, exciting string music begins [12:40] 

Dax: Alright, so at that note, Eight and Francis. Eight, you have been doing your psychic scan and you have read the emotions of this person, this Margot Oakes. She seemed very troubled, very anxious. You weren’t able to get a good read on that vial when you tested it earlier in the day. So you flat-out asked her, “How did you get the poison?” 

Margot stands there, looking up at you. Her eyes, Francis, you can see her eyes are wide as saucers. She looks terrified. She’s trembling. She looks at you, Eight.

Music shifts to somber, tense piano and strings [13:14]

Dax (as Margot): I was given the poison?

Wren (as Eight): Who gave it to you?

Wren: I lean in and my eyes are turning gradually from violet to red as she answers that she is the one responsible for poisoning Jane.

Dax (as Margot): I don’t know his name! He – he was very well dressed, but I don’t know his name!

Wren (as Eight): What was he wearing? What did he look like? Tell me!

Dax (as Margot): He had, um, brown hair. Like mousy colored. Like a field mouse. Tan skin? Um, bright green eyes?

Wren (as Eight): What did he promise you for doing this?

Dax: At this point she looks down.

Dax (as Margot): Look, I told you I used to be a server. And that place is no longer in business. I have debts and he promised that all of my debts would be wiped clean.

Wren: I turn to inspector Francis and Francis, you would see that my eyes are now a brilliant blood red color instead of the vibrant and cheerful purple that they had been. 

Wren (as Eight): Inspector, can you tell the guards to look into this young lady’s finances? 

Josh (as Francis): We could certainly do that! I could easily have someone look into that and resolve it. Inspector Nine, it seems as though you have just done something rather interesting in order to get to the truth of the matter. Is this something that you’re able to do regularly? It’s incredibly helpful as an inspector!

Wren (as Eight): I am not finished yet.

Wren: And I turn and grab her wrist.

Wren (as Eight): What debts do you owe?!

Wren: And I apply pressure.

Dax: Okay. How much pressure?

Wren: Enough to make her uncomfortable. 

Dax: She starts to scream.

Dax (as Margot): Help! Help! The Warforged is attacking! Someone help!

Wren (as Eight): Murderers do not get -

Dax: People are starting to stare at you, Eight.

Wren (as Eight): To receive public sympathy.

Dax (as Margot): I am not the murderer! I just did what I was told! 

Wren (as Eight): Making you the culprit and one responsible for this death!

Dax: She’s sobbing now and she’s going limp so that she’s collapsing to her knees in the street. 

Wren (as Eight): This will not do.

Wren: I used my mind shape last session, I’d like to do it again and make her compliant.

Dax: Do you happen to remember what the difficulty was?

Wren: I don’t remember off-hand.

Dax: I feel like it was just Medium.

Wren: I mean, that sounds fair.

Dax: Alright, go ahead and make it Medium difficulty. I don’t have any GM story points, so I can’t upgrade it, much as I’d like to.

Wren: What check would you like me to make?

Dax: Let’s do Coercion.

Wren: Okay.

Dax: If you’re trying to get her to feel a certain way, coercion would make the most sense.

Dice rolling sound at [16:33]

Wren: I just have an Advantage left over.

Dax: What does this mind shape look like?

Wren: As I’m holding her wrist and she’s slouching and going limp and as the crowd is drawing around, I continue to just stare with an intense scrutiny. To the untrained eye, no one would see anything. But, to someone who may be keen on inspecting, they might see a small emanation of a purplish wave, almost like when you see heat off of a stove top or over desert sands. And it goes from my head and goes down through my arm to her body and envelops her in that weird purple aura as it, kind of, settles around her.

Dax: Francis, you see this happening. You know that the crowd around you is paying a lot more attention than you probably would like. There are whispers that are getting louder. People are starting to encircle the three of you. 

Josh: Are there any other guards around in this vicinity? 

Dax: The only other person is a medical worker who would be inside the tent and probably would’ve come out at the sound of the screams. But as far as you can see, you don’t see any guards in the crowd, no.

Josh: I will turn to the crowd and pull out my badge. My official, whatever I have and say,

Josh (as Francis): Everyone, please, take a moment and calm yourselves. This is an official investigation, there is nothing to see here! Carry on!

Josh: Before turning back towards Inspector Nine and saying,

Josh (as Francis): Perhaps we ought to move this to a more private location. Perhaps, return to the station? 

Wren (as Eight): Yes! We should arrest her, shouldn’t we? 

Josh (as Francis): That is a very formal word for “bringing her in for holding for the time being”, but yes.

Wren (as Eight): Wonderful. I will apprehend her.

Wren: And I reach for her other wrist.

Josh (as Francis): Okay, Inspector Nine, may I suggest that we move swiftly and with as little perceived aggression towards a defenseless woman in our care, for the sake of not upsetting the crowd? 

Wren (as Eight): I do not understand. She is a murderer! 

Josh (as Francis): Yes, but the steps that you have taken to get there are not easily repeatable for the average person. And so they might not...all I’m saying is that we don’t want to appear as though we’re being harsh.

Wren (as Eight): You would show leniency to a killer. 

Josh (as Francis): I would not actively harm them on the walk to the station! 

Wren: I shake my head.

Wren (as Eight): Of course, Inspector Francis. You are the expert.

Wren: And I will let go.

Wren (as Eight): I apologize… 

Wren: And my eyes go from that red, instantly shifting back to the violet. 

Wren (as Eight): I will defer to your expertise. Handle her as you will. But if she attempts to run, I will not hesitate.

Josh (as Francis): Of course! I do not mean to imply that you are incorrect about anything. I just simply want to be certain that we are not using our power – well, perceived power – as inspectors of the law, to bring harm to others. So... 

Wren (as Eight): What is the law’s role if not to punish those who would harm others?

Josh (as Francis): It is also to promote good! To benefit those that abide by it! And everyone in our town who lives here is deserving of being treated with respect. Even if they are in the wrong, they must be respected! We must not harm them.

Wren: I look toward the crowd surrounding us, just kind of taking a circle.

Wren (as Eight): Then shows of force, as warning…not appreciated?

Josh (as Francis): I would recommend against it in this particular instance. 

Wren (as Eight): Fair enough. I will withdraw.

Quiet, mysterious music fades in [21:17]

Josh: I’ll reach out and pat Inspector Nine’s shoulder trying to provide affirmation before I walk over to Margot and take her by the elbow, basically, and say,

Josh (as Francis): Would you mind walking back towards the station with us? I think that it is important that we continue this conversation in a more secluded location. I assure you that you will be treated with every hospitality and you will not be charged wrongfully for being the mastermind behind a poisoning when you were merely a pawn in this particular endeavor. 

Dax: Yeah, I mean, she very easily goes with you. She wants to get as far from the Warforged as humanly possible. She’s very puffy faced at this point from tears. She’s got snot rolling down her face. She takes it gladly.

Wren: I butt in.

Wren (as Eight): Inspector Francis, I will wait here for the return of our friends and expedite our return to the station.

Josh (as Francis): Perfect! Well, I’ll see you back there then in just a moment.

Josh: I will give instructions for how to get there. And then begin walking off with Margot and I’ll, kind of, use the badge if anyone gets too close and be like,

Josh (as Francis): [grunts] Official business! None of that! [blusters] 

Wren: How much staring and does anyone in the crowd do anything with me just standing there? 

Dax: People keep their distance from you but if you look at the crowd you can see fear. You can see concern. Maybe even a little anger. And you’re reminded of what other people have said about you and your kind. 

Wren: I will go into the medical tent. 

Dax: Before we address Arthas’s and Rou’s arrival, Francis, is there anything you are saying or doing on your way back to the station?

Josh: Yes. I have a pocket handkerchief I’ll offer for her to use. I think, once we clear the crowd, I’ll try to speak somewhat comfortingly to Margot. I don’t want her to be concerned that we’re going to execute her as the person who has been intending to kill someone, right? It feels clear to me, at least, that this is an instance of being manipulated. I don’t want her to feel as though she’s going to be tried as more than that.

So, serious issue, but not one that is...I don’t want her to be concerned, overly, that she’s going to be misunderstood as the murderer and not an accomplice in murder. If that makes sense? It’s a petty distinction, but I’m trying to put her at ease as much as possible.

Dax: Okay. Give me a Charm check. Make it Hard difficulty.

Dice rolling sound [24:39]

Josh: I have two Successes and one Advantage on that roll.

Dax: Yeah, about halfway to the station, she visibly calms down. She stops crying. She’s.. a little bit of whimpering every once in a while. But she has..she has calmed very visibly. 

Josh (as Francis): There, there. We’ll get in and I’ll get you a nice cup of tea and we’ll sort everything out! Not to worry!

Josh: We’ll go into the station and try to make it as hospitable as possible. And once we get there, I’ll have a guard, as I’m, like, preparing her tea, pull someone aside and say, 

Josh (as Francis): Would you mind looking into this young woman’s personal finances? I feel like there is something to dig into there. If you could see what there is to find?

Dax: Rou and Arthas, you arrive at the medical tent. You see that there is a crowd that is just starting to dissipate. They are talking amongst each other. It is very obvious that this is a crowd that had been circling the medical tent and watching something. You get through the crowd and you don’t see Eight or Francis.

Neil: I have immediately assumed the worst.

Wren: What’s the worst? [laughs]

Neil: Well, I assume that the Tiefling has done something weird and Eight has been disposed of.

Dax: Okay. What are you doing?

Neil: So now I’m going to find the police station and go on a death mission.

Dax: Okay, so you get there. You don’t see Eight, so you just start walking off somewhere? [chuckles]

Neil: That’s a great point. Do I know where the police station is?

Dax: I don’t think we addressed it last session, so no. You would not know offhand where the police station is.

Neil: Does anyone in the crowd look like a guard?

Dax: No, you don’t see any guards. But you do see a whole bunch of civilians.

Kappa: At what point am I arriving?

Dax: Probably about now. You’ve seen Arthas just stop and is looking around. By now you’re -

Kappa: The crowd is still dissipating?

Dax: Yeah, yeah. It’s pretty broken up by this point but…

Kappa: Anyone who is lingering, I’d like to sort of… 

Kappa (as Rou): Excuse me! Excuse me. What just transpired? Why is everyone just standing around?

Dax (as a woman): Oh!

Dax: It’s a woman in a bright, purple, woolen dress. Her hair is done up in a very nice coif. She looks like she does pretty well for herself. 

Dax (as the woman): Oh, umm…

Dax: She looks around.

Dax (as the woman): Have you ever heard of Warforged?

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, yes I have.

Dax (as the woman): There was one here in the city and it was attacking a young girl! Something about ‘murderer’? It was terrifying! She was screaming and sobbing.

Kappa (as Rou): Okay, let me stop you right there. This might have all just been a misunderstanding. The Warforged in question is quite sweet, actually.

Dax (as the woman): No no no! I saw it! The Warforged had her by the arm and it beat her!

Kappa (as Rou): Beat her?

Neil: Do I hear any of that?

Dax: Oh, yeah you totally do.

Neil: I one-eighty on my heel and just stare down at her. And I lean in real careful like.

Neil (as Arthas): Eight wouldn’t do that.

Dax: She jumps a little bit and looks at the two of you.

Dax (as the woman): No! No! I saw it with my own eyes. And then it hid.

Dax: And she points to the medical tent.

[Kappa grunts]

Kappa (as Rou): Okay, thank you, I guess. Not all things are quite what they seem. Please remember that.

Kappa: And I will walk past her towards the medical tent, quite curtly. I don’t want to be rude, but it’s a little rude.

Kappa (as Rou): Arthas, I think Eight’s inside. 

Neil (as Arthas): Fantastic news, Rou! I don’t think Eight is dead!

Kappa (as Rou): [laughing] Neither do I.

Neil: And with that, I’ll start walking towards that tent.

Kappa (as Rou): Eight? Eight are you – Inspector Nine? Are you in here? Is everything okay? 

Wren: You would enter the tent and GM, Jane’s body is still here, correct?

Dax: I don‘t think I explicitly said that the body was gone, but we’ll just assume that they’ve cleaned the corpse out at this point. Probably out while you were doing your investigations.

Music shifts to a sad piano [29:16]

Wren: You would see me seated at a chair next to the table where the body had been, my face buried in my hands.

Neil (as Arthas): Eight, are you okay?

Wren: At hearing Arthas, I’ll drop the hands from my face and turn and look from a hunched position. You would all see a huge frown plastered on my face, as well as my eyebrows furrowed over my lenses and they are a deep blue, a navy blue. And I look to the two of you.

Wren (as Eight): My friends, I am glad you are here.

Kappa (as Rou): Is Inspector Francis with you?

Wren (as Eight): It is just me…Eight.

Kappa (as Rou): We -

Wren (as Eight): I have let Inspector Francis go with the murderer Margot to the police station.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh my. Arthas, are they okay?

Neil (as Arthas): I wish I knew.

Kappa (as Rou): Margot was the everything okay? Did Inspector Francis do anything to sour your mood? Is Margot okay? 

Wren (as Eight): Inspector Francis has a light touch. Much softer than she deserves. I have behaved untoward and I have made a public spectacle of this investigation. And for that, I am deeply ashamed.

Kappa (as Rou): Is that what all the commotion was about outside?

Wren (as Eight): I acted rashly and I have only served to reinforce the negative thoughts with respect to my kind. 

Kappa: I am going to approach Eight sitting down and kneel down next to my friend.

Kappa (as Rou): Eight, I know you must be feeling some sort of shame or anger with yourself. But I hope you realize that this moment of weakness, this lapse in judgment, is a drop in the bucket that makes you who you are.

As far as I have seen, and I have only known you for a day…as far as I have seen, you are a very kind individual. That is how I know you. Arthas knows you. A lot of people have preconceived notions with Warforged, I know this. And that colors their judgment. Please don’t take it too hard. 

Wren: As I listen I continue to slouch. After you stop I turn and look at you. 

Wren (as Eight): I do not believe that mother built me to investigate murders! I do not know how to behave, but I wanted nothing more than to hurt her for what she had done. The courtesy of Inspector Francis is more than she deserves. I have been told that existence is full of gray areas.

Wren: And I use air quotes as I say that.

Wren (as Eight): I struggle to see things as such when they are black and white. She is a murderer. She is bad. And she would use public opinion to make me look like a monster when she is the true danger to those here. She and other people who would poison an innocent person who wants nothing more than to eat pie! For fun! How does that make me the bad person here? 

Kappa (as Rou): That is a very big question. Not everyone has the details and knowledge that you have...that we have. Given what they know and what they were taught, they draw conclusions based on what they can see. That doesn’t make you a bad person. That doesn’t make them bad people, either. I don’t know what you found out about Margot while we were gone. She seemed like such a sweet girl.

Wren (as Eight): Looks are deceiving. She is a murderess. I have let Inspector Francis take her to the police station. I will remain here, but he waits for you both there as he investigates further.

Kappa: I will now turn over to Arthas with a concerned look.

Kappa (as Rou): Arthas, what exactly did you find out about Inspector Francis? There’s a little…

Kappa: Turning back over to Eight.

Kappa (as Rou): There might be some doubt cast over our newfound friend here.

Neil (as Arthas): About that. Uh, someone was listening in on the investigation and I trailed them to a bar. And they had mentioned that Francis has some dealings with unsavory elements. He mentioned to ask about his favorite wine? I don’t know if this is a place where drink is forbidden, but this is just what I was told.

Kappa (as Rou): What does wine have to do with the reputation of an individual? 

Wren (as Eight): Most interesting. Friends. Best friends. I would encourage you to hurry, with haste, to the police station, for if the Inspector Francis is not to be trusted, I would trust this with no one other than the two of you. I will remain here and join you once the crowd dissipates. 

Kappa (as Rou): Arthas, we must hurry. Inspector Francis told me where the police station was before I followed you. I know where to go.

Neil (as Arthas): I’ll take your lead.

Dax: So, the two of you head off directly for the police station, leaving Eight in the medical tent. You arrive and it is a relatively squat building. It’s a big, open space from what you can see when you go through the doors. Another makeshift from a warehouse, so another set of large double-doors. Arthas you can get in, although you are gonna to have to do the crouch thing and kind of walk hunched over and crouched down.

You get in and there are a few desks. There are people sitting at desks. You see some people walking around in guards’ uniforms. And in the back corner you see Inspector Francis with Margot, who is sipping on a cup of tea. Francis, during this whole time, it would have been very easy for the guard to come and give you a set of paperwork detailing how this individual has a bit of a gambling problem and she would have stacked up quite a few debts. We’re talking thousands upon thousands of gold in debts. And her house would have recently been a part of a series of foreclosures because she couldn’t pay for it.

Mysterious harpsichord music starts at [35:22] 

Josh (as Francis): [Sputtering] Oh, wow, okay. Margot, it seems that you have a bit of a money problem. [Clears throat] I know that you were not able to provide very much of a description of who convinced you to do this to our companion Warforged individual. You wouldn’t happen to have any other details you would be willing to recall for me, would you?

Dax: Rou and Arthas, as you are, I’m assuming, walking towards the desk you overhear Margot answer Francis’ question.

Dax (as Margot): He had a… tattoo. Right here.

Dax: And she points to the fleshy area between the thumb and index finger.

Josh (as Francis): Well, very good. Thank you.

Neil: Question Dax. Did I recognize that on the guy I was talking to?

Dax: The tattoo? No. You didn’t see anything, no tattoos on his hands.

Josh (as Francis): Welcome, Inspector Rou. Inspector Arthas. Welcome to the station, formally. We’re just trying to settle in for a little while. Things were getting a bit heated on the streets. 

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, uh, Inspector Nine seemed very distraught. What exactly happened? What did you learn?

Josh (as Francis): Well, Inspector Nine performed some kind of magic-thing. I’m not well-versed in magic. I don’t actually know what it was. Some kind of magic-thing that allowed them to perceive the truth of the matter. And so, because of this, Margot has confessed that she was the one who put the poison in the pie at the coercion of someone else. And so, we must now follow that lead and determine who it is that is pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

Kappa (as Rou): That is troubling, yes. I’m unfamiliar with the rule of law in this land. Will Margot be punished as severely as if she was the one who planned the murder?

Josh (as Francis): Well, from what I’ve gathered, I don’t believe she knew it was going to be murder. And so I am reasonably certain we’ll have to, of course, actually consult a court of law, but I’m reasonably certain that she will not face the full force of the law if we can bring in the murderer that was conspiring to do this. She would merely be an accomplice or a pawn. A little better off.

Kappa: I turn over to Arthas.

Kappa (as Rou): Arthas, do you believe that the individual that we were following is a person of interest?

Neil (as Arthas): Potentially, but I am unsure.

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, Inspector, we were following someone that was...not fleeing, but departing from the medical tent around the time of our investigation. 

Josh (as Francis): Well, did you discover anything?

Kappa (as Rou): I didn’t discover anything. Arthas followed the lead and, I believe, conversed. And might have...Inspector, um -

Josh (as Francis): Yes? 

Kappa (as Rou): I’m a little troubled to hear...the implication we got was that you might be a person of interest in this case. 

Josh (as Francis): [clears throat] Well, that is certainly a claim to make. May I ask what was actually said about me? I was not around for the actual killing. I was at the station. But I’d be curious to hear what was actually...what the actual accusation is. 

Neil (as Arthas): Investigator, what is your favorite kind of wine? 

Josh (as Francis): Well, I do love a good Western Syrrah. It’s got to be imported, obviously, but it’s quite delicious. It has these lovely, fruity notes. It’s a little floral. It’s just excellent. I believe I might have a bottle somewhere around here. I’ll have to find it. Perhaps I could give you a pour, if you’d like!

Neil (as Arthas): Imported from where?

Josh (as Francis): Well, from the west. It's a western wine.

Kappa (as Rou): It’s quite, quite popular. I’m familiar with it.

Josh (as Francis): It’s very good, isn’t it?

Kappa (as Rou): Wait, Arthas, is the claim that you were told that Inspector Francis enjoys western wine?

Neil: DM, is that correct? 

Dax: All the individual told you was that you should ask the detective what his favorite wine is and I guarantee it’s something you can’t get around here.

Neil: Hmm…

Dax: And that was supposed to be his “proof” to back up his claim that Francis is crooked. That’s what you paid a gold for. [chuckles]

Neil: Is it illegal?? 

Dax: I mean, Arthas wouldn’t know. But it was just one of those things, like, I will prove that I’m not lying. You know, I bet you anything that his favorite wine is imported. Like, it was kind of like “here’s a truth to back up the fact that I’m telling this other truth”. That was his implication.

Neil: Okay. Well, damn!

Josh (as Francis): You didn’t happen to catch the name of the individual who said something about this, did you? Is it possible that someone I’ve put behind bars before?

Neil: DM, my brain is smooth. Did I? 

Dax: It’s one thing people like to do. They don’t ask the names of the NPCs. 

Neil: You sure are correct. Just, I was so caught up in the moment of ‘there’s a person trailing, I must figure this out’.

Dax: And then it was immediately, ‘oh wait! I have to go save Eight!’

Neil (as Arthas): No, I did not.

Josh (as Francis): Tell me everything about this individual! What did they look like? Where did you speak with them? What’s going on?

Neil (as Arthas): Unkempt. Was listening in on our investigation. Followed them. Rou followed behind me for a little bit, waited outside in case I needed back up. Met them at a bar. Asked him what they were doing. He pulled out a little notepad when I mentioned it…

Kappa (as Rou): It was at the inn, it started with an ‘O’, I believe.

Josh (as Francis): Overlook?!

Kappa (as Rou): The Overlook, yes. The Overlook Inn.

Josh (as Francis): I don’t tend to frequent that particular establishment, but it’s -

Kappa (as Rou): The windows were very, very grimy and - 

Josh (as Francis): Yes, it’s far too low-brow for me.

Neil (as Arthas): It didn’t seem too bad.

Kappa (as Rou): I trust your judgment. I just felt the windows needed a little bit of cleaning. 

Neil (as Arthas): That part is correct.

Josh (as Francis): Interesting.

Josh: GM, does this sound like someone I might be familiar with? I know it’s not a very detailed description, but does it bring anything to mind? 

Dax: Nobody in particular jumps immediately to mind. Um, at the sound of the Overlook Inn, you do recall that it is frequented by people who either, (1) like to remain anonymous, (2) are involved with some dealings where they don’t want too much of a public eye, or (3) people that work for the airlines to, you know, have a cheap place to stay if they are immediately going to be getting on an airship to go back and forth between the continents. 

Josh (as Francis): So, here’s the thing: the Overlook has a bit of a reputation for being the kind of place where seedy individuals go. I would wager that the individual that you spoke to is probably, now I don’t know this for a fact, I don’t know who it is. I would guess that if they’re the type of person that frequents this establishment, they’re probably, well, I wouldn’t personally trust their judgment on anything, much less a good wine.


I’m very sorry to hear that someone has cast a doubt upon my reputation. As an Inspector it is something that I strive to do to uphold the law in every aspect of my life to the best of my abilities. No one is perfect and I’ll admit that myself. But, I hope the way that we have conducted this investigation speaks, at least, to the manner of individual that I am. Even if you maintain that shadow of a doubt, that is alright. But, I can assure that my conscience is clear on this. I have not personally dealt much with poisonings.

Kappa (as Rou): I don’t think I would have brought it up if I didn’t believe that there was some sort of explanation.

Josh (as Francis): It’s most peculiar. I wonder if perhaps they are trying to frame myself! Hah! Yes, I’m going to have to look into that. In the meantime, we do have some basic details about the poisoner. Well, whoever was convincing Margot to do the poisoning. Perhaps that is where we should begin looking next? Who might have done this?

It will be a bit harder to determine the next steps, I feel. I have to look into where you might acquire poisons, seeing as this was a bit of a special poison. Something hard to come by! It had to be made professionally. Probably only a handful of people in the city who could do that.

Kappa (as Rou): Maybe we connect that with the Overlook Inn? You do say that it is a bit of a seedy place. If there is anyone that fits that description that is known to frequent the Overlook…

Josh (as Francis): Not a bad idea. Not a bad idea. We could go there. I would feel more comfortable if we had Inspector Nine with us, as well. Their ability to see the truth is unparalleled! 

Kappa (as Rou): They are over at the – back at the medical tent. Do we wish to go retrieve them?

Josh (as Francis): Certainly, certainly.

Josh: What time of day is it right now, GM? 

Dax: It is supper time. So it is probably, at this point, between the five and six hour. It is pretty much dark by the time that this conversation is being had in the station. Do you want to take up the investigation tonight or are you planning to take an evening to rest and take care of it in the morning? 

Josh (as Francis): I’m about to propose something that seems absolutely ridiculous. What if...what if we got a meal at the Overlook Inn? I think, perhaps…

Josh: And you can see Inspector Francis is visibly shuddering at the prospect of having to eat a meal at a second-rate establishment. 

Josh (as Francis): Perhaps we could collect Inspector Nine and go and, perhaps, have a meal there and get the lay of the land.

Josh: I will pull – produce some of the cheese that he received earlier and try to supplement what’s going to be a less-than-savory meal later with moderately okay amount of cheese. Now, as I recall, I was not overly pleased with the particular cheese variety that it was. But let’s, let’s, you know, have a little something nice before we go and have something a little less nice. And I’m cutting up a little of this goat cheese.

Kappa (as Rou): If we’re leaving…

Kappa: Going to turn over to Arthas. 

Kappa (as Rou): The food at Overlook can’t be that bad, right? 

Neil (as Arthas): I’ve yet to run into a meal that I couldn’t at least stomach. 

Kappa: And we will follow Inspector Francis over to the medical tent to pick up Inspector Nine.

Josh (as Francis): Perfect.

Dax: So that is where I’m gonna end this session and we will pick up at the Overlook Inn with Inspector Nine in tow. Don’t make that face, Josh! [Laughing]

Josh: Trying to impugn my reputation, Dax!

Music fades out [48:50]

Dax: Thanks for listening! We hope you’ll join us next time but in the interim, follow us on Twitter @RoadsUncharted.

The “Roads Uncharted” podcast is GMed and produced by Dax, who you can find on Twitter @GM_Dax. We use the Genesys RPG system published by Fantasy Flight Games, and music licensed by Epidemic Sound. 

Arthas, Champion of Offam, is played by Neil. 

Eight is played by Wren, who also composed the music for our opening theme. Follow them on Twitter @ThornyDryad.

Rou is played by Kappa, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheKappaChris.

Francis has been played by our guest, Josh Simons. You can follow him on Twitter @JoshuaMSimons to check out his charity streams, TTRPG content, and all around goodness. You can also check him out on Twitch at