Roads Uncharted

S2 E11: The Overlook Inn

Episode Summary

The group enjoys a surprisingly pleasant dinner in an otherwise grubby establishment. With the tavern full of shady characters, will they find any leads? Or will the inn be a dead end?

Episode Notes

We join our party just as they sit down to dinner at The Overlook Inn. Most of the individuals Arthas saw earlier in the day are still there, but the individual he had questioned is gone. There is now a chipper young woman, named Noura, acting as the server. The “menu” is as questionable as the establishment and consists of a single option. The group is hesitant until smiling Noura shares that all the food is freshly made by her, including a dessert she calls “creme brully”.

Inspector Francis orders the oldest bottle of wine and Noura returns with a pleasant surprise - a nicely aged Baukoran wine. He is quick to share with Rou, who gets a little lesson in wine tasting as well. The surprises continue as the group enjoys a delicious vegetable stew, fresh-baked bread, and that homemade dessert. 

During dinner, a finely dressed individual, with a small tattoo behind his right ear, comes into the inn. Rou overhears him tell Noura that he plans to leave town tomorrow, which piques the group’s interest. When Rou approaches he learns, through an uncomfortable conversation, that his name is Aerin Vess. Upon hearing this, Francis shares some startling details about Vess that suggest he could be the murderer.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, Wren @ThornyDryad, and Josh @JoshuaMSimons

Transcript by CJ Kallevig

Episode Transcription

Upbeat piano intro ends [00:28] 

Melancholy piano fades in [00:30] 

Wren (as Eight): Hello. I am Eight, and you are listening to Roads Uncharted. Previously, on Roads Uncharted, while conducting our investigation regarding the mysterious circumstances of pie-eating champion Jane’s death, Inspector Arthas encountered a mysterious individual who was skulking around the medical tent. Highly suspicious of this individual, Investigator Arthas left the scene in pursuit of them, as they hobbled off into the streets of Azarra. Inspector

Rou, noticing Arthas’s absence, departed, following after our Giant-Kin companion. Meanwhile, Inspector Francis Broussard and myself pressed our questioning of prime suspect Margot, regarding her involvement in the dispensement of pies that murdered Jane. 

Upon discovering Margot’s true involvement in Jane’s poisoning, I applied pressure in my line of questioning. As such, I am ashamed of the outcome. That said, Inspector Broussard took Margot back to the police station and I waited at the medical tent for the return of my companions, Arthas and Rou. Letting them know the circumstances, they departed for the investigator station. I waited, and reflected on my involvement in the investigation. My companions returned, and have informed me that we will be furthering the investigation by… having dinner together at the Overlook Inn?

Dax: We join our party seated at a table in the Overlook Inn. Francis, Rou, and Arthas were able to collect and convince Eight to join them. The individual, Arthas, that you had talked to earlier in the day is now gone. The two Gnomes are still seated at the table, so is that individual with the fashionable gambeson. There is now a chipper young woman wandering about the dining area. She is very happy to give you a seat and gave you some parchment menus. A little grease-stained, but otherwise for the most part clean. She brought you a round of water, and you can see that the water glasses are a little smudged, a little speckled. What are all of you doing? Talking about? While you wait for this server to come back to your table.

Neil: For now I’m just sort of reading the menu and trying to get a bead on what I can get here.

Dax: I mean, menu is a very liberal term. It is literally a piece of parchment that just says “Bread, Water, Vegetable Stew, Dessert of the Day”. And that’s it.

Neil: What’s the dessert of the day?

Dax: You will have to ask when the server comes back.

Neil: Great point.

Wren: I flip the page over in my three-fingered hands.

Wren (as Eight): Why even bother having a menu if the options are prison food and vegetable stew? Is there a reason we have decided to consume food at this establishment?

Josh (as Francis): Ah, yes.

Josh: Quick point of order, do I know that you have gone back to being referred to as Eight at this point? Or are you back to Inspector Nine?

Wren: I probably would have told you that it is I, Eight. At some point when you came back to get me.

Josh (as Francis): Ah, well, Friend Eight, it is because on their little escapade, Arthas and Rou have encountered an unsavory individual here who we believe we might be able to learn more about. Scout it out. Now, I am admittedly a bit disappointed that I cannot have my traditional Coq au Vin. But! It is alright.

Wren (as Eight): So we are having garbage for dinner? Followed by questioning?

Kappa (as Rou): All in the name of justice, right? So we can sacrifice a meal to find truth. 

Josh (as Francis): Yes, now you’re thinking the way an inspector does. It’s all part of the plan. 

Josh: And I’ll give a sly little wink. 

Kappa (as Rou): There’s a little bit of nobility in that. I like it.

Wren: I just nod to you as you say sacrifice a meal.

Josh (as Francis): Sacrifice it is.

Wren (as Eight): This is a true sacrifice. And I do not take it lightly. I will suffer alongside both of you. Just tell me how much to moan and wail.

Neil (as Arthas): I mean, I don’t think it will be too bad. The food is edible.

Dax: At this point the server walks back up to the table.

Dax (as the server): [bright and perky feminine voice] Alright! So, are we all having dinner?

Neil (as Arthas): Question, what is the dessert of the day?

Dax (as the server): Oh, that’s my specialty.

Dax: She like scrunches up her shoulders and makes this big wide grin.

Dax (as the server): I call it Creme Brully. It’s like a custard and then I put sugar on top, and then I just hold a candle over it until the sugar melts. It makes this really cool crust.

Kappa (as Rou): I believe that’s called wax, dear.

Dax (as the server): No, no, no, no. The wax doesn’t drip on it. The sugar melts and it becomes crunchy and sweet. Then you break into it and you have this nice creamy custard underneath. It’s really tasty.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, okay.

Wren (as Eight): Fascinating. We’ll take eight.

Dax (as the server): Eight desserts. Do you want dinner? 

Wren (as Eight): The rest of the garbage? No, thank you. 

Kappa (as Rou): No, not garbage, no. 

Dax: She immediately, her features just drop. She looks so hurt.

Dax (as the server): [softly] I worked so hard on that stew.

Neil (as Arthas): Six portions of stew.

Kappa (as Rou): I will take a stew. I know this is not on the menu, is there any sort of meat? Any sort of protein?

Dax (as the server): Oh, we don’t have anything to keep the meat.

Dax: She leans into the table.

Dax (as the server): [whispers] I had to convince the owner to stop serving meat. This is much safer.

Kappa (as Rou): I appreciate you looking out for your clientele.

Josh (as Francis): Soup will be fine, thank you.

Wren (as Eight): I believe it is called a stew, Inspector.

Josh (as Francis): Yes, of course. [grumbling] What is the finest wine that you have?

Dax (as the server): Hmmm. You know, I can go down in the cave and look.

Josh (as Francis): Something red, please?

Dax (as the server): Mhmm.

Josh (as Francis): If it’s an older vintage, great. If it has anything of a nutty characteristic or perhaps something a bit more floral, delightful. If not, that’s just fine.

Dax (as the server): Okay. So eight portions of dessert, six portions of stew for you…

Dax: She points at Arthas.

Dax (as the server): One for you, and I’m sorry sir, did you say you wanted one as well?

Dax: She points to you, Rou.

Kappa (as Rou): If there’s any half portions, I would very much appreciate that.

Dax (as the server): I can bring you a cup.

Kappa (as Rou): I will take a cup.

Dax (as the server): And no garbage for you.

Wren (as Eight): I will take as much bread as you choose to bring me. However, you said you have a cave under the establishment?

Dax (as the server): Mhmm.

Wren (as Eight): Does it go far from here?

Dax (as the server): Well, it’s a wine cave. It does come to an end. 

Wren (as Eight): Oh. So it is a man-made cave? Not a natural one? 

Dax (as the server): No, it’s natural. It’s just not very big. 

Wren (as Eight): I see. So it is more of a hovel, in line with this establishment.

Dax: She puckers her lips a little bit.

Dax (as the server): I’ll be back.

Dax: She walks away from the table.

Kappa (as Rou): All hope is lost.

Wren (as Eight): Did I say something wrong?

Josh (as Francis): Well, factually no. No, you’ve said everything correct. But I have often found that even if I am not personally delighted with the choices at an establishment, I don’t say so directly to their face. That tends to get you poor service or perhaps someone to spit in your stew.

Wren (as Eight): Little bit of spit in my stew would not bother me. Though you would tell me to lie to folks?

Josh (as Francis): I don’t lie, I just don’t tell them what I feel. I say ‘ah, thank you. I’ll have whatever it is’. And just forget to mention that I’m displeased.

Wren (as Eight): You obfuscate the truth.

Josh (as Francis): In this case, yes because it is, well, you could see how disappointed she was when you said everything was trash. While I do not disagree with your assessment, Friend Eight, it was [clears throat] I try not to actively displease someone that I may one day need to be the type of disposition to assist me.

Wren (as Eight): I understand.

Wren: I furrow my brows.

Wren (as Eight): However, what you tell me to do is to lie. And besides, I do not live here. I will be leaving in less than two days. So I suppose, quite frankly, I do not care how much I do upset this person.

Kappa (as Rou): Eight, I would request that you take a little bit of care because, while you might not care, I’d rather not have spit in my stew.

Wren (as Eight): That’s fair. However, I did not request stew. So if there is spit in my bread, I will be sure to let you know. To the extent that I need to curtail my behavior for your benefit, I will do so. I apologize, best friends.

Josh (as Francis): It’s quite alright, Eight. It’s not to be a concern, but I appreciate your willingness to cooperate with us. It is most kind of you.

Wren: I quirk my brows at Inspector Francis’s piping up.

Wren (as Eight): I apologize. I was speaking to Arthas and Rou. However, you are my most dear inspector.

Josh (as Francis): Hmm. Well, that is quite the fine distinction. I appreciate it. [laughs]

Josh: And I’ll look kind of self-important for a moment. Satisfied that I’ve received a special title from my friend Eight. And then I will go back to pouting that there is not any good wine, any good steak, or any good food.

Kappa (as Rou): What is the, what is the chances that they don’t have any wine and you’re about to get some sort of stout ale?

Josh (as Francis): I’d give it about a 50/50 chance, but in that case, I’ll just drink it and pretend I like it. Go have a glass of wine when I get home this evening.

Dax: Shortly after you say this, the young woman does come back with this big tray. She’s got about four loaves of bread on it. You can smell it before you see it, it is freshly baked and it is this gorgeous crusty looking artisan loaf with the four cross split. She also pulls out of her apron pocket a very dusty black wine bottle. She sets it on the table in front of you, Francis.

Dax (as the server): This was the oldest thing I could find. It was way in the back.

Josh (as Francis): Oh well, what do we have here?

Josh: And I’ll pick it up and look at it, inspect the label, see what it says.

Dax: The label is in a language that you don’t understand. But you can see clearly that it’s probably 50 years old, based on the date.

Josh (as Francis): Mhmm! Well, delightful. I’ll purchase the entire bottle, thank you.

Dax: She nods.

Dax (as the server): And I’ll be back shortly with the stew, and then afterwards I’ll bring the dessert.

Kappa (as Rou): This…

Josh (as Francis): Thank you my dear.

Kappa (as Rou): The bread looks lovely!

Dax (as the server): Oh thank you! I worked hard on it.

Kappa (as Rou): You did this yourself?! I’m sorry, I did not catch your name.

Dax (as the server): Oh, my name is Noura.

Kappa (as Rou): Noura. Well, good to meet you Noura.

Dax (as Noura): And you would be?

Kappa (as Rou): Oh yes, that’s right. Sorry. My name is Rou. These are my friends Eight, Arthas, and Inspector Francis. I believe he has a bit of a reputation around.

Dax (as Noura): I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of an Inspector Francis, but okay!

Josh (as Francis): Pleasure.

Dax: She bobs her head a little bit and then goes off to deal with the other patrons that are in the establishment.

Josh: Is the cork still in the wine bottle?

Dax: Yeah. She didn’t open it at all.

Josh: I feel safe consuming it. I will open it.

Dax: Okay. You do, and tell me, what do you do when you open it? Do you drink it straight from the bottle? Do you….

Josh: I most certainly fetch out of my pouch a stemless wine glass, which I will place on the table. I will, of course, remove the cork, waft it beneath my nose. [sniffs] 

Josh (as Francis): What type of wine is this?

Dax: I have a feeling this is a perfect opportunity for you to use your custom skill, Sommelier.

Josh: Ah! Delightful. I would like to roll Sommelier to determine what the wine is.

Dax: So for you, it’s gonna be two green, one yellow, and I’m going to make it an easy check. So one purple.

Josh: Alright. [dice rolls] One Success, three Advantages.

Dax: So we’ll deal with the Success first. You sniff the cork and you get this very heady note. You pour the wine into your stemless wine glass that you apparently just keep on your person.

Josh: Yes.

Dax: And as you turn the glass this way and that, you can see that the legs are kind of coming down nicely along the side of the glass. You can smell that it’s floral and ever so slightly nutty. And yet, at the same time, a hint of chocolate as you taste it.

Josh (as Francis): Oh! This is delightful. Fascinating. Hmm, I’m going to have to look into this bottle to see where I can acquire a little more of it. It’s not quite a Syrah, but it’s quite a close second.

Josh: And I will savor my first glass of it, like there’s no other wine in the world.

Dax: Now you got three Advantages. If you want, you can use two of those to notice a thing. And by notice a thing, I mean you could tell me what you might be looking for while you’re testing this wine. You can recover any strain, if there’s any strain you still have to take back.

Josh: I would like to spend this time to try to identify what particular region of the country or the land, or perhaps a different land, that this wine has come from. Perhaps I can taste it in the grapes, as to where they are from.

Dax: Sure. Why not? Why not? I’ll say that the more you sip this wine and you’re able to really run it over your palette, you start to notice a familiarity about it. You can tell that this has some similarities to your Western Syrah. So it’s a good chance that this also comes from Baukora.

Josh (as Francis): Well, what do you know? I think this is a western wine after all. Fantastic! Rou, would you like a sip? It is quite delightful.

Kappa (as Rou): Ah, sure. Yeah, I’m not really one to appreciate wine. It’s very rare that I had wine. But what’s familiar with them?

Josh (as Francis): This is a gift from our homeland. Would you share this?

Kappa (as Rou): Of course! Yes, yes of course.

Josh (as Francis): Delight from home with me?

Kappa (as Rou): Yes. I’m not going to deny it, I just feel I’m not going to appreciate it as much as you.

Josh (as Francis): It is about the connection, the bond.

Kappa (as Rou): I will share in this bond.

Josh: I will offer you a bit of wine.

Kappa: I’ve seen people do this before, you swirl it around the glass. So Rou is taking a little bit of it, sniffing it. Imagine I, I imagine I may be able to parse out all the different notes. Not understanding how the process of wine is made, taking a sip.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh. It’s bitter.

Dax: And a little dry.

Kappa (as Rou): I always imagined wines to be very much sweeter than your typical ale. But this is nice.

Josh (as Francis): Ah, yes. Yes, now try fluting it. If you inhale ever so slightly while you have a bit of it in your mouth, it will kind of bubble over the tongue. Oxygenates the wine, it means that you’re going to notice different flavors. When you do it, [slurp noise], it.. it opens it up. You get a little more of the tartness from the grapes in the dryness. It’s excellent, I highly recommend it.

Kappa (as Rou): You threw a lot of words at me.

Kappa: It’s more of a slurp. [makes slurping noise]

Kappa (as Rou): I don’t know what that was supposed to do but it was delightful.

Josh (as Francis): It just opens the flavor up a little bit. You can notice a bit more. Different hints that are hiding in the body of the wine.

Kappa (as Rou): Hmm. Hmm. Mhmm, I’m… they were hiding. I have found them.

Josh (as Francis): Delightful! Rou, this is excellent. I’m so glad that you’ve joined me on this endeavor.

Kappa (as Rou): Does very much remind me of home. I will, is it okay if I offer it to Eight and Arthas?

Josh (as Francis): Oh yes, I was just about to ask if anyone else would like a sample. This is what the West tastes like my friends.

Wren (as Eight): Oh! A taste of the West?

Wren: I lean in.

Wren (as Eight): I would absolutely love to experience a taste of the West.

Neil: I have a loaf of bread hanging out of my mouth, I am preoccupied.

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, are you eating my bread?

Neil (as Arthas): I am eating my bread. But I will not complain if I am handed your bread.

Wren (as Eight): But I’m the only one who ordered bread. Arthas, it is possible you are consuming spit that was intended for my bread.

Neil (as Arthas): That’s an incredible point Eight. I am so sorry.

Wren (as Eight): How does it taste?

Neil (as Arthas): Well as far as spit covered bread goes, I can’t complain.

Wren (as Eight): That is good. If I had the opportunity, I would have taste-tested this bread for spit deficiencies. That said, I do know your pension for consumption and I believe that spit is not really a deterrent for you.

Neil (as Arthas): Few things are.

Wren (as Eight): I do remember that day you ate sand in the desert.

Neil (as Arthas): It may have been a lapse in judgement.

Wren (as Eight): Heatstroke causes delirium. It was understandable.

Neil (as Arthas): Yes… yes it is.

Dax: It is at this point that Noura comes to the table with two bowls and one cup of steaming vegetable stew. As these bowls are set down in front of each of you, you can see that there isn’t really a ton of broth. But what you can smell of it is indulgent and herby. You can see that the vegetables were all roasted beforehand. They’ve got nice little char marks on them, and it is just overflowing with root vegetables, of all different colors. It looks like a very tasty autumn stew.

Neil (as Arthas): Thank you.

Neil: And I am immediately going to start just going after that.

Dax: I will ask everyone that chooses to, to make a Vigilance check for me at Easy, so one purple.

[dice rolling]

Neil: I have a single Success.

Wren: I have a Success and three Advantages.

Josh: I kid you not, I’ve rolled four Successes.

Kappa: I have a wash.

Dax: Alright. Rou, you are astounded that this stew actually looks tasty. That you just forget everything else that is around you. So between your loaf of bread and well, maybe a loaf of bread. Depends on how much Eight wanted to share, and your cup of stew, nothing else really matters. Arthas and Eight. You both notice that somebody has entered the inn. Eight, what would you like to use your Advantages for?

Wren: I would love to use those Advantages to have the individual who has strode into the inn draw attention to themselves and perhaps notice a distinctive feature about them.

Dax: Okay. I’ll say when they walk in, they end up slamming the door a little too loud. Other patrons do take note of them as well. You do notice that they have a bright gold chain strung about their neck. They are dressed quite fine for somebody to be frequenting this establishment. Inspector Francis, not only do you notice this individual who has let the door slam shut, who is wearing very fine looking clothing. You notice that there is a tattoo right behind their right ear.

Josh: Do I recognize this individual?

Dax: You do not.

Josh: Hmm. Well, I’ll go back to enjoying my Sangiovese.

Dax: I’m sorry, enjoying your what?

Josh: Sangiovese! It’s a dry red wine.

Dax: That’s what I thought you said [holding back laughter].

Josh: Yes. I’ve determined that this is a Sangiovese.

Wren (as Eight): Sangiovese?

Josh (as Francis): Well..

Wren: Is that like a Cerveza?

Josh: Sure….

Wren: Which is hard for me because it makes me think of Gazpacho, which is a cold tomato soup. And I do not understand.

Josh: Oh god no.

Dax: You brought this on yourself Josh.

Josh (as Francis): It is a, rather fancy, it’s a wine. It’s a wine, it’s a style of wine.

Wren (as Eight): My friends, look. The person who is just entered this establishment is dressed far too nicely for this, quite frankly, dump of a place.

Josh: I would like to take a moment to compare this person’s dress to my own. Who is the better dressed of the two?

Wren: Without a doubt, it is them.

Dax: Definitely. Yeah.

Josh: Okay, good. Good.

Josh (as Francis): Perhaps we keep our heads low and keep an ear out.

Wren (as Eight): I do not have ears. How would you like me to proceed?

Josh (as Francis): I would say listen closely but let us try not to draw attention to ourselves.

Wren (as Eight): I see. Our companion Arthas is 11 feet tall.

Wren: And I gesture to Arthas.

Josh (as Francis): Yes, but let us not draw undue attention. Arthas is a formidable figure, but that does not mean that he needs to make a scene.

Wren (as Eight): You are referencing to my outburst earlier today.

Josh (as Francis): Oh no Eight. I am referencing that if we are just merely travelers here, then this individual will have no reason to suspect us of anything. However, if we should, I don’t know, start shouting or anything of that nature, we should… This is a covert operation, Eight. We must be stealthy. We are spying.

Wren (as Eight): Sorry Inspector Francis, did we not come here under the assumption that someone here knew who you were and believed you to be a quote “crooked law enforcer”?

Josh (as Francis): Yes, that is exactly why we are here. And we are here to get to the truth of the matter by listening. By using our ears and our eyes.

Wren (as Eight): Inspector, if I might speak frankly. I believe that we have lost sight of our true objective. We have come here in order to clear your name, when we should be searching for the associate who has caused a murderess to murder someone in cold blood.

Josh: And I’ll reply to Eight.

Josh (as Francis): Yes. I think you’re quite right. This is not exactly on the most straight and narrow road to success. However, I am loosely confident that there may be some overlap between the individual who has cast shade on my reputation, and the individual who has attempted to, well I shouldn’t say attempted. Who convinced young Margot to commit a murder.

Kappa (as Rou): I believe the reasoning was if someone wanted to throw off the investigation off of themselves, they would blame or frame someone who was close to it.

Wren (as Eight): I see. To cast the credibility of the ones investigating into doubt would render their investigation moot.

Kappa: Rou is nodding his head and he’ll take another bit of stew. It’s delicious.

Wren (as Eight): Most interesting. Shall I accost our new patron of this bar?

Josh (as Francis): Let us give it a moment. Just see what they do.

Wren (as Eight): Ah, subtlety.

Dax: Speaking of which, I want everyone to make a Vigilance check, and this time it’s going to be easy. So one purple. 

[dice rolling]

Wren: Four Successes and an Advantage, good GM.

Neil: One Success.

Josh: Two Successes and one Triumph.

Kappa: Two Successes, one Threat.

Dax: Okay. So Arthas, with one Success, you overhear the bartender grumbling to Noura.

Dax (as the bartender): Dernauf hasn’t been seen all day. So typical.

Dax: You can hear Noura responding.

Dax (as Noura): Saul, look I’m sure he just didn’t feel well.

Dax (as Saul): [grumbling] Probably just wants to partake in the festival. [spits]

Dax: Kappa, you overhear that finely dressed fellow who just came into the inn, talking to Noura.

Dax (as the finely dressed fellow): [slightly british accent] Yes, table for one please. Yes, yes. Look, I was told that this might not be the best establishment for me, but I’m only staying for one night. Is there any way that I could procure a room?

Dax (as Noura): Oh well, I don’t actually run the inn. I just take care of the food. You’ll want to talk to Saul.

[Dax grumbles as Saul]

Neil: Nice.

Dax: Josh, you overhear from the two Gnomes chittering away as they do. For the most part they talk in whispers to each other, almost as if they’re plotting. But, at one point you do hear one of them say,

Dax (as Gnome 1): You know, I heard, I’ve heard, that Azarra hides an underground society.

Dax (as Gnome 2): [slightly higher pitched voice] No! No you didn’t!

Dax (as Gnome 1): Yes, yes I did. Supposedly something called the Eyes of Tanir.

Dax (as Gnome 2): Well that can’t be right. Weren’t the worshippers of Tanir obliterated? Like, 40-some odd years ago? What, wasn’t that the reason why we decided it was safe to come here?!?

Dax (as Gnome 1): No, no, no, no. Supposedly… supposedly, from what I hear…the nobles are involved.

Dax (as Gnome 2): Oh. Well that would make sense why they hide it. Hmmm.

Dax: Eight, you overhear the man that was seated by the windows with his bruised and battered face, and his fashionable gambeson.

Dax (as the beat up man): Hmmm. So Lord Fellows was seen with a dashing young woman picking out wedding rings. Hmm…

Dax: You can hear the scribbling of an ink pen against parchment.

Dax (as the beat up man): I have to put that into a sonnet. Hmmm.

Dax: Now, Francis rolled a Triumph.

Josh: I think with that, if I could notice an important detail. I want to identify everyone who seems to be or is acting suspicious in the room. Just by doing a quick scan as I’m paying attention while enjoying my wine. Kind of doing the thing that oftentimes someone will do as they enter a room where they don’t feel particularly safe. Identifying exits, things that they need to keep an eye on. I will be identifying any figure of note who appears to be suspicious or perhaps eyeing our group. Trying to identify things.

Dax: I’d say that the two Gnomes and the individual with the gold chain seem the least comfortable in this establishment.

Josh: And the figure with the gold chain, is that the one who just walked in or the one who was already seated?

Dax: Yep, the one who just walked in.

Josh: Okay. Alright. Hmmm. Fascinating. As we’re continuing our meal, I will kind of in a hushed tone, speaking as I spoon a little bit of the stew into my mouth, say,

Josh (as Francis): I think perhaps we are to keep an eye out.

Josh: And I will just nod my head ever so slightly towards the Gnomes and ever so slightly towards the figure with the gold chain. Trying to direct my compatriots’ attention in those two directions.

Josh (as Francis): I believe that might be what we’re looking for.

Josh: And I will enjoy my soup…stew…thing.

Kappa: GM, I heard the individual talking to Noura about a room, right?

Dax: Correct.

Kappa: I will go ahead and relay that.

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, the one you indicated the single person, gold chain, they’re only here for a short amount of time. I overheard them talking with Noura about procuring a room here. Though they must talk to a Saul, of sorts? Noura’s unable to help them with that.

Josh (as Francis): Fascinating.

Josh: I glance in that direction. Do I recognize this individual?

Dax: So the individual with the broken face and fashionable gambeson, you don’t recognize who they are. But you do see that they are wearing a pin, it is a feather and a, not really a bird, but it’s a very simple drawing of a dove. You would know that that is the symbol of a traveling troupesman. So he’s potentially a poet or an actor or something of some sort.

Kappa: GM, the festival. Is it a single day thing or is there more days to come?

Dax: A few days. It’s, yeah, it’s not as long as the festival in Saleen, which lasts a week. This one lasts three or four days, depending on how large of a crowd they can gather.

Kappa: Okay, and this was the first day.

Kappa (as Rou): Do you think we should approach? If time is of the essence?

Josh (as Francis): Well, we’ve gained a little information, not a lot. Perhaps we will be able to overhear more, otherwise I propose that we inquire as to the business of this individual who’s spending the night. It’s interesting that they would choose to be out of town so quickly after, choosing… Well, it’s just curious timing. They are attempting to leave town today of all days, when there was a murder. Perhaps after the meal, I think perhaps if they are drinking, having them consume a beverage or two might be preferable. They might not be at their sharpest of wits to perceive what it is we are attempting to discover.

Dax: The individual does take a seat and does start drinking what looks to be an ale. After serving the ale, Noura walks by.

Dax (as Noura): Are you ready for your desserts? Are you still eating?

Dax: She scopes out the table.

Kappa: My, my cup is empty and I will say,

Kappa (as Rou): Yes. Very much excited for this Creme Brully?

Neil (as Arthas): Absolutely. Thank you.

Kappa (as Rou): If it’s anything like the stew, I’m looking very much forward to it.

Dax: She clears the plates and in short order, comes back with eight of said desserts for Eight, and one for each of the three of you. It is probably, uh, it’s an oval shaped ramakin, so it’s a couple inches deep. It’s maybe about four inches by three. It is topped with a very caramelized sugar crust. It smells sweet.

Kappa: Okay, so this meal is almost over.

Dax: The individual at this point has already quaffed one ale and is starting on a second, and he is writing in a notebook.

Kappa (as Rou): They’re writing something.

Kappa: GM, does it look like whatever we’re doing, they are responding with writing? Or are they just writing writing? Is it notes or are they journaling?

Dax: It appears to be more journaling. You do notice that they are writing when you are not talking, so. From what you can tell, they’re just writing.

Kappa (as Rou): Once I finish my dessert, shall I head over?

Josh (as Francis): Yes, yes. Excellent. I believe I’m prepared as well.

Kappa (as Rou): Just introduce myself?

Josh (as Francis): Certainly, I think if you’d like to do that, that’s not a bad idea.

Kappa (as Rou): Okay. Then once I do, well wish me luck.

Kappa: And walk over there.

Kappa (as Rou): Uh, hello. My name is Rou, and I noticed you were here alone. I was wondering if you would appreciate some company. 

Music shifts to soft, mysterious tune [36:29]

Dax: He stops writing, looks up at you.

Dax (as the finely dressed fellow): I mean, I suppose if you’d like to.

Dax: Gestures towards the empty seat at his table.

Kappa (as Rou): Sure!

Kappa: I will take the seat.

Kappa (as Rou): And you, you are?

Dax (as the finely dressed fellow): Oh! I apologize, I don’t talk to people very often. The name is Vess. Aerin Vess.

Kappa (as Rou): Vess, Aerin Vess. I’ll remember that.

Dax: Inspector Francis, you know that name.

Kappa (as Rou): Aerin, forgive me, I had noticed that Noura had pointed out that you were looking for a room for a single night. Are you leaving in the middle of the festival?

Dax (as Aerin): I’m not really into the Raksin festival. That’s just, people aren’t my thing. No, I’m actually going out of town on business tomorrow and this is a much more convenient inn than staying in the city.

Kappa (as Rou): That’s fair, that’s fair. I’m also not one for crowds, but I have been trying my best to sort of learn what is there to offer. I guess you can say that’s my business. What sort of business are you into?

Dax (as Aerin): I suppose you could call me an advisor.

Kappa (as Rou): Advisor? Advisor of what sort?

Dax (as Aerin): Private consultation, as it were.

Kappa (as Rou): Just general consultation or specific practice?

Dax (as Aerin): Specific practice for one client for the last few years, but to the right buyer?

Kappa: Do I get the sense that his sort of consultations are illicit? 

Dax: I’d say, it’s a little difficult to tell from this short conversation. 

Kappa: Okay, okay. 

Kappa (as Rou): So, hypothetical, if I were to hire you for a consultation on something that I’m working on, what sort of rates are we talking here?

Dax: Aerin gives a sly smile.

Dax (as Aerin): No offense, Rou. But I doubt you can afford me.

Kappa (as Rou): And that is why it is merely a hypothetical.

Dax (as Aerin): My annual sum with my current client, probably more than you’ve seen in your entire life.

Kappa (as Rou): But you don’t know me.

Dax (as Aerin): You’re wearing what appears to be patchwork armor from the Western continent. You don’t give a last name, which means you either don’t have one or you are no one of import, where a last name that would do anyone any good to hear it. Now please, tell me, shall I go on and prove how I know you would never be able to afford my services?

Kappa (as Rou): That’s quite impressive. Quite so. You are well read, well traveled. I wish to be that well traveled.

Dax (as Aerin): It’s a good goal to have.

Kappa (as Rou): I’m sorry if I offended you in any way. I was merely trying to strike up conversation, provide a bit of company. I know when I am eating alone, I’m not particularly fond of that.

Dax (as Aerin): I actually prefer to be alone. As I said, people are not my thing.

Kappa (as Rou): That is fair. That is fair.

Dax (as Aerin): Now, if you are not here to strike up a conversation in regards to business, I do ask that you return to whatever table you came from. I believe your friends,

Dax: And at this, he glances over at the group.

Dax (as Aerin): Might be remiss of your company.

Kappa (as Rou): Aerin, before I leave, I have one question for you. Do you have any idea why some ruffians would take one look at me and ask me to leave within two days?

Dax (as Aerin): Do you owe anyone a debt?

Kappa (as Rou): No.

Dax (as Aerin): Then I would have no idea.

Kappa (as Rou): Thank you.

Dax (as Aerin): You can have that for free.

Kappa (as Rou): I will… I will leave you to your writings and your dinner. Have a good evening.

Dax: He nods.

Kappa: And I will return.

Dax: Rou, before you walk too far away, give me an Easy Vigilance check.

[dice rolling]

Kappa: One Threat.

Dax: Go ahead and take a Strain. He was rude, it was a little stressful.

Kappa: Okay. Once I am back at the table,

Kappa (as Rou): I’ve learned the man’s name is Aerin Vess.

Josh (as Francis): Interesting. Most interesting.

Kappa (as Rou): Private consultations, I believe having to do with debts and finances and money. Very much in line with what we know about Margot. Could be a handler of sorts. Also very rude. Does not let on that he knows more.

Josh (as Francis): I might have a bit of additional information about this particular individual. You see, we run in, I shouldn’t say that. I know who Mr. Vess works for. And I have upon occasion heard about the type of work that they do. Well, the type of work that they did. You see…

Josh: And I will bring my voice to the lowest whisper I can possibly manage.

Josh (as Francis): Aerin Vess is a retired assassin.

Kappa (as Rou): He did say he was in the business of consultation now. That could be a cover or that could be quite literal -

Neil (as Arthas): Deeply unfortunate. 

Kappa (as Rou): On consultation for murder. 

Wren (as Eight): Murder is not a profession. 

Josh (as Francis): If you’re looking for someone with the means to perform a killing, this might be the individual. Perhaps, a scorned love interest. Perhaps it is merely as a cover for something else. But it is interesting that Aerin Vess is here the same night we are investigating a murder, where they are so very skilled with murder. And I think there’s only one way to know for certain. I propose that we ambush Aerin in their room.

Kappa: I look over at Eight and Arthas and,

Kappa (as Rou): Should we do this?

Wren (as Eight): This is a travesty. The fact that this man walks free, is a crime against all living things.

Kappa (as Rou): So tonight, we dispense justice.

Neil: I nod.

Josh (as Francis): Yes. Perhaps it is time we put a little right back into the world. 

Music fades out [43:46]

Dax: Thanks for listening! We hope you’ll join us next time but in the interim, follow us on Twitter @RoadsUncharted.

The “Roads Uncharted” podcast is GMed and produced by Dax, who you can find on Twitter @GM_Dax. We use the Genesys RPG system published by Fantasy Flight Games, and music licensed by Epidemic Sound. 

Arthas, Champion of Offam, is played by Neil. 

Eight is played by Wren, who also composed the music for our opening theme. Follow them on Twitter @ThornyDryad.

Rou is played by Kappa, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheKappaChris.

Francis has been played by our guest, Josh Simons. You can follow him on Twitter @JoshuaMSimons to check out his charity streams, TTRPG content, and all around goodness. You can also check him out on Twitch at