Roads Uncharted

S2 E12: Interrogating Vess

Episode Summary

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. The group arrives at some upsetting conclusions when they interrogate Vess.

Episode Notes

Content warning: As a general content warning, this episode includes scenes of magical restraint and interrogation. If this type of content may be triggering for you, we request you skip from 8:38 to 27:03.

The group decides to interrogate Aerin Vess, to see if they can discover any connection between him and Jane. Believing ambushing him in his room is the best course of action, Eight poses as room service in order to gain entry. When they do, Eight is able to compel Vess to let the group in. Prostrate and under restraint, Vess becomes subject to the group’s questioning.

Francis begins the interrogation and Vess, in an attempt to redirect the questioning, implies that he and the inspector have more in common than Francis may like to admit. Rou then asks into the nature of why he is leaving town, to which Vess responds it is to procure wine for Francis. Eight becomes suspicious and turns their questioning to the inspector, who quickly waves this off. He indicates that the town guard serves the will of the nobility and as a member, he indirectly serves Vess’s master.

Despite their best efforts, the interrogation begins to go poorly as Vess seeds doubt in the group’s minds. Eight, in particular, seems to be taking it the hardest. However, it isn’t until he threatens Rou that Eight makes a swift end to the questioning.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, Wren @ThornyDryad, and Josh @JoshuaMSimons

Transcript by Wren

Episode Transcription

Upbeat piano intro music ends [00:27] 

Soft and mysterious music begins [00:28] 

Josh (as Francis): Aerin Vess is half as good of an assassin as I’ve heard, there’s likely no real evidence tracing them to this. But if we can interrogate them and see what we can find, perhaps Eight can read their mind. But, it seems like this is the right thing to do whether or not we can get to the truth. What do you think? 

Kappa (as Rou): I’m agreeable. 

Wren (as Eight): [nervously] Sure, sounds great. 

Wren: Wren holds their cards close to their chest at the fact that they can only read minds once per session. [laughs] 

Josh (as Francis): Excellent. Eight, I look forward to seeing you use your abilities again. You are quite capable. Hmm, yes. We’re going to solve this. And when the time comes, you will tell us whether or not Aerin Vess is the murderer. 

Wren (as Eight): It’s true. What we can do is break into their room later at night, tie them up and force them to convince us of their innocence. Or their guilt, which is far more likely.

Josh (as Francis): Eight, I am very agreeable with to this plan. Though, I will let you know that I have exactly zero combat experience. I have been in one fight in my life wherein I was stabbed. And that is the extent of my fighting experience, so you’re going to have to do most of the heavy lifting. 

Kappa (as Rou): I mean, we have a champion fighter here. 

Wren (as Eight): That is true. Arthas has had their arms broken, their legs crippled, and their torso broke into several fractured ribs. Yet, still, they fight on. They’re quite the impressive combatant. And I, myself, am no slouch. Though I do not consider myself a seasoned combat expert. 

Josh (as Francis): Hold on, wait. Are these in successful combats or have you lost all of them? Because that’s just a long string of injuries. 

Neil (as Arthas): The key is to get injured and continue living. 

Wren (as Eight): I do not believe I have ever witnessed Arthas lose a fight in which he has been a part of. In fact, I have seen him completely obliterate a monstrous tree-creature which threatened to destroy me and my other best friend, Theodore Lawrence Briggs. 

Josh (as Francis): Hmm. Interesting. So does that mean that when I was stabbed, passed out and eventually resuscitated, that I won that fight, too?

Wren (as Eight): No. Because you did not defeat your opponent. However, they made you pass out, which implies that you are weaker than them. 

Josh (as Francis): That is an apt assessment. 

Wren (as Eight): However, the fact that you continue to live is admirable in and of itself.

Josh (as Francis): Thank you, friend Eight. 

Dax: Alright so, just so I understand, the plan is to wait for this individual to go up to their room. Bombard them in their room and interrogate them? 

Josh: To my understanding, yes, that is the plan. 

Dax: Okay. My first question is going to be...obviously you are going to wait for them to go into their room. Are you going to stealth your way up the stairs to their room or are you going to just walk up there and whatever noise y’all make, you make? 

Josh: I think -

Wren (as Eight): Oh! My friends, I could pretend to be room service! 

Josh: Hmm. A good idea. I think before we go up, I will approach Saul, I think you said his name was. The one in charge of the inn. And I will present my badge and say, 

Josh (as Francis): My associates and I are going to investigate a matter upstairs. I would appreciate it if you would keep the remaining patrons down here and if there are any loud noises, that you would not respond to them. As we attempt to get to the truth of the matter bearing the full weight and power invested in me by the guards here in the city. And thank you for your compliance. I will see to it that you are commended for civic duty should this occur successfully. 

Dax: The man with the unkempt gray hair and perpetual scowl just gives a one-armed shrug, continues cleaning the bar with his greasy, dirty rag.

Josh: I will place three gold on the bar right before his rag where he can scoop it up without anyone noticing. 

Dax: He grabs it with the rag and shuffles it towards him. Then just continues on his business. I mean, look at the establishment he runs. Do you really think he cares too much about…? [laughs]

Josh: Perfect. I will- as if I’m in the know with an in-joke with him, tap the side of my nose twice. Point at him and then proceed to follow my compatriots up the stairs. 

Dax: So, can I get a marching order? 

Kappa: I will take first. 

Dax: First, alright? 

Wren (as Eight): Best friend, Rou. I do believe I had floated the idea of myself posing as room service. 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, yeah. Yes. That’s correct! I will give you the lead. 

Wren (as Eight): I apologize, as I do not mean to interject myself between you and our quarry; however, I feel like if anyone is going to be harmed, it best be me. As my position is to protect other forms of life. 

Kappa (as Rou): If you feel that strongly, I will not stand in your way. 

Neil (as Arthas): Question? He is an experienced career assassin, correct?

Josh (as Francis): Yes, affirmative! 

Neil (as Arthas): Do you think he would booby-trap his own lodgings? 

Josh (as Francis): That is why we must get there before he has an opportunity to. He has not seen the room yet. 

Neil (as Arthas): Fair point. 

Dax: So, Eight is first. Then Rou. 

Neil: I will follow ahead of Francis. 

Dax: Okay, so then it’s - 

Josh: I am absolutely last. I’m so far away from the danger that I’m hardly in danger. 

Dax: ‘The closer we are to danger, the farther we are from harm.’ 

Wren (as Eight): You are the bravest inspector that I have ever witnessed. 

Josh (as Francis): Look, okay...I am capable with my mind. I am not capable with my body. 

Wren (as Eight): I was being completely sincere. I do not understand why you are defensive. 

Josh (as Francis): Thank you, I appreciate that. I was under the impression that you were impugning my dignity as a man representing the law. But I am no longer concerned about this, because you have set me at ease. 

Wren (as Eight): I have never met an inspector before. Therefore, all bars are set by your behavior. 

Josh (as Francis): I will attempt not to set them too high. 

Wren (as Eight): Or too low. 

Josh (as Francis): Well, yes. 

Wren (as Eight): Wonderful. I will knock on Aerin’s door. 

Dax: Okay. So you knock. 

Dax (as Aerin): [slightly deeper] Ugh, what is it?

Wren (as Eight): Room service! I have for you fresh, warm towels and fantastically baked rosemary biscuits. This is 100% the truth, for I am room service!

Dax: Give me a Deception check. Make it at hard difficulty. Upgrade it twice. 

Wren (as Eight): If this does not work… 

Wren: I turn and look to the rest of them…

Wren (as Eight): I will burst the door down and we will apprehend this less-than-savory character by force. For this is the type of behavior that murderers deserve. 

[Dice rolls at 7:58] 

Wren: Well, GM, I have a singular Success and three Threat. 

[Tense, mysterious music fades in at 8:05] 

Dax: Alright. So I’ll say, take some strain for those threats. You have had a hard day and, honestly, the potential that you could have maybe flubbed this lie to an ex-assassin is a very stressful situation. The door opens wide enough for you to see all of Aerin Vess in his – he has taken off his overcoat. His gold chain is still there. But he is in a white linen shirt. You can see, clearly, he was in the process of getting ready for bed. 

Dax (as Aerin): Sorry, did you say room service? 

Wren (as Eight): I did. In fact. My room service is… [yelling] Now! 

Wren: And I will cast a, GM what would you consider to be the spell for what is basically a Compel Person? Where I will basically have this person lay down and let us run into their room while they do nothing? I am thinking, perhaps, a curse spell? 

Dax: Yeah. 

Wren: As I direct my arcane energies to cause them to lay down and allow the remainder of my companions to rush into their room and me, as well, to race in, lock the door behind us and interrogate the shit out of them. 

Neil: Sometimes you wake up and choose violence. 

Wren: If I’m not mistaken, that would make it an easy difficulty check for me to cast the spell as I have one target within engaged range, because they are at the door.

Dax: Correct, yes. 

Wren: I will do so! 

[Dice rolling at 9:35] 

Wren: I apologize GM, but my choices have left me with a Success and an Advantage. 

Dax: So what is your Compel? 

Wren: They will allow us to enter the room. As I tell them to surrender and they prostrate themselves before me. 

Dax: Okay. You have this individual in his nightshirt and breeches kneeling on the floor with his hands outstretched.

Wren: Perfect. I would like to recover one strain with my advantage, if that is agreeable to you? 

Dax: You may.

Wren: I turn to my companions. 

Wren (as Eight): They are agreeable to us entering the room. After you, my friends! 

Wren: And I motion with my palm outstretched. 

Josh: I will strut in. 

Kappa: I have entered. 

Neil: Can I shoulder myself in just enough to look like I can burst in if need be?

Dax: I’d say, Arthas, you can’t get into the room. You can get up the stairs. Like I said, it was a makeshift warehouse, so the hallway kind of thing with the balcony is wide enough for you to get up there. But you won’t be able to get in the room. 

Neil: Cool. Just want to have that threat looming overhead. 

Dax: Sure. So, Francis and Rou, you are in the room with Eight and Aerin Vess. And Arthas is partially shouldered through the door, looking like they are ready to break through if need be.

Josh: Excellent. I will just turn briefly to look at Arthas and say, 

Josh (as Francis): Good idea staying in the hall. Keep an eye out. Clever. Yes. Hello! Hello, Mr. Vess. Good to see you. 

Dax (as Aerin): I’m sorry? Do I know you? 

Josh (as Francis): I’m afraid not. But I know you. That is sufficient. Would you mind telling me what you were doing earlier today as someone was being murdered -

Josh: And I’ll turn and face him dramatically!

Josh (as Francis): At the town square as part of the town pie-eating contest? 

Dax: Give me a Charm check. Make it at hard difficulty, upgrade it twice. That’ll be one purple, two red. 

Josh: Delightful, I will. 

[Dice rolling at 11:40] 

Josh: Oh, oh. Very good. That is one Failure, two Threats and one Despair. 

Dax: Okay, so you had a Despair, you said? 

Josh: Yes, could I use my Clever Retort, though, to give this individual two automatic Threats as they attempt to respond to me? 

Dax: Mmkay, so you give two Threat to his next social check? So let’s resolve that Despair. You say this and Vess gets a very sly smile across his face.

Dax (as Aerin): It’s some very powerful words coming from you, Inspector Francis Broussard. I’m sure our mutual master would be pleasantly surprised to hear that you’re interrogating me for Jane’s death. 

Josh (as Francis): I recall not but two seconds ago when you said you didn’t know me. Fancy that. 

Dax: So that is your Despair. Your Threat, you’re going to take a Strain for each Threat. 

Josh: Okay. 

Dax: This is going to be a social encounter, so it kind of acts like combat. Only there is not going to be any initiative rolls or anything like that. You each get one turn to activate and do something to contribute to the encounter. Your goal of your encounter is to try to get information out of this person. If I understood what you were talking about down in the inn. So, that is your goal. Francis has gone and I will allow the PC’s to pipe in if they’d like.

Neil: I don’t have much to contribute right now, but I’ll keep looking in to see if there is anything I can throughout the encounter. 

Dax: Okay, so you want to go last, in other words? 

Neil: Yes please. 

Dax: Okay. 

Kappa: I will pipe up. 

Kappa (as Rou): That is very interesting information, but we can deal with that later. Right now, we are most interested in what you’re doing. Earlier today, during our conversation, you told me you were here for- you were here on business. You were leaving on business. There was business being had. A sort of consultation. You weren’t very exact, but I’m giving you a second-chance here. Could you please be more exact on the type of consultation you are- that you were privy to? 

Dax: So, you’re trying to get him to reveal some information? Would you say that you are trying to charm this out of him? Would that seem fair?

Kappa: Uh, yeah! Yeah. 

Dax: So, go ahead and make a Charm check and that will be another hard difficulty upgraded twice. So one purple, two red. 

[Dice rolling at 14:16] 

Kappa: Three Successes and five Threats. That’s a lot of Threats. 

Dax: The next PC that activates is going to have to have a Setback for their roll. And suffer three Strain, but you did succeed.

Dax (as Aerin): Not that it’s any of your business, Rou, but my - sorry, our master… 

Dax: And he looks at Francis. 

Dax (as Aerin): Asked me to go out of town. Gather some very expensive wine, a western Syrah, if you will. 

Dax: Arthas or Eight? 

Wren: I would be glad to go next. As I turn to Investigator Francis, I will say, 

Wren (as Eight): Mutual master? You have someone in common with this murderer? Divulge this information! 

Wren: And I would like this to be, if I may...Quit flipping me off, Josh! [laughs] I would like this to be either a Negotiation or Coercion check against the good investigator!

Dax: So you’re trying to get information out of Francis. Now, just to make sure, is everybody okay with a little PC versus PC conflict? 

Wren: I’m on good terms with Inspector Francis. I would prefer to be a Negotiation, as opposed to a Coercion, because I believe that being acquaintances, the good inspector might be more apt to tell me. So it would be my Negotiation versus his Discipline? 

Dax: No, it’s Negotiation versus Negotiation. Hard difficulty upgrade twice. And you have a Setback die. 

Wren: Okay. 

[Dice rolling at 16:09] 

Wren: [sighs] A Threat and a Despair. 

Dax: So, because it was PC versus PC, you have Eight turning to you and trying to get you to share information about what mutual master that you and Aerin Vess have. And they rolled a Despair. So, you can have them reveal a motivation, you can have them...there’s a few things you can have them suffer for this Despair. I’m going to leave this in your corner. What would you like to give as a response? 

Josh: If it’s alright, I’d like for them to feel very poorly. Almost guilty. For, perhaps, believing the worst in me. As I’ll turn to them and reply, if I’m allowed to, if that operates within the rules of this and say,

Josh (as Francis): Yes, of course! I’m happy to explain that information, we are friends, after all! I, much like everyone else in this town, serve one of the higher up lords here. Lord Fellows. As one of the town guards we more or less serve the will of the nobility. Those who are ruling the town, so speak.

And so, yes. It’s a shared master in that there is a hierarchy of power and I have indeed worked with Lord Fellows once or twice. Individually, as well! My skills have set me apart in that respect. That’s how I know what I know about this individual. We are, in that sense, do share a common...I don’t know if master is the right word. But, a common higher-up, someone we report to. So, yes. That is entirely true! That is how I knew the information I shared beforehand. I just didn’t think the fact that we both worked for one of the most important people in town was worth explaining at the time.

Wren (as Eight): I see. So you both serve the same corrupt master. 

Josh (as Francis): I don’t know that corruption is necessarily the take away there. They also do very large amounts of good. Occasionally you require the services of an assassin in the task of doing good. We are very well prepared to put an end to this man’s life here. We could say that murder is bad, but killing someone who has done evil does, in fact, turn out good, does it not? Is that not why we are here? To dispense justice? 

Wren (as Eight): I suppose. But, that doesn’t feel like justice, that feels like silencing an accomplice?

Wren: I’ll turn to Aerin. 

Wren (as Eight): Tell me, do you know this man? What do you know? 

Dax: So, we’ll address that when it’s Aerin’s turn. At this point, Arthas, is there anything you’d like to do in this social encounter?

Neil: No, I’m just sort of, like, letting this play out and I feel there is more background than I was originally led on, between the two of them. So I’m trying to absorb that before I do anything club-related. 

Dax: Okay. I’ll have you go after Vess, then. So, it’s now Vess’ turn. Vess is still prostrating himself on the floor. And with the conversation between Francis and Eight he’s - Rou, you and Arthas would notice that he is getting this sickening, twisted look on his face. He’s actually enjoying the fact that Francis and Eight are going against each other. And Eight, he turns to you. 

Dax (as Aerin): I know that Francis here is in my master’s pocket. I know that Francis is the worst of the guards and a crooked detective! Now, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to be let go. I think it’s obvious that I’m not the one guilty here. 

Dax: Eight, remind me what your Negotiation skill is. 

Wren: My Negotiation is one rank, Presence two. So a red and a purple. 

Dax: Okay. He doesn’t go into specifics more than that. 

Josh: If I may respond to that? 

Dax: It is the top of the round. Go ahead. 

Josh (as Francis): To some extent, everyone in this city does the bidding of Lord Fellows. That’s how it goes when there is someone powerful in charge! That does not mean that I am crooked. Some might believe that serving the truth makes you crooked. I find that is a faulty argument. Friends, I will not defend myself to you. You may make whatever judgments about me you wish. My task right now is to find out who has caused this murder to happen. I have done the best I can to follow the investigation where it goes to discern the truth! But at no point have I hidden information from you. At no point have I lied to you. And I feel surely that must account for something. 

Wren: GM, might I interject? What does Lord Fellows look like? I would like to ask of Inspector Francis?

Josh: Okay, alright! Good. Good. 

Josh (as Francis): Well, he is a tall figure with green eyes. Very short, very trimmed brown hair. Wears a bit of a goatee. Of course, dresses very finely as he is one of the highest nobility in the city. He is known for being shrewd, but, ultimately, he serves the good of the people. 

Wren (as Eight): Follow up question. 

Josh (as Francis): Yes? 

Wren (as Eight): Would you describe their hair as mousy colored?

Josh (as Francis): No, it’s a very dark brown. 

Dax: Rou and Arthas. What about the two of you? Anything you maybe want to say or ask? 

Neil: I’m not sure what to add in. I guess I’ll just ask the assassin, 

Neil (as Arthas): Where does that western Syrah come from or how does Francis acquire it? 

Dax: Roll me a Negotiation. And it’ll be one purple and two red. 

Neil: Oh boy!

[Dice rolling at 23:26] 

Neil: I have one Advantage, one Triumph and four Threat. 

Dax: Go ahead and take some strain for that Threat. Vess turns his head to the side. Almost as if he’s laughing and you see that tattoo again. It’s almost like a tilted cross. And when he looks up at you he says, 

Dax (as Aerin): I go to Baukora once a year and pick up cases of wine for Lord Fellows to give to Inspector Francis.

Neil (as Arthas): Hmm, so there is history. 

Neil: That’s all from me. 

Kappa (as Rou): Earlier I told you that you do not know me. You do not know the skill I possess and who I am. Don’t think I don’t know what you have done. Driving a spike between me and my party. Casting doubt. This is not some new tactic. Nor is it some covert tactic, it’s quite obvious! What are you really hiding? What do you know of the poison in the pie? 

Dax: Would you say any part of what you were saying is a lie? 

Kappa: That… implying that I know that he is… implying that I know what he is doing. This is more of a guess.

Dax: Trying to basically bluff him, right? 

Kappa: Yeah, it’s a bluff. 

Dax: Give me a Deception check, hard difficulty. 

Kappa: Ooh. Ooh. Okay. 

[Dice rolling at 25:14] 

Kappa: Oh, that’s a lot! One Success, two Triumphs, three Threats and one Despair. 

Dax: Vess looks at you. He hangs his head, shakes it and looks up at you. 

Dax (as Aerin): Ah, I see it now. I see what you are. No wonder you were asked to leave this city. If I weren’t forced to be on this floor, I might call my companions on you. I’ve gone hunting before. It’s an exhilarating experience, isn’t it, Rou? Now. You asked me a question? Promised her I’d pay off her debts. Pity. Pity pity pity that she got caught. If we are quite done here? I’d like to be able to send a note to my master. If I ever come across you again, Rou, if that is even what your name is, be sure that it will end with your coat on my wall. 

Wren (as Eight): That’s…enough

Wren: I will pop out my meat tenderizer.

Wren (as Eight): You facilitate murder. You are a murderer. An accessory to murder! And your life is forfeit, as is your master’s. I will see to it! Prepare yourself, Aerin, for your judgment! 

Dax: I imagine, maybe I’m wrong, that Inspector Broussard would not let you kill wantonly a murder suspect?

Josh: I don’t think I would stop Eight in this particular scenario. 

Dax: Okay, then we are going to forego actual combat. This person is compelled to kneel prostrate on the floor. I would say that - point is that you kill this individual. 

Wren: I will not murder someone who will not fight back. Though I will release them so that I might defeat them in proper combat. Especially if they are threatening my new best friend, Rou.

Dax: Narratively, they are feeling a little weak. It doesn’t take you long to take care of Aerin Vess. Francis Broussard has an individual to bring in to the guard station. A dead murderer. He has an accomplice in custody. You have successfully handled Jane’s murder and potentially brought justice. The only thing I will ask, since next session Josh will not be joining us. Is there anything you would have said to Inspector Francis Broussard. 

Wren: For my part, I will tell the good inspector that his master, this Mister Fellows, is not long for this world. Do not get in my way. 

[Slow string music fades in at 29:15]

Josh (as Francis): Well, Eight. I appreciate the warning. I would caution you against acting rashly. Lord Fellows is one of the most powerful individuals in this city. Arguably, this side of the world. I would advise that you think carefully before you attempt to put your life in harm’s way, in that respect. I fear it would not end well for you.

Wren (as Eight): Your concern is touching, however misguided. From my perspective, you seek to protect that which pays your salary and that which gives you a cushy life. While I respect the work you do, I do not entirely trust your motives at this point. If this Lord Fellows continues to murder those that they see fit, there will be no safe life for anyone within the city of Azarra. And that, I cannot abide before I move on. If this is something you cannot come to terms with, I suggest you take the next flight back to the western continent and live out your life in peace there. 

Josh (as Francis): I will think on these things, Eight. I… the last thing I will leave you with is this before, presumably, we need to go our separate ways for the night. If someone has already got their eyes set on Rou, I would encourage, perhaps, a brief time away from the city. Take care of yourselves. Protect yourselves and if you wish to come back, you may do so at that time. I have no intention of stopping you. In fact, effort. If you wish to take on Lord Fellows, that is your prerogative. I will not stop you. But just let the formal record show that I have warned you that it may not end well for you.

Now, as far as me and my responsibilities are concerned, thank you for your assistance in solving this murder case. We have identified the killer and an accomplice to murder. I will deal wit the paperwork on my end and see to it that you are compensated for your efforts. If you would like to swing by the station in the morning, there will be a small coin purse waiting for your contractor’s fees, let’s call them. I’ll negotiate a salary. Your help is appreciated. I have enjoyed working with you all. I just wish our parting was on better terms. But I can see that, perhaps, right now, there is no better way to resolve this than to simply part. So I will leave with this. 

Josh: And I will place the half-empty bottle of wine that I have stashed from dinner. And a small segment of cheese on something here in the room. And a small pouch filled with tobacco.

Josh (as Francis): Your services have been greatly appreciated. Your friendship has been greatly appreciated. I leave these gifts for you. Should you ever reconsider, and wish to join me on another investigation or resume our friendship at that time, please seek me out. But for the time being, I think it is best that we bid each other adieu. Eight, it’s been a pleasure. Rou, a pleasure, nice to meet you. Enjoy the wine. Arthas, would you mind letting me pass and also, it’s been a pleasure. 

Neil: Get out of the door frame and wave him off. 

Kappa (as Rou): Inspector, before you leave line of sight, your presence here has been quite welcome. Before we part ways. What is your favorite part of the eastern continent? 

Josh (as Francis): I will say the single greatest experience I had was the last time I took a couple of days off. I went down by the coast. Had a nice, relaxing evening. Enjoyed the warmth of the water. Of the sun. A nice dinner at a fancy restaurant and a glass of wine. It’s called the Crystal Shoreline. I think you’ll like it. It’s peaceful, calming. I recommend the steak. 

Kappa (as Rou): Thank you, inspector. 

Josh: With that, I will bow formally, deeply, my feet remaining in fourth position as I then stand up with a flourish, turn on the balls of my feet and scurry away. A bit of a tail-between-the-legs type of look as I move rapidly. Passing by the bar downstairs, I will tap it twice, tap my nose once, making eye contact with Saul and I will return to my abode where I will have a slightly higher quality cheese. Enjoy a nice pipeful of tobacco and enjoy a glass of my favorite western Syrah. 

Music fades out [36:04]

Dax: Thanks for listening! We hope you’ll join us next time but in the interim, follow us on Twitter @RoadsUncharted.

The “Roads Uncharted” podcast is GMed and produced by Dax, who you can find on Twitter @GM_Dax. We use the Genesys RPG system published by Fantasy Flight Games, and music licensed by Epidemic Sound. 

Arthas, Champion of Offam, is played by Neil. 

Eight is played by Wren, who also composed the music for our opening theme. Follow them on Twitter @ThornyDryad.

Rou is played by Kappa, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheKappaChris.

Francis has been played by our guest, Josh Simons. You can follow him on Twitter @JoshuaMSimons to check out his charity streams, TTRPG content, and all around goodness. You can also check him out on Twitch at