Roads Uncharted

S2 E13: Common Ground

Episode Summary

Rou and Arthas learn that some forms of family tradition transcend location and culture.

Episode Notes

Arthas meets a young man named Robert, who wants his autograph, who hands over a flyer from yesterday’s fight. Arthas tells the young man to wait while he goes and obtains assistance from Rou and Eight. When he returns, the young man provides Arthas with his newest title - the Triumphant of Azarra.

The proprietor shares that he needs them to leave for the day, at least until 4 pm, so that he can do his weekly cleaning. While Eight is outside in the stables gathering their things, Rou takes advantage of the situation to learn more about Arthas. Eventually, he asks about the knight from whom Arthas learned and Arthas shares the compendium he carries with him. Rou flips through the book and sees the picture of the youth with the sword and the stone, but has a hard time placing where he has seen that image before. 

When Arthas turns the tables and begins to question Rou on his past, the two learn they can both commiserate on stifling family members, and how it is hard to deal with those that choose your future for you. Realizing Eight has been gone for some time, they head outside to find Eight has been busy cleaning the stables. They gather their gear and set off into the rain, to wander the city and explore.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, and Wren @ThornyDryad

Transcript by Wren

Episode Transcription

Upbeat piano intro music ends [00:27]

Soft and mysterious piano music begins [00:29]

Kappa (as Rou): So things might not be as clear-cut as I had originally imagined here on the eastern continent, just like in the west. Had a fine first day. The festival’s been quite wonderful, but last night we went over to the Overlook Inn. Had a nice dinner. I was really so surprised. Inspector Francis Broussard, Eight, Arthas didn’t seem very excited to go to this. But, it was quite charming.

After dinner we went and found a shady character, I should say, to follow the lead on our mystery. It proved fruitful because we were able to confront them in the room and found that they were tied to our dear good inspector. Eight has been in a funk. And after unraveling that mystery, I’m a little bit worried. We made our way back to the original inn. And gathering my thoughts, I am worried. But tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully this is just an outlier! I believe the festival continues tomorrow and I’m looking for a good night’s sleep. 

Music shifts to a somber flute [2:00] 

Dax: It is the morning after your investigation into the murder of Jane Freewell. The sky almost seems to imitate the events of the day before. It’s dreary, cold, and the cloud cover blots out the sun. A steady rain has been falling since the middle of the night and puddles now dot the streets. In the Hedgehog Inn, breakfast again has been laid out in the dining area. Today’s selection includes porridge, apples, tea. Very simple fair today. What are each of you doing this morning? 

Neil: I guess I’m trying to find some information after breakfast. I’ve been aware that there’s a festival going on, but I don’t really know what it’s celebrating.

Dax: Okay. 

Neil: I was more wrapped up in the contest and haven’t really been able to...I guess…get a bead on what else is going on. 

Dax: Okay. So, my question is going to be: how are you going about doing this? Since you are, unfortunately, forced to sleep in the stables because there’s just not room for you, really, in this particular inn. Are you asking people outside? Or did you want to, one you finally squeeze your way back into the inn for breakfast, are you asking the proprietor? Tell me how you’re going about getting this information. 

Neil: I guess first I’d try to see if there are any fliers around. Any postings just describing the festival, or, like, an opening or ending ceremony that would tell me about what they’re all celebrating. 

Dax: Sure. So, from your vantage point at the stable, looking around the streets you do see along one of the walls opposite you, across the street, there is a very small poster. That poster is actually framed. It is parchment. They wanted to make sure it didn’t get wet, so they put it behind glass. Walking across the street, you do see the advertisement for the Rakeshian festival. 

The Rakeshian festival celebrates the god, Rakesh. Who is the god that represents the season of autumn. It is a festival celebrating the harvest, so a lot of the food will celebrate local items that are harvested about that time. Which is why Rou and Eight were able to find apple crisp and, you know, a lot of the games are centered around very simple things. Like sack racing and fighting and things like that. All things like that to get energy out of your system before you, traditionally, would go into hiding and huddle up for the winter. 

So, the big fighting arena competition is done the very first day. It’s intended to bring people into the city that wouldn’t normally come here. Unlike Saleen, which is a tourist destination for its festival, the Rakeshian festival only lasts a couple of days and it is geared more towards locals. Every year they have this fighting competition figuring that they can get people from outside of the city to compete and for the most part, it’s been fairly successful. As you’re standing there, looking at this poster, looking over the details, you hear somebody say, 

Dax (as the stranger): [slightly higher pitched] Hey! Hey, I know you! 

Neil: I look over. What do I see? 

Dax: You see a young man, probably in his teens, standing there. His eyes are as big as saucers and he’s holding onto this parchment. Looking at the parchment, you can see that it is an advertisement for the fighting competition that happened yesterday. 

Dax (as the young man): You’’re Arthas, aren’t you? 

Neil (as Arthas): Yes, I am! Who are you? 

Dax (as Robert): Oh, my name is Robert. Can I get your autograph? 

Neil (as Arthas): Uhhhhhh...absolutely! May I see that paper and I’ll bring it back as quickly as I can? 

Dax (as Robert): S-s-sure! 

Dax: He reaches up as high as he can to give it to you. 

Neil: I grab it and make a beeline into the inn to find Eight. 

Dax: Okay. 

Neil: I have never had to sign my name in my entire life and I’m not quite sure how. 

Dax: That is fair. Okay! Yeah, so he is going to stand there by the poster and wait for you. You squeeze your way into the doors of the inn. Eight, would you have gone into the inn for breakfast or would you have hung out in the stables, waiting for Arthas? 

Wren: Well, considering the events of the day prior, I would probably move inside once the inn was open, after the first trickles of sunlight started to peak in and around the buildings. That way I could be ready and available to keep an eye on Rou, in case there were any follow-ups to the threats that we received the other day. So, I imagine that I would be inside, seated at a table. If not with Rou, yet, at least waiting for my companions to join me. 

I probably have gathered some smattering of food that I imagine Arthas would enjoy. Because I would have headed in long before Arthas was even awake and I will be writing down the events of yesterday in my little scrapbook. Just a quill scribbling on the table as I take moments to tap my finger on my lip and dip the tip in a little vial of ink and then start scribbling again on the piece of paper on the table.

Dax: Okay. And Rou, would you have been downstairs at the table with Eight, or..? 

Kappa: Yes, I definitely would have- I imagine this would have been an early night for me, so. I would have been able to be up early as well.

Dax: Okay. Arthas, when you get into the inn, you see that Eight is at a table writing. Rou is with them. 

Neil: I would walk over with some urgency. 

Neil (as Arthas): Eight, I have a question. 

Wren: Seeing Arthas, I will look up directly to him. 

Wren (as Eight): Oh! Arthas, you look absolutely bewildered. What can I assist you with? 

Neil (as Arthas): So, I understand an autograph conceptually. I’ve seen them written. But I don’t know how. 

Kappa (as Rou): Arthas, do you have - 

Neil (as Arthas): There is a child. 

Kappa (as Rou): Arthas, you have a fan! 

Neil (as Arthas): I do! 

Wren: I will look from Arthas over to Rou and then back. 

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, you’re saying you have a child? 

Neil (as Arthas): No, I physically have not carved a child. One has asked me to write my name on this. 

Neil: And I point at the paper. 

Wren (as Eight): Oh. Oh, wait! Autograph! Auto-graph. in self? And graph as in marking of sort? So an auto -

Kappa (as Rou): No, no, Eight. An autograph is something that...think of it as a souvenir. But a souvenir to one person.

Wren (as Eight): A souvenir? 

Kappa (as Rou): This little child, I imagine, would have seen Arthas perform yesterday in the tournament and wants a keepsake. 

Wren (as Eight): Oh! Like a tangible memory. 

Kappa (as Rou): Yes. 

Wren (as Eight): I see. And this child has requested Arthas write on that piece of paper? 

Wren: And I will point at the page that Arthas is holding.

Kappa (as Rou): I assume as much. Arthas? 

Neil (as Arthas): I believe so! The issue is… 

Neil: And I’d like to produce, I suppose the book I carry with some little bits of handwriting in it, that are almost unintelligible. 

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, we’ve been traveling together for some time. Are you only now telling me that you are unable to read?

Neil (as Arthas): I can read and I can write in a way. But I’d like it to be readable for other people. 

Wren (as Eight): Well, if an autograph is simply writing that denotes you as an individual, then whatever you put down on the page should suffice. Perhaps you can write your name in your native tongue? 

Kappa (as Rou): I very much like that idea. 

Neil (as Arthas): Potentially. But I don’t know if it would translate to paper very well. 

Dax: So, just an out-of-game note, and Arthas would know this. But Giant-kin don’t really have a written language. 

Neil: Yea, it’s mostly like… 

Dax: Oral. 

Neil: Chipped into rock - 

Dax: Yeah. 

Neil: Or not at all. 

Dax: Yeah. 

Neil: I’m trying to find a chisel small enough for paper, but it’s very hard. 

Kappa (as Rou): So, neither of you have had to sign a document or anything of the sort? 

Neil (as Arthas): I mean, once for nobility but I didn’t really sign it. 

Kappa (as Rou): Well, I believe now is your chance to do the same. Decide how you want to leave your mark on official documents. This autograph might be something innocuous to you. But to this child, it’s as binding as an official document can be to any royal.

Neil (as Arthas): Hmm. 

Kappa (as Rou): Here, let me... 

Kappa: Is there a piece of scrap paper around? 

Dax: Yeah. 

Kappa: I’m going to take some of the, I imagine there’s maybe, like, ketchup or berry sauce or something. Grab a napkin and…

Kappa (as Rou): Here. Let me show you an example. I’m not saying that this is how I sign my name. This is just an example. You can take inspiration, if you wish. 

Kappa: And I will draw onto the napkin, in ketchup, an ‘R’.

Wren (as Eight): Oh! An ‘R’ as in, ‘Arthas’! 

Kappa (as Rou): Simply just an ‘R’. I was thinking ‘Rou’. 

Wren (as Eight): Ah, I suppose that makes more sense. 

Kappa (as Rou): Eight, for example, for you I could do something like this. 

Kappa: And I will write an eight in ketchup. 

Wren (as Eight): Rou, if you mean to insinuate that I do not know how to write my name, I would correct you. 

Kappa (as Rou): No! No no no! This is- this is merely for giving Arthas examples.

Wren (as Eight): I see. Typically, in my past, Mother would have me draw up documents upon which she would affix her own signature. However, she never had me do her signature, because that would, of course, have been fraudulent. 

Kappa (as Rou): Agreed. You want this to be genuine, Arthas. 

Neil (as Arthas): Hmm. 

Neil: I’m going to think for a minute and do my absolute best to doodle a tiny knight on the page. And I’ll produce a small piece of charcoal that I carry around for this exact purpose.

Dax: Okay! 

Neil: Should I roll for that? 

Dax: No. I think you’re used to using the charcoal. I’m not going to make you roll to draw. I will leave it up to you, how close to a knight it looks. Are we talking stick figure? Are we talking just a blob of charcoal mess that you claim looks like a knight? You know. I’ll leave that up to you. 

Neil: It looks like a knight if you’re in a very dark room and someone tells you it looks like a knight. 

Wren (as Eight): Look at the stylistic choices you have made with this scrawling. Is this a depiction of a potato? Or perhaps a rock? 

Kappa (as Rou): No, I believe it’s Arthas’ name if you turn your head to the side a little bit. 

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, do you see the whole world at this trajectory? 

Wren: As I’m craning my neck more and more to the right. 

Kappa: Rou is doing the same. 

Neil (as Arthas): Of course! It’s a self-portrait. 

Wren (as Eight): Oh! 

Wren: And I’ll, like, look up to your face.

Neil: And I just smile. 

Wren: And then back at the little picture. And then back. 

Wren (as Eight): I suppose I can see the resemblance! 

Kappa (as Rou): As long as it’s genuine [chuckles] 

Neil: And I start making my way back out of the inn to hand off the autograph. 

Wren: I turn to Rou. 

Wren (as Eight): That child is going to be very disappointed, aren’t they?

Kappa (as Rou): Either they’re going to throw it away or cherish it forever. I imagine it’s 50/50. 

Dax: Arthas, you get back out on the street and the young man is still standing there by the poster. Eyes are still big. Hands clasped together. And he’s kind of dancing back and forth a little bit, in anticipation. You come out with this flier. He starts to hop a little bit in excitement. 

Neil (as Arthas): Here you are! 

Neil: And I hand over the paper. 

Dax: He takes it, flips it around a little bit to make sure he can find exactly what you did. Finds the little charcoal knight and there’s a good five seconds of silence. 

Dax (as Robert): This… is so… awesome! I can’t wait to show my friends that I’ve got the first autograph of Arthas, Champion of Offam, Triumphant of Azarra! Thank you, Arthas!

Neil (as Arthas): And thank you for the addition to my name! 

Dax: Kid runs off, splashing through puddles as he does so. Do you go back inside to have breakfast once this exchange is finished? 

Neil: I do. 

Dax: Okay. 

Wren: As Arthas joins us, as he gets settled in. I will simply ask. 

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, was the child delighted? Or upset?

Neil (as Arthas): They seemed pretty happy with it. 

Wren (as Eight): Fantastic! I suppose... 

Wren: And I’ll kind of give a sly side-eye to Rou. 

Peaceful piano music fades in [15:38] 

Wren (as Eight): There was a 50/50 chance that that was the outcome? Wink.

Kappa: Rou is visibly confused but will smile at Arthas. 

Kappa (as Rou): That’s wonderful news. Perhaps if this continues you will receive more and more and have- be able to sign that depiction on more fliers and other such things, Arthas. 

Wren (as Eight): Or, perhaps we can mass produce a whole plethora of them at the table here and then just give them out to people on the street! Or would that reduce the value?

Neil (as Arthas): I think before we undertake that endeavor, I’m going to have to practice this a lot more. 

Wren (as Eight): Just make sure you take your practice papers with you. Otherwise you will leave a whole collection of signatures sitting at a table somewhere.

Kappa (as Rou): That would certainly be entrepreneurial.

Neil: With that, as I’m inhaling my breakfast, I’ll keep my charcoal in hand, practicing. 

Dax: Okay. The proprietor comes up to your table. 

Dax (as the Innkeeper): [nasally, higher pitched] Well? It looks like the weather is not going to cooperate for the festival today. What do the three of you plan on doing? 

Wren (as Eight): What do you mean ‘the weather won’t cooperate for the festival’? 

Dax (as the Innkeeper): Well, have you looked outside? It’s been raining. 

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, is it raining? 

Neil (as Arthas): Only a little bit. 

Kappa (as Rou): When you say ‘a little bit’, does that mean, just...generally how much water is in the air?

Neil (as Arthas): I mean… 

Neil: And I look outside again to judge the weather. 

Neil (as Arthas): It’s not terrible outside. There are puddles, though. 

Kappa: GM when I look outside, is it pouring rain or is it a light drizzle? 

Dax: It’s one of those drizzles where it’s pretty consistent, but it’s not that hard, pouring rain. I’m sure if you walked outside, within five minutes, you’d probably be soaked. 

Wren (as Eight): Well, what do people in Azarra tend to do on days when it is raining, good Innkeep? 

Dax (as the Innkeeper): I know in my own home, if its raining, I like to cuddle up by the fire with a good book. But I ask specifically because I need to go through your rooms and do a deep clean. It’s weekly cleaning day. I can’t have you in the room. 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, if that was the idea, then yes. We can be out of your way.

Wren (as Eight): And the two of us... 

Wren: And I’ll motion with my hand to Arthas and myself. 

Wren (as Eight): Were sleeping outside in the stable. Therefore, you do not need to go through any rooms in which we were staying. 

Dax (as the Innkeeper): I still need to clean the stalls. 

Wren (as Eight): I assure you. I do not produce any mess.

Dax (as the Innkeeper): I didn’t mean to imply that you were. But I have a system. 

Wren (as Eight): Like a routine. 

Dax (as the Innkeeper): Yes. 

Wren (as Eight): I will see to it that all of our effects are removed from the stall that you may complete whatever routine it is that you have.

Dax: The proprietor nods. 

Dax (as the Innkeeper): I would say if you want to come back, probably around four o clock, I should be finished with everything. 

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, continue to enjoy your breakfast. I will head out to the stall and bring everything back to the table.

Neil (as Arthas): Thank you, Eight. I shall! 

Wren: And I will push away from the table and head out. 

Kappa: As Eight is heading out I would to engage in conversation with Arthas. I haven’t been able to do that as much. 

Light and somber flute music fades in [19:39]

Kappa (as Rou): Arthas, you’re- I forgot to congratulate you! Given all the events yesterday, afterward. But that was quite an impressive show! I’ve never seen two people engage in combat so ferociously and so- I think I understand the combat for entertainment. There was no worry of anyone having to perish during the fight. But, yet, it was still getting my blood pumping! It was close!

Neil (as Arthas): Thank you Rou! And, tremendously, I was very worried towards the end of it! 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, yes, Eight and I were as well! We really got into it. There was lots of screaming. Especially… all of the spectators around us were cheering ‘Arthas, Arthas!’ I might have had something to do with that, as well. 

Neil (as Arthas): I thought that was the case! I, unfortunately, wasn’t as aware of everything else around me other than that man. 

Kappa (as Rou): And, honestly, that might have given you the edge. You seemed so focused. Where did you learn to fight that way?

Neil (as Arthas): A mix. I had some tutelage under a knight and the rest, just traveling. 

Kappa (as Rou): You get into fights very often when traveling? 

Neil (as Arthas): I… blunder into trouble frequently. I have quite a talent for it. 

Kappa (as Rou): I would be remiss to say if I was not worried about this. But I think between you and Eight, I feel safe? Maybe? It might be too early to tell. But, I still plan on traveling with you and Eight.

Neil (as Arthas): I certainly appreciate that and I mean, I’ll of course do my best to keep an eye out for you. 

Kappa (as Rou): I would appreciate that. So, this knight that you trained under. What were they like? What sort of structures are in place here that would allow someone to become a knight? 

Neil (as Arthas): Quite frankly, I’m not entirely sure of the process myself. I assume you accumulate enough titles and eventually someone will take notice and knight you.

Kappa (as Rou): That seems as good a way as any! There’s there a directory of knights that we could possibly look up? 

Neil: And, with that, Arthas pulls up a little tiny book that he carries around. 

Neil (as Arthas): This is as comprehensive of knowledge that I’ve got. 

Kappa (as Rou): Well, I would very much like to see it, if that’s okay. 

Neil: And I excitedly hand it over. 

Kappa: Rou will take the- about how big is it?

Dax: It’s a standard book size. 

Kappa: Okay. 

Neil: Yeah. 

Kappa: I will take it and open it excitedly and upon opening it, what do I see? 

Dax: Rou, I need you to do me a favor. Could you make an easy Knowledge Lore check as you flip through this book?

Dice rolling at [22:37] 

Kappa: One Failure. 

Dax: You’re flipping through this book and you see pictures. You see some verbiage about this knight or that. One particular picture stands out to you and it’s the picture of a young man standing triumphantly on a boulder, holding a sword aloft. And there is something- something very familiar about that picture. But you can’t, for the life of you, remember why. 

Kappa: There’s visible attempts on Rou’s face to try and find words.

Kappa (as Rou): And you said this was a directory, Arthas, or just what you know? 

Neil (as Arthas): A little bit of both. 

Kappa (as Rou): Ah, ok. I see, I see. This one here is familiar to me, but I can’t quite place it. 

Kappa: And I will point to the pictograph that you had described. 

Neil: DM, what would I know?

Dax: What Sir Dynevy told you was that it was a compendium of rules of chivalry and stories of various knights in the world of Rejiev. You do know how to read, very basically. The time you spent with that particular knight, he was willing to teach you how to read common and speak more of it than you already knew. But there are some words on there that he didn’t explain. So, you’ve been spending your time traveling, reading this book and trying to figure out some of this stuff, yes. But as far as you know, it’s just a compendium. 

Neil: Hmm. So it might be a good idea for me to fill the gaps in where I don’t really know. And, Rou, you’re pointing to just a picture in the book?

Kappa: I’m pointing to the picture in the book of the figure standing triumphant on a boulder. 

Neil: I more excitedly sort of look at that picture. 

Neil (as Arthas): That’s kind of where I got this! 

Neil: And I shoulder my weapon. 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, so is this you?? 

Neil (as Arthas): That’s the other reason I believe I’m a knight. 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh! 

Neil (as Arthas): I may not have freed it from the stone, but...close enough! 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, ok. I see, I see. You know, your weapon is very unique! I’ve never seen anything like it. 

Neil (as Arthas): Strange, neither have I! 

Kappa (as Rou): I mean, if it works out for you, that’s great. 

Neil (as Arthas): Certainly. And thus far, it has. 

Kappa:  I will close the compendium and hand it back over. 

Kappa (as Rou): Well, if that was merely an inspiration, hopefully, one day, we’ll be able to add a depiction of you. 

Neil (as Arthas): Hmm, after enough autographs, maybe.

Kappa (as Rou): After enough autographs, yes. That’s definitely one way to achieve knighthood, given the parameters you have given me. Do you have any titles or epithets? 

Neil (as Arthas): I mean, my full name Arthas Boston Wapon Dynevy Marston Thurlow Lilford, Champion of Offam, and now, Triumphant of Azarra. It was not always all of that. Once it was just Arthas. 

Kappa (as Rou): That’s a lot of titles. 

Neil (as Arthas): Hopefully, my name will get around. It would make it much easier if several people were saying it.

Kappa: A little bit bewildered, because I’ve already forgotten. 

Kappa (as Rou): That is a lot of names. I’m going to have to remember that if I’m going to tell anyone about you. Well, on our travels, I believe we should be able to have plenty of time to practice. 

Kappa: And I will continue eating. 

Neil (as Arthas): What about you, Rou? Where did you come from? 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, me? As I’ve described, I’ve come from the western continent Baukora. Nowhere special. I just needed to get out and explore some place different. You see, Baukora, I’ve heard stories of magical deeds and wondrous tales. And while the technology is more advanced, 

Kappa: I say this in a hushed tone to Arthas. 

Kappa (as Rou): You get used to it! A lot of it becomes boring. So, given that, and the stifling manner of my family, I need to do some traveling. As you can see, I’ve been curious about everything here. So I’m just here to learn. 

Neil (as Arthas): Stifling how?

Kappa (as Rou): Well, there are rules. There’s ways you have to act. There’s so many things that you need to keep track of, keep in mind. Not all of it is good. Not all of it’s fun. Not all of it even feels decent. So I’m...I am hoping, sort of a side project with this entire endeavor, all of these adventures. Find a way to make things better with all the rules and regulations back home. All the bureaucracy. 

Neil (as Arthas): Believe me, I know how it can be when you have an expected way to act or decided upon doing things that you don’t think are best for you, either.

Kappa (as Rou): Absolutely. You’d think my family to be royals with all the rules, all the structure...But, no. We’re not. At least, in my eyes. But to talk a little bit about where I’m from, it’s quite small of a town. Township? Village? I don’t know how you would describe it here. But it’s not bustling. There’s certain shops and places to visit and be for leisure. But those places are few and far between. Cozy is a good word for it, I believe. 

Neil (as Arthas): It certainly sounds cozy. 

Kappa (as Rou): But cozy can also mean...droll. 

Neil (as Arthas): Mm.

Kappa (as Rou): Routine. And if that’s something someone finds comfort in, then sure. I, for a time, found it very comfortable. Very amenable.

Neil (as Arthas): Do you enjoy the more nomadic lifestyle, at least? 

Kappa (as Rou): I don’t know yet! I’m trying it out. I’m trepidatious, a bit anxious. But the promise of something new, something great on the horizon? There’s much more driving than the urge to go back home. 

Neil (as Arthas): Absolutely. I have a hard time trading all of this…

Neil: And I motion with my arms. 

Neil (as Arthas): Back for my… well, home cave. 

Kappa (as Rou): That’s something that I’ve been wondering about as well. But I don’t mean to pry. You are very large. Is it common around here to find other people as large as you? I imagine not as much, given everyone’s reaction so far to your presence. But that could just be a regional thing.

Neil (as Arthas): I’ve yet to meet anyone of the same stature. Not even your family? 

Neil (as Arthas): Well, out here. I’m fairly average as far as, well, Giant-kin are concerned. 

Kappa (as Rou): Ah, that is very interesting. I would hope to meet more of your kind. Goliaths, yes? 

Neil (as Arthas): One name for us. Goliath, 

Kappa (as Rou): Okay. 

Neil (as Arthas): Giant-kin, 

Kappa (as Rou): Giant-kin. 

Neil (as Arthas): The tall one.

Kappa (as Rou): The tall one. Which- what do you prefer? 

Neil (as Arthas): Arthas. 

Kappa (as Rou): [Laughing] Arthas, okay. 

Neil (as Arthas): It’s strange. I remember my first encounter with, well, more diminutive folk. I was deeply confused. I assumed there was a child that had gotten lost up the mountain with a strange animal and covered in metal. 

Kappa (as Rou): Are you describing a knight? 

Neil (as Arthas): Yes. The first one I had come into contact with. 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh!

Neil (as Arthas): He was attempting to wait out a storm. He was on a quest, as it were, to slay a dragon.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh. That’s very interesting. Is this the same person that trained you? Or a different knight? 

Neil (as Arthas): Very much the same knight.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, that’s wonderful. 

Neil (as Arthas): And if I may pry… 

Kappa (as Rou): Sure. 

Neil (as Arthas): It sounds strange, but what did you ply as a trade before, well, going on the road? 

Kappa (as Rou): Mostly as hired work. Various tasks. I found myself gravitating towards those- the available work that had to deal with building things.

Neil (as Arthas): Ah! Like masonry? 

Kappa (as Rou): I was never good at it 

Neil (as Arthas): Ah. 

Kappa (as Rou): Most of my success was found in clerical work. Organizing libraries and finding documents for people. I have a mind for it. But I really did enjoy making something out of nothing. Or turning a pile of junk wood, stone, scraps into something that, maybe, someone could possibly live in or use or anything of the sort. 

Neil (as Arthas): It’s noble work! 

Kappa (as Rou): I like to think so. 

Neil (as Arthas): You mentioned not having a knack for it. 

Kappa (as Rou): No! Not at all! [Laughing] I’m not very good with tools or weaponry or anything of the sort. I’ve bashed my thumbs more times than I can count. I’ve dropped heavy equipment to the dismay of others and set work back several hours. But there was some fun in it. But, like I said, I was more talented with the work in libraries or other areas that aren’t as exciting. That’s where I learned about magic. I learned from a book. 

Neil (as Arthas): Can you perform any? 

Kappa (as Rou): I’ve never tried. I was hoping to see some more examples of it out here before I try something dangerous. As far as I’ve been told and as far as I know, magic can be unpredictable if you don’t know how to do it right. So, I want to be careful. I was raised to be careful. 

Neil (as Arthas): I don’t blame you. It’s...terrifying. 

Kappa (as Rou): The fact that Eight can produce paste, as odd as that is, blows my mind!

Neil (as Arthas): They’re quite talented with it. It’s refreshing, in a way. 

Kappa (as Rou): I believe so. I feel very fortunate to have met someone so early on in my voyages that can produce magic. Perform something out of nothing. 

Neil (as Arthas): It’s something I definitely have to ask them more about. I understand it conceptually but I guess I just want to know more on how. Do they just ask nicely and it appears? Do they just think hard and suddenly there is paste? 

Kappa (as Rou): See, I’ve tried that! I’ve tried to make just a simple flame appear. It did not work. I was sitting in that library for, maybe an hour, just staring at a candle. I don’t think that’s the route. Maybe...of course, maybe I was just not thinking the right way. We will have to ask. You said you understand conceptually. How do you understand it? 

Neil (as Arthas): It is strange. Most of the application of magic that I have seen has been either utility, likened to that fire you were talking about. Or, I need something, so I will make that something appear. I’ve heard of combat utility. Generating fireballs, animating armors. 

Kappa (as Rou): Could be dangerous. 

Neil (as Arthas): Precisely. It’s part of why I am so less than eager to see it’s use. 

Kappa (as Rou): Well, hopefully we can both be enlightened. Do you think Eight needs help? They’ve been gone a while.

Neil (as Arthas): That’s a fantastic point. We should probably see that they’re alright. 

Neil: And with that, I’ll begin standing up and making my way toward the stable. 

Kappa: And I will start taking our dishes and stuff and putting them in neat piles so that the Innkeeper doesn’t have to gather as much before I follow. 

Music shifts to a soft piano [35:33]

Neil: That’s a habit I definitely have to learn. 

Dax: So, Rou and Arthas, you walk outside to the stables and you see Eight is in the middle of sweeping and cleaning.

Wren: The entire time the two of you were having breakfast and conversing so nicely over your food, I have been shuffling around in the stable. I have been gathering up the small traces of Arthas’ belongings. Arthas, did you bring your sword with you or did you leave that in the stall?

Neil: Oh, I carry it with me at all times. 

Wren: All the time? Yeah, that’s what I figured. I just wanted to make sure. 

Dax: Because why not? [snickers]

Wren: So, I’m just going about picking up the little debris and other items that you might have left in the stable. And whether it’s garbage or not, I assume Arthas might still want whatever it is that he has left, so I’m just kind of stooping down, bending at the knees, picking up the garbage in my hand and putting it in one of the rucksacks, one of the saddlebags that’s on Bessie’s side. And I’m keeping a mental note of all the things I’ve picked up from the stable stalls. I also, of course, make sure that my backpack is neatened and tidied and straightened up. And I will hoist that up onto my own back, taking care to have my cloak pulled up so that it can drape over the back of it. Given that it’s raining, I don’t want it to get too wet directly.

And, essentially, I start sweeping and tidying the stall as if I was the one who was supposed to do all of the cleaning. And, Arthas, by the time you come out, you’d probably see Bessie laden with all of our stuff. You’ll see our sleeping areas have been cleaned and I am sweeping the floor with a broom that I found and I also have a couple other tools ready to, like, start cleaning up with so, if there’s a pitchfork so that I can start moving hay that is in the stable or a shovel that I can start scooping other heavy things and putting them in a pile somewhere. I am just tidying up what is not mine to tidy, at this point. 

Kappa (as Rou): This is why you were taking so long, Eight! 

Neil (as Arthas): Eight! 

Kappa: There is a smile across my face with a bit of a chuckle. 

Wren (as Eight): Oh, friends! I trust you had a wonderful breakfast. 

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, quite and wonderful conversation as well. Eight, I thought you were here to only gather your things.

Wren (as Eight): Well... 

Wren: And I’ll stop sweeping for a moment and I’ll face Rou. 

Wren (as Eight): I was gathering up our things. We had quite a lot of trace elements of our stay here that I needed to pack up, as it were. Arthas, by the way, I would check that saddlebag... 

Wren: And I will point to the one on Bessie’s right flank.

Wren (as Eight): I would check that saddlebag to see what items in there you would like to keep. I figured you wanted everything you left behind. If that’s not the case, now would be the perfect time to set it into a pile for disposal. 

Kappa: I am shaking my head silently. 

Wren (as Eight): But, while I was cleaning, I decided “why not perform a little extra work?” After all, the innkeeper has been most gracious to us and I figured that assisting in cleaning the stable would be the least I could do. Although, we are paying to stay here. I suppose... 

Wren: And I’ll quirk my eyebrows. 

Wren (as Eight): Do you think the innkeeper would pay me for my services? 

Neil (as Arthas): With as good of a job as you’re doing, I’m sure he could be inclined. 

Wren (as Eight): I suppose… 

Wren: And I’ll just hold the broom in one hand and set it leaning against a post.

Wren (as Eight): He did say he had his own routine. I hope I did not disrupt it too much. 

Wren: Looking at the two of you… 

Wren (as Eight): Did we have any plans as to what we would do for today? 

Kappa (as Rou): Not in particular, no. Before the festival, I was just going to roam around and explore. But, given what we were confronted with yesterday, with Thomas and his goons, that might be less amenable. Though, now, we have Arthas. 

Wren (as Eight): Ah, yes.

Wren: And I’ve nodded my head when you talk about Thomas. 

Wren (as Eight):Those rapscallions seemed to have a way for being a pain for people who are visiting this city. Though, with Arthas in tow, I doubt they would do so much as bat an eye at us if we are traveling with the champion of the fighting arena. 

Kappa (as Rou): The Triumphant of Azarra! Right, Arthas? 

Kappa: And, I will look up, over at Arthas. 

Neil: And I just give a thumbs up. 

Kappa (as Rou): At the very least, I would like to take a stroll around. The weather is not that bad. Though, if it does get worse, I might have to duck inside, perhaps, maybe, find another tavern. Hopefully, something as charming as the Overlook Inn. Though, not the Overlook Inn, I don’t want to go back there. 

Wren (as Eight): Exactly. Perhaps we should have asked Inspector Francis for some recommendations as to places we could stop to eat or visit. Though, I suppose his tastes would have been a little more extravagant than we are really looking for. 

Kappa (as Rou): Precisely.

Wren (as Eight):Well, I will take Bessie if either of the two of you would like to lead on. I will follow! 

Kappa (as Rou): Sure, sure. If both of you don’t mind, I would just like to go around and see what there is to do. Because if there’s any sort of...I don’t know, sight seeing you can do? There is the ocean. We saw that. 

Wren (as Eight): That’s true. We saw the ocean. Arthas, have you seen the ocean? 

Neil (as Arthas): I’m aware of oceans. I’ve never seen an ocean. 

Wren (as Eight): Perhaps we should take Arthas to go see the ocean at some point today, as well. 

Kappa (as Rou): Sure. I think we can swing by. I mean, it’s not that hard to find. 

Wren (as Eight): It is a big, blue, wet thing. 

Neil (as Arthas): As I’m told.

Dax: I think on that we're going to call that session ended, because, oh my god, Wren. Really? [Laughs]

Music ends [42:28]

Dax: Thanks for listening! We hope you’ll join us next time but in the interim, follow us on Twitter @RoadsUncharted.

The “Roads Uncharted” podcast is GMed and produced by Dax, who you can find on Twitter @GM_Dax. We use the Genesys RPG system published by Fantasy Flight Games, and music licensed by Epidemic Sound. 

Arthas, Champion of Offam, is played by Neil. 

Eight is played by Wren, who also composed the music for our opening theme. Follow them on Twitter @ThornyDryad.

Rou is played by Kappa, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheKappaChris.