Roads Uncharted

S2 E14: Reunion

Episode Summary

Rain isn't the only thing that ruins the group's day, yet a silver lining still shines through.

Episode Notes

Eight, Arthas and Rou wander the streets in the rain, which are relatively quiet compared to the day before. The first thing they find is an old, ramshackle building with a sign that says “Airship Museum”. Deciding to check it out, they find it is not quite what they expected. 

As they leave the museum, they run into a woman whom Eight calls Mina - now known as Sarah - who takes them to lunch at a nice café nearby. She carries a small chihuahua named Charlie, who has mixed feelings about his owner’s dining companions. While Eight and Sarah catch up, she reveals that the route to Kidohlva will be closed for the next six months as it is too dangerous.

The group heads to the welcome center, hoping that another route may be available to them. A young girl there offers Rou an alternative but asks that they meet her outside of The Purple Plum around 6 when she is off work. 

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, and Wren @ThornyDryad

Transcript by CJ Kallevig

Episode Transcription

Upbeat piano intro ends [00:28] 

Music shifts to a Nordic flute [00:30]

Neil (as Arthas): Today I woke up, got breakfast, learned how to sign my own name, and learned more about my adventuring companions. It seems as if Rou had at one point been a tradesman of sorts, and now was pursuing something more magically related. Or at least, the research of magic. And Eight is pursuing custodial careers! Not what I had assumed from them, but fantastic work anyways.

Dax: Thank you, Arthas. That was perfect.

Neil (as Arthas): You’re welcome.

Dax: We come back to the group and you’ve set off from The Hedgehog Inn, Bessie and all of your belongings in tow. Wandering around the city, as I said last session, it’s very dreary, it’s very grey out. The rain is consistent, though relatively light. Puddles dot the streets. The streets are pretty empty, very few people are out and about. Especially when you think of the crowds yesterday. As you wander the city streets, checking out what Azarra has to offer, the first thing you run into is a, potentially a converted warehouse. Two story building, a little ramshackle, and a little sign hanging over the door that says “Airship Museum”. It’s a very worn sign, the writing looks to be at one point was very elegant, although the paint is pretty chipped. A double wooden door, so it largely, looking at the door, it would be large enough for Arthas to get through.

Kappa (as Rou): This building looks very different from everything else. Would you like to go in?

Neil (as Arthas): Finally, accommodations! It would seem rude not to, with this.

Neil: And I gesture at the large door.

Kappa (as Rou): You’re right, I didn’t think about that. Sure! Let’s go, let’s go and check it out.

Wren: As the two of you decide to go in, I am standing stiff as a board with Bessie’s reins in my left hand. I’m just looking up at the worn sign, my mouth hanging open. And yes, I’m probably getting rainwater in my mouth and my face and everything. So the water’s probably like pooling on my lenses and like dripping down almost like tears on my face.

Wren (as Eight): Oh… an Airship Museum...

Neil (as Arthas): Eight!

Wren (as Eight): Yes, Arthas?

Neil (as Arthas): Eight! Don’t stand like that, you’ll catch flies.

Wren (as Eight): Do flies fly about in the rain?

Neil (as Arthas): I’m not sure! My mother used to say that a lot! 

Kappa (as Rou): But you’re definitely collecting a lot of rainwater. 

Wren (as Eight): That’s true. 

Wren: And like a spurt of water comes out of my mouth when I say that. And I’ll just look back down.

Kappa (as Rou): Eight, are you okay?

Wren (as Eight): Yes, friend Rou. I am right behind you.

Wren: And my eyes are changing from purple to like, grey-ish in color.

Kappa (as Rou): Arthas, have you seen anything, have you seen Eight’s eyes do that before? What does that mean?

Neil (as Arthas): I’ve never seen the grey one.

Kappa (as Rou): Eight, there’s obviously something different.

Wren (as Eight): Different with what?

Kappa (as Rou): You are not okay.

Wren (as Eight): Of course I am not okay. I am Eight.

Wren: And I hold the door open.

Wren (as Eight): Were you both going inside or no?

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, we’re going inside. But you seemed a little wary.

Wren (as Eight): This is an airship museum. I am interested in learning. However, I am not a huge fan of airships.

Kappa (as Rou): I see. Well, perhaps learning about them, you’re not going to have to ride any airships. Is it just the mere idea of airships that bothers you?

Wren (as Eight): Well, I suppose when I think about airships, it reminds me of my trip down here to Eulela. Turbulence, the thunderstorms, the draftiness. Perhaps you are right, learning about them may help quell some of those apprehensions. I hope they allow me to bring Bessie inside.

Neil (as Arthas): It is a display for technological marvels. I’m sure they would be ecstatic to see another.

Kappa: So, coming inside. Is there anything of note? What do we see?

Dax: You open these big wide doors and as the three of you enter, you see, directly in front of you, is a very small pedestal. Kind of like what you would see at a restaurant, it’s like a host’s stand. There is a young man standing there, scribbling in the ledger book. Just beyond him, you see a table with a model airship on it, and then another table with something, perhaps a plaque, on a stand. And beyond that, is a wide array of supplies? Tools? It’s very difficult to tell from this vantage point. But it does look like a pile of junk. The door is shut behind you and the young man happens to look up.

Dax (as young man): Oh! Well I wasn’t expecting anybody to stop by today with the rain. Hello, would you like to visit the museum?

Kappa (as Rou): Uh, yes absolutely!

Dax (as young man): And are you going to want a guided tour or are you going to want to just explore on your own?

Kappa (as Rou): I’m perfectly okay exploring on my own, but given Arthas? Eight? Would you like the guide?

Neil (as Arthas): A guide seems like a fantastic idea.

Wren (as Eight): Perhaps someone who can explain things a little more knowingly will make me feel a little more comfortable with the concept of airships.

Dax (as young man): Ah. Afraid of heights?

Wren (as Eight): Oh no! I simply just do not like airships.

Dax (as young man): Well that’s a pity. Airships are the most intriguing and interesting technological advances that the continent of Baukora has given us. Now, for you,

Dax: He nods to Rou.

Dax (as young man): It’ll be one copper for entry, since you don’t want the guide. And it’ll be two copper each for the two of you because you do want the guide.

Wren (as Eight): Friend Rou, I will pay for this.

Wren: And I will give four.

Wren (as Eight): I am paying for the guide for my companion, as he is traveling with us. I think he will probably benefit from your knowledge, regardless of whether he pays for it or not. 

Music shifts to a gentle guitar [7:12]

Neil: I gleefully pony up that money.

Dax (as young man): Oh, excellent! Excellent.

Dax: Takes the copper from you and from Arthas, puts it in a little pocket on his hip, steps down from the dais. And you realize that this person is a little short, potentially around five foot. The dais certainly made him much taller at first glance. He steps down, and he walks you over to the table with the, what you can now see as you walk closer, is actually a plaque on a stand. He points to the plaque, and if you wish to read it yourself, gives a very brief history of how, about a hundred years ago, Baukora brought over technology of airships to Eulela and since then, much of the technology has still remained secret as to how they work. Very few people that are Eulela-born have learned the secret of airships. 

Then he walks you over to the airship model, and he starts pointing out very basic portions of the airship. Like this is where the cafe is normally built into, and this is how it moves and how hot air gets into the balloon. And it’s very basic things. Rou, you know that this person has very little idea as to how airships work. In fact, considering he’s the only person here, it’s very possible that he just bought this building and built this quote-unquote museum. Eight, you also, having had an airship ride, know a little bit more about the interior. There are some things that he says that are not entirely accurate. 

You know from your own experiences and as soon as he is done discussing the model and discussing the plaque, he gestures to the pile of junk behind him. Now that you’re a little closer, you realize there are toys and books. This is a merch, most of this building is really nothing but a merchandise shop. It is the gift shop. There are small airships, there are, you know, models that you can build yourself. There are books on how airships work that are literally like, not even half an inch thick. They look like they’re more geared for children and it is just that kind of variety of nonsense.

Neil (as Arthas): How much is the model airship?

Dax (as young man): Oh! Oh, here, hold on.

Dax: He walks into the pile of junk and disappears for just a moment, comes back and this time he’s got a little apron on that has the label “Airship Museum” on it.

[Kappa laughs]

Dax (as young man): Alright.

Dax: Pulls out a little leather-bound book from the pocket.

Dax (as young man): A model airship is going to be two silver.

Neil: I gleefully hand him two silver.

Dax: And he hands over one of the model airships. For you, Arthas, it’s very small. For Eight and Rou, this thing is probably six inches long and maybe five inches tall. So it’s, it’s a decent size model.

Wren (as Eight): I will also take a model, in the off chance Arthas accidentally crushes that one.

Neil (as Arthas): Fantastic thinking Eight!

Dax: Hands you a model.

Wren: And you said that there were ones that were already built?

Dax: Yeah, there’s the models, which, Arthas, did you buy a pre-formed model, or did you buy the ones that you build yourself?

Neil: Oh, the ones you build yourself.

Dax: Okay. Alright, good. That’s what I thought, so I gave you the right price. And Wren, you said what about the ones that are already built? How much?

Wren: Yeah. 

Dax: Four silver. 

Wren (as Eight): That seems high, however, I imagine paying to save the time to build one is worth the extra. I will take one of each.

Dax: The young man hands it over to you.

Dax (as young man): Now, did you have any questions?

Wren (as Eight): I did not. However, the guided tour did very little to assuage my worries. With respect to the intricacies and dangers of airships.

Dax (as young man): Do you need me to go over the model again?

Wren (as Eight): No. I have been on an airship. In fact, I found some of your information to be in direct conflict with what I first hand experienced.

Dax: His face immediately looks very dejected and his body posture slumps a little bit. As if this is potentially the first time somebody has actually said that to him.

Wren (as Eight): I am sorry. I did not mean to make you feel sad. However, you said it with great conviction, which made it feel like it was true.

Kappa (as Rou): Eight, what parts of this were not factual? Maybe we could use this as a learning opportunity. A way to improve the museum perhaps?

Wren (as Eight): I suppose. Though, I believe similarly to me cleaning the stable earlier today, for me to go ahead and perform services without being compensated would be considered…foolish? I am very quickly understanding the importance of money.

Kappa: I will turn to the museum curator.

Kappa (as Rou): Would you be amenable to a small discount on the model kits? In exchange for more accurate information? Not to slight your practice or business or anything, but as a way to find some sort of common ground here. You seem to want an accurate experience. My friend here wishes to impart some information, though not for free.

Dax (as young man): I think that sounds fair. Hmmm. How about this? I’ll give you one of the already built models for free.

Dax: And he offers up four silver for one of the models that you bought.

Wren: I’ll look at Rou.

Wren (as Eight): Is that good?

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, I think so.

Wren (as Eight): Oh! Yes, then we have an accord.

Wren: And I will proceed to explain the differences between what I witnessed and experienced versus what this young man has conveyed to us.

Dax: Say the first part of that sentence again.

Wren: I’m going to tell him what I disagree with.

Dax: Oh yeah, no, that’s fine. I wanted to make sure you weren’t asking me if you actually had to go through the rigmarole with that. No, yeah. We’re going to handwave that, say you go through this discussion. It wasn’t a ton that he got wrong, but you were able to allow insight. And everything that you did share, he very diligently wrote in his little leather book.

Wren: Maybe some information on conveying heated air to the passengers’ quarters and…

Dax: Safety lights when it goes dark, yeah.

Wren: The generator systems, yeah.

Dax: Easy enough, yeah.

Dax (as young man): Well, uh, thank you for stopping by the Airship Museum today. Your patronage is greatly appreciated and we hope that we’ll see you next time you’re in Azarra.

Wren (as Eight): Thank you. And perhaps, when that next time occurs, you will have also been on an airship so you may provide first hand accounts for your experiences as well.

Dax (as young man): Oh, no. No. I’m afraid of heights. No. I could never get on an airship. That’s why I study them from down here.

Wren (as Eight): I see. That is most wise.

Wren: I will turn and leave as quickly as possible.

Kappa: On the way out, I will catch Eight and sort of,

Kappa (as Rou): See, this person is also afraid of airships and heights and whatnot. But has turned something good out of it.

Wren (as Eight): I suppose so. You would have to be, I’m not sure what the word would be to open a museum without being 100% well-versed in the specific topic in which you are showcasing.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh yes, that is quite foolish.

Neil (as Arthas): Silly, even.

Dax: As you are leaving the Airship Museum, Eight, you hear someone call out for you.

Dax (as stranger): [in a high-pitched voice] Eight?! Is that you?

Wren: I will turn and look in the direction that voice came from.

Dax: You turn to your left, the direction you were heading before you entered the museum. And there, standing a few blocks away, you see Mina.

Wren (as Eight): I knew it. 

Music shifts to a soft piano [15:22]

Wren: The two of you, if you followed my gaze, would see this woman. If you looked at my face, it will light up, quite literally, as my eyes just kind of go a very bright violet color. Excitedly turning to, almost like a pastel lavender. And I will go traipsing off, dragging Bessie with me. Clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp.

Neil (as Arthas): And there they go. 

Kappa (as Rou): Arthas, who is that? 

Neil (as Arthas): I wish I knew. 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, okay. We will find out together. Come on, we should follow.

Dax: As you get closer, you find this woman talking very excitedly to Eight. Her skin is very light mocha, she’s got dark black hair tied up in a very nice chignon. Her clothing, from what you can see underneath her raincoat, does appear to be relatively fine. She stands there holding a little dog in her right arm. The leash is wrapped around her wrist.

Wren (as Eight): Mina, hello! It is a pleasure to see you again. And all the way across the continent as well!

Dax: And as you approach,

Dax (as Mina): Oh! Eight, are these your friends?

Wren (as Eight): Yes, yes these are my friends. This is Bessie.

Wren: And I will motion to the donkey.

Wren (as Eight): Bessie is my beast of burden and a very good girl. And this is my traveling…entourage? My best friends, Simply Arthas and Best Friend Rou. They can properly introduce themselves I suppose, but I have been traveling with Arthas for a little while. And I met Rou yesterday!

Dax: Rou, this woman gives you a very knowing look when Eight says the words ‘best friend’. And she just gives you the biggest smile.

Dax (as Mina): Hello.

Kappa (as Rou): Hello. Yes, I’m Rou. I met Eight and Arthas not yesterday, the night before. I’d just stepped into town.

Dax (as Mina): Oh. A newcomer then.

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, quite so.

Dax (as Mina): And…

Dax: She takes a very long time to look up at you, Arthas.

Dax (as Mina): You are quite tall.

Neil (as Arthas): I get that frequently, yes.

Dax (as Mina): I’m sure you do and I apologize for commenting on it. My name is Sarah, actually. I haven’t gone by Mina in quite some time.

Dax: She looks at you, Eight.

Dax (as Sarah): When, what are you doing here in Azarra? I wasn’t ever expecting to see you again.

Wren (as Eight): My friend Arthas and I are traveling to Kidohlva. Our travels brought us here to Azarra on our way through and this is how we met Rou! And Rou, I believe, will be accompanying us when we depart from here as well. In the pursuit of knowledge.

Dax (as Sarah): Oh, I suppose that makes sense. Any particular reason you’re going to Kidohlva?

Wren (as Eight): We are going to the library there, so that we may do some very important research for [whispers] a secret mission.

Dax: She leans in.

Dax (as Sarah): [whispers] Oh, right.

Dax: She gives you a very exaggerated wink.

Dax (as Sarah): Secrets. Good point.

Dax: She looks up.

Dax (as Sarah): You know, I was actually just on my way to a little cafe near here. Would you like to join me? Dinner would be on me. Or, I suppose it would be lunch at this time of day.

Wren (as Eight): I believe that would be most agreeable.

Wren: And I turn and look to the other two.

Wren (as Eight): I do not intend to speak for my companions but we did not really have much planned today. And perhaps, traveling with someone who knows the area would be valuable.

Neil (as Arthas): I will never turn down a meal.

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, and honestly I’m quite a bit famished after exploring. So, yes. And I’d also like to get to know Sarah a little bit.

Dax: She gives a very big smile and starts to head back the way you came from. She starts taking some of the side streets, a little weaving here or there, off the main road. Leads you through an unmarked door. When you get inside it, you are bombarded with the smell of fresh bread and pastries and sugary sweets. The walls are this very pastel pink and there’s small little tables for two or three people to sit together. 

She waves over at one of the attendants behind a large glass display case, who comes out to help her move a couple of tables together. Arthas, the door, once again, is a large set of wooden double doors. This once again appears to be another warehouse converted building. The chairs look like they might not support your weight however. But there does appear to be, the attendant is moving some of the tables out of the way so that you can, if you wanted to, sit on the floor.

Neil: That works for me.

Dax: Sarah sits down and gestures for the three of you to join her, and whispers something to the attendant’s ear. When they come back, they bring a lovely little tea set with piping hot water and tea and slices of lemon and four parchment menus. Looking at the menu, it’s a very simple affair. You can have salad, you can have pastries and little petite sandwiches. It’s essentially a little tea cafe bistro thing.

Dax (as Sarah): Now, order whatever you’d like. It’s all on me.

Wren (as Eight): So, Mina – Sarah…do you live here in Azarra? I do not recall that having been conveyed to me when we met.

Dax (as Sarah): I do! Do you remember when we met, I said that I was escaping?

Wren (as Eight): I do. Which is why you called yourself Mina.

Dax (as Sarah): I told you that there was a contact in Harendall that was going to take me to somewhere safe?

Wren (as Eight): Yes. That’s right.

Dax: She gestures around.

Dax (as Sarah): Well, Azarra was that safe place. I will say that I’m a little disappointed it wasn’t somewhere a little warmer for the majority of the year, but I supposed I can’t complain.

Wren: She’s still carrying that animal?

Dax: Oh yeah, it’s essentially a, picture a little apple head Chihuahua and it has a little collar with a little bow tie on it and a knitted cable sweater.

Wren (as Eight): Your companion is fairly well dressed. Is this your contact that keeps you safe?

Dax (as Sarah): Oh no! This is Charlie. Charlie is my pet.

Dax: She holds the dog up to you, Eight. 

Dax (as Sarah): Charlie, say hi to Eight. 

Wren (as Eight): Oh! How precious. 

Wren: And I’ll, like, hold my hand out towards the dog’s face.

Dax: The dog starts to growl at you as you get close.

Dax (as Sarah): Oh Charlie, that’s so rude.

Wren (as Eight): Oh! Listen to that. Is that a pleasured noise?

Dax (as Sarah): Um…

Wren (as Eight): Or is it angry?

Kappa (as Rou): Eight, no. No, no Eight.

Wren: And I’ll like move a finger closer to the dog’s face.

Dax: How close do you get to this dog?

Wren: Within an inch or two?

Dax: It lunges forward and grasps onto your finger. Sarah starts sounding very distressed, telling Charlie he’s a bad boy, and trying to rip this Chihuahua off of your finger. He has a pretty good grip.

Wren (as Eight): Ow! Ow! Oh, oh that, that, mmmm. That does not, Charlie. Charlie, please. Can you let, let go please! Ooo! Ah!

Dax: She’s able to eventually get the Chihuahua off of your finger. 

Dax (as Sarah): Eight, I’m so sorry. He normally doesn’t bite people. 

Wren (as Eight): [talking with a finger in their mouth] I suppose there’s a first time for everything. 

Wren: And I’ve got my finger in my mouth, imitating nursing on it.

Dax: Okay. You can’t actually feel though, right?

Wren: Eight can feel pain.

Dax: Okay.

Dax (as Sarah): So, uh, Rou. Arthas. I know Eight, we shared an airship together. Tell me a little bit about yourselves.

Kappa (as Rou): Well, I am from the, from Baukora. Which you can kind of tell by my dress. Like Eight said earlier, I’m traveling looking for knowledge here in Eulela. Nothing really outstanding besides that. Though, Charlie here,

Kappa: And I will allow Charlie to sniff my hand first before attempting to pet or engage in any other way.

Dax: Charlie allows you to get close, sniffs your hand. Growls for just a second, and then turns ears down and starts to whimper. He starts to shake, like all Chihuahuas do.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, oh. Sorry, Charlie. It’s a very different reaction than I’m used to.

Dax: She turns to Arthas.

Neil (as Arthas): I am Arthas Boston Wapon Dynevy Marston Thurlow Lilford, Champion of Offam and Triumphant of Azarra. Eight found me wandering through a desert.

Dax (as Sarah): Why were you wandering in the desert?

Neil (as Arthas): I was lost.

Wren (as Eight): Yes, Arthas was quite dehydrated. However, when we first met, his exposure did not keep him from charging a vicious creature that was attacking my companions and I in the middle of the night.

Dax (as Sarah): Oohhh. So Arthas rescued you. Eight, you do make some very interesting traveling companions. You meet some interesting people.

Dax: She sets Charlie down on the floor.

Dax (as Sarah): So, we’re alone. Come on, you can tell me. What kind of information are you seeking?

Wren: I’ll look back and forth, seeing who the other patrons are here.

Dax: There are none. It’s just the four of you and the attendant, who is currently in the back making noise. You can hear pots clamoring.

Wren (as Eight): Arthas and I are on a secret mission for the mayor of Saleen. You see, shortly after we had departed from our airship ride together, I headed north to Saleen. At that time, I was there for the yearly Festival of Aram. On the first night of the festival, all of the children went missing mysteriously, without any trace. So, a group of adventurers, myself included, were tasked with finding some information that might lead to the recovery of the missing children. The library in Kidohlva has many books and scrolls about ancient legends and other tales. I have heard many stories about the whims of gods that have caused entire cities to vanish without a trace as well. So it is my hope that by consulting these ancient texts, I might learn something relevant.

Dax (as Sarah): That sounds extremely exciting and terrifying. And mysterious. Hmmm. You know, I’d heard that there had been some tragedy in Saleen, but a lot of people are being pretty tight-lipped about it. Perhaps I should ask my husband if he’s heard any details. Maybe he’d be willing to aid you on your search.

Wren (as Eight): Oh! You, you were not married when we were on the airship ride together, were you?

Dax (as Sarah): No. [quiet laugh] I was brought over here to Azarra and shortly thereafter, I met someone. He was just such a romantic, I just couldn’t say no.

Wren (as Eight): That sounds lovely. And what’s his name?

Dax (as Sarah): Oh! Sorry, probably should have actually introduced myself. My name now is Sarah Fellows. The Lord Egan is my husband.

Wren: My face just drops.

Kappa: I’m, I’m trying very hard to hide any expression, possibly taking some of my beverage. Eyes are definitely wider though.

Kappa (as Rou): [coughs] Did you say Egan?

Dax (as Sarah): Yes, Egan Fellows.

Kappa (as Rou): I have been here exactly one day, and I already recognize that name. That’s very, that’s a very recognizable name.

Dax (as Sarah): It is.

Kappa (as Rou): You must do very well for yourself.

Dax (as Sarah): We do, actually. My husband comes from a very long line of nobility here locally. To tell you the truth, I didn’t actually know who he was before we met. I will say, I’m not on the one hand surprised you know his name, considering who he is. But on the other hand, I’m a little concerned why, Eight, you are making that face.

Wren (as Eight): Face? [stutters] Am I making a face?

Dax (as Sarah): Yes, yes you are.

Wren: I would take my hand and just kind of put it up over my jaw and then when I pull it down, I’ll be smiling.

Wren (as Eight): And now I am making a different face!

Dax: Roll me Deception and that will be Hard difficulty.

Wren: I love making Cunning based rolls because of my Cunning of one and no ranks in ANY Deception skills.

Dax: What? [laughs]

Wren: That was so close. I am left with one Threat.

Neil: If it makes you feel any better, I’m convinced.

Dax: Go ahead and take a strain, because this was incredibly difficult for you. Sarah scrunches her eyes a little bit and tilts her head and then shakes it, as if convincing herself that maybe what she saw she’s reading a little too much into.

Dax (as Sarah): Well! So, if you’re headed to Kidohlva, when do you plan to do that?

Wren (as Eight): Well, my companions and I were threatened and we plan to be leaving within the next day.

Dax: She immediately looks very confused.

Dax (as Sarah): The next day?

Wren (as Eight): Well, yes. By the end of tomorrow.

Dax (as Sarah): Are you planning to go somewhere before you go to Kidohlva?

Wren (as Eight): Well,

Wren: I look to the other two.

Wren (as Eight): We have not planned a route yet, but we will be going as directly to Kidohlva as possible from here.

Dax: She scrunches up her mouth a little bit, as if she’s trying to figure out how to say this.

Dax (as Sarah): Um, Eight. Rou, Arthas. Kidohlva is two weeks north of Azarra.

Kappa (as Rou): Okay….

Dax (as Sarah): I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re not going to be able to get to Kidohlva until the springtime.

Kappa (as Rou): Why is that?

Dax (as Sarah): Well, they have to lead people through the mountains to get to Kidohlva. The guides don’t go up past the end of well, this month every year because the snows just get too bad. It’s too dangerous. They won’t open up again until…hmm, for another six months?

Kappa (as Rou): I did not know about this. There’s no other alternate route?

Dax (as Sarah): Not that I’m aware of, but I suppose you could go to the Welcome Center and see if there’s something else that could be arranged?

Kappa (as Rou): I think that should be our next stop. Thank you for telling us. Very curious.

Dax (as Sarah): Sorry to be the one to have to tell you.

Kappa (as Rou): No, I mean, imagine if we had left.

Dax (as Sarah): Yes, that would have been quite disastrous I imagine. One of the first things that I learned here is that there are, there are a lot of paths through the mountains and they are extremely dangerous. There are twists and turns and you could easily get lost. You could get buried by the snow, eaten alive by whatever lives there. So they made, they make excursions to Kidohlva in the good months, with guides. And they haven’t had any injuries since they started that practice. But I don’t know if there are other alternatives. Hopefully there are, I’d hate to have you wait six months to do research. This seems so important.

Wren (as Eight): We cannot wait six months. The children would basically be gone for a year’s time by then.

Wren: I slowly turn my head towards Arthas.

Wren (as Eight): Our companion Arthas was born on a mountain and lived most of his life there. Perhaps, perhaps he is a natural mountain guide.

Neil (as Arthas): I am no stranger to summits. Worst case scenario, I’m sure I could lead us through.

Dax (as Sarah): Well then I hope that that option remains available to you if nothing else is. But, enough with that. Let’s, let’s get something to eat and talk about happy things. I’d hate to bring down the mood on such a fortuitous meeting such as this.

Dax: And with that, she’ll call over the attendant to, you can order your food and then. Unless there was something else you wanted to accomplish with this lunch, we can say it went without issue. Sarah parts ways with you after lunch is finished. By this time, it’s probably somewhere between one and two in the afternoon. You’ve been able to pass a good portion of your day. Do you continue to wander the city streets? 

Music shifts to a dramatic piano [33:48]

Kappa: No, I believe it would be prudent of us to go and find travel accommodations to get us at least out of Azarra before the end of tomorrow, if not towards Kidohlva.

Dax: You meander through the city streets. You get back to the main thoroughfare where you met up with Sarah. As you wander for the next 20 minutes, eventually you make it to the airport where there is the ocean and Rou, you know the Welcome Center is located. Arthas, looking out over the cliffside, you see this vastness of water. It is this stark blue, almost, almost grey. As if it’s reflecting a little bit of the sky. It’s very choppy, you can feel the temperature has gotten a lot colder as you’ve gotten closer to the water. You can smell the salt in the air. It’s much stronger when it’s not being blocked off by buildings and the smell of people.

Neil: Is there a rock nearby?

Dax: Yeah, easy enough for you to find some stray rocks.

Neil: I’m going to pitch the rock as far as I can into this mass.

Dax: Sure. Why don’t you give me an Athletics check, at, we’ll just give you a simple check.

Neil: Four Advantages.

Dax: So you lob this rock out into the ocean and it gets maybe a good 30 feet before you hear the *hunk* as it splashes through the water. Not as far as you would have liked to get it, but far enough.

Wren (as Eight): A mighty fine throw, Arthas. The ocean goes on for miles though. You will never be able to throw a rock across the entirety of it.

Neil (as Arthas): Hmmm. I don’t know if I like it.

Wren (as Eight): I suppose in the most basic sense, you could consider it to be like a really wet sky.

Neil (as Arthas): Good analogy.

Neil: How far down does it go?

Dax: So if you were to look over the edge, which they do have some wooden fencing at the very edges of the cliffside. You learn over and you can tell straight away it’s at least a 300-foot drop.

Wren (as Eight): I bet there are mountains hidden under there.

Neil (as Arthas): Hmmm.

Kappa (as Rou): We’re not necessarily here to take on the ocean.

Wren (as Eight): Well, this is just one ocean. There is at least one more on the other side of the continent.

Neil (as Arthas): I really don’t like that.

Kappa (as Rou): We’ll be leaving here soon if it bothers you that much Arthas.

Wren (as Eight): Just try not to look down.

Neil (as Arthas): I certainly won’t.

Dax: So, Rou went through the Welcome Center when he first arrived. At that point, it was pretty dark. There wasn’t a lot of hustle and bustle other than people just getting off the airship, which you were on. The Welcome Center is a relatively large building. You walk through the doors and you can see that there is, along one wall, a very large dark wooden desk where three attendants in uniform, this bright blue uniform, stand on one side. Each one of them has a line of people, about four or five people deep, in front of them. 

You look around, there are balconies up above you. Exposed wooden rafters make up the ceiling, you can see some posters that give a map of the city and little leaflets about places that you can go to from here. It’s well-lit for the most part, with the open windows. You can hear the sound of people chattering. What do you do?

Kappa: I’m going to weave my way through, seeing if there’s any wall guides that, at least if there’s any information on the walls with the schedule or routes out of Azarra before heading over to the desk.

Dax: Alright. So you look around, you do a couple of guards that are standing by the steps, which you know leads up to the airport itself. You do see an individual that is standing by the leaflets wearing another one of those bright blue uniforms.

Kappa (as Rou): Excuse me. Hello, I’m wondering if -

Dax (as guard): [imitating an old man] Oh, yes yes?

Kappa (as Rou): Hello, I, me and my traveling companions are hoping to leave Azarra by the end of the day tomorrow. We were told that the route up to Kidohlva wouldn’t be open for another several months. Is there any way, is there anywhere closer that we could start on the way to Kidohlva?

Dax (as guard): Oh! Well you’re going to want to get into one of the lines and go up to one of the attendants behind the desk. They have all the travel information that you will need. I’m just here to help pass out leaflets.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, perfect. Sorry, I did not realize that.

Dax (as guard): No, no, no. It’s quite alright, it’s quite alright. Happens all the time.

Kappa (as Rou): Have a good day.

Kappa: And I will go and look for the shortest line.

Dax: The shortest line is the one farthest from the door. A young woman with bright blonde curls and a perpetual smile, she only has three people in her line. Whereas the other two have four or five.

Kappa: I will go to that line.

Dax: The line goes very quickly and Arthas, you are, would you have stayed outside? Would you have gone into the Welcome Center? And if so, are you following Rou into the line? What are you up to?

Neil: After seeing the lines, I’m probably just going to hang outside for a little bit. I don’t want to gum it up with myself.

Dax: Okay, that’s fair. Enjoy some of the fresh sea air away from the cliffside?

Neil: Yeah.

Dax: So Rou, as I said, the line doesn’t take long. As you walk up to the desk, you hear

Dax (as attendant): [in a very high pitched, bubbly voice] Hello! Welcome to the Azarra Welcome Center! How can I help you?

Kappa (as Rou): Hi. Yes, we… I’m in a group of three people. We were going to depart at the end of the day tomorrow towards Kidohlva. But we were told that the routes would be closed and dangerous, at least for another several months. We understand that it’s quite dangerous, but we were hoping to leave here by the end of the day tomorrow. Is there anywhere along the way that we could go to hopefully find a more hospitable area further north?

Dax (as attendant): Hmmm. Give me just a moment.

Dax: And she heads through a door, a hidden door in the back. And by hidden, I just mean that there’s this wall that is behind this desk, she goes along the far wall and then when she turns, almost to backtrack, it’s almost as if she disappears into the wall. You and I would know this is just a false wall up behind everyone. She’s gone for a few minutes, you can hear the rustling of cupboards opening and paper being shifted around. She comes back with this large leather tome, sets it on the desk. She starts flipping through it, every once in a while she stops, puts her finger on a page, and starts reading and then starts flipping again.

Dax (as attendant): Could I ask the reason why you need to leave tomorrow? Is there any particular reason you wouldn’t want to stay a little while and wait until the guides are able to escort you?

Kappa (as Rou): Well, don’t get me wrong, this is a wonderful township. But there is some, time is of the essence here. There is important information in Kidohlva that we need to learn in an effort to forward our, sort of, quest. Ah, we, we were…we’re on a task. We’re trying to get something accomplished and we need to get it done as soon as possible. Kidohlva is the next step.

Dax: The whole time you’re talking, she’s nodding. Her blonde curls are bobbing with every head movement.

Dax (as attendant): Okay. Hmmm. Well, hmmm.

Dax: Rou, could you roll me a Charm check? And give it to me at Medium difficulty, so two Purple, upgrade it once.

Kappa: One Failure, one Threat.

Dax (as attendant): Well, I’m not sure if there’s, I can’t risk assigning a guide. That is just something we will not do.

Kappa (as Rou): That’s fair. I understand that.

Dax (as attendant): However, [sighs], no there’s… you wouldn’t want to do that.

Dax: And she starts flipping through the pages again.

Kappa (as Rou): Well, well hold on. What?

Dax (as attendant):  Well, you see, we have some underground tunnels.

Kappa (as Rou): Underground tunnels? From here all the way to Kidohlva?

Dax: She goes to open her mouth and then stops and looks to her left to see what her two coworkers are doing. They’re very heavily involved leaning over parchment with whatever individuals they’re assisting at the time. She leans into you,

Dax (as attendant): Look, um, I’m really not supposed to share this information. If you’d be willing to take the tunnels, meet me near the Purple Plum. It’s a little restaurant to the south of town. I get off around 6, and I can offer that to you. But other than that, I won’t be able to help you.

Kappa (as Rou): Wait, tonight or tomorrow?

Dax (as attendant): Tonight.

Kappa (as Rou): Tonight. Okay. I’d have to agree to this now, it can’t be like, like if we don’t show up, you’d be in trouble, is that it?

Dax (as attendant): I’ll be off of work, so it would be my own free time.

Kappa (as Rou): Okay. If we don’t meet you there, tonight at 6, then that means we’ve decided another route. But I’ll take your word for it that there’s no other way. Is it dangerous? Is it…

Dax (as attendant): [whispers]I can’t talk about it right now.

Kappa (as Rou): Why, why?

Dax: And she leans back to stand up.

Dax (as attendant): I’m sorry sir but the airships just don’t take that route. You’re going to have to figure out another way.

Kappa (as Rou): Okay, okay, okay.

Dax: And she nods. Her eyes getting a little wide.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, drat. Oh no my travel plans are ruined. This establishment will be hearing from my supervisor. [whispers] Thank you very much.

Dax (as attendant): [whispers] You’re welcome.

Kappa: I will make my way outside.

Dax: And that is where we are going to end this session. And we can, when we pick up next time, we will find out if you take the young woman’s offer to meet her at the Purple Plum or if you decide to take matters into your own hands. 

Music fades out [45:36]

Dax: Thanks for listening! We hope you’ll join us next time but in the interim, follow us on Twitter @RoadsUncharted.

The “Roads Uncharted” podcast is GMed and produced by Dax who you can find on Twitter @GM_Dax. We use the Genesys RPG System published by Fantasy Flight Games and music license by Epidemic Sound.

Arthas, Champion of Offam is played by Neil.

Eight is played by Wren, who also composed the music for our opening theme. Follow them on Twitter @ThornyDryad.

Rou is played by Kappa, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheKappaChris.