Roads Uncharted

S2 E28: The Devourer

Episode Summary

Arthas finds clues to help in his godkiller search, and experiences a little existential dread in the process.

Episode Notes

The librarian Zura escorts Arthas past a hall of portraits and into an older section of the library. As the pair scan tomes and scrolls for information on Giant-kin, Arthas comes across what appears to be a text depicting cultural aspects of his people, though not necessarily obtained through honest means.

The further he digs, the more he learns that some of the Aerir’s teachings may have been false. He also comes across some interesting information regarding the being that allegedly caused his deity’s death. In order to complete his quest, Arthas learns that there are dangerous steps ahead.

Zura tells Arthas that all knowledge is worth having, even if it comes at a cost. When she sees that this truth has taken a toll on Arthas, she suggests a cup of hot chocolate to make him feel better.

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