Roads Uncharted

S2 E3: Sandalwood and Lilies

Episode Summary

Rou meets a young woman and enjoys some friendly company during the last leg of his journey to Eulela. However, something troubling lurks in the shadows.

Episode Notes

During the last few hours of his journey toward Eulela, Rou wanders into the café and meets a young woman named Sarah. When she comments she is originally from Eulela, Rou nervously asks for recommendations in regards to places to visit and things to do. She invites him to join her for dinner and the pair learn they have far more in common than originally expected, despite the differences in their places of birth.

Rou claims he is traveling to discover new cultures, people, and places. She mentions that the university of Kidohlva might be a good place to start, and it’s conveniently close to where they’ll be landing in Azarra. She warns him that some things he may be used to in Baukora won’t be available in Eulela, and if he shares his knowledge it could potentially be dangerous. Later, as Rou heads to his room to prepare for landing, he recognizes the scent of lily and sandalwood in the air. Forced to wait until he is called to depart, Rou hides in his room and hopes the source passes him by.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax and Kappa @TheKappaChris

Transcript by Dax

Episode Transcription

Intro music ends [00:27]

Relaxing guitar music fades in [00:33]

Dax: Rou, you are on an airship. An airship that you have been on for the better part of twenty-four hours now. It’s a little over an hour before it’s going to land in the port city of Azarra, on the continent Eulela. And it’s been a relatively smooth ride, all things considered. It’s certainly been long, perhaps a little bit boring, they didn’t account for any entertainment on the ship but at least you have been able to get every meal. All included in the price of your ticket. The ship is not very packed, very few people tend to leave Baukora to head to Eulela, so you’ve been able to keep your privacy. What are you currently doing?

Kappa: Is there some sort of area on deck that I can just observe and kind of watch? I’d like to get a lay of the land as we approach.  

Dax: The best part for viewing is definitely going to be in what the crew treats as the café. So the way the ship is laid out is you have, in the middle deck, some of the more expensive rooms. People that wanted to pay a little bit more for their ticket ended up getting rooms where they actually have full-sized beds. The rest of the passengers, their standard room fare would include a room where you maybe have a chair that lounges back, and that’s about as close to a bed as you’re gonna get. You have a small library, that has a couple of windows and a few private study areas. Conference rooms, per se, and then in the café where everybody would gather for their meals is a wide set of windows where you can look out onto the ocean and the upcoming shore. 

Kappa: Great! I believe I’d be in the café just sort of watching our approach and asking around, seeing what they know about Eulela. What should I expect upon first landing, where should I go? Is there any good places to stay, to get a good meal?

Dax: Are you just walking up to random people and asking? Or are you talking to the crew as they walk by you?

Kappa: Uh, a little bit of both. I try to find someone who..or I would try to sit down next to someone who is doing something similar to me and attempt to strike up a conversation.

Dax: Alright. I will say that as you are perusing the café and you’re looking for somebody who maybe appears a little bit more approachable than the rest, you see a woman sitting by the windows. She has what appears to be a cocktail at the table in front of her, it is right before dinnertime so it’s not unusual to see people in the café at this time having cocktails and pre-dinner conversation. She wears a very simple linen dress, with a little floral pattern, her shoulder-length hair is honey blonde and slightly curly. She has a little red flower, perhaps a clip - maybe it’s real, it’s a little hard to tell from this distance - pinned to the side. She seems very intent on gazing out the window and watching the waves lap by. Right now the scenery is a little…boring…but she seems very interested.

Kappa (as Rou): I take it you haven’t been to Eulela before.

Dax (as the woman): [slightly higher, more femme voice] Oh! Uh, actually on the contrary, uh I’m returning home. I’m from there originally.    

Kappa (as Rou): Wonderful! This is my first time. Yes, yes I was just..excited..if I’m being honest. How do you like Eulela?

Dax (as the woman): Uh, well I guess it depends on where you’re from? I’ve never been to the southern regions, I hear Sarendell is a little haughty? And very into fashion, which really isn’t my forté. I’m actually from one of the northern villages.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh! Well, can you tell me more? Do you recommend it? I’m…I’m a traveler, you see, I’m trying to chart my course without having much of a plan. [soft chuckle] Uh, I’m open to recommendations.   

Dax (as the woman): Well, I suppose it might be better if we started off on the right foot. Uhm, why don’t you have a seat?

Dax: And she gestures to the empty chair across from her.   

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, of course! Yes, thank you. [chuckles] 

Dax (as the woman): My name is Sarah.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh! How rude of me. Yes, my name is Rou. I…always forget the introduction.

Dax (as Sarah): Alright, I..[chuckles] sorry, I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t introduce themselves right away.

Kappa (as Rou): It’s a whole thing. It’s…[laughs]

Dax (as Sarah): I suppose that’s fair. I wasn’t over on Baukora long enough to get a complete understanding of all the customs, so I won’t question that. Well, I guess the question is what are you going to Eulela for? Are you going to study at the university in Kidohlva, are you going to..oh, well the Festival of Aram in Saleen is over with by now, but..uhm what interests you in going over there?

Kappa (as Rou): Well, Eulela’s quite new. Actually, uh, the reason why I’m traveling is because I'm researching. I want to discover new things and cultures and people and I thought, you know, why not ask around. See what’s interesting, see what’s worth preserving, worth discovering. [pauses] This university sounds quite interesting! Like, as far as….I assume this university is some hub of information and knowledge.  

Dax (as Sarah): Ah, yes! From what I understand, the elves of Kidohlva have amassed quite a collection of books and tomes. People travel from all over the continent to go visit there and study and so if you’re looking to do research it’s only, I think, a few weeks north of Azarra. Which is where we’ll be making port. So that probably would be your best place to start.

Kappa (as Rou): I will keep that in mind. 

Kappa: And I open up a little notebook and start writing ‘a few weeks north of Azarra and elves…university’.    

Kappa (as Rou): This has been a pleasure, yes. And you said you don’t care for the southern region, due to the focus on fashion, what’s so wonderful about the north? I don’t mean that to be rude or anything, I -

Dax (as Sarah): Oh! No.. [chuckles]

Kappa (as Rou): I know nothing about Eulela.   

Dax (as Sarah): No, you’re fine. I..I grew up in a little village on the eastern side of the continent called Kesh. I left years ago to go out and travel, you know there’s only so much you can do and learn in a small village. I started out with some of the cities around it and worked my way west, and eventually went to Baukora. And I've spent the last year there and so I…I don’t really know if there’s anything really of note in the north other than the university? But, it’s home.     

Kappa (as Rou): You and I have a lot of things in common, I believe.    

Dax (as Sarah): How so?

Kappa (as Rou): Well, like you I’m sort of..traveling away from home. There has to be more than simple village life, right? Expanding my horizons and learning, and that's what I’m doing in the eastern parts. Eulela.  

Dax (as Sarah): How long do you plan to stay? 

Kappa (as Rou): As long as I need to. I’m hoping I’ll know when it happens.  

Dax (as Sarah): It’s an odd thing, isn’t it? To know when you’ve become satisfied with what you’ve learned and what you’ve experienced. Knowing when that threshold is met. 

Kappa (as Rou): Yes. It’s quite opposite from what to start with, to start your journey right? This…dissatisfaction with the status quo. 

Dax (as Sarah): I do have to wonder though, if you’re going over to Eulela from Baukora to research…

Dax: And at this she looks around the café to make sure nobody is seated particularly close.

Dax (as Sarah): I assume you’re interested in magic? 

Kappa (as Rou): Uhm..yes. Yes..

Kappa: I’m also looking around. 

Kappa (as Rou): Is that a sensitive subject?

Dax (as Sarah): Not quite. Magic is relatively commonplace in Eulela as opposed to Baukora, in fact I don’t think I met anyone over there that really discussed it.    

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, okay. Phew! What a relief. Uh, yes magic is very new to me. The concept, this idea that you don’t need technology to do what you want, it’s..similar, but different in a way.

Dax (as Sarah): I will say, just a warning, there are some things that have made it over to Eulela from Baukora, but I’d be careful with what you expect. It’s not that people fear those of you from the west, but some of the smaller villages tend to be more superstitious. I can’t stress enough how many rumors I remember hearing growing up, some horror stories, and then going over to the west myself and experiencing it of course I didn’t really run into any of it. But it doesn’t mean that it’s not there, and I can’t imagine in the year that I’ve been gone that they aren’t still around. If you catch my drift.            

Kappa (as Rou): I see. I appreciate that. That’s something that I did not know..quickly note that down.

Kappa: And I’m writing that down in my notebook.

Kappa (as Rou): That’s good to know. I have heard similar stories in Baukora. Nothing as drastic, just that those without technology just aren’t as…refined, I believe was the word that was thrown around when I was younger. But it’s good to know that there’s a university, there’s fashion, there’s culture and..I was hoping that what I was taught and brought up with was wrong.     

Dax (as Sarah): Well, who knows. I suppose you might find some things are a little bit more..right..after all. Just be careful. You seem like a nice fellow. I'd hate to hear of any misfortune befall you.   

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, me too! [laughs] That would be quite unfortunate! Oh, no. No, no no. But humor me for a second. If I were to go to a small village in the north of Eulela, and pull out a …say, pocket watch. Would I be apprehended by the authorities? Would I incur stares?     

Dax (as Sarah): I suppose it depends on the village. You see, my grandfather had a pocket watch so I know they’re common enough where you probably won’t run into any resistance. I can’t guarantee that’s the same in every village, of course I imagine the bigger cities won’t be an issue at all. The villages are the ones I'd be worried about. There are some that are more isolated, from what I hear, and might be on the lowest of the low with some advances? I will tell you that I'd count your graces lucky if you have indoor plumbing.    

Kappa (as Rou): Oh my. Okay that…I was not expecting that but..[chuckles] I don’t know it’s just something I’ll have to get used to I guess. I..oh no. I am severely under packed then.

Dax (as Sarah): [Trying not to laugh] It’s not like we’re pissin’ in the streets. Just, ya know, something to not expect. If you happen to receive it in a tavern, perfect. But don't go walking into every civilization and imagine that it’s there.    

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, of course. Okay. I never understood what a luxury it was until this moment. 

Dax (as Sarah): Could I interest you in a drink? [laughs] I’m sorry, I’ve never met…oh. Oh dear, uhm..ya know, when I first arrived in Baukora I was a little shocked myself that such a thing could exist and talking to you now reminds me that I am probably going to miss it.   

[Kappa chuckles]

Kappa (as Rou): Sure, I would love a drink. Is there anything that is..that you think I should order that I wouldn’t be able to order outside of Eulela?

Dax (as Sarah): Hmm.

Dax: She turns and you see a very slight hand gesture, about shoulder level. And a gentleman that you had seen standing farther back staring out the window somehow notices this hand gesture and walks over to her, and bends down and has his ears at level with her head.     

Dax (as Sarah): Walter would you be willing to talk to the barkeep and find out if you could purchase Rou here, something of a Eulelan specialty? On my tab.

Dax: Walter nods and walks over to the bartop where a Gnome stands, polishing the wood. You see Walter talking to this Gnome for a few minutes and shortly thereafter returns with a mug, and sets it on the table in front of you. And then goes back to his position at the window. 

Kappa (as Rou): Thank you! Sarah who..who is Walter?

Dax (as Sarah): Oh! Uhm, Walter’s my butler. 

Kappa (as Rou): Butler! I did not realize I was in the presence of, I shall say, wealthy company!

Dax (as Sarah): Wealthy is a..interesting…choice of terms?

Dax: As she leans forward, she sets her elbow on the table and rests her chin in her left palm, and that is when you notice this very gaudy ring on her finger.        

Dax (as Sarah): I am not wealthy by any means. My husband, on the other hand, is. Maybe not wealthy in the sense of where you’re from, but in Eulela we’d be almost like royalty. 

Kappa (as Rou): Where I’m from, royalty is very different. If I were to pick out from my home who is the royalty, they wouldn’t have butlers. And that’s not to say that I hold any judgments or prejudices against you, I just was not expecting..

Dax: She covers her mouth a little, as if trying to stifle a giggle.   

Dax (as Sarah): offense taken. In fact I’m still getting used to..

Dax: She glances over her shoulder. 

Dax (as Sarah): Walter being there all the time. It’s a new arrangement but my husband didn’t want me traveling alone. Can’t say I blame him, but..

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, you've got fashion monsters to worry about.  

[Dax laughs]

Dax (as Sarah): Well, I am going back home because I received a very disturbing letter from my mother.    

Kappa (as Rou): Oh no.

Dax (as Sarah): Oh, she’s alright. But apparently there’s been some trouble near home and she just..she hasn’t seen me in a long time and wants a visit. It’s a long journey from Azarra to Kesh so it’s just better to be safe than sorry.  

Kappa (as Rou): I see. Sounds like you were very close with your mother.      

Dax (as Sarah): Mm..I don’t know if we were so much “close” but I think that you appreciate your parents the older you get.   

Kappa (as Rou): I know something a little bit about that. [pauses] What’s in this mug?

Dax (as Sarah): You..[chuckles] you finally want to take a drink, do you? 

Dax: So what you see before you is a wooden mug and it’s steaming and from the look of it, it’s this viscous brown liquid.  

Dax (as Sarah): What you have in front of you is what we call hot chocolate. So you’ll want to give it a minute to cool down, but it’s probably something that you will only find in Eulela. I have yet to have found it in Baukora.

Kappa (as Rou): Liquified chocolate. 

Dax (as Sarah): Got a little bit of a kick. 

Kappa (as Rou): That’s..quite novel. It’s usually something you eat, right?

Dax (as Sarah): Generally. We often drink it more in the colder months, so I think right now is the perfect time to start drinking hot chocolate. 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, oh now okay!

Dax (as Sarah): Oh w- [laughs]

Kappa (as Rou): Ah! Oh, that hurts!

Dax (as Sarah): [laughing] I warned you it was hot!

Kappa (as Rou): You said it was now!

Dax (as Sarah): I meant this time of year!

Kappa (as Rou): Oh..[coughs] Once I’m able to taste again I’m sure it’ll have cooled down by then.  

Dax (as Sarah): I’m sure you have already burned off a few tastebuds. 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh..

Dax: I will say that what little flavor you were able to enjoy after that burning, steaming sensation of this molten chocolate, if you were to get over that, it’s almost like drinking a mix of milk and dark chocolate in liquid form. It’s not looks more viscous than it actually is. It rolls down the back of your throat very easily and then at the very end you get this nice warmth of some sort of..almost like a chili pepper.    

Kappa (as Rou): Well, the little bit that I did taste was quite pleasant. I look forward to the rest of this mug, despite the initial attack.

Dax (as Sarah): Perhaps I should have specified that Walter get you a cool drink. 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, no this is wonderful. I want the whole Eulelan experience.  

Dax (as Sarah): Let me ask you something, Rou.

Kappa (as Rou): Sure.

Dax (as Sarah): I shared perhaps a little bit more than I normally would with a stranger, but you seem a little harmless. 

Kappa (as Rou): I would hope so, yes.   

[Dax giggles]

Dax (as Sarah): You mentioned that you understand where I’m coming from with regards to family and how..I guess what I’m asking is where exactly, out of that entire continent, did you come from?     

Kappa (as Rou): Well, like you I come from a relatively smaller establishment…established town. Nearby is actually a sort of mine. You know in some western parts there’s a high demand for flexible and durable materials or metals. That’s where about..where I’m from. Uh, have you been to Ashguard?     

Dax: Sarah takes a sip of her cocktail, looks around a little bit as if she’s pondering.

Dax (as Sarah): No, I can’t say that I have.

Kappa (as Rou): Okay, well, Ashguard is about two days journey from Arcwall, where we left from Baukora.  

Dax (as Sarah): Oh, alright. I didn't get to that part of the continent, I was more down in the deeper regions.  

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, it’s very easy to miss. By a mountain and dense forest, so..very, very easy to miss. We don’t get many strangers, uhm, in Ashguard. But, being from a relatively smaller town..village, I grow close with your family. Right? They look out for you, your sort of network of trusted individuals is quite small. And given the proximity to everywhere else you create strong bonds with those that are close to you. 

Dax: She nods.  

Kappa (as Rou): My journey was a surprise to many that my parents and I were close to. I wouldn’t be lying if I said that it was an unpleasant one, but this is something that I must do. This journey, this expedition, much to the dismay of my parents. It was hard to see them so torn, they’re usually there to support me but in this decision they were unable to and one, that hurt me, but I can see the anguish on their face. 

Dax: The whole time you’ve been talking she has gone from sitting up relatively straight to eventually having both elbows on the table and her head resting in her palms, listening very intently. 

Dax (as Sarah): Oh, that sounds very bittersweet. 

Kappa (as Rou): It’s hard to pick out the sweet in that.  

Dax (as Sarah): Well, you're doing something for yourself, are you not?

Kappa (as Rou): Uh, yes! Yes I..this is something that I need to do. Though, while true to myself, does not feel as if I had any support going through with this decision. 

Dax (as Sarah): Well, sorry that that was their response. My mother was sad when I left, but she also knew that I didn’t really fit in with the rest of the villagers. So it was one of those..she understood I was going off to better myself and she was happy that I was looking to find my place in the world? But at the same time, I was her only daughter and my father was no longer around so it was hard. So I get that.  

Kappa (as Rou): How..[chuckles] how fortuitous that we met on this airship.

Dax (as Sarah): I suppose Vuldarin was looking over you then.  

Kappa (as Rou): Vul..Vuldara?

Dax (as Sarah): Oh! 

Dax: She puts her palm onto her forehead.

Dax (as Sarah): I forgot. So, in Eulela, there are quite a few that recognize the God of Luck. We call him Vuldarin, he..a lot of the paintings and texts talk about him as if he were a Satyr. He can be a nasty fellow if he’s angered, but every once in a while he’ll find a mortal that he finds favor in and will grant good luck.   

Kappa (as Rou): Oh! Well I hope Vuldarin shines upon me more often. 

Dax (as Sarah): Well I hope so for your sake. Bad luck is not something I ever would like to be cursed with. 

Kappa (as Rou): You said you didn’t fit in back home. Why is that? If you don’t mind me asking.

Dax (as Sarah): Oh, uh, not at all. I did get kind of personal with you, didn’t I? I think it’s only fair. I just..I didn’t want to be a farmer. I didn’t want to work my whole life, I wanted to go out and see the world and a lot of my family, my friends, were content to live out their lives in the same place they were born. Doing what their parents did just wasn’t for me.

Kappa (as Rou): But..was there no obligation to family? No desperate need to support the group?

Dax: She shrugs a little bit at that and starts to twirl her glass a little bit.

Dax (as Sarah): You see, the village supports itself and there were enough of us that one missing wasn’t going to hurt anything. Was I shirking some obligations to my mother and the rest of the village? Perhaps, but..I needed to do this for me.

Kappa (as Rou): I see. If I was as brave as you, I probably would’ve gone on this trip way, way earlier than now. There’s this fear that when I go home, that they won’t be there because I wasn’t there. I’m glad to be on this journey but I would be lying if I said that I don’t question it. Whether it was the right decision. There’s still that part of me that is telling me to go find any way to go back home. Find another airship, a boat, or something. It’s loud enough that I can’t ignore.  

Dax (as Sarah): Can I ask you something?

Kappa (as Rou): Of course.

Dax (as Sarah): If you had stayed behind, what calamity could you possibly prevent by being just one extra person?

Kappa: I am going to take a sip of the hot chocolate, hopefully it doesn’t burn me. Do it and just let the question sink in, just a little longer than the others. 

Kappa (as Rou): See that’s the thing. I don’t know, but it’s that not knowing. The possibility. The imagination fills in all these horrible instances - fire, storm, other things not so natural. That even if I could not stop it, being there would’ve made all the difference in the world. Even if…even if the end result was failure. It’s not about the outcome of me being there. It’s hard to explain. It’s…my presence in the community. It’s the “one for all” mentality. The idea that you’re stronger together. 

Dax (as Sarah): I can see why you are having difficulty with your decision then. But I would suggest, considering this is the last time that this airship will be moving between the two continents, that you best get over your fear. Because your decision is made, and now you have to make the best of it.   

Kappa (as Rou): Yes. Yes, uh, and that’s part of the reason why I struck up a conversation. To learn more about where I’m heading. Get excited about what I’m about to uncover and learn, and discover. It's just so rife with possibility and opportunity. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still very much energized to be on this ship. To be going to a new land, a new people. But I’m still me, I still have all of my past and my family’s past and all that. I feel it would be dishonor to just let that go. So I’m bringing that with me.

Dax (as Sarah): Nobody says that you have to let it go. Just don’t let it hold you back.

Kappa (as Rou): I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you, Sarah.

Dax: She nods. And it’s about this time that you can hear the crew starting to set things up for dinner.

Dax (as Sarah): Do you care to stay with me for supper? I imagine we’re getting close to port and, well, it wouldn’t hurt to finish the trip with a little company.   

Kappa (as Rou): I would be delighted. I have spent too many meals alone, it seems very odd.

Dax (as Sarah): Excellent! Well, order whatever you wish. It’s on my tab and enjoy yourself.

Kappa (as Rou): Are you sure? I mean, I can pay for myself.

Dax (as Sarah): Yes, but my funds are guaranteed. I can imagine that you’re going to need your money once we land.

Kappa (as Rou): This is true. [chuckles] Okay!I will find something that pairs well with hot chocolate.

Dax (as Sarah): [softly laughing] Uh, if you would like you can get something else to drink for dinner and save the hot chocolate for later but…I hear that the roast boar goes well with hot chocolate.    

Kappa (as Rou): Then I will be having roast boar.

Dax: Dinner goes over well, you are fed as many courses as you care to order. Perhaps Sarah is even able to convince you to order dessert. As the sun sets, you hear an announcement that the ship will be landing and that everyone is to head back to their rooms. Sarah wishes you luck, and presses a small coin purse into your hands.  

Kappa (as Rou): Sarah I..I know you’re going to make me take this so..thank you. 

Dax (as Sarah): No. Thank you for the company. 

Kappa (as Rou): I hope to visit Kesh.

Dax (as Sarah): Oh, I hope you don’t. [laughs] But I suppose I also can’t stop you from visiting. Maybe someday our paths will cross again and I’ll be able to ask you how your trip has gone.

Kappa (as Rou): I’d like that.  

Dax: She gives a gentle nod and leaves with Walter. As you head back to your room, the hallways start to grow dim as you get away from the natural light of the windows. Little yellow bulbs hang above you to kind of give some light. You are caught by a slightly familiar scent. Sandalwood and the barest hint of lily.

Music shifts to a more ominous, mysterious tone [37:19]   

Kappa (as Rou): Oh no.

Kappa: I rush faster to my room. Is there..I imagine there’s some sort of locking mechanism?

Dax: Yes.

Kappa: Okay. I lock myself in my room and gather my things. Be ready to depart, but only when I’m instructed to do so. 

Dax: The ship lands without issue, shortly thereafter. The rooms are called numerically to disembark so that everything is in an orderly fashion. You probably sit on the ship for an hour before your room is called.

Kappa: During that hour I’d like to count out the silver that Sarah had gifted to me. Is this on top of the initial silver that I have?

Dax: Mhmm.

Kappa: Okay.

Dax: The coin purse that Sarah gave you had 20 gold in it. 

Kappa (as Rou): Gold? Oh, too generous. This…now I have to visit Kesh.

Dax: When you disembark the ship, that scent doesn’t come to you again.  

Kappa: Okay.

Music shifts back to relaxing guitar [38:42]

Kappa (as Rou): I should’ve asked Sarah where to stay. 

Kappa: I’m going to go to someone that looks like they know what they’re doing and inquire.

Kappa (as Rou): Excuse me! I’m new..[chuckles]..obviously. Is there any recommended inns that would be open to travelers from..that are getting off this dock? This port? This port. Docks are for boats.  

Dax: The first crewmember you see, shuffling people and making sure that they’re continuing to move down the halls stops when you call out.  

Dax (as the crewmember): [slightly lower register] Oh! If..there’s an information center soon as you get into the port, they’ll be able to give you a list of taverns and stuff. We stay on the ship, so..

Kappa (as Rou): Ah! Yes, okay. Thank you! I had no idea.

Dax (as the crewmember): It’s a common question. I really should, one of these days, go and grab one of the pamphlets myself and be prepared with answers. But they have an information center, soon as you get off the ship you’ll see it.  

Kappa (as Rou): Thank you! 

Kappa: Then I will continue following the crowd, or people that look like they know where they’re going and looking for any sort of signage, ya know, of this information center. Trying to be wary of that scent. 

Dax: You go with the rest of the passengers that are part of your disembarkment group. You make your way down the stairway that you climbed up when you boarded the ship, and when you get out into the port, first you’re in a large stone room where you can see some people milling about. Some people are greeting friends and family members as they’re hugging and talking, and you can see some people are doing something similar to you where they’re looking around for signs. They’re trying to get their bearings. You do see a sign above that points down the hallway, “Information Center”.  

Kappa: Yes, I make my way to the Information Center, following the sign.  

Dax: And that is where we are going to end the session.  

Music fades out [41:05]

Dax: Thanks for listening! We hope you’ll join us next time but in the interim, follow us on Twitter @RoadsUncharted.

The “Roads Uncharted” podcast is GMed and produced by Dax, who you can find on Twitter @GM_Dax. We use the Genesys RPG system published by Fantasy Flight Games, and music licensed by Epidemic Sound. 

Arthas, Champion of Offam, is played by Neil. 

Eight is played by Wren, who also composed the music for our opening teme. Follow them on Twitter @ThornyDryad.

Rou is played by Kappa, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheKappaChris.