Roads Uncharted

S2 E4: The Hedgehog Inn

Episode Summary

Rou arrives at an inn where he hopes to relax for a few days, but that relaxation is put on hold when Eight and Arthas stumble into the same inn.

Episode Notes

As Eight and Arthas make their way through the city streets they are approached by a man named Thomas. When attempts to cause trouble fail, Thomas and his companions leave the duo confused and concerned. 

Rou arrives at The Hedgehog Inn, a recommendation from Azarra’s Welcome Center, and begins to make himself comfortable for the evening. As he enjoys his dinner, the door opens and a massive man begins to try and wedge himself through the opening. Eight and Arthas have arrived at the same inn.

Although Arthas has to stay in the barn due to his size, he is delighted to learn of a fighting competition that is going to occur in the morning. As they often are, Eight is the first to approach and manages to convince Rou to let them join him for dinner. Rou learns very quickly that Eight likes to chat, as the warforged regales him with tales of their journey thus far. When Eight makes mention that they are headed to the university at Kidohlva, Rou agrees to join them since he is headed there as well.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris and Wren @ThornyDryad

Transcript by CJ Kallevig

Episode Transcription

Upbeat piano intro ends [00:28] 

Thoughtful piano music fades in [00:29]

Wren (as Eight): Hello, I am Eight and you are listening to Roads Uncharted. Previously on our adventures, Arthas and I had met a most peculiar scholar by the name of Theodore Lawrence Briggs. Who, in his pursuits of knowledge, found himself dwelling within the deep Wild Woods, along with the Kinder-Kai that dwelled there. Theodore Lawrence Briggs was interested in Arthas and myself, because of the fact that we were also visitors to that location. As such, the scholar had requested our assistance with his expedition deeper into the forest to explore fluctuations in time and space. I believe he called them portals. While we were exploring, we came across one such portal. Which, through some sort of strange trickery, gave sentience to a nearby tree which attacked us. Arthas, being the mighty Giant-Kin that he is, sprung into action and deftly dispatched off the creature. 

Upon doing so, Theodore Lawrence Briggs had posited that the creature was given sentience for a singular purpose. Which, coincidentally seemed to be to defend the location. We had discovered ruins hidden within the forest with archaic symbols which had been etched into the stone. Theodore Lawrence Briggs brought us back to his hovel, at which point, he imparted upon me some information regarding that strange symbol. Which may or may not be related to my own creation. Arthas and I departed from the land of the Kinder-Kai with a newfound purpose to reach the library in Kidohlva. Not only to do research on the implications of the missing children, but also what those strange symbols we had discovered in the forest may be related to. Arthas and I now find ourselves arriving at Azarra, the port city which is along the way to the city of Kidohlva. 

Music shifts to a pleasant flute [2:58]

Dax: The port city of Azarra is relatively large. As you approach the city, you can see massive air ships coming and going. Eight and Arthas, you have been traveling for the last few weeks. The Kinder-Kai didn’t really deal in coin, but they provided you with some supplies before you left the Wild Woods. It is now the month of Raksin, or as we would know it, September. Arthas, you can feel the cold wind as it whips across your face, made worse by the dampness from the autumn rain that had been falling all day. It’s just after supper and it’s getting dark. What are the two of you discussing as you walk closer to this port city?

Neil (as Arthas): So what is the point of an airship?

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, are you unfamiliar with airships?

Neil (as Arthas): I am familiar with the idea of a ship and perspectively of air. But why?

Wren (as Eight): Huh.

Wren: I kind of nod as you, just kind of ask and speak with what you’re familiar with, and looking up to you, I motion broadly.

Wren (as Eight): Well Arthas, you see, for as large as the mountains are, there is an infinitesimal amount of sky. To travel the sky requires special contraptions…airships. I don’t think we’ve ever really discussed it much but I’ve taken an airship. I did not care for it. However, it was the best way to travel through the air. Certainly the safest. If I had wanted to arrive on this continent in any other way, I probably would have died once I hit the ground.

Neil (as Arthas): Probably. But if Ymin wanted us to fly, he would have given us wings.

Wren (as Eight): I suppose that’s a fair point. However, if there’s one thing that humanoids seem intent on doing, it would be creating means and methods of doing things that they typically cannot. After all, if Ymin had meant for you to chisel stone, would he have not have given you hammers for hands? And pickaxes for feet?

Neil (as Arthas): Tremendously good point. Still, I don’t know if I trust it.

Wren: As I respond here, my eyes flash and I certainly nod vigorously.

Wren (as Eight): You are wise to not trust flying. I will tell you, it is a harrowing experience. However, sometimes we must make use of things we do not trust in order to better our current circumstances?

Neil (as Arthas): That tracks to me.

Wren (as Eight): Regardless, we will not be taking an airship for this leg of our journey. Not if I can help it. Perhaps when we reach the city, we’ll be able to discover an alternate means of travel. I’m sure your legs are getting tired.

Neil (as Arthas): You’re not wrong. I certainly wouldn’t mind a cart big enough for myself.

Wren (as Eight): Oh, that’s a good point. We’d probably have to request a special order if we were to have a cart for your size.

Neil (as Arthas): I’m sure they’ll exist.

Wren (as Eight): Yes. It’s a large city, I’m sure there has to be some sort of carpenter that can accommodate…

Wren: And I just kind of look up and down your body.

Wren (as Eight): Your leg size?

Wren: How far out from the city would we be?

Dax: You’re probably, maybe another five or ten minute walk. Depending on how fast you’re moving. I know Arthas would be moving a heck of a lot faster than you, Eight. So…

Wren: That’s for sure. I’m going as fast as Bessie will allow me. Which is at a plodding pace.

Dax: Speaking of how fast you can go. Rou, you’ve made it through what was essentially a welcome center. You were able to meander through the crowd. You are now out in the city proper. Cold wind is smacking against your face, you can feel the light drizzle of the rain. There’s a decent size crowd around you, not overly packed. It’s sparse enough that you can keep an eye on other people’s spaces. Things are starting to close up for the night. Where are you headed?

Kappa: I believe the information center gave me a good place to stay. A tavern, or inn? And given the situation, everything seems to be closing down, exploring will have to wait until tomorrow. So, I’m making my way to the tavern that was given to me by the information center, the Hedgehog Inn.

Dax: Alright. Honestly, it’s easy enough to find. You head down this street that leads away from the airport. I’m guessing, a little faster than you probably normally would be.

Kappa: Yes, um, not so fast that I can’t take in the sights even though everything seems to be closing down. Just getting a feel for the architecture and marveling at how different it is from home.

Dax: So the buildings around you are all made of stone. Most of them are, I would say thatched roofing, but it’s this weird thatch. A lot of the buildings anywhere that they have one or two stories have a roof that, if you look closely, actually looks like that weird green stuff that you saw on the coast that one time, but dried out. So, kind of seaweed-ish, but it’s very grey and thick. Seems to be a very popular choice. Not all the buildings have it, some of them do have some tile and some wood, but most of them do use that weird seaweed stuff.

Kappa: I say this out loud as I’m making my way.

Kappa (as Rou): I wonder if, I wonder if their houses here are insulated well. Good thing I brought some blankets and coats.

Dax: You head down the street you meander through the crowd and eventually you do come to a building with a sign that does say ‘The Hedgehog Inn’.

Music shifts to a guitar melody [9:41]

Kappa: I will enter and inquire at some sort of desk. If there doesn’t appear to be one, just sort of watch the crowd, see who’s doing what and trying to suss from there.

Dax: You walk into the building and there is indeed a desk. There are a myriad of shelves behind it where you can see some of them have keys, some of them have pieces of paper, scrolls. There is a young Gnome sitting at the very large desk. I’d probably say it’s about a good ten feet long, wooden desk. Hes’s just writing in a book, every once in a while pushing up the glasses closer to his face.

Kappa (as Rou): Uh, excuse me? Hello.

Dax (as the Gnome): [voice is high-pitched, femme] Oh, oh. Hello!

Kappa (as Rou): Hi, my name is Rou. I have just arrived here via airship, and the information -

Dax (as the Gnome): Well, you wouldn’t be the first one, yes?

Kappa (as Rou): [chuckle] Yes, and the information desk pointed me in the direction of this fine establishment. Do you have any rooms available?

Dax: Starts flipping through his pages of the book.

Dax (as the Gnome): Yes, yes. We actually just had one vacate earlier this morning…[mumbles]. Let’s see, how many nights will you be staying?

Kappa (as Rou): Uh, that I’m not sure. At least two nights, is it okay if I extend that further?

Dax (as the Gnome): I don’t see why that would be a problem. No, no, no. It’ll be a one gold deposit for two nights and then it’ll be [mumbles] three gold after that, each night.

Kappa (as Rou): Wonderful, wonderful. Okay, here is the one gold deposit. And are there meals included?

Dax (as the Gnome): Yes, yes.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, wonderful, wonderful. I am quite famished. I will return, do I just place an order over there? Here?

Dax (as the Gnome): Well, if you would like something to eat, just head on over to the tables over there. You see them in the back corner over there? That’s our little breakfast nook. I can let Sally know that we do have a late-comer. I mean, we just, we’ve just finished serving dinner as a whole but I suppose there should be enough for you to have something left over.

Kappa (as Rou): That would be wonderful, yes. Great, um, thank you very much. You are very kind.

Dax (as the Gnome): Oh, it’s no trouble, no trouble at all.

Dax: He takes the gold from you and puts it in a little side pouch, scribbles a few things on the book and then goes back to his business. The breakfast nook to which he was referring, if you glance around the room, you do see that there is a set of stairs that lead to an upper level. You see that there is a decently-sized bar on the far wall. Near the wall are six or seven tables, all with chairs. Only one of them has anybody sitting there, and it is a young woman reading a book. Kind of playing around with what looks to be some sort of stew.

Kappa:  I will, I will leave her alone but, she looks somewhat busy, but as I pass by I just sort of nod and wave.

Kappa (as Rou): Good evening.

Dax: She looks up slightly from her book. Nods to you, and then goes back to it. You can hear the proprietor leaving his stool and shuffling towards another room. Potentially the back, maybe the kitchen.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh. This is going to be my home for the next two nights, I guess. It’s quaint. Quaint, yes. Perhaps I should write this down.

Kappa: And I will pull out my journal and start writing down about, writing about the thatched roofs and the curious form of wait-staff.

Dax: It is nice and toasty in here, there is a large firepit at one of the far back corners, that gives off a nice, decent glow. It does give off enough heat in the building. From what you can tell so far, the buildings are at least insulated enough that you might be warm for the night. Eight and Arthas, you are coming up to the city of Azarra. You see similar buildings, with those weird seaweed thatched roofs. You can see off in the distance those airships now are looming over you as they’re coming and going into port. Again, it’s relatively busy still, for this time of night. But not overly packed. You are noticing that people are noticing how tall Arthas is and they are staring a little bit more openly than others you’ve run into in past journeys. 

Music shifts back to a pleasant flute [13:48]

Wren: First and foremost, I would be looking around to see if there’s someone or somewhere we might be able to get some direction as we get into the city proper or approach the gates. Are there gates?

Dax: No, there are no gates for Azarra.

Wren: Okay. And seeing everyone staring at Arthas, I will look up at him and say,

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, Arthas. People are staring again. Should we, should we tell them that you’re not a street performer on stilts?

Neil (as Arthas): Not until they start throwing money at me.

Wren (as Eight): Oh, in an attempt to, wait. Normally people give people money that are entertaining them. Would you mean that you do not want people to throw money at you?

Neil (as Arthas): It’s happened once or twice. It’s just weird. My prodigious size doesn’t seem like something that should be paid for.

Wren (as Eight): That’s true. You simply are who you are. And you are Arthas! Heh, that was fun to say. Hello, I am Eight!

Wren: And I just start waving at people as we’re walking through the street.

Neil: And I’m trying to keep a good pace behind Eight.

Dax: Alright, so you say this to various people that you walk by, as you do. Most of the people, as I said, are staring at Arthas a little awkwardly, but when you introduce yourself, they realize their bad manners and they go on their merry way. One person does pay attention to you, a young man followed by two slightly larger males walks up to you and says,

Dax (as the young man): [slightly deeper voice] So, Eight, you said?

Wren (as Eight): That is correct. My name is Eight. And who might you be? 

Dax (as the young man): You can call me Thomas. What… what are you?  And… 

Dax: And Thomas looks up at Arthas.

Dax (as Thomas): And why are you so tall? Shouldn’t you be at the pier?

Neil (as Arthas): Why are you so short?

Dax: He straightens up a little bit, puffs out his chest.

Dax (as Thomas): I’m not short.

Neil (as Arthas): From up here you are.

Wren (as Eight): It is true, comparatively you are shorter.

Dax: Scrunches his face a little bit.

Dax (as Thomas): Well, you didn’t exactly answer my question.

Wren (as Eight): I suppose I must counter with another question. Why would he be at the pier?

Dax (as Thomas): You…

Dax: He looks very confused.

Dax (as Thomas): That’s where…you know what? I’m not even going to bother telling you. If you want to know, you can go to the pier tomorrow and find out for yourself.

Wren (as Eight): That’s a little ominous. Tell me, Thomas, did you have any intention of conversation that actually amounted to anything?

Dax (as Thomas): Well, I was curious as to what you are. You have yet to answer me. So..?

Wren (as Eight): I am a person and I am Eight.

Dax (as Thomas): Right.

Dax: He looks at the two men that have been following him.

Dax (as Thomas): You know, this isn’t as fun as I thought it was going to be. Let’s go.

Dax: And he walks away. The two of them stop, give you both a quizzical glance, and follow after him.

Neil (as Arthas): I believe we were almost mugged.

Wren: I furrow my brow and jut my jaw out and look up at Arthas.

Wren (as Eight): Uh, I can’t say I’m familiar with being mugged. I suppose… is it something that I’d like to experience?

Neil (as Arthas): No. No, you would not.

Wren (as Eight): Okay. Fair enough. Well, then I suppose it’s just as well that we avoided it. Though, they seemed a little off-putting, did they not?

Neil (as Arthas): Agreed. I’m not sure if I appreciated how they presented that information.

Wren (as Eight): Me neither. It seemed slightly condescending and a bit rude. Do you suppose all the people in this city will be like that?

Neil (as Arthas): I certainly hope not.

Wren (as Eight): Between the staring and this interaction, I don’t have high hopes for Azarra. Though, at the very least, they did tell us an interesting place to look for. Perhaps we should check out this “the pier”.

Wren: And I use air quotes as I say it.

Wren (as Eight): And see what all the fuss is about.

Neil (as Arthas): Certainly. Did they have any indication as to where that is?

Wren: I put my hand on my jaw.

Wren (as Eight): I suppose they did not. However, if we ask someone, I’m sure they’ll tell us.

Neil (as Arthas): Fantastic idea! It beats mine.

Wren (as Eight): Let’s see. Whenever I need information, the other places I’ve been, I either go to a library or a tavern. The barkeeps are usually particularly knowledgeable about the local area. Perhaps we should look for a place to find information.

Neil (as Arthas): Agreed.

Wren (as Eight): And at the same time, it is starting to get late and we cannot very well camp out in the middle of the street. So, we might look for a place for you to stay.

Neil (as Arthas): I would also certainly appreciate that. And a meal of some kind.

Wren: I suppose we’ll start wandering around, looking for a place to find accommodations.

Dax: It takes you maybe ten or fifteen minutes, as you’re wandering the streets, to run into a building with a sign, labeled ‘The Hedgehog Inn’.

Wren (as Eight): Ah! Look, Arthas. This says it’s an inn. That means we can find a place for you to stay. Well, us to stay. You to sleep, and me to watch you sleep. Shall we go inside?

Neil (as Arthas): Fantastic.

Neil: I will now attempt to wedge myself through the doorway.

Wren (as Eight): Uh…

Dax: Okay. Make me a Coordination check.

Neil: Oh boy!

Dax: Make it at Medium difficulty, please.

Neil: That’s a Success and a Threat.

Dax: Okay. If you have no objections, how do you feel about taking a Strain for that Threat?

Neil: Certainly. 

Music shifts back to a guitar melody [20:50]

Dax: Figure it takes a little bit of maneuvering, and you do end up getting a little bit of a crick in your neck as you move through the door. Rou, while you’re sitting there, a bowl of stew and a half of a loaf of bread are put in front of you. You see, Eight would you have gone in first? Or would Arthas have gone in first?

Wren: Since Arthas was wedging their way in, after I indicated towards the building, I would be behind Arthas on the outside. Basically, shouting encouragement to his backside.

Wren (as Eight): Yes! Just a little bit to the left! Uh, maybe down a touch? Your shoulder seems to be getting stuck. Perhaps you should try turning a little bit. Yes, like that! Like that.

Dax: That’s fair. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t try to scramble in first before Arthas did. So Rou, you’re sitting there eating your dinner and the door opens for the inn. You see this massive man start to wedge himself through the door.

Kappa: A bit of panic starts to set in and I’ll motion over to the other patron that was mentioned.

Kappa (as Rou): Psst. Is this, is this a normal occurrence?

Dax (as the woman): [higher-pitched femme] Hmm? Oh! 

Kappa (as Rou): Over there. 

Dax (as the woman): Ah, mmm.

Kappa (as Rou): Is this something to be panicked about?

Dax (as the woman): [whispering] I, I, I don’t really know? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man that large.

Kappa (as Rou): Okay. Uhhh, just, just in case. Do you know where the exits are?

Dax (as the woman): I mean, there’s windows in the rooms upstairs. And I would hope that there’s a back door, but I don’t go wandering in the back of inns.

Kappa (as Rou): Okay. For now, just I guess stay behind me, and I will just prepare my staff for whatever, whatever this large figure is attempting to do. Destroy the building, or break in.

Kappa: Very nervously, obviously very nervous. I’ve been here all of 30 minutes and already having to defend myself.

Dax: Arthas, you’ve managed to wedge yourself in. Thankfully the ceiling is high enough where you don’t have to scrunch that much, but you do have to hunch over in order to stand in this room. You see that there is a Gnome sitting at a desk, staring with his mouth agape.

Neil (as Arthas): Hello. I’m seeking accommodations.

Dax (as the Gnome): Uh-huh. For just yourself?

Neil (as Arthas): I also have a friend.

Neil: And I make my best attempt to motion towards the doorway.

Wren: At which point, I just kind of push my way through the door, because I’m normal sized. Bessie following behind me, I bring the donkey inside and I look to the Gnome behind the desk. I see Arthas talking to them, and I just kind of, I stop short. I put my hand up in front of me, palm up and I go.

Wren (as Eight): Oh! Is it okay if I bring my animal in with me? 

Dax: The Gnome glances back and forth between the two of you. 

Dax (as the Gnome): Uh, oh. I…

Dax: The Gnome looks at Bessie, squints. You see them hop down off their stool, and they come around from the side of the desk and they get real close to Bessie.

Dax (as the Gnome): Is… is it real?

Wren: I quirk my eyebrows at the question and kind of look to the Gnome and I say,

Wren (as Eight): Why, of course she’s real. Go ahead and touch her! If she wasn’t real, I wouldn’t have asked if she could come inside. I will say she does not make mess, so she would be the tidiest animal you will ever experience at this establishment.

Dax: So Rou, just for your information, when you see this Warforged creature come in to the inn, they are carried what looks to be a donkey, for all intents and purposes. At first glance, she does look like an actual donkey. But the longer you stare, something seems off about it. And the Gnome’s question makes you stare maybe a little harder, maybe not. I’m not really sure.

Kappa (as Rou): They just seem to be a bit confused. I don’t think we’re in any danger. Sorry for the false alarm, but this is, this is odd. [nervous chuckle]

Dax (as the woman): Oh, you’re telling me. I’m starting to wonder if I want to stay here the night.

Kappa (as Rou): I’ve already paid up so I’m here.

Dax (as the woman): That’s a good point.

Dax: She shuffles her chair a little bit, so you can hear the sound of wood scraping against wood as she adjusts so that she can face Arthas and Eight while she reads her book.

Kappa (as Rou): And uh, do you mind if I share your table? I’m.. this is quite harrowing and I would appreciate some company.

Dax: She nods and motions towards the empty chair near her.

Kappa (as Rou): Wonderful.

Kappa: I will put my staff down next to the table, go back and grab my stew and loaf of bread and carry it over. Similarly, face the direction of this transaction. Just sort of watching.

Kappa (as Rou): Is it rude to watch like this? Or is this a special occasion in these parts?

Dax: She doesn’t exactly look up from her book.

Dax (as the woman): Um, it’s why I like to carry a book because then I can people watch without being too obvious.

Kappa (as Rou): Fair, fair.

Kappa: And I will pick up my loaf of bread and just sort of stare at it while I’m watching and eating it slowly.

Dax: The Gnome pokes Bessie a little bit and then looks up at you, Eight.

Dax (as the Gnome): You know, um, I’m not entirely sure that she’s… I, I suppose she, I don’t really have rooms on the first floor. And I don’t know if she’s, um…

Wren (as Eight): She is quite good at climbing, I assure you.

Dax (as the Gnome): It’s the more getting down that I’m worried about.

Wren (as Eight): Oh, that’s not a problem. Even if she could not descend stairs, my companion, Arthas, is quite handy with picking her up and moving her.

Neil (as Arthas): Would you like a demonstration?

Dax (as the Gnome): No, no.

Neil (as Arthas): Understandable.

Dax: The Gnome heads back to the desk and, Eight and Arthas, do you follow him to the desk? Do you look around the room? What?

Wren: My companion Arthas was already attempting to procure accommodations for himself and me, so I will leave the parley to him and I will look around the room.

Dax: You’re going to leave the parley to Arthas? Okay. Alright, so Eight, you look around the room. You see that in one corner there is a large fire pit that does seem to be emanating a nice glow across the rest of the room. You see that there is a nice bar in one corner and nearby, six or seven tables and chairs. There are two people sharing a table. Rou, would you like to describe yourself first?

Kappa: Sure. So you, first glance, the male, you see medium-short, scruffy unkempt black hair that connects into a boxed beard that frames a somewhat tired face. In the light, you can tell that he’s got olive brown skin, dark brown eyes, and on first glance, he seems quite scrawny actually. But only at first glance. If you stare a little bit longer, you can tell that this person is actually quite tall. Medium build, it’s just that his armor is slightly too big for him. Almost this hand-me-down, worn armor. It’s curious, it makes, it makes him seem much more smaller than he actually is. The plates are a plain, dark metal. Few scratches, and the clothing underneath does seem to fit better than his armor and looks very typical except for rows and rows of fastenings and zippers lined along the arms and waist area. Carries with him a traveling pack, somewhat large and a walking stick.

Dax: Seated next to him is a woman with a dark blue, what appears to be woolen, dress and overcoat. Curly brown hair, about shoulder length. Her nose buried in a book.

Wren: I look to Arthas to make sure things are proceeding okay. You know, regardless of how things are proceeding, I will take Bessie and start walking towards the bar area because I am going to take a seat at a table because my friend is going to want to eat. I will stake out a table for us.

Dax: So, Eight, why don’t you describe what Rou would see as you start heading towards where he and this woman are sitting.

Wren: Well, with a cursory glance, Eight appears to be a moving pile of plating. The framework of their body is covered in white polished plates, you know, covering the shoulders and the upper arms and it kind of terminates in large, almost comically sized gauntlet-like hands. Their hands themselves are three fingers, three large fingers and their head, their face is almost like an expressionless mask with two brilliant violet lenses that are set into it. They have eyebrows that look like creeping tendrils of vine that shift and move, almost to mimic expression. Their lower jaw is uncovered by the plating and is composed of that same kind of fleshy vine-like material. It can kind of purse and move as they speak or kind of flex it. 

Their body is covered with a light blue cloak, that kind of makes a cowl around their neck and drapes along their back and shoulders. Their legs and waist are framed and plated in the same white polished metal. On their hips, they have a belt that has little ways for them to keep pouches and bottles and vials, just kind of strapped to their sides. You can also see a book or two that might be strapped to them, and they have a little satchel or rucksack that they carry or have strapped to their waist as well. The only other thing I can really call out is that the plating is rimmed in rose gold. So, they’re very bright. Very vibrant. They step heavily, so you hear them clomping across the floor as they’re walking into the dining area.

Dax: Arthas, you said that you were headed toward, you were going to deal with the proprietor and try to get a room. You see that the Gnome walks back to his desk. He scrambles up to his stool and he stands there poised at his little ledger book, looking at you.

Neil (as Arthas): So, what is your rate?

Dax (as the Gnome): Well..

Dax: He looks over at Eight, looks at you. Looks back over at Eight, but more specifically at Bessie.

Dax (as the Gnome): I just sold my last room. However, if you, I don’t really have anywhere that I could accommodate you. You see, you’re a bit large for my second floor.

Neil (as Arthas): Do you have a barn or a basement?

Dax (as the Gnome): Oh. I do have a barn in the back… if that’s where you want to sleep?

Neil (as Arthas): I assure you, I have had far worse sleeping arrangements.

Dax (as the Gnome): Alright. Well, if you don’t mind sleeping in the barn tonight, I might be able to at least get your friend an actual room. Tomorrow night, when I have one coming up as free?

Neil (as Arthas): Fantastic. And what will I owe you?

Dax (as the Gnome): It’ll be one gold to hold the room and then three gold each night after. Meals are included.

Neil (as Arthas): Perfect.

Neil: I’ll produce my little bag of money and start paying the man.

Dax: Alright. Do you just give him the one gold to hold the room or, how much do you give him?

Neil: The one gold to hold the room and the accommodation for the next day.

Dax: Okay, so four total. He takes the gold from you, he starts scribbling information in his little ledger book.

Dax (as the Gnome): I believe there’s enough food if the two of you want something to eat. I can go tell Sally. There are, of course, empty tables and chairs over there.

Neil (as Arthas): Certainly. Thank you.

Dax: He continues to scribble in his book. Arthas, what exactly would Rou see if Rou were inconspicuously staring over in your direction?

Neil: You’d see someone who is about 11 feet tall, bald head, tries to keep themselves shaved fairly well. They seem to be missing one or two teeth, and they’re wearing what kind of looks like handmade armor. It’s clear that whatever materials it’s been made out of have been scavenged. The burlap that he’s wearing to hold, he’s wearing a brigandine, which is just two strips of fabric with metal plates on the inside. The metal plates have been acquired as thanks from a farmer.

The strips of burlap were just, not exactly found in the trash, but kind of close. And he’s carrying what looks to be some sort of great sword with a chunk of masonry on the end. There’s no real way to shoulder it or holster it, so he’s just sort of like carrying it by the center of the blade around a lot. Trying to look like he’s not using it actively, and he looks not incredibly disheveled but maybe could use a run through a river. Yeah, he’s fairly pale. And that’s about it.

Dax: Before the Gnome gets off his stool, he does pause and look at you, Arthas.

Dax (as the Gnome): Tell me, are you here to compete in the arena?

Neil (as Arthas): Please elaborate.

Dax (as the Gnome): We have a fighting arena by the pier. Once a year, we have an annual competition where fighters come from all over the world. You seem large enough to handle your own, I was just wondering if that’s why you were in Azarra.

Neil (as Arthas): When is the competition?

Dax: The Gnome reaches down under the desk and pulls out a sheaf of paper. Arthas, if you look at this paper, you can see that there’s drawings of swords and axes and fists. You can see scrawled across it, some dates and some numbers and words. He turns the paper towards you and pushes it closer to you so that you can actually read it. What it says is that it should happen starting at noon, on the first day of the festival.

Dax (as the Gnome): The festival starts tomorrow.

Neil (as Arthas): Well, I definitely picked a fantastic time to roll into town.

Dax (as the Gnome): Well then, you might want to take this.

Neil (as Arthas): I certainly will.

Dax (as the Gnome): Entry fee is, I think, two gold? But whoever wins walks away with the stash.

Neil (as Arthas): Oooo. How many people have come into town for this?

Dax (as the Gnome): Um, I don’t know. I.. people come in and out of this city all the time. I don’t normally ask questions as to why they’re here, but you are a little large and terrifying. You’ll have to excuse me, I need to go tell Sally that there are two more bowls to make.

Neil (as Arthas): Absolutely. Thank you again.

Wren: Once Arthas turns back from the Gnome and if you’re kind of scanning, seeing where I went, I just… I’m at a table in the far corner. I just start waving.

Wren (as Eight): Arthas! I have a table over here! Look! I don’t know if it’s big enough but I pushed some of the other tables out of the way.

Wren: I’m just going to sit and wait for him to plod over.

Neil: I will commence the plodding.

Neil (as Arthas): Eight, I have fantastic news.

Neil: And I hold up that little piece of paper.

Neil (as Arthas): Look, a paper.

Wren (as Eight): Might I take it?

Neil: And I’ll hand it right over.

Wren (as Eight): Oh, look at the artistry on this. These fists are very realistic. Oh! And the axes, so deadly looking.

Neil (as Arthas): But more importantly than the drawings, the words written on the paper.

Wren (as Eight): Oh, yes. I was getting to those.

Wren: And I’ll start reading it.

Wren (as Eight): It says there’s a fighting competition? At the pier?

Neil (as Arthas): That must have been what those three… gentlemen… we ran into were talking about!

Wren: And I tap my chin, thinking about what you just said and you can almost see the lightbulb go off over my head.

Wren (as Eight): Yes! You must be right. Oh, perhaps they were hoping to beat us up. So, maybe they weren’t going to mug us?

Neil (as Arthas): I assure you, that frequently takes part in mugging.

Wren (as Eight): Hmmm. Well, Arthas, this is great and everything but how is this fantastic news for me?

Neil (as Arthas): For us. Because I can join said competition, and then we have more funds for travel.

Wren (as Eight): I see. We will require plenty of funds because well, quite frankly, you consume an awful lot of food.

Neil (as Arthas): I do eat frequently, yes.

Wren (as Eight): And a lot.

Kappa (as Rou): Excuse me. May I interrupt? You mentioned that there’s a fighting competition?

Neil (as Arthas): Yes. Yes, I did.

Kappa (as Rou): Sorry, I’m new in these parts. I just, are you selecting a new leader? Or is, what is the point of this fighting competition?

Neil (as Arthas): Evidently money.

Wren: My lenses are transfixed on the piece of paper and upon hearing this new voice, my head lifts and I just turn and look at you. You can’t even really tell I’m looking at you, because they’re just lenses.

Wren (as Eight): Well, hello stranger! I am Eight.

Kappa (as Rou): Hello. I am Rou. You…is… are you eight years old or is that your name?

Wren (as Eight): My name is Eight. I do not know how old I am. 

Kappa (as Rou): Well, pleasure to meet you, Eight. And you are? 

Kappa: Motioning over to Arthas.

Neil (as Arthas): Arthas Boston Boston Wapon Dynevy Marston Thurlow Lilford, the Champion of Offam. But I am frequently referred to as Art.

Kappa (as Rou): Art, okay. That, um, I’m not going to remember that, I can tell you that right now.

Neil (as Arthas): People rarely do.

Kappa (as Rou): But, this is strange to me, this idea of fighting for sport. People actively choose to put themselves in danger, for money.

Neil (as Arthas): It was alien to me once too. Generally, it is for the entertainment of nobles.

Kappa (as Rou): I see. I see. Strange.

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, I don’t believe I’ve knowledge of any nobility in this area. Do you suppose that this competition is to entertain nobles or simply for the sake of bloodshed?

Neil (as Arthas): On one hand, bloodshed for the sake of bloodshed seems unfortunate. On the other, generally the winner has to mingle with nobility. I would prefer not.

Wren (as Eight): So, you intend to enter and lose?

Neil (as Arthas): I intend to enter, win, get the prize, and move as quickly as my legs can take me.

Kappa (as Rou): I will… well thank you. You’ve been enlightening. Good luck.

Kappa: I will turn back to my table, open up my journal, and start scribbling down.

Kappa (as Rou): [to self] Fighting to let off steam. Collect money.

Wren: I will put the page back down on the table and kind of slide it back to Arthas. I will put Bessie’s rein, hand lead, on the table as well. And I will look to Art and I say,

Wren (as Eight): Pardon me for just a moment. I would like to speak with this stranger more. They approached us, now I may do the same. Social etiquette has made this clear to me.

Wren: And I will push away from the table and start walking towards Rou’s table.

Neil: I take the reins and sit.

Wren: And Rou, you would just hear the sound of the chair scrape across the floor, and then the distinct noise of heavy footsteps getting closer and closer to you as you’re scribbling in your journal. I stand at the edge of your table, and I am just looking at you. Standing there.

Kappa: After [laughs] after a moment, finishing my thought, I realize.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, hello Eight. Can I help you?

Wren (as Eight): Yes. Yes, you can. You said your name was Rou, correct?

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, that is my name. And this is, I’m sorry, I never introduced myself. Forgive me. This is…

Dax: Are you gesturing at the woman that you are sitting next to?

Kappa: I am gesturing at the woman sitting next to me.

Dax: She has been kind of watching this over the edge of her book, and she side-eyes you a little bit, Rou.

Dax (as the woman): Um, my…you can call me Kallie.

Kappa (as Rou): There we go. My name is Rou, this is Kallie, you are Eight.

Wren (as Eight): These seem to be the facts. Tell me Rou, you are from out of town?

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, I am very new to these parts. I just arrived here via airship, sort of exploring Eulela.

Wren: You see my eyes brighten the instant you mention you took an airship. I clasp my hands together and lean in.

Wren (as Eight): Oh! Airships are terrifying, are they not?

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, I thought it was actually quite fun. Yes, a little bit unsettling, new sensations to get used to but it was quite a pleasant journey.

Wren (as Eight): Oh, well I suppose each voyage might be different. My trip, it was full of storms and lightning and turbulence and sheer terror.

Kappa (as Rou): That’s unfortunate.

Wren (as Eight): If you could not guess, I am also not from around here. I am simply visiting.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh!

Kappa: GM, would I have heard of this sort of Warforged?

Dax: Yes. Yeah, you would have known that during the War of Seven Hells, these constructs were originally created as weapons of war. Mostly on the Empire’s side. As far as you know, they were either destroyed or went missing. So, to see one walking about, even considering you’re not from this continent, is a little strange. But it’s not something you haven’t heard of.

Kappa (as Rou): Well, you and I are both visitors in this land then I guess. How long have you been in Eulela?

Wren (as Eight): I came from, originally, the Wyvern Islands far to the east of here. I have been on this continent for several months, traveling with my companion, Arthas, for a portion of it. From the city of Saleen, all the way to here. And we are currently on our way up to Kidohlva. [whispers] I’m on an important mission.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, that is quite exciting. I myself have traveled across the Great Sea from Baukora. And I’m here just exploring, learning. You seem well traveled, I feel that we could, you would have some stories. I’d be glad to hear them, next, over dinner.

Wren (as Eight): Stories, yes.

Wren: I shake my head vigorously.

Wren (as Eight): I have plenty. In fact, I would be so happy to share my travel log and maps and notes with you.

Kappa (as Rou): You are too kind.

Wren (as Eight): Absolutely not. It is a simple courtesy I could extend to a stranger visiting a foreign land.

Kappa (as Rou): And to think, I was going to hit your friend over there with my staff. Oh man, ah.

Wren: You say that and you see my face just kind of, the eyebrows quirk down and then I look over at Arthas at the table. Then I look back at Rou, and then I look back at Arthas. [Kappa chuckles]. And then I look back to Rou and I just simply say,

Wren (as Eight): I do not believe he would’ve been hurt by that.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh. I don’t think so either. I just, it was scary. I’m new, remember? I’ve never seen someone so large. Kind of stirred up a panic. Overreaction.

Wren (as Eight): An emotional response.

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, if you, if that helps you understand.

Wren: Shaking my head a little bit.

Wren (as Eight): I believe so. Tell me Rou, would you like for us to push tables together or…

Wren: And I’ve been ignoring poor Kallie this whole time. Sure, air quotes “nose in the book”. I just kind of turn and look at her for a moment.

Wren (as Eight): I’m sorry Kallie, I believe I am taking up most of your dining companion’s time and attention.

Kappa (as Rou): Kallie, would you be amenable to this joining of tables? Or would you rather be left alone?

Dax (as Kallie): Um, you know, I think that it is getting late and if you wish to push tables together, I’m certainly not going to stop you.

Dax: She stands up, gives a slight nod to you Rou.

Dax (as Kallie): Rou, it was a pleasure making your acquaintance. Eight, Arthas.

Dax: And she nods to each of you in turn.

Dax (as Kallie): But I do have to leave early tomorrow and get on the road. So, enjoy your conversation, enjoy your evening.

Dax: And as she walks away from the table, the Gnome comes over to you with a couple of bowls of stew and each of you receives a half loaf of bread, just as Rou did.

Wren (as Eight): Ah, yes. Thank you, Innkeep.

Wren: And I just look to Art and I just say from across the room.

Wren (as Eight): You may have my portions, Arthas. Just as we have already arranged.

Neil (as Arthas): Fantastic.

Neil: I begin to inhale both portions.

Wren (as Eight): And we can either push the tables together or we can simply make room for Rou at ours.

Neil (as Arthas): You won’t hear me complain.

Dax: Alright, so you are able to push your tables together. Eight, you are, as you said, you’re going to give Arthas your portion of the stew. Arthas, it is a very simple, not exactly as hearty as you probably would have liked, but a simple beef stew. Got some potatoes, some carrots, and things like that. The bread is, not necessarily mealy, but maybe it was a little overbaked. It’s a little tough. But it goes well enough with the stew.

Kappa (as Rou): So Eight, Arthas. You’ve been all over the continent, yes? Eight tells me that you’ve been traveling for months. What’s it like? Being new here, what do I absolutely have to see?

Neil (as Arthas): Well, there are a bunch of strange Elves in the woods where we just came from. Desert folk that are kind enough. Hmm. That’s most of what I’ve got off the top of my head. Eight? Anything on your end?

Wren: As Arthas is talking, I’m assuming between shoveling mouthfuls of stew into his face, Eight does actually chuckle a little bit.

Wren (as Eight): Arthas. If you are to be a storyteller for your people, you really must work on your presentation. After all, we have experienced quite the large amount of things in the short amount of time we’ve been traveling together. I mean, while the Elves in the woods is a good start, you completely glossed over the tiny little rodent people we experienced in the desert. Or that time you got drunk on cactus juice? Do you remember that? You were flopping all over the desert sands. It was actually quite comical.

Neil (as Arthas): I have sparse memories of that. But also, my focus is elsewhere currently.

Wren (as Eight): That’s true. You are focused on the stew. It does look fairly tasty. We also went to a village in the middle of the desert that was completely devoid of life, save for two incredibly grumpy vagrants. Something about a plague that wiped out most of the folks that lived there or forced them to leave? Oh, and before we met Arthas, there was the royal wedding I attended. That was exciting. However, it was also interrupted by [sighs] an invasion of sorts. Yes!

Wren: And as I’m recounting this, my hands just like go directly on the table, palms down.

Kappa (as Rou): An invasion?

Wren (as Eight): A strange following, I believe some folks might call them cultists, besieged the town and attempted to break in. Whatever they were doing, they caused, well I suppose I should back up a little bit. The city itself, Isha, is built into a wide canyon. So, it is naturally fortified.

However, their leader had managed to find a way to cause the canyon walls to shake and crumble. It made things exceptionally dangerous as the city began to collapse in on itself. So, my friends and I, I was traveling with other folks at this point in my adventure, had to escape with the assistance of the city guard. We helped the townsfolk escape from the crumbling city through an underground labyrinth. It was quite harrowing. However, it all wound up perfectly fine because the prince and the princess, well, the king and the queen at that point, had completed their wedding and escaped. We had seen to it that all the other citizens also escaped. All the while fighting back the wild brigands.

Wren: And I motion with mock fighting gestures as I am talking about that.

Wren (as Eight): Um, let’s see. That was on the outskirts of the desert. Isha is closer to the shore and a little inland. Before we wound up in Isha, we had traveled from the coastal city of Saleen, which was but a stone’s throw from the port town that I originally landed in before I came down to this continent. While there, we attended a festival. It’s quite famous actually, the festival in Saleen. It happens every year, and well, I would say it would be fun to experience. But, I did not get to experience the whole festival, it’s usually a week-long affair. However, after the first night, all of the children in the city of Saleen mysteriously vanished.

Kappa (as Rou): That’s concerning.

Wren (as Eight): Exactly! You can imagine that cut the festivities short.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh yes, indeed yes. Did you figure out why they disappeared?

Wren: My eyes kind of dim a little bit when you ask that question. The violet color kind of turns almost borderline black or grey.

Wren (as Eight): Actually no, not yet. In fact, this is the reason we are heading to Kidohlva, to consult their library and the texts that they have in their, well, quite famous collection.

Kappa (as Rou): Is this the mission you mentioned?

Wren (as Eight): Yes, yes it is. With luck -

Kappa (as Rou): How exciting.

Wren (as Eight): We’ll find a reason for the children’s disappearance. Legends have it,

Wren: And I kind of lean in a little bit.

Kappa: I also lean in.

Wren (as Eight): There are tales of a city, far to the south on Eulela, that had angered the gods. And in their rage, one of the gods caused all of the citizens in the city to vanish without a trace.

Kappa (as Rou): And you think something similar happened to these children?

Wren (as Eight): [sighs] I can’t imagine how a god would be enraged by all the children, but it’s too coincidental to pass up.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh no, I agree. That is where I would start if I were on this quest.

Wren (as Eight): So, my companions and I originally were dispatched from Saleen to search for the reason for the children’s disappearance. We’ve traveled across the continent heading northwards, and then westwards. We wandered through the desert, which is where I met Art. We wound up fighting a self-proclaimed Thief King, and won handily against him and his henchman. It was actually quite sad and tedious. Then we headed into a magical forest, where the ebb of arcane energies twisted our magical powers and made travel very difficult and dangerous.

Kappa: At the mention of magic and just all this sort of grandeur, you see Rou open up his journal and start writing down anything that you’ve associated with magic.

Wren (as Eight): Rou, are you..

Wren: And I imagine Eight would take note of this because well, they might appear a little flighty, they do notice things like that.

Wren (as Eight): Are you perhaps interested in magic?

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, where I come from, magic and the arcane is quite a rarity. So it’s always intriguing. I’ve wanted to learn about it, maybe learn some of it. I’ve only read so much, but where I come from, it’s not really common. So, this, you’re talking about it so candidly. It makes me excited for the sort of potential of discovery here on the continent. So, if you don’t mind, I’d, if this is bothering you, I can stop. But if you don’t mind, I’d love to start writing down of all the magical sort of experiences that you’ve had in these areas in hopes that maybe I might be able to visit them too.

Wren (as Eight): Oh, not at all. Please, write to your heart’s content. I do the same.

Wren: And I reach into my bag and I start putting out my own notes and logs and everything. They look like a child scribbled them. There’s pictures of butterflies and little images of hills and crudely drawn images of people. The maps are just as bad. The handwriting is nice, but most of what Eight’s done is a lot of pictures and they just don’t impart as much knowledge as they probably think they do.

Wren (as Eight): Whatever you can glean from my notes, I would be pleased that you used them.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, sure.

Kappa: And very excitedly, I would start perusing through them and the excitement drains slightly from my face as ‘he seems excited so…’

Kappa (as Rou): I will peruse them thoroughly, Eight. Thank you.

Kappa: Then neatly put them in a stack next to my journal as I continue writing. [chuckles]

Wren: I would probably also recount the Spellweaver that I met in Isha, given Rou’s interest in magic.

Wren (as Eight): I met what’s called a Spellweaver. They are people who harness arcane energy in strange and mysterious ways. Particularly, Spellweavers are known for their role in the War of Seven Hells. They were the ones who brought demons and other entities from extraplanar areas to our world and made deals with them to fight on their side in the war. However, the Spellweaver I met in Isha was kidnapped by the cultists. Unfortunately, I was unable to gain information from her before that happened. Accordingly, it is my hope that we might find some other Spellweavers in our travels. Though, they’re not very easy to find.

Kappa (as Rou): Well, I hope you, I wish you luck in that adventure. Things have a way of working themselves out, I’ve found.

Wren (as Eight): I hope you’re right. Perhaps when we make our way to Kidohlva, we’ll happen upon one of them. Or at least, texts or logs that might point us in the right direction.

Kappa (as Rou): You mentioned Kidohlva. That’s the area with the University, correct?

Wren (as Eight): Yes, and the massive library.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, you know, I’m headed in that direction too. Hopefully. As you can tell, I’m sort of learning to explore and acquire knowledge. And so, I don’t know what your timeline is like, but I’m heading in the same direction. Maybe we’ll see each other there.

Wren (as Eight): Perhaps. All things considered,

Wren: And I look at Arthas.

Wren (as Eight): We’re not really on a timeline, are we?

Neil (as Arthas): I mean, I would enjoy remaining here for one more day for that contest. But aside from that, no.

Wren (as Eight): Exactly, okay. We will probably depart here in a few days time for Kidohlva. So, unless you are also in a hurry Rou, you could sally forth with us. I do not sleep, I do not eat, I am quite the excellent cook. So, traveling with us would probably be beneficial to you. Safety in numbers and everything.

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, I suppose you’re right. You know, pack tactics and all that. Now, I have paid for two nights at this inn, so I might be amenable to leaving in a few days. I could stay longer. I wanted to stick around and see what this, what Azarra has to offer before I move on. You know, take in the sights and everything. Maybe, accompany you to this contest. Though, I’d rather not get involved. Just as a casual observer.

Dax: You hear from the desk.

Dax (as the Gnome): Are you going to be up all night talking? Because if not, I would like to go to bed at some point.

Kappa (as Rou): I’m sorry, I did not realize there was a lights out. Yes, yes. Here let me. Arthas, are you done with this bowl?

Kappa: And I will grab it.

Neil (as Arthas): Yes.

Kappa (as Rou): Okay. Here you go.

Dax (as the Gnome): Ah, it's quite alright.

Kappa (as Rou): Sorry.

Dax (as the Gnome): I get into a routine, you know? And it just, I like to keep that routine.

Dax: The Gnome comes over and grabs the bowls and sets them on his desk. Goes out to the front door, and you can see him locking it for the night. You see him switch a sign in the window and he takes the bowls into the back.

Dax (as the Gnome): Oh, oh wait. Wait.

Dax: Goes and unlocks the front door.

Dax (as the Gnome): I forgot. You two are sleeping out in the barn tonight.

Wren (as Eight): I’m what? Arthas, did you arrange for us to sleep in a barn?

Neil (as Arthas): They were out of rooms.

Kappa (as Rou): Ah yes, I’m sorry. I might have acquired the last room before you had come in. I haven’t gone to check, but you’re more than welcome to stay with me if it’s large enough. Is it large enough, Innkeep?

Dax: The Gnome points at Arthas.

Dax (as the Gnome): I don’t think that one is going to fit on the floor. But perhaps that one will fit.

Kappa (as Rou): Well, drat.

Wren (as Eight): Oh, I don’t need a room. I do not sleep. Actually, this raises an important question for me. Since we have kept you up, would it be beneficial to you if I were to stay and clean while you went to bed?

Dax: Wait. Are you talking to the innkeeper or are you talking to Rou?

Wren: I’m talking to the innkeeper. Sorry.

Dax (as the Gnome): No, no, it’s fine. It won’t take long to clean up a few bowls.

Wren (as Eight): Oh, well then perhaps I can put the chairs up? Sweep the floor? Light the lamp?

Dax (as the Gnome): Why would you…

Dax: The Gnome looks out, out, out, towards the front door.

Dax (as the Gnome): Why would you light, no, no. It’s fine. Just finish your conversation. I’m going to go put the bowls in the kitchen. When I come back, I’ll show you where the barn is.

Kappa (as Rou): Well, that settles it. I will… Eight, Arthas. I will meet you down here for breakfast.

Neil (as Arthas): Rest well.

Wren (as Eight): Yes, we will see you bright and early. 

Music shifts to a calming piano [1:07:53]

Wren: And with that, I’ll get up from the table and I will actually go about setting the chairs up on the tables. Even though the innkeeper said no.

Kappa: And at this point I would have gathered my things and headed upstairs.

Dax: You just love following directions, don’t you Eight?

Neil: I’m making a beeline for the barn as I have a big day tomorrow.

Dax: Yes, you do. The Gnome doesn’t take long to put the bowls away. He comes out, he shows you where the barn is. There’s a little alleyway to the right of the building, which leads towards the barn. There’s a few stables, the roof is high enough where you can relax comfortably, Arthas. There’s fresh hay, only one stall actually has a horse in it. So it’s, everything is relatively clean. Rou, when you get to your room, there are two single beds. There is a small writing desk, an oil lamp. It’s pretty sparse, but the mattress is relatively soft. The blankets are not well-worn, they actually look relatively new and the room is warm. You are able to stave off the cold dampness of this night. Is there anything any of the three of you would have done before, well, for the two of you, anything you would have done before going to sleep?

Neil: Check and make sure that what equipment I’m carrying is mostly functional. And then pass out.

Dax: Yeah, everything is still in relatively good order. You were able to get any repairs done, kind of, before you left the Wild Woods and you haven’t really run into any trouble on your journey from there. Rou?

Kappa: I, no. I believe I just take off my armor, go to bed, let the exhaustion carry me to sleep.

Dax: Eight, you don’t sleep. What do you do?

Wren: I, between watching Arthas sleep, I’ll probably go between tending to Bessie, watching Arthas, looking to the inn and just kind of staring at the second floor. Just kind of idly thinking and definitely ruminating on everything I had talked about with Rou. Specifically, because I think it’s been a long time since Eight has really sat and thought about everything that they’ve been through since they came down to Eulela. So that would probably be most of my night. Besides maybe taking a moment to oil and polish Arthas’s sword while he’s asleep. Unless he like clutches it, like some sort of protective instance.

Neil: I do indeed do that while I sleep.

Wren: Okay, so I don’t touch it. [laughs] I would not risk it. 

Music fades out [1:11:08]

Dax: Thanks for listening! We hope you’ll join us next time but in the interim, follow us on Twitter @RoadsUncharted.

The “Roads Uncharted” podcast is GMed and produced by Dax who you can find on Twitter @GM_Dax. We use the Genesys RPG System published by Fantasy Flight Games and music licensed by Epidemic Sound.

Arthas, Champion of Offam is played by Neil.

Eight is played by Wren, who also composed the music for our opening theme. Follow them on Twitter @ThornyDryad.

Rou is played by Kappa, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheKappaChris.