Roads Uncharted

S3 Bonus 1: Let's Talkback

Episode Summary

The cast has their first Question and Answer session about the story so far.

Episode Notes

Join Wren, Kappa, Dax and Neil as they respond to your queries from Discord and Twitter.

Thank you all so much for sticking with us for three whole seasons! We can't wait to be back early next year for season four.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris and Wren @ThornyDryad

Transcript by Wren

Episode Transcription

Upbeat intro piano music ends [0:27]

Somber piano music starts [0:28] 

Dax: Welcome to a special episode of Roads Uncharted where we are going to be doing a talkback or Q&A type session. Keep in mind that there might be some things that are referenced for prior seasons, so if you haven't caught up on all of our content just yet, just be aware that there might be some spoilers mentioned. 

I also want to note that, due to some technological issues, Neil, who had to jump in a little later than our start time, we ended up losing him about partway through and he was unable to join us. You know, technology is both a blessing and a curse. But we wanted to make sure that he was included. 

So, you won't get answers from Neil on everything, but we hope that you enjoy his responses just the same. Thanks for listening and enjoy! 

[Talkback starts at 1:13]

Dax: Hi! My name is Dax and I am the gamemaster and producer of Roads Uncharted, the podcast that you are currently listening to. This is actually our very first Q&A session, our very first talkback. So if you are a first time listener, thanks for joining us! You get a little sneak peek before you go and listen to some of the other episodes. And if you're a long-time listener, thanks for sticking with us. Thanks for your submissions! 

Kappa: Yes. 

Dax: I can't wait to actually get into those and get started sharing the questions and hearing all of our answers. First, we're just going to talk a little bit about the characters, Rou and Eight. And, you know, hear a little bit about them, especially if this is your first time hearing us, then you want to know what you're getting into, right? So, who would like to start? 

Kappa: I can, I can, I can start. Actually, no! [Gasps] Wren, why don't you start? ’Cause you - 

Wren: [whisperes] Why would I start? 

Kappa: You've been here from the beginning and I think it would be really, really good to have, like, a comprehensive, you know? 

Wren: Oh gosh!

Kappa: I'm doing the motion with my hand, but they can't see it because this is an audio medium. But a comprehensive timeline! 

Wren: Oh, that's what that hand motion means. Timeline. 

Kappa: Yeah, timeline. 

Wren: I thought you were doing, like, hamburger versus hot dog. 

Kappa: Oh, yeah. Yeah. I've got pizza on the brain! So, I'm, yeah. 

Wren: Pizza. 

Kappa: Yeah. 

Wren: Pizza Hut! 

Kappa: This is pizza for me. 

Dax: Ya'll are weird. 

Wren: Actually- 

Kappa: They can't– they can't see this, but I like this, too. 

Wren: Um, [clicks tongue] – so hi! I am Wren. I am a player on Roads Uncharted! 

Kappa: Yeah, you are. 

Wren: So are you, Kappa! 

[Kappa gasps] 

Wren: I've been around since the beginning. We've been playing this for a number of years, now. We were actually just talking earlier that Kappa joined us back in 2020. So it's already been two freakin' years! Wouldn't have even freakin’ thought that, honestly. So...

Kappa: Exciting. 

Wren: Time goes by fast. But, Roads Uncharted started back in... what? 2018, Dax? 

Dax: So, we premiered as a podcast in April 2020. But we were playing in 2018, 2019 between the 5e stream and then podcast recording. 

Kappa: Wow! 

Wren: We were a 5e- a fifth edition D&D game at that point because we wanted to do a live play medium. But decided we'd rather do a podcast after having a few disastrous recording sessions and just being like, "You know what? This sucks.” Let's make it a podcast, instead." And, so, we changed it because Dax had the power and Dax made the calls. 

Dax: Well, to be fair- to be fair, I did consult with all the players and I did check in because we were going to be switching systems, too, at that point in time. And, you know, you don't just switch- note to all the GMs that are currently listening, do not switch systems, do not switch mediums without consulting your players first! They are still a valuable part of the table. You want to make sure they're on board. Because if you don't have player buy-in you don't have a good game. 

Wren: Yeah. And sometimes you'll have players say they have buy-in and they don't really. So... 

Dax: We're not here to discuss that kind of tea, okay? So, we're just going to move on! 

[Everyone laughs] 

Wren: We're just going to keep going! But I've been here from the beginning. I play the role of Eight. Eight, the wonderful, magical Warforged who loves everything. Is engaged by everything. Is mystified by everything! Because everything is new and wonderful and wondrous and...they’re curious about it. So, that's Eight in a nutshell. 

But over the couple of years we've been playing, Eight's changed a little bit. Eight's experienced a whole bunch of things. Eight’s gone from a naive little cream puff to a battle-hardened socially cognizant eclair and they are ready to mix it up if need be. If someone is behaving or acting out, not afraid to knock some heads together. Eight's a good bean and defends their friends. Eight is ready to defend everyone, because until they prove otherwise, everyone is their friend. So... 

Kappa: Yeah, yeah. For better or worse, right? 

Wren: Yeah! Also, at the same time, Eight's kind of tempered that initial "hey, we're best friends" thing in the last couple of seasons, because we've met a lot of people and not all of those people have been great. I think Eight has come to terms with the fact that some people suck and you don't want to try and be best friends with everyone. 

Because sometimes some people are just not worth putting all of that energy and effort into, so... They've learned a lot over the course of the last few seasons. And I think that some of the choices that they make kind of reflect that. It's been fun to keep rolling with it and seeing how they develop as we keep playing. What else am I supposed to talk about? 

Dax: I think you covered it? Because you talked about Eight being there from the beginning. You've talked about that Eight is a Warforged. That Eight is a magic user. And how you've touched a little bit on how Eight has grown. 

Wren: Yeah!

Dax: Which we can, based on some of these questions, we'll probably get a little bit more as we go on. 

Wren: Yeah, yeah, yeah! So, Kappa, tell us about Rou. Tell us- tell us more! 

Kappa: Yeah, so! [Laughs] My character is Rou and I far into season two were we? 

Dax: You were right at the beginning! 

Kappa: Right at the beginning? Okay, cool. I wasn't 100% sure on that. But, yeah, at the beginning of season two starting in 2020. Rou joined the cast and we had set up Rou to be this- this person, this boy. This boy-man. This man that hails from the continent of Baukora, which is the western continent? Yeah. So, Baukora is the western continent and up until this point, the story focused on Eulela. And still will, for as long as Rou has been a part of it. 

But now we're seeing influences and characters from Baukora in Eulela. And Baukora is the more technologically focused region of the world and Eulela is the more magical one. So, Rou was interested in learning different things. Different, you know, magic in particular fascinated him because, again, Baukora is the more technologically focused region. So, simple things like conjuring chickens, blocking smells magically, caught Rou's interest. 

And he's, he's a person that wants to explore community, how different communities are made. And you'll learn later on that there's a very specific reason for that. We also learn that Rou is a Werewolf later on. Sorry, spoilers! We should do, like, a spoiler warning. 

Dax: I'll record one that we can insert. 

Kappa: And the reason why, is because he's a Werewolf, the way his pack operated back in Baukora didn't sit well with him and so he's out in Eulela trying to find a new system of community so that he can take that back to his home and try to fix things. Because, in his eyes, they're broken. 

Wren: Yeah... 

Kappa: I mean, that's Rou. Throughout his journey meeting Arthas and Eight, he's developed a sort of friendship and zeal for adventuring. And, um, you know, part of his growth has been learningwhat it means to take care of others and learning what it means to let others take care of him, because of, very much not the case when growing up. Is what I've alluded to throughout his journey. That's, sort of, Rou in a nutshell. 

He tries very much to emulate Eight's fascination and wonder for the world. And, also, like, trying to be diplomatic and friendly towards things before jumping into action and such. But, also mix that in with his past of needing to be on guard and needing to be untrustful of people, so it's been a really interesting dynamic! That's Rou in a nutshell, I think. 

Dax: Yeah, it certainly has been a very interesting dynamic to get someone who is very used to not having magic in their everyday and from a society that is a little bit more violent. And then you mix them in a group from a society that is almost completely in exile or that's used to a society in exile and exploring the world for the first time. And then somebody who basically doesn't remember much beyond two years ago and also exploring the world, essentially, for the first time. 

It's been interesting from my perspective, for sure, to watch the three of you come together and kind of come into your own and watch how all of those character interactions have been, you know, pretty much organic and it's been pretty fun. 

Kappa: Yeah. 

Dax: So -

Wren: Fresh, homegrown, free-range, organic interactions. 

Kappa: We constantly say that they're so fresh and organic that we should come up with a, like, a Rou and Eight podcast. [Laughing] Separate from Roads Uncharted, of them just, like, exploring different aspects of society and, kind of, because we constantly say that Roads Uncharted is whimsical and I think that stems from the dynamic between the party members. 

Dax: Definitely. 

Kappa: Yeah, so. 

Dax: Also, if anybody wants to sponsor us to have this Rou and Eight side podcast, and, to get the players paid, I would totally be for that. 100% for it. 

Wren: "Rou and Eight Discuss it All"! 

Kappa: What would that podcast be called? 

Wren: “Rou and Eight: Gift of Gab". 

[Dax laughing]

Kappa: Oh! "The Gift of Gab" is pretty good. 

Dax: "Beyond the Paste." 

Kappa: Oh! Yeah, "Beyond the Paste!" Yeah. 

Wren: "Rou and Eight Tagalong." 

Kappa: Or like, "The Wolf and the Bee." 

Wren: Ah, bees! 

Dax: Ah, bees! Is that a Critical Role thing? "Beeees!!" 

Kappa: Sure? Maybe? [laughs]

Dax: I have no idea. Anyway. Alright. Why don't we kick off these questions, hmm? So, our first one was submitted by Danielle. 

Kappa: [Gasps] Hi, Danielle! I dunno which Danielle. 

Dax: So, Danielle is somebody that we actually do know. I'm not going to name their twitter handles or anything. I'm not going to do that with anyone that's submitted a question only because it was not put in the form and I don't want to step outside anyone's comfort levels with their names versus their twitter handles and so on and so forth. Danielle, you know who you are. 

Kappa: And thank you! 

Dax: Yes and thank you! Danielle has asked us "If your character was a phone app, how many stars would they have in the app store and what kind of comments would people leave?" 

Wren: Oh, god. 

Kappa: This one. So, you showed us a couple of the questions beforehand and this one, by far, was the hardest one. And I think I've settled on how to answer this. One, okay first of all, the question doesn't answer "what kind of app". But you kind of do have to answer it to make the stars and comments make- portion make sense. 

And so I think Rou would be kind of like a Google Translate. But instead of languages, it's idiosyncrasies. Because we've seen throughout the series that Rou and Eight kind of have discussions over pieces of language. What people mean by saying one thing when they really mean another. I think in the last couple of episodes, that I don't know if they've been released yet...I think they've been released. No? 

Dax: Are we talking about secrets? 

Kappa: No, not secrets. 

Dax: Okay. 

Kappa: Oh, oh yeah. I think we are talking about secrets. Never mind! I think, I think you'll find in the next couple of episodes, Rou and Eight discuss a very specific article of communication that is not obvious. I don't want to give any more away because, again, we haven't listened to that just yet. Or, when is this coming out? When is this... 

Dax: This will air before season four and the episode we're talking about is season four. 

Kappa: Okay, so. Got it! Cool. So, yeah. You'll see in a few of the next few episodes that Rou and Eight discuss communication in a certain way. I think Rou being this phone app, explaining idiosyncrasies and expressions of speech would be an interesting app for him to be. Stars? A solid three-and-a-half. A solid three-and-a-half because, again, idiosyncrasies are very different for everyone. And the comments would be, like, it would be like "good for general topics but also is very convoluted". 

Wren: [mutters] General topics. 

Kappa: [Laughing] But, yeah. I don't know. I think that is what Rou would be. 

Dax: Sounds like solid mixed reviews – 

Kappa: Oh, absolutely! 

Dax: For a Rou app, okay. 

Kappa: Yeah. 

Wren: If Eight- so, answering this question along the same logic- if Eight had to be assigned an app in order to receive stars and reviews...I feel like Eight would be a chores and tasks manager? 

Kappa: Oh! 

Wren: But the problem is there would be all sorts of comments that would be like "Cannot force shut down." "This app does not turn off." "This app constantly reminds me of things to do." "If I do not do these things, the app says 'It's okay, you don't have to!'" 

[Kappa laughing] 

Wren: Just like, mixed reviews on whether or not it actually is effective or not at actually making people do the things they're supposed to do! And I feel like it would probably get, like, around two or two- and-a-half stars. Because even if you get, like, a five-star review from someone, you probably are getting way more one and two-star reviews from people who are like "Does not function properly." "Let's me off the hook, does not remind me to do things." Or maybe it would be things like "Is so annoying that I complete my tasks to get it to stop talking to me!" 

Kappa: I think, as people start- as more and more people start using the Eight app, the people that do love it, frickin' love it, you know? 

Dax: Eight would definitely be an acquired taste as an app. I imagine it is very much like, what are some polarizing media, like, in anime? You get those- I say anime, because I'm thinking specifically like those shows that have that very cutesy feel to it. But, Bee and Puppycat, that's out right now. 

You know, it's very cute and you're drawn to it because it's absolutely adorable. But then you start watching it and you're like "what the hell is going on?" And you either really enjoy it, or you just kind of leave off after a couple of episodes because you really don't know anything about it. That's how I feel like an Eight app would be. 

Kappa: Yeah! 

Wren: Confusing? 

Dax: You love it. Or you don't necessarily hate it, but you're confused, Yeah. I don't know. That's my take. 

Kappa: Yeah, I think that tracks. 

Wren: Like trying to watch the Excel Saga. You asked for anime! [Kappa laughing] 

Dax: Just, for the listeners, Wren said that because my face immediately went to "What?" 

Kappa: I understood. But I'm also like, I looked at Dax and like "wait, you don't know..." 

Wren: You don't get it? 

Dax: No. I'll have to look that one up. I know this is specifically about the characters, but I think, I'm gonna- there aren't going to be a lot that I'm going to pop in here for the player questions. But I think for this one, mine would be one of those, like, planning apps. And I would get a solid two- stars because there are some sessions where I'm not planning until 9 o'clock that morning and we record at 12 eastern. 

[Kappa laughing]

Dax: So, you know? It'd be one of those, like, "Why doesn't this remind me more advanced to dowhat I'm supposed to do?" 

Wren: I need more than three hours! 

Dax: Yeah! 

Kappa: It’s like the app is on automatic updates but every update has a chance of resetting all of your reminders. Or setting it to silent notification. 

Dax: "This app is great because I'm a procrastinator!" versus "This app sucks because I need more than three hours to plan!" 

Kappa: I think the Dax app would be- would have an entire side function that a lot of people really love using, and that’s the recipe and food review section. [Dax laughs] You know? For some reason, that is just a side function of the app and people love that side of the app. 

Dax: That's fair. I'll take that. Okay, our next question was submitted by Shadow. Shadow, thank you so much for submitting your question! Shadow actually submitted a couple questions as part of a duality. So we're going to take it one at a time. 

Kappa: Shadow! 

Dax: So, the first question is "What is the hardest part about playing your character?" 

Kappa: Wren, do you want to take this one? 

Wren: Oh, what is the hardest part about playing my character? What's the hardest part about playing Eight? [sighs] I think the hardest part about playing Eight is, or, at least it was, when I first started, was considering how someone would react to a situation or experience when they have literally no benchmark for how they're supposed to react to things. Or that particular thing. 

Kappa: That's really hard to parse out when you're human. 

Wren: Right? And that was, like, the constant challenge with Eight when I first started out. How do I react to this? How does someone who's never experienced this react to this? Or, what do they think about something that they've never come across before? It's been a rollercoaster. 

Kappa: I'm, like, how do do you do that consistently, you know? How do you keep track of "Okay, Eight has learned surprise!" Or, you know, how do you keep track of that? Yeah. 

Wren: Um, that's a great follow up question and the best answer I have is "I don't!" 

[Kappa laughs] 

Wren: I think part of the beauty of the podcast medium and what we're doing, there's room for stuff to happen between episodes, as well. 

Kappa: Mhmm. 

Wren: So, sometimes it's like, oh, well, I can imagine that Eight has experienced X at least once while we're on the road! Especially now that Eight has friends that they're traveling with. Friends that, you know, are human and experience emotion and express themselves. It's much more likely that Eight has seen someone be upset, someone be disappointed, someone be tired. As opposed to when they first got started.

As far as actually roleplaying it? One of the things I always thought was just, kind of, I'm going to meme here. It's just that Spongebob thing [in Squidward voice] "Empty your mind. Empty your mind of everything but fine dining and breathing!" and that's basically what Eight was like. Just emptying the mind of everything except dining and breathing. Because Eight knew how to take care of people and cook food and Eight also pretends to breathe. So, that was kind of the approach, I guess. And responding to things was just a matter of keeping it all within the character's perspective.

Kappa: Interesting. 

Wren: It's been challenging. It’s been fun. 

Kappa: I think you've done a good job. 

Wren: [in high pitched voice] Well thank you! 

Kappa: [laughs] Because it's entertaining to watch as your partner in the narratives. It's - I imagine it would be interesting for the audience, as well. 

Wren: I sure hope so. Thank you, listener for listening. And if you think I do a great job, please leave a five-star review for our podcast. 

Kappa: Do it. 

Wren: Or A plus. Or whatever metric is used for podcasts.

Kappa: Thumbs up. Five-star. Like and subscribe. Hit that taco bell icon. I think, for me, the hardest part about playing Rou has been, okay, two things! First one, the hardest part of playing any character for me with an accent, is keeping the accent consistent. It has definitely changed because, one, sometimes we go on breaks and you forget how to form that. But also, as someone who is constantly trying to improve and hone their craft, I pick up different techniques and apply them to already existing characters and stuff, because I want to practice that stuff! 

When I listen back to Rou's first episode and then the most recent, available episode, they sounded, you know, it still sounded Rou-ish. But there's also layers of growth there. And I like attributing that to Rou has also changed. As, Kappa, myself, have also changed. But I don't want to change it drastically in such a way that the voice is completely different from one week to another. 

So, that's always hard! And you're always going to encounter that unless you are super-mega-professional at your job. But even then, it's like, that shit changes. But, the other part of that, I think we've gotten past it at this point. But the hardest part was not revealing big parts about Rou and leaving them to be discovered and pieced together by the audience. That was hard because when you create a character that you really, really invested in with all of this back story and all of these layers, you want to present them as much as possible in a narrative; however, after you do that, you can't- you can't take that back. 

You can't be like "Oh, Rou is a werewolf". You can't take that back and then layer it throughout- there are ways to make that relevant by referring back to it. But once that is gone, once that is revealed, you can't go back and have people piece it together themselves. You can't have that puzzle be unsolved once you know the solution. So that was really hard!

A lot of season two was- a lot of the beginning of season two was leaving breadcrumbs for people to pick up. Leaving, describing actions in a certain way that alluded to characteristics of Rou. And I'm not just talking about, like, werewolf stuff, you know! Also talking about his desire to be an adventurer or the whole searching for community and stuff. So, yeah, that was especially big when we were- our extended stint in the library. The kind of topics that Rou would be looking into. That was a big turning point for a lot of the breadcrumb leaving. I think, largely, we're past the big, major reveals.

I mean, there are still a few that I think would be interesting for people to still continue to explore with the character. But now, I want to- I think it's more about the growth of Rou and the growth of Eight and the growth of the party.

Dax: Follow up question as part of Shadow's submission was "What is one character choice you're really proud of?"

Kappa: I had it when I saw this question. But I'm changing it now. I know there are better moments. I think, for me, the character choice that I am most proud of was, okay. So, if you look at the character art of Rou, he looks so angsty. So broody! And, in the outset, Rou was going to be, sort of, this reserved, broody type. You can kind of tell in those first couple of episodes.


But then, at some point, I made the choice to have Rou play off of the friendliness and whimsy of Eight and Arthas. I think that made the show much more enjoyable. Made the character much more enjoyable because we got to, because it's not something you get to see in a lot of characters. So, yeah. I think that was my favorite choice: really pivoting Rou to be- to match and support the whimsy. The lightheartedness. 

Wren: [Whispering] Whimsy. [At normal volume] God, we've got whimsiness in spades. 

Kappa: We got to come up with a better word. 

Wren: What's wrong with whimsy? 

Kappa: I mean, there's nothing wrong with it. I just want- I mean, there's got to be synonyms. 

Dax: I'll look this up while, Wren, you give your answer. 

Wren: I think, I was- I was just trying to come up with one and I think my favorite choice I've had for Eight, which has been consistent throughout all of the different seasons we've played, is the fact that Eight dons alter egos depending on certain situations. So, when inspecting needs to be done, Inspector Nine comes out. When something illicit needs to be done, the scoundrel Seven comes out. That kind of thing. And, of course, there was Eight's imaginative counterpart, Zero. For a brief interlude when we did the HTTPaladin guest spot where we played Daring and...? 

Dax: It was Danger and Daring. 

Wren: Danger and Daring, excuse me. But that has kind of been something that I came up with on the fly in one episode as a part of season one. Was that Eight would don alter egos to do different things and it's just kind of stuck. And I think it's been kind of fun to keep hamming it up and playing off of that, so. 

Dax: So, Shadow actually submitted questions for me... 

Kappa: [Gasps] Yay! 

Dax: First question was "Where does the inspiration for the world and all of the different cities come from?" So, that one I will answer is really easy. I take a lot of inspiration from the world around us. So, if anybody is a part of my Fanhouse, which you can find at GM_Dax, you can get a lot of behind-the-scenes information on Roads Uncharted, which does include some of my inspiration for a lot of these locations. 

Wren: [in Palpatine voice] Do it. 

Kappa: Do it. Go there. 

Dax: Wren, you did that and I immediately was like "oh my god, Palpatine." [laughs] 

Wren: [whispering] Do it. Do it! DO IT! 

Kappa: Pause the episode and go to the Fanhouse now. 

Wren: [in a raspy voice] Subscribe, do it! It's very cheap, do it!

Dax: Anyway, so, for example, the city of Isha, which is explored when we were a 5e stream. You can still find us on YouTube, Roads Uncharted, if you really want to catch up on the really old content! But we've also mentioned it a few times in the podcast. Isha was actually, originally inspired by Petra. Massive, like, stone entryway of Petra. Let's see... 

Saleen was actually inspired by a small, coastal town in Italy. So, a lot of things that I'm pulling into this world are actually things you can find in the world around you! 

Kappa: Yeah! 

Dax: Whether it's going to another country. In Kesh, when I talk about the strange rooftops that Rou sees when he first arrives, those were actually inspired by buildings in Denmark. And that was just an article from the BBC that I read. 

Kappa: My favorite is your inspiration for the Devil's Butthole. 

Dax: Ah, yes. The sulfur pits when I was down in New Zealand. 

Wren: New Zealand, yes. 

Dax: Yeah. There's actually a sulfur pit called "The Devil's Bathtub" and because it's a sulfur pit, it reeks. So, yeah. I literally just read articles or I watch the history channel or the travel channel and I gather information because, honestly? What's a better way to have something feel real than for it to actually be something real?

Kappa: Dax, I didn't know that you were such a huge nerd. 

Dax: I'm a nerd. 

[Kappa and Dax laugh] 

Dax: I'm a big nerd. 

Wren: You're just reading articles for fun? Pfft. 

Kappa: History channel? 

Dax: Look. Look, you just wait, some of the stuff I've been hearing on this latest history podcast I've been listening to? I can't wait to introduce. The other part of her question for me was "How did you come up with the rules for this world?" So, rules can be taken a few different ways, so I'm going to take it to mean, like, you know, things like how does time work and how does society work? That's how I'm going to interpret it. So, Shadow, I'm sorry, if this was not interpreted the way you intended, but that's how I'm going to take it. 

Kappa: Deal with it.

Dax: So, as far as how the- [laughing] 

Kappa: So aggro, I'm sorry, keep going. 

Dax: Right? As far as the rules of the world go with time? Honestly, I wanted to go with something a little bit different than our 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I wanted to do something a little different than that, because it's supposed to be a fantasy realm and I take enough inspiration from the real world. But I didn't want it to feel too fake? 

So, I was like, well, alright, every month is, like, roughly 31 days. You have a couple that are 30 and then the one that is 28, unless it's a leap year. So I'm like, what's a good way that you can divvy up time? Alright, if it's 12 months in a year, you'd want four weeks- three weeks of the month. So, that'd be ten-day weeks! Okay. Fine. Cool.

And I, like, actually sat- I am a nerd because I actually sat there and did the math to make sure it worked. And that each year would actually make sense. As far as society goes, once again, taking a lot of inspiration from real-world societies. But, also taking a look at a lot of societies and thinking what doesn't work? So, as you'll notice, so far in Rejiev, the group has not come upon any country that's run by a president. 

Not to say that they won't at some point,'s just that there are so many issues with an electoral society. I just decided that I didn't want to deal with it. You know? So, a lot of the villages, a lot of the towns, cities that they go to tend to be run by mayorships or councils. You know, groups of people. Or maybe you'll notice that there's a lot of women or non-binary people that are ruling these areas. I didn't want to have too much influence from cishet white men. You know, we get enough of that in the real world. Let's go on to a world that might have a much better outlook. 

Kappa: Looking at you, Tolkien! [Laughs] 

Wren: You can enjoy a media form and still critique it! 

Dax: Oh yeah, definitely. That's why I'm laughing right now, which the audience isn't hearing, because I'm trying to keep quiet. 

Kappa: You can laugh! It's your podcast!

Dax: I know! And for those of you who don't know too much about us. Like, off camera? We were talking about how I'm a huge Tolkien nerd. You can enjoy something and still critique it, you know? And that's totally fine. In fact, I would encourage- if there's a form of media that you really enjoy, just sit there and try to p9oke holes in it. Not to be mean about it, but a lot of stuff is flawed. It's our nature as humans: we are flawed. So just, you know, grow from it. Learn from it. 

So, yeah. That's kind of how- basically, it comes down to I take a lot of inspiration from the real world and I try to form it and think "Okay. How would we make this better" or "how could we twist this so that it's just a little bit different?" 

Alright. I'm going to give one of our anonymous questions that were submitted. And there's going to be a question for you, Kappa, and then a question for Wren. So we're going to start with Wren: "If Eight could become human, would they?" 

Wren: I think Eight would argue they are human. 

Kappa: Ooooh. 

Wren: Because they experience emotions. They feel things. They can do all of the sorts of stuff that human beings enjoy. So, I think they would, I mean, they would recognize that they are, in fact, a warforged, or an automaton, so they would understand the difference there. But I think they would argue that they don't need to change because they get to experience life the same way that a person does… human does. 

Kappa: I think just because Eight is not always fully aware or, sometimes, confused, by certain human artifacts, does not mean that they are not human. You know? 

Wren: Yeah. I mean, hell, there's all sorts of stuff that I see that I'm confused about these days. 

Dax: That's fair. 

Kappa: And for the most part, I think, we can all believe that you, Wren, are in fact human. 

Dax: Well, y'all don't know. Y'all don't live with them like I do.

Wren: Nodding tentatively. 

Kappa: I'm waiting for the face to open up and then, like a little, tiny alien dude to- 

Wren: A little alien piloting the suit to come out? [Kappa laughs] Like Men in Black? 

Dax: Honestly, that would track. That would make so much sense. Kappa? 

Kappa: What's up? 

Dax: If Rou could have his lycanthropy cured, would he? I think - 

Kappa: Hell no! 

Dax: I was going to say, I think I know the answer to this question, but... 

Kappa: No. I think- see, we've seen in the last few episodes Rou really starting to embrace that identity. But I think, in the beginning as well, it wasn't about getting rid of the lycanthropy or changing himself to not be a werewolf. It was about changing werewolf society so that we can still be werewolves, but also find a better way to do things. So, resounding "no" from me. I think Rou would sit with it a little bit, but ultimately come to the decision that "no, this is not anything to be cured". 

Wren: Yeah, that's the huge question too. It's like, at what point do you look at lycanthropy and say "is it something that is an affliction or is it just a part of who people are?" 

Kappa: Yeah! 

Dax: Exactly. 

Kappa: And that's- that's a huge part of why Rou is who he is because I wanted to explore that- those themes about identity. Those themes of intersectionality, so, with this character. And werewolves are notorious for being allegories for this sort of identity. 

Dax: So, out next question was submitted by Rakolai. Rakolai, thank you so much for your submission. 

Kappa: Rak, yo! 

Dax: Rak's was really interesting. I'm really curious to see what the response is going to be but "Who would be your dream guest star to record an episode or two with? (And they do not have to be from the TTRPG community.)" I'm just going to say right off the bat? Mine would be a tie. I would really either love to play with Quiddie in this system and this setting or I would love to play with Persephiroth. I think they're both powerhouses in the RPG community and I know it doesn't have to be TTRPG, but those two, when I read this question, for me that was a stand out. 

Kappa: We've already talked to and had a whole lot of guests to this show that I have wanted to play with for a very long time. So, that's, like, we can definitely get these folks on. It's not within the bounds of reason. I think it would be a lot harder for my dream guest to record an episode, or maybe an arc with. I… remember when we had Paladin come on and we did the game within the game? 

Dax: Mhmm. 

Kappa: I think Hideo Kojima would be so much fun to have in that seat. We have to figure out the language stuff, we'd have to figure out the time- recording and the time differences. But say all that is already handled and taken care of? I want to see what Hideo Kojima's brand and tone applied to this setting and our characters would be like. I feel like he'd understand. I feel like he'd understand the assignment. You know?

Dax: That's a great- that's a great answer. 

Wren: Hmm. 

Kappa: It would be convoluted, but I'm excited. 

Dax: You know me. I don't mind convoluted. 

Kappa: Yeah. 

Dax: The problem I would run into and what I found funny about this question "Oh, I'd tell you about who I'd love to have? Would I be able to perform under pressure? Who knows." 

Kappa: [Laughing] Yeah, that's the other thing. 

Wren: Man, now I gotta follow up Kappa's awesome answer? 

Kappa: I can record a different one. 

Dax: You're fine. You're fine. Real quick, Wren, before you get into this, though. So, Neil, just as a heads-up, we've gone through a couple questions already, but we've got plenty to go. The question right now, so you can think while Wren is answering, "If you can have anybody guest on the podcast, and it does not have to be somebody from the TTRPG community, who would it be?" So that’s just something to think about. 

Neil: Okay, gotcha!

Wren: I think, for my part, I would love to play with...oh, goodness! You think I'd be better prepared to answer this question? I think I'd love to play with Erika Iishi. And I know, it's just, like, another- it's just another person from the tabletop community! 

But, I don't know why, but I've been following their career for several years now. Like, a lot longer than just pandemic time, and I think they're just a really great role player, role model and person. And I just think they'd be a lot of fun to sit down and play with. So. 

Dax: Erika would be a blast. But again, that whole "performance under pressure". I'd get all of these really cool people at the table and I'd be like, [nervously] "Hi". 

[everyone laughs] 

Kappa: It's like... "Hiiiiiii help!" 

Dax: Like, that's one of the reasons why originally I reached out to Paladin to be a guest GM. Because, like, I could sit at Paladin's table. I don't know if I could run a game for Paladin. But, you know. 

Neil: Right. 

Kappa: I see, I see.

Dax: We shall see, right? Maybe I can get over my nerves. 

Neil: I can't really think of any, like, famous tabletop people off of the top of my head. But I think that Tim Curry would really, really enjoy roleplaying games. 

Kappa: Oh! Oh my god, Tim Curry! 

Dax: Yes!

Neil: I feel like he'd be really good at it. 

Kappa: Absolutely he would! 

Dax: Excellent answer. 100% That's so good. 

Kappa: Can I throw a bonus one in there? 

Dax: Sure why not? 

Kappa: Aubrey Plaza. 

Dax: Okay, that one I don't recognize. 

Kappa: Alright, Aubrey Plaza played April in Parks and Rec. 

Dax: Oh! 

Kappa: Yes. 

Dax: Yeah! 

Kappa: I know- I know I've heard, I don't know if she still does, but I know that Aubrey Plaza played a lot of tabletop, I think Dungeons & Dragons. And I think would bring a very cool dynamic to the characters. 

Dax: Anthony Rapp would be my bonus person. 

Kappa: Ooh. 

Dax: He's recently gotten into Dungeons & Dragons and I loved him from Rent and a lot of his musical career. 

Neil: Oh, yeah!

Dax: Okay, another anonymous question we had and this is going to be for all three of you: "What is your character's favorite food or drink?" 

Neil: Ummm...That's a hard one. Because, like, Arthas will just eat literally anything put in front of him. I think he's probably pretty huge on any fried or processed foods purely because, you know, you're designed to want them and he would never have access to that growing up or where he's from. So, he'd see a freshly done apple fritter and just stuff that into his mouth. 

Wren: Same. I know I would! Kappa, I swear to god, if your answer is anything other than "gray paste" I'm going to be so upset! 

Kappa: [laughing] Wait, you or Eight? 

Wren: Me! [laughs] 

Kappa: I, okay. Obviously, gray paste! No. Obviously. I think...Honestly, I think it's going to be steak. Like, rare steak. Something that is- I know it's a trope and a stereotype when it comes to werewolves. But I think that's something that Rou is really into. Actually, I take it back. Rabbit. Yes. Just because that's the easiest that he had been- would be able to come across as a younger Rou. 

Wren: I think. If Eight was going to like any food, it would be something dry and snackable and shareable. So, like, popcorn or granola or nuts of some sort. Just- just quick and easy, something to share with people. Almonds would be rich in energy. Perfect for friends on the go! 

Dax: You're such a nerd!

Kappa: What are- what are some of the NPCs that you've thrown at us, Dax? What are their favorite foods? 

Dax: Viktor would definitely be a nice, hardy red wine. Venya would probably be a ripe pomegranate. And, let's see, who's another big NPC I've thrown at you? Liam would probably like a nice, rare cut of beef. 

Kappa: Like hard to find? Or cooked rare? Or both? 

Dax: Both. 

Kappa: Okay. 

[Kappa and Wren chuckle] 

Dax: So, we actually have a question submitted by Gaynor. For those of you that may have been listening to us, Gaynor- Shadow was also a guest on our show, as well. But Gaynor was recently a guest in season two. Two? Three? Season three. 

Wren: Three. 

Kappa: Yeah.

Dax: Wow, time flies, right?

Kappa: It's been a while, yeah. 

Dax: They have a couple question that they submitted, but the first one is "What were your favorite moments of strange or unexpected magic within the latest season?" 

Kappa: Portals. Portals are, for me, Kappa, portals are fascinating and they, if you really think about them, the way Rou has, they can be scary! And I think that makes for very interesting play. So, yeah. I think portals. 

Dax: What about you, Wren?

Wren: I think...see, I hear this question "strange or unexpected magic" and I think of table chemistry or something weird that no one expected. 

Dax: I mean, hey, if that's how you interpret the question... 

Wren: I think- I think some of my favorite moments from this season were from when Graeme was guesting and we spent forever belaboring over which doors to open and checking for traps. I think that just became a funny way to spend some of that table chemistry was just figuring out how that would work and making a little bit of a joke out of it. "Oh, we're checking for traps." "Oh, I'm just going to examine this corner over here." What am I even looking for? That kind of stuff, where it's like, now explain how we're going to find and remove traps. 

Kappa: I think, along the same vein, the stuff that we encountered in the labyrinth. 

Wren: Oh yeah. 

Kappa: Yeah. That was also 100% unexpected and... oh, I have another one! Cake friend! Cake friend, trash friend, dust friend. I dunno. The- 

Dax: The everything little golem? The multi-purpose golem? 

Wren: Multi-purpose golem. 

[Dax makes a high-pitched squeak] 

Kappa: Yeah. Yeah. I think those are also up there in terms of the new magic that we encountered this season. 

Dax: What about you Neil? Do you think- are there any unexpected or strange magic that sticks out to you? 

Neil: More piggybacking off of what Kappa said, like, portals. Just because, you know, oh, instantaneous transportation to wherever I want to go? Well, that's terrifying. Sure! 

[Kappa laughing] 

Dax: That is totally fair. Portals are a whole mess and a half, for sure. Gaynor also wants to know "What is something internally unresolved for your character at the end of season three that we might want to keep an eye out for in season four?" 

Kappa: I think- I think there's a lot of space for Rou to do a lot of growing where it comes to his family. We haven't done very much exploring of that at all. But that's just because we haven't been in proximity to the family. And now, at the end of season three, we are going to Baukora. We are going to Rou's backyard. So, I think that is something to look out for because we're going to have to encounter that! 

Neil: I haven't been on the podcast in a minute because of real world stuff, but Arthas definitely wants to learn to read and write better. He doesn't feel lesser because of it because, you know, he's not exactly a scholarly sort and doesn't have to, you know, utilize a piece of paper and pencil all the time. But there are definitely moments in his life where he wishes "Wow, I wish I could articulate this in a way that isn't me swinging a club." 

Wren: Right. 

Dax: That’s a valid answer. 

Wren: I think that's been a fun thing that we were able to take a little bit of a tackle on, was Arthas learning to sign his own name and starting to get a feel for being in a wider world. As far as, like, communication and things like that, because you know Arthas can communicate perfectly fine amongst the other Giant-Kin. You know, it's just a matter of coming into that bigger world and seeing what's going on there, you know? 

Neil: Right.

Wren: I thought that was a really, really good story element that we got to see some- got to dip our toes into a little bit. As far as Eight's going? I think we might see a little more of previous memories coming back to surface, perhaps, as we advance into season four. We saw some of that in- in the Eight-specific episode towards the end of season three. So, and for those of you listening, we just lost Neil off of our group call. 

Dax: You don't have to say that. Since this is an easy one just for you, Wren, we'll just ask this one next. "Do you use any special software when recording or editing the episodes?" This was submitted anonymously.  

Wren: Well, anonymous! I can tell you that we record using Zoom. Zoom meeting software. We use that including the option to have a separate audio track recorded for each meeting participant, because you don't want one giant conglomerated file of everyone's voices together. That would just be a mess! And when it comes to editing the audio, I utilize Reaper software. Reaper is a one-time purchase software. It's been really handy. You can make all sorts of modifications to your audio files. You can insert sound effects and you can do music and what not without any issue. As far as music and sound effects go, we use Epidemic Sound for those, as well. Hey, those are the three things you need! Or, those are three things that would make podcasting easy for you. Zoom, Reaper, Epidemic Sound. 

Kappa: Yeah and if I can hop in, Reaper is, there is tons of tutorials out there. And, also, there is a free version of Reaper that is pretty extensive. You don't- you can do the one-time payment thing. If you want to try it out, though, and not have to pay for it, there's a free version that is pretty robust! I've edited and produced a lot of podcast episodes and audio stuff with just the free version before purchasing the full version. 

Dax: Yeah. And we used to use Audacity but then a whole bunch of stuff came up with them so that's how we ended up going into Reaper. And we did end up using the free-trial for a couple of sessions just to make sure it would work for us before we ended up buying it. 

Kappa: Audacity's unfortunate because Audacity was also very simple. But also? They evil. 

Dax: Yeah. Next question was also anonymous. "What mic and set-up does everyone use?" So, I'll go first because I'm already talking. I use a Blue Yeti microphone and that is about as complicated as my set up gets. 

Wren: What about your SONY Headphones? 

Dax: Oh, my bluetooth noise-cancelling headphones? Yes, I have those. I guess that's a good point. 

Wren: I also use a Yeti Blue microphone. I utilize a Logitech C-920 camera. 

Dax: Oh, I didn't even think of cameras because we don't actually ever show our faces. Like, we're using them now. 

Wren: Oh yeah. 

Dax: I also use a Logitech C-920 Pro-webcam. 

Wren: For when we actually do the recording sessions, but… 

Kappa: I'm an audio person. I've collected a lot more pieces of technology for my stuff. I used to also use a Blue Yeti. I think when I first started I was on a Blue Yeti. But, I've since upgraded to a Shure SM7B and I run that through an audio interface. Which I swap out every now and again, but currently you are listening to me through a Go XLR Mini. And for those of you who don't know, the Shure SM7B is not a USB mic. That means it needs to go in through an audio interface that converts that analog signal into a digital signal so that you can plug it into a USB and have your computer process that. 

I also use the built-in software of the Go XLR Mini to process a little bit of my audio through EQs and stuff. That goes into a whole other ordeal of sound design and audio quality stuff, so. You're welcome to ask me questions about it on my Twitter. I won't go into it now. I, yeah.

Wren: Nerd!

Dax: You're an audio nerd. 

Kappa: I am an audio nerd. 

Dax: I mean, we are all nerds. 

Kappa: Yeah...[gasp] surprise! 

Dax: Surprise? [laughs] 

Kappa: Surprise. 

Dax: One of the questions that was asked anonymously that I shared with y'all ahead of time was "What is your biggest regret as a character and what is your biggest regret as a player?" 

Kappa: Doing the accent. [laughs] If that makes sense. I love Rou and I love doing Rou's voice. But the accent is just an extra layer of thinking that I need to do sometimes. There are definitely some- a lot of sessions where I'm like, "Okay, I'm Rou. I don't have to think about it." But, it's always like, I kind of wish I went with my own voice and altered it somewhat- the cadence of it, somewhat- you know? But, that's like, if I had a regret as a player. 

As a character? I think Rou's biggest regret is something that we're going to have to find out in season four. I definitely have one. But I think it might be too spoilery to go into right now? 

Dax: That's totally fair. 

Kappa: But we've definitely seen- seen how it has affected his personality. I think we've definitely seen how it has affected his personality and his communication styles throughout season two and season three. Boom! Listen to season four. Take that! 

Wren: [Laughing diabolically] We have you now! [In normal voice] Biggest regret as a player? I think my biggest regret as a player is giving Eight a blank slate as a starting character. Sometimes that can feel like a character copout to just pitch a character with no experiences and put them in a game and say "Everything is fresh! Everything is new! Everything is different! Wow! I don't need to worry about backstory! Oh yeah! I don't need to worry about previous conceptions! Okay!" 

And I say biggest regret, as in...sometimes I regret it. Sometimes, most times I don't, because it has been kind of a different experience for me to play a character like that. And then, as far as Eight's biggest regret as a character? I'm going to have to go with Kappa on this and say "I can't reveal that" because I feel like there is something coming up in season four that is very similar to this that gets addressed in an episode and I don't want to spoil anything.

Kappa: Yeah. Mhmm. 

Dax: Mhhmm.

Kappa: I realize that might be a little unsatisfying. So, I'll say the second biggest regret of Rou has been lying to Eight about how delicious the gray paste is. 

Dax: Then, I guess, Wren, what is your- for up through season three, there has to be even a small regret that you have as a character? 

Kappa: Yeah. The biggest revealable regret? 

Dax: Yes. Also, can I just also say that, while you're thinking, because we did, you know, pose that on the back end of things. As a GM, it's not like you created Eight without any backstory. You had to give me something to work with. So, it's just the player versus character knowledge kind of thing.

Wren: Yeah. It was secret backstory. I think one of the bigger regrets would be the fact that we couldn't tell my airship friend that she married a jerk.

Dax: Oh, yeah! That was a fun little reveal on that. I remember, yes. That was so fun for me to throw at you. 

Kappa: Wait, your regret was telling? Or? 

Dax: Not telling. 

Wren: Was that we didn't. 

Dax: That she married a murderer.

Kappa: I love that- I think the regrets that we have are things that we didn't do! And not the stuff that we did. 

Dax: Actually, that's a really, yeah. I think that almost, in a way, makes them more...I hate to say memorable. But I know when I'm playing a character in longer games, I tend to regret things that I didn't do. Or the paths that I knew were an option and didn't take, as opposed to the choices I did make. I think that also hits home for us as people, a lot more, too. Because we eventually learn, in most cases, in many cases we learn to accept the things we've done and take accountability for our mistakes, to move on and grow beyond. But all of those "what if's" tend to hang around a lot more. 

Kappa: Yeah. 

Dax: Alright. We have two more questions. One is anonymous and one is going to be a submission. One second. The first question, I gave to y'all ahead of time so we're going to go with that one. It's anonymous. The last one is my big reveal for the talkback session because it was a submission I wanted y'all to think on the fly. "What is your favorite moment in the series so far?" And I'm going to cut you all off at the season three finale.

Kappa: Okay. 

Dax: So you have to think back a little bit. 

Kappa: Okay, that's fine. And you said this question was anonymous? 

Dax: This one was anonymous, yeah. 

Kappa: Okay, because I hate this question. [laughs] 

Wren: Repeat it for me once more, please? 

Kappa: What is your favorite moment from the series so far? 

Dax: And you have to cut it off at the season three finale. 

Wren: Mmm. [Kappa laughing] 

Kappa: I-I- Okay. 

Dax: Alright, I'm going to come clean. This one was me. I submitted this question. [laughs] You can hate me all you want!

Wren: It reeks of Dax. 

Kappa: No, no I don’t hate you - 

Dax: It does reek of a GM question, doesn't it?

Kappa: No, I don't hate you. I- this question is always so hard because there are so many enjoyable moments to pull out of a narrative that we've been telling for literal years. So, it's hard. I actually went back and listened to prepare for this question, I actually went back and tried to listen to some of my favorite episodes that we recorded. 

And, honestly? A lot of my favorite moments are stuff that gets cut. A lot of my favorite moments are the stuff where we can just vibe together as a table and we either make Dax laugh or I laugh or something. Something gets dropped that completely reroutes the- the shift of the table. And I think one of those moments- I think one of those moments came in, again, I'm going to reference it: the Paladin guest arc. 

One, I want to say that I love all of our guests. Those arcs are so fun and I hope it's apparent on- in the episode how much fun we're having and how much we love having people on. But, in particular, I think- I think it was when we were talking about the food at the table. I don't remember exactly what was going on, but it was just- it felt so warm and welcoming to one, be able to join together as players, but also have our characters join together around the setting. And have our characters - 

Dax: Was it the prepared onion rings and stuff?

Kappa: I think it was the onion rings. Have our characters experience a very real moment when it comes to TTRPG playing. Everyone has those jokes and those fun moments. And it was really great giving that moment to our characters. I know they're fictional and made up was nice - 

Wren: They deserve it! 

Kappa: Yeah, they deserve it! So. I think that is one of many favorite moments from the series, Dax, that I have to pick out from the infinite number. [laughs] 

Dax: All I can think of now is, like, so, most people that have listened to this have never sat at an actual table with me, in person. But I was always the snack person. I'd always make sure there were cookies or chips or something for us to eat during games. When we used to be able to- you know, back in the before times. 

So, of course, the character that I brought had to be the one that brought snacks and I don't know what possessed me to say that onion rings were in that basket alongside the muffins. I really don’t. [Kappa and Wren laugh] But when Paladin picked up on it and kept commenting on how we're in this small room. I'm realizing as we're playing how, I, personally, would never have made that mistake. And that just made it so much better, honestly. 

Kappa: Yeah.

Wren: We have had a lot of really great moments over the course of the seasons so far and a lot of really funny stuff does get cut out of each final episode cuts. Which is a tragedy, in and of itself. A lot of that stuff does get turned into bonus stuff that we share with you all. But there is a fair amount of things that just never will ever leave the vault, so to speak. 

But, if I had to pick, like, an in-game moment to be one of my favorites, would probably be when Dax is just as absurd as we are in the middle of a game. Like when we went to visit Arcturus in jail – 

Kappa: Yes! 

Wren: And you described that he was just placed in a corner, facing a wall. Just the absurdity of that situation that seemed to mirror the weird energy that we had in that recording. That was just too fun. And that was when we got cake-friend. 

Kappa: That was when we got cake friend! Did we go over, like, Arcturus' favorite food?

Dax: Okay, so. Arcturus has been around for quite a while, right?

Kappa: Yeah.

Dax: Arcturus is definitely pear and brie. Poached pear and brie. 

Wren: Like a charcuterie. 

Kappa: Yeah. 

Dax: Kind of, yeah. 

Kappa: What a rube. 

Dax: I just want the listeners to know that when Wren was starting this- this story, my face was very confused, like, "What are you talking about I've gotten ridiculous, just to mirror you?" and then the minute they said Arcturus I started laughing uncontrollably. 

Kappa: Yeah, all of Arcturus was Dax yes and'ing the ridiculousness that- that we all brought to the table. 

Dax: Aw, gotta love my little skull. 

Kappa: [Laughing] Taking a piece of cheese, putting it in the mouth and sneaking it from underneath the skull and putting it back in for this infinite loop of satisfying food?

Dax and Wren: So good!

Dax: Alright, the final question. 

Kappa: Final question! We haven't seen this one. 

Dax: No, you have not. This one was submitted by Quinn. Thank you so much for your submission, Quinn! 

Kappa: Yo, Quinn! 

Wren: Thanks, Quinn! 

Dax: "What is one of the small slice-of-life moments in the show that was particularly impactful for your character or how you connect with them?" And if you want this in writing, I can pop it into the discord so you can actually read it, too. 

Kappa: Yeah, please do!

Dax: Also, I heard from poor Neil. He is trying to make this call in a field out in what is essentially the boonies over here? 

Kappa: I thought I heard field noises! 

Wren: Mhmm! 

Kappa: I thought I heard field noises! That's fair.

Dax: He probably will not be joining us, so we have to figure out what we want to do there. 

Kappa: "What is one of the small slice-of-life moments in the show that was particularly impactful for your character or how you connect with them?" I think one of the biggest, most impactful slice- of-life moment for Rou with implications on the rest of the series- or, the rest of the thing, was shopping in a general store with Eight. 

[Dax guffaws]

Dax: Oops, I'm not muted!

Kappa: I don't know why Dax mutes herself while laughing. 

Dax: Because I have an obnoxious laugh. People do not need to hear that in their ears when they're listening! 

Kappa: I think the people need to know! I think the people deserve it! I think you deserve it! 

Dax: Wren's heard my laugh. I think Wren could probably agree with me. 

Wren: I would not say anything. 

Kappa: Anyway, I think, yeah. I think shopping at general stores with Eight has been some of the most, like impactful and important slice-of-life moments to chart Rou's character growth. And how we, how one, I connect with Rou and how Rou connects with Eight. Because it's something mundane, but everyone has to do. Especially as an adventurer. And seeing how Rou has changed thinking over what is necessary and what is needed. But, also, what has persisted. You know? I think that, to call out a specific moment was when we were in, what was it? The honey... 

Wren: Honey Hills. 

Dax: Yeah, Honey Hills. 

Kappa: Yeah. Honey Hills. I think Honey Hills was a really, really good example of charting out how Rou connects and how I connect to Rou. That is a very fun exercise. If you ever have trouble, of like, gauging where your character has gone, have them create a grocery list of things to purchase when they next hit a town or something with virtually unlimited supplies. Do that.

Wren: I think one of my favorite slice-of-life moments was, we had one session where Rou was particularly adamant about practicing swordplay and I volunteered Eight to be a sparring buddy. And we roleplayed that moment of the two of them going through these swordplay exercises together. Including the fact that Eight just stood there and let Rou keep hitting them. And I think that interaction is one that stands out to me as one that kind of showcases Eight's character where they take the task very literally. And they're very encouraging and helpful for their friend. 

And I think Rou's reaction to that, as well, was-was perfect. And I think that's one of those moments that sticks with me and makes me think about the dynamic of those two characters where there's that give and take between them but there's that mutual- they both want what's best for the other. And I think that was a great moment for developing the relationship between the two.

Kappa: I'm also, like- I know we just picked out two moments out from season three, but, like, going back to season two, I think the first couple of interactions when we were still figuring out our characters and how they interacted. That first meal together at the inn, where, I think, Wren, you had Eight just put food in the mouth and, like, you described it as horrifying or awkward and stuff. 

Dax: It's like a train wreck, you don't want to- you can't look away. 

Kappa: Yeah, I think that's how it was described. That moment was also like, here, we're introducing the way these characters are going to act around each other and that informed a huge amount of how the dynamic was going to act between Arthas, Eight, and Rou. 

Wren: Mhmm.

Kappa: Dax, what about you. First of all, I want you to answer the previous question and then this one! 

Dax: Favorite moment from the series so far? 

Kappa: Yeah.

[Dax groans dramatically]

Kappa: I think it's only fair that if you ask this question, you have to answer it? 

Wren: Yeah, it ain't easy now, is it? 

Kappa: Ho ho ho ho! 

Wren: Ho ho ho ho! Tell us your favorite moment! 

Dax: I'm going to answer this in two ways. Because I have the GM perspective and the player perspective, as well. Right? 

Kappa: Yeah.

Dax: As far as the players are concerned, one of my favorite moments so far has been one of the later episodes in season three where Eight- er, Rou, finds Eight crying. Which is something that Eight as a character has not done, ever, no matter how sad they've been, they've never actually shed tears. And just watching Rou's reaction and seeing how, you know, their short time- because, I mean, even though they've been spending every day together they've only been together a few months. So, at that point, seeing how reassuring Rou was and how much the two of them came to this agreement, even if it wasn't explicitly said of, you know, we will figure this out and it will be okay. I think that, for me, was probably one of my favorite moments regarding character growth and how, like you said, Kappa, like it was set up at the beginning of season two when these characters met how far they've grown and grown together. I think for me, that's probably my favorite from the character perspective. 

From the GM perspective, I think one of my favorite moments, honestly, was probably- probably Liam. Only because it's an NPC that is- I did design to help you. I did design him to be very antagonistic. And for players, sometimes, that's not always somebody you want to run into.

Because as people, we run into someone that's antagonistic, chances are we're just going to walk away and say "Fuck you, goodbye." You know, that's probably my favorite, was introducing that. And I can't wait for season four, for him to come back. 

Kappa: Spoilers! 

Dax: It's not spoilers. Y'all haven't even played that session yet. As far as the slice-of-life moments...I think the group of you in Westbridge when Worrier guested as the minotaur, Big Mood. 

Kappa: Yes.. 

Dax: You have the group of you enjoying a charcuterie and doing the stereotypical gathering in a tavern getting ready for a quest. I feel like, you know, you picture people sitting in a bar and they're having drinks. They're having their snacks, their bar snacks and everything. You sit there and think how many adventures could start just by people sitting in a bar, realistically? And so I think, that slice-of-moment for me was impactful in a way. Because it led to Rou's revelation that he was a werewolf. It led to, you know, Eight running into a situation where it's not just a sad...great, now Cinna is going to come and talk. 

Sad moment, like with Jane, when she was murdered. But now this is this person that is this gruesome thing that Eight has not had to deal with and just watching how Eight takes that in and moves from there. So, for both of the characters it was a very impactful scenario.

So, yeah, I want to thank everybody for tuning in and listening to our first-ever talk back Q&A. For those of you that submitted questions, thank you so much. I personally had a lot of fun listening to the answers. 

Kappa: It was great!

Dax: I was not expecting some of the answers and they were awesome.

Wren: We should do more of these! 

Dax: We should! 

Kappa: I'm thinking like, season recap talkbacks. 

Dax: I mean, I would be good for that to do for season four.

Kappa: I mean, I can't stress enough that talk backs are my favorite media to consume. Whether it's like, an interview for someone's movie or an actual play talkback or a mailbag episode for a discussion podcast. I think it's some of my favorite stuff because it's, you know, you love the media that you choose to consume. But I think it's refreshing to see the back end of things or how people think about stuff. You don't always get that. But this was a lot of fun. Thank you for everyone who submitted questions and all of that. Do we have any information that we have to give out for season four?

Dax: All I will say is that for season four, keep your eyes peeled. There will be some major changes that are going to be happening to the podcast. All good things, we promise. As always, you can find us on Simplecast as well as wherever your favorite podcasts are found. You can also find us- if you want to throw some money our way and you want some really cool things to go along- you know, some bang for your buck. There's a merch store on Redbubble you can get some cool posters and coffee mugs and travel stuff. I think there are some pins, as well. 

If you want some behind-the-scenes info, I've got a Fanhouse. You can find me on Fanhouse at gm_dax. And you can catch up on how I come up with some of the scenarios or things that I had planned that the party completed skirted. Or inspiration for places and people. You can catch me there. Every dollar there also gets split among the cast, as well. Podcasting isn't cheap. [laughs] 

So, but at the very least, if you know, you can't afford it, because we all understand money is tight now, just go to your favorite podcast site and give us a five-star review. Leave us a comment. Let us know how much you're enjoying the show. Not only does that boost our numbers, but it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

Kappa: Or even more warm and fuzzy inside, because there's already some warm fuzziness already going on. 

Dax: This is true. Do either of you have anything you want to promote?

Kappa: Hmm. Do I have anything I want to promote? I was not- this was the one question I was not prepared for. I don't know. Yeah. You can find me on Twitter. I just post stuff on Twitter. We also do a whole lot of production stuff for Friends Who Roll Dice. So go check out Friends Who Roll Dice.

We always do charity stuff to uplift marginalized communities. I don't know when this is coming out because we do have an event coming up. 

Dax: I wouldn't give anything specific. I would leave it broad. Because I think the plan is November. I just don't know when. 

Kappa: Okay. I can work with that. Friends Who Roll Dice. We are constantly uplifting marginalized voices through the events that we do. Depending on when this airs, we are about to or have just done our 24-hour charity livestream extravaganza in collaboration with Nico Allen! So, again, depending on when this comes out, go check that out. Either as it comes out or watch the VOD. We have so many, so many fun casts and GMs performing actual plays for a whole 24-hours in support of Extra Life. 

You can also find me on another podcast, "2B Movie or Not 2B Movie" a podcast that I do with the BrandyRose where we watch B-movies and parse them out. We watch and react to B-movies and dissect them and we analyze them through the lens of marginalized identities because the movie podcast scene is extremely dominated by cis male, white voices. I feel like we need to add some diversity to that space, so go check that out. We're currently on a hiatus, so that gives you enough time to catch up on episodes. Other than that, Twitter is the best place to see what I'm up to.

Dax: Go do it. You will catch up in no time and you will have a blast, especially when they talk about their BINGO results because they do play BINGO while they're reviewing. 

Kappa: We do play BINGO! I think it's good background podcasting. 

Dax: It's so good! 

Wren: That leaves me. Hi, I’m Wren. You can find me literally everywhere on the internet at ThornyDryad, that's like a prickly bush. I'm a podcaster, TTRPG player, and sometimes variety streamer. Check out my channel because I've got an awesome AP that happens once every month with a great cast of players. It's a Masks: A New Generations AP and I'm fortunate to play with wonderful people, such as Kappa, it's Christian, TheKappaChris! 

Kappa: I’m there! 

Wren: Among other wonderful folks. Check out my Twitter and my Twitch and see when the next episode is coming out. And that's me. 

Dax: And as always, you can find me on Twitter at GM_Dax. I am currently running a Dragon Riders Quest RPG campaign on my Twitch channel, which is Daxara19. But, again, you can find everything on Twitter. So head over there and you can keep up to date with my latest happenings. Thank you again for everyone that submitted a question. This was a really fun episode to do and y'all keep posted. 

There will be some things coming up for season four. We're going to be dropping you some tidbits and extra stuff, including a recap episode similar to how we did for season two. So, in case you are listening to this and you haven't listened to our episodes and you're not sure you're going to have enough time, you can catch that recap episode and get little snippets to get yourself ready for season four. 

Kappa: I am so ready for people to find out what we have in store for them. Whoo, it's big, y'all. It's so big! 

Dax: Right? I am super, super excited. Like, it's going to be so good. Alright, y'all. Take care. 

Kappa: Bye! 

Wren: Bye!

[Music fades out 1:33:45]