Roads Uncharted

S3 E10: Blisternose

Episode Summary

Eight, Arthas, and Rou locate the source of the mysterious drumming. Getting it to stop, however, will be much harder than they anticipated.

Episode Notes

The trio heads off to the unexplored area on their map, attempting to locate the source of the drumming. Upon reaching the rocky outcropping, Arthas tosses a rock and ends up striking a green humanoid named Griswold. Talking to Griswold reveals that they will need to request permission from their chief in order to get the drums to cease.

On the other side of the outcropping is a cave, wherein a group of goblins have taken up residence. Talking to the goblin leader, Blisternose, Rou attempts to negotiate a peaceful compromise; however, Blisternose has other plans.

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