Roads Uncharted

S3 E14: Quest for a Knight

Episode Summary

Arthas receives a visit from Vuldarin, the god of luck.

Episode Notes

After an eventful day rescuing a Jerboamin, followed by a long celebration at their family’s shop, Arthas heads to bed in the stables. As he drifts off and begins to dream, he receives a visit from a figure that is half-human and half-goat.

The figure introduces themselves as Vuldarin, the god of luck and so-called “Bringer of Chance”. He claims to have a quest for Arthas, one that only the Giant-kin can help with. Something has infiltrated a mage’s tower to the south of Ravenspire, and due to its size Arthas is the best person for the job. However, he is told he must leave his companions behind if he is to take on this challenge.

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