Roads Uncharted

S3 E18: The Smell of Danger

Episode Summary

Thistle invites them in for tea, but it seems her hospitality hides something more sinister.

Episode Notes

Sprickle-sprack has left the group at the entrance to Thistle’s home, and as time ticks on it occurs to Shepherd that his time is running out. He confesses to the group that he’s not really as he seems to be, and is worried he might not see Hunter before his time runs out.

As they walk closer, they hear a haunting melody being sung from within the hut. Shepherd and Rou sense danger and become wary, and the group agrees that caution is warranted when talking with Thistle. When Shepherd calls out for Hunter, an old woman’s voice responds and invites the group in for tea. As the group starts to ask questions about Hunter, it becomes obvious that Thistle is not one for niceties.

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