Roads Uncharted

S3 E21: The Temple of Brinde

Episode Summary

Eight and Rou follow Dawson to the underground Temple of Brinde. They begin their exploration and quickly discover danger lurks within.

Episode Notes

Eight and Rou spend the evening hearing stories from Dawson’s adventures before setting off for the temple the next morning. They also learn a little more information about their upcoming adventure, mainly that Dawson lost several friends the last time he was there.

The group arrives at the entrance of the temple, and decide to camp within the cavern entry until daylight in the event they need a quick escape. When they finally descend into the temple, Dawson discovers that the traps his group had cleared previously have not been reset and everything appears just as it was all those years ago. 

As the trio draws closer to the room where Dawson’s friends were lost, he grows more agitated and anxious. He prepares his weapon and gives Eight and Rou one final warning about the danger that lies ahead. It isn’t until they start to examine the room and disturb its contents that the silence of the temple is broken by the sound of moving rock. 

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