Roads Uncharted

S3 E25: The Doors of Marble Moon

Episode Summary

Rou and Eight arrive at the town of Marble Moon, where they meet an individual with a very unique problem.

Episode Notes

CW: Insects. Skip 18:13 to 18:29 if this would be problematic for you, your safety is important to us.

The pair have left Honey Hills, with a queen to start their own traveling hive. After a few days' travel, they arrive at the town of Marble Moon, where massive stone doors exist outside the city borders. The doors do not appear to lead anywhere and are guarded by stone beasts atop tall columns. An individual exits the doors as they draw near, and they notice it’s another minotaur.

When they greet the stranger, they learn her name is Tamsin and she has been trying to solve the puzzles of the labyrinth for a long time. Intrigued by what could be at its center, Rou and Eight agree to help Tamsin in her quest.

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