Roads Uncharted

S3 E26: Attempt Forty-Eight

Episode Summary

Rou and Eight accompany Tamsin into the depths of the underground labyrinth.

Episode Notes

The trio heads through the massive stone doors and are teleported down into the labyrinth. They are forced to dodge bouts of flame, fight bodiless armor and trace their way through a maze of passages. Guided by Tamsin’s knowledge from previous attempts, they make quick work of the first portion.

When the group arrives at a room containing only two doors, one which always tells the truth and the other only lies. Rather than despair, the team uses their wits (and some psychic capability), to uncover the correct path forward. The labyrinth's tricks don't stop there though, as the team must then discover the secret of the turn-back hall. Successfully discovering its secrets, they continue to progress forward into a banquet hall with heady aromas and delicious food surrounding them. 

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