Roads Uncharted

S3 E3: The Council of Kidohlva

Episode Summary

While seeking to visit Arcterus, Rou and Eight must first speak with the Kidohlvan Council.

Episode Notes

Eight and Arthas have returned Benny to his mother and head off to meet back up with Rou. They eventually run into one of the professors, who convinces Arthas to help him with research on Giant-Kin society. Eight is not left alone for long, finding Rou amongst the crowd of students.

The pair decide to pay a visit to Arcterus, starting with a trip to the guard station where they learn Arcterus has been tried and now sits in the dungeon awaiting his fate. In order to gain permission for the visit, Rou and Eight are escorted to the chambers of the Kidohlvan Council. When their mission is eventually revealed, they receive an important piece of advice from its members.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, and Wren @ThornyDryad

Transcript by Wren

Episode Transcription

Upbeat piano intro music ends [00:27]  

Soft and mysterious piano music begins [00:29]  

Wren (as Eight): Hello! I am Eight and you are listening to Roads Uncharted. Previously on Roads Uncharted, my companion Arthas and I, Eight, were tasked with watching a small child for the owner of the Silver Pearl Inn. The task itself was not terribly difficult; however, watching a child does come with certain…difficulties…associated with it. Namely, understanding what a child wants, understanding what a child needs, and understanding what frozen cream is? Apparently, it is a delicious treat which is concocted out of frozen cream. Somehow it is kept cold despite being maintained at room temperature. Or, I suppose I should say, it is maintained at the ambient air temperature around it. Considering it is not always in a room. 

Despite all of our difficulties, my companion Arthas and I were able to successfully sit on the child, Benny, for a number of hours and we have since returned the child to his rightful family and we will be reuniting with our good friend, Rou, who has spent a majority of the morning and afternoon pursuing academic studies at the University. 

Music shifts to a playful guitar [1:49] 

Dax: Eight and Arthas, you are heading down one of the hallways in the University in Kidohlva. You just dropped off Benny to his mother, Maddie. Who, although a little frazzled after her first day teaching, was very happy to see that nobody actually sat on her baby and that Benny seems to be in one piece albeit a little sticky from the frozen cream. As you are meandering down this hallway, you hear a small voice pipe up among the crowd. 

Dax (as stranger): [in a higher pitched nasally voice] Uhh, excuse me. Excuse me. Pardon me, I would like to talk to the two of you. 

Wren: I will stop, turn, and look for the point of origin of that voice. 

Dax: You turn around and you see coming through the crowd, a short Gnome. Don’t know why I said a short Gnome. Most Gnomes are pretty short. 

Wren: Short for a Gnome? 

Dax: Short for a Gnome, sure. [laughs] Short for a Gnome. Balding pate, with like that little crown of hair and some very brown and dusty looking robes. Very large glasses on their face.

Dax (as Gnome): Uhh, excuse me. Excuse me. I, I see that you are... You must be the construct and the Giant-kin that is staying at the Silver Pearl, am I correct?

Wren (as Eight): My name is Eight and this is my traveling companion and great friend, simply Arthas. Yes, we are staying at the Silver Pearl and, yes, I suppose you could consider me an automaton or construct. 

Wren: Because you said construct. You said construct.

Wren (as Eight): As you can plainly see Arthas is 11 feet tall, which implies the fact that he is a Giant-kin.How can we help you? My inquisitive, diminutive friend? 

Wren: And I will be looking down at him as I speak. 

Dax (as Professor Whitmire): My name is Professor Whitmire, I’m, I’m actually one of the professors of History here and I’m actually doing a paper on Giant-kin society and I was wondering if it was possible if, umm… 

Dax: At this point the professor looks at Arthas. 

Dax (as Professor Whitmire): If, if I could borrow you for some time and ask you some questions about your history and your culture? 

Neil (as Arthas): Of course. 

Dax (as Professor Whitmire): Excellent, excellent! 

Dax: The professor turns to you. 

Dax (as Professor Whitmire): Do you mind if I borrow your friend? I mean, he seems to be fine with it. 

Wren (as Eight): Well, considering I do not own Arthas and he is a grown individual capable of making his own decisions. I have no objection. Arthas... 

Wren: And I will turn and look to Arthas, looking up this time, because Arthas is super tall. 

Wren (as Eight): I will continue along forward to find our friend, Rou. We will carry on with the task of questioning Arcterus on the matters at hand. And once you are finished, we will meet you back at the Silver Pearl

Neil (as Arthas): Spectacular 

Wren: Then I will turn back to Professor Whitmire. 

Wren (as Eight): My good professor, please be sure to feed Arthas. He has a prodigious appetite and spending a few hours answering questions is liable to make him quite hungry. In the meantime, I wish you the best in your academic pursuits! 

Wren: And I will stand awkwardly and wait to see what happens. 

Dax: The professor nods and... 

Dax (As Professor Whitmire): Thank you, thank you. I appreciate it. Perhaps I might borrow a little of your time later this week when I have an opening in my schedule.

Wren (as Eight): That is a very perplexing statement to make, “Borrow a little bit of my time”. I would be happy to spend some time with you to answer any questions you might have. But time is not something that I can give, as it flows on regardless of whether or not I would like it to. 

Dax: Eight, give me a Vigilance check, please. Make it an Easy check. 

Wren: Oh no, a Vigilance check! 

Kappa: [in a deep voice] There's a… there's a knife! 

[Dax and Wren laughing] 

Wren: He's got a- he's got a knife! [dice rolling sound] That's a Success and four Advantages. 

Dax: Though the professor, I'm sure, tried to hide this - 

Kappa: The knife? 

Dax: You [laughing] you were able to pick up on this low muttering of... 

Dax (as Professor Whitmire): Make sure that I have at least four hours in my schedule, I see...

Wren (as Eight): Oh, yes.

Dax (as Professor Whitmire): [Loudly] Well, thank you very much! Thank you! You enjoy the rest of your day! Come, Arthas, we have a long afternoon ahead of us and I will be sure to get you some proper vittles.

Wren: I will purse my lips at the word “vittles”.

Wren (as Eight): Vittles...

Dax: You have lips?

Wren: I've got the- the- the fibrous chin and lip thing going on.

Dax: I keep forgetting about that.

Wren: Yeah, it's just a face plate that covers my upper half and cheek bones.

Wren (as Eight): Interesting word choice, “vittles”. That is certainly an academic's vocabulary. 

Wren: I will turn and start heading towards the direction of whatever lecture hall or building that I assume a majority of the different topics are being held on today so that I might accidentally run back into Rou at some point.

Dax: Speaking of which! So, Rou, you got up really early to go to this symposium that, you know, has had you really excited the last few days. What symposium was that?

Kappa: The symposium was about understanding creatures that we generally consider monsters. Taking a look at the histories of what made them considered to be monsters, but then taking a look at them as more like, just different society – different societal structures that we just don't understand. Not really a deep dive, more like a one-on-one and introduction to the topics. 

Dax: Excellent, excellent. As this symposium is ending, you know, you're exiting the room with the other students. You do happen to catch a certain Warforged kind of loitering out in the middle of the courtyard. 

Kappa: Is it my Warforged?

Dax: It's your Warforged.

Kappa: Oh, okay.

Wren: It's me? Oh, good. I was afraid that it wasn't going to be me. You'll see me kind of standing there. My arms are awkwardly off to the sides in.. in an attempted casual stance. But it just looks really stiff and rigid. And as people are passing me by, I am just turning to them and going,

Wren (as Eight): Hello, I am Eight, and you are - Oh, okay, have a great day. Hello, I am Eight and you would be – oh, okay. Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. Greetings, I am Eight and you are just going to walk right on by. Okay, perfect.

Wren: It's just continuously trying to chatter with people as they're passing by. 

Kappa: I definitely take a minute to absorb what's going on and I am going to approach from out of eye line and interrupt at one point.

Kappa (as Rou): You know you'd have a lot more success if you waited somewhere that wasn't so transient. People are going to and from classes at this point.

Wren: I begin responding.

Wren (as Eight): You make a very salient point. Though, I must say... 

Wren: And as I'm turning, I see that it's you, Rou, and my face brightens.

Wren (as Eight): Oh! Good friend, Rou.

Kappa (as Rou): Good friend, Eight!

Wren (as Eight): You've returned from your lecture, pursuits, studies!

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, It was quite enlightening. Yes, I am back. Hello.

Wren (as Eight): Enlightening, you say. I would love to hear your take on the topic that you listened to, at some point. 

Kappa (as Rou): Of course! 

Wren (as Eight): After all, what is the point of academic pursuit if not the discussion and understanding of that which we learn? 

Kappa (as Rou): I think that's the entire point of this institution. You learn stuff and you talk about it. 

Wren (as Eight): I may be inclined to agree, though, I have a feeling that a majority of the people here are simply here to ask favors of other people. That has been my experience so far. 

Kappa (as Rou): Have people been asking you about different favors and jobs to do? 

Wren (as Eight): Well, yes. In fact, it's quite the humorous anecdote. 

Wren: And I will sidle up next to Rou.

Wren (as Eight): Arthas and I have performed a satisfactory job of, quote, babysitting, for the proprietor of the Silver Pearl this afternoon. 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh! Oh, I see. So you were taking care of a child this morning? 

Wren (as Eight): Yes, we did. And, as a result of our efforts we have earned the group of us, me, you and Arthas... 

Wren: Wow, that's improper English.

Wren (as Eight): Arthas, you and me, two nights free stay at the inn! 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, how fortunate. Are we going to need those two nights? Two days? That extension. 

Wren (as Eight): I'm not entirely certain. I suppose it depends on whether or not we might wrap up the loose ends that we have while we are here. 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, perhaps we can use that credit to get refunded the time that we've already stayed? 

Wren: I'll make that – what's the best way to put this? I'll make “trout face” at that statement. 

[Kappa Laughs] 

Wren (as Eight): Oh! See, I knew you were the one with the greatest business acumen out of the group of us. As such, I believe that would be an excellent thing to ask once we return to the establishment this afternoon.  

Kappa (as Rou): And, of course, if not, that's perfectly fine. It's merely an inquiry, right? We don't want to appear rude. 

Wren (as Eight): Of course! There would be no reason for us to be rude about it. Simply a simple inquiry. A matter of requesting a possible accommodation as any patron at an inn would do. 

Kappa (as Rou): After all, you did take care of their child.

Wren (as Eight): We did take care of the child on behalf of the owner's daughter who was actually performing her first duties as a seminar teacher on art history this morning.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, art history. That's not a topic that I am very interested in. But good for them! Good for them.

Wren (as Eight): I imagine that the history of art would be quite entertaining to learn about. After all, art itself is very subjective to the whims and opinions of those who are viewing it. How does one view the history of such a nebulous topic that relies so heavily on the mindset of those viewing it? 

Kappa (as Rou): See? That is why I am not so interested in it. It could just be any, like, art is so interpretive. Anyone could say something about art and it's a roll of the die as to whether it is accepted as academic or just the musings of some uneducated person. There are no rules! Is what I'm saying. 

Wren (as Eight): Ah! Would you say that the only rule is that there are no rules?

Kappa (as Rou): I think you've got me there.

Kappa: As I furrow my brows...

Kappa (as Rou): Yes. 

Wren (as Eight): Now that your seminar is completed, what were your plans for the rest of the afternoon, good friend? 

Kappa (as Rou): Well, remember that office that we took a look at? And there was that desk with a mysteriously locked drawer? I was going to see if we could find out what was in that drawer. 

Wren (as Eight): Oh, you mean with respect to – wait, friend Rou, am I misremembering something? I do not recall going to an office with a secret desk.

Kappa (as Rou): Remember what Arcterus was saying about his old office? There was a secret compartment in one of the desk drawers. 

Wren (as Eight): I recall Arcterus discussing the reason for his expulsion. I recall Arcterus being fairly glib with the existing staff of the university. 

Kappa (as Rou): Well, he and I had a conversation and, sort of as appreciation for us bringing him here and freeing him from those caves, he told me that we should try and look at his old office. If the desk is still there, which, I assume is gone. But just on the off chance that it's still there, he said it would be worth it to go and open one of the drawers. It has a false bottom and we'd be very interested to see what the contents inside hold. 

Wren (as Eight): Oh! That a tantalizing mystery!

Kappa (as Rou): A little bit, yes, right?

Wren (as Eight): Perhaps, if we have a hard time locating the desk, we might ask the headmaster for a favor in locating it? 

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, I believe so. I think so. That is like Plan C, maybe even Plan D. 

Wren (as Eight): Oh, right. Because then the headmaster would probably inquire as to why we wanted to find Arcterus' old desk. 

Kappa (as Rou): Exactly.

Wren (as Eight): Perhaps we could ask one of the janitorial staff. 

Kappa (as Rou): A much better plan.

Wren (as Eight): Actually...

Wren: And I raise my hands in front of me and steeple them. 

Wren (as Eight): It's quite interesting that you mention Arcterus again, as I was hoping we might take some time this afternoon to go visit our head without a body.

Kappa: I nod and ponder for a second. 

Kappa (as Rou): Do we know where Arcterus is?

Wren (as Eight): Last we knew, he was under lock and key at the guard station. I can't imagine he's gone very far. 

Kappa (as Rou): It's not – It's not Arcterus moving that I'm worried about. It's whether or not Arcterus has been moved.

Wren (as Eight): Oh, yes. I am slightly concerned about the same thing. Though, we will have to do all that we can to locate him. For I believe that Arcterus might hold a key to understanding an aspect of the…

Wren: And I look around before I say, 

Wren (as Eight): Prophecy

Wren: As I hold up my right hand to make a shield against the farther – the more open side of the area that we are in. 

Wren (as Eight): Do you recall the description that talked of “green lightning”? 

Kappa (as Rou): Yes.

Wren (as Eight): You see, when that was brought up in the prophecy and I had asked if green lightning was something that was common among technology from Baukora, you had said “no”. Which led me to believe that perhaps, perhaps, the device that Arcterus had used which caused his unfortunate state might use an energy source or behave in a manner that creates something similar. And since we had not really discussed it previously, I figured it would be worth pursuing before we left him behind for good. 

Kappa (as Rou): Let's go find Arcterus, then. 

Wren (as Eight): And then the desk. 

Kappa (as Rou): And then the desk. Perhaps he might have some more insights. 

Wren (as Eight): Mhmm. 

Dax: Alright, so where do you propose to find Arcterus? Where are you headed first? 

Kappa: I think the guard station. That's where we last left him. Yeah. 

Dax: Yeah, that seems reasonable. So you head through the city. You head through the University. You meander towards that long spiral ramp that leads up to the main entryway. At its base, you run into the guards' station again. Still kind of empty. You got some people in there that are in the midst of taking off heavy coats and trying to warm their hands by the fire. You have other people that look like they are getting ready to get on a shift. One young appearing Elf kind of sits at a desk close to the door when you arrive and looks at the two of you. 

Dax (as the guard): [British accent] Is there something I can help you with? 

Kappa: How long has it been? A few days, right?

Dax: Since you dropped off Arcterus? It has been a week. Like, ten days. 

Kappa: I step forward. 

Kappa (as Rou): About a week ago we dropped off a friend of ours here. He's very unusual. Does not have a body…or skin. Hopefully, that narrows it down as much as possible. We were wondering if we could visit our friend. He goes by Arcterus?

Dax (as the guard): Ah, yes. The talking skull. 

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, that's the one.

Dax (as the guard): You see, Arcterus has already been tried and is down in the dungeons awaiting his fate. If you would like to talk to him, you are going to have to request permission from the Council. 

Kappa: He's in the dungeon? That's right. Arcterus was in trouble, wasn't he?

Kappa (as Rou): Uh, sure! Is there some sort of form to fill out or visitor's – sort of – sign in sheet to visit dungeon-bound people? ...skulls? 

Dax: The Elf smirks at you and then they hold up a single finger kind of like a wait a minute gesture. They open one of the drawers at the desk in which they are sitting and pulls out this small, glass, orb. They hold it up at about eye level and start whispering something in a language that neither of you understand. Shortly after that, the orb starts to glow ever-so-slightly. Then, you hear the Elf say,

Dax (as the guard): I have two individuals who would like to speak to Arcterus, who’s been moved to the dungeon. You know, the talking skull? [pause] Yes. Yes, I already told them they have to go through the Council. Is there a particular form that they need to fill out or do they need to make an appointment? What's the status quo? We usually don't have people wanting to talk to people in the dungeon. [pause] Mhmm. [pause] Uh huh. [pause] Alright. I'll escort them right away, thank you. 

Kappa (as Rou): Thank you! 

Dax: The orb dims and the guard looks at you, puts away the orb and then stands up. 

Kappa (as Rou): That is very handy, that little device you have there!

Dax (as the guard): Oh, thank you. Have you never seen a communications orb?

Wren (as Eight): Communications orb! I would have called it a “Call Sphere”. 

Kappa (as Rou): I mean, I've totally seen one. I just - it's handy. I just wanted to say that. 

Wren (as Eight): It is true; it does fit in the hand quite nicely. 

Kappa: I nod, very confident.

Dax: They kind of squint at you, like they're trying to assess how much their bullshit-o-meter is going off or not with you, Rou. 

Kappa: And I'm smiling. I'm trying to be pleasant.

Dax: Yeah.

Wren (as Eight): Where are we going, if I might ask?

Dax (as the guard): We have to go to the Council chambers. 

Wren (as Eight): Oh! We did not even need to request time. They have already accommodated us. This is quite exciting! 

Dax (as the guard): Well, it's mostly because of who you're trying to talk to. So, now they have questions for you. I don't imagine it'll be very painful. Just follow me.

Dax: The Elf grabs their coat, dons it and leads you out of the guards' station. I'm assuming you're following?

Kappa: Yeah.

Wren: Mhmm.

Dax: Okay, I don't ever like to really assume.

Kappa: [softly] We're staying and stealing that call sphere. 

Dax: [laughing] I mean you might.

Wren: [loudly and sarcastically] I will stay!

Dax: [laughing] And casually look in this drawer.

Dax: The Elf leads you down through the city, much further away than areas that you have previously explored. Certainly not anywhere near the library or the university. The city becomes less congested the farther you go. You start to meander through very old looking buildings. Some of the carvings and engravings looking slightly worn. Eventually, you do come into this open courtyard where before you is this grand entryway. Stone columns, braziers lit and tapestries hanging from the ceiling. Leading you up a set of four steps, the Elf takes you through large, wooden doors where, inside, is an audience hall.

Music shifts to soft strings [23:40] 

Dax: So there's marble floors, plush carpets. You can see there are a few chairs scattered along the left and right wall. As you head towards a bunch of Elves sitting at a table. About six of them. The guard walks up to the group of Elves and does a very slight bow. 

Dax (as the guard): Members of the Council, I present... 

Dax: They stop and turn to look at the two of you.

Dax (as the guard): I'm so sorry, you're going to have to introduce yourselves.

Wren (as Eight): Hello! I am Eight.

Wren: I will raise my hand, open-palmed.

Wren (as Eight): I am traveling with my friends Simply Arthas and -

Wren: And I will do a “presenting” gesture to Rou. 

Kappa: I will do basically the same open-palmed wave.

Kappa (as Rou): Hello, I am Rou. 

Dax (as the guard): I had called and asked about them being able to speak with the, um…

Wren (as Eight): Arcterus! 

Dax: The guard turns and looks at you.

Dax (as the guard): Yes, Arcterus. The professor that stole the transporter a hundred years ago that was recently tried and convicted and awaits his fate in the dungeon?

Dax: It is at this point that if you're close enough to the Elf, you can notice that they're fidgeting with their fingers. They're obviously nervous.

Kappa: Mhmm.

Dax (as the guard): I was told to escort them immediately to your chambers. 

Dax: One of the Elves, the one sitting directly in the center. They are sitting in a kind of open archway. Nods. 

Dax (as Council Member One): [British accent, slightly deeper tone] You are excused back to your duties. We'll carry it on from here. 

Dax: Guard does that slight bow again. Gives you both a, kind of, “good luck” look and leaves you to it. 

Kappa: As they leave I turn around a little bit and go,

Kappa (as Rou): Uh, thank you very much! Thank you…

Kappa: I turn back to the Council.

Kappa (as Rou): It’s lovely here.

Dax (as Council Member One): Thank you. Now, why exactly do you want to talk to the accused? The convicted, I should say.

Kappa (as Rou): Well, the convicted is – we traveled with Arcterus for a good while. We became some sort of pals. Friends, even. We wanted to check in on our friend. We, at least, myself, I did not realize there would be this whole process for trying to have a conversation with a friend. But, you know, we want to follow the rules as much as possible. Ruffle as little feathers as possible. 

Dax (as Council Member One): I take it that you don't associate with many criminals. 

Kappa (as Rou): Well, no. I don't know! When you look at someone you don't know whether or not they've broken any laws, right? There's no sort of visual indicator. That would be very handy.

Dax: You see a couple of the other Elves kind of nod their head in agreement. 

Dax (as Council Member One): Considering he's awaiting his fate, I don't suppose it would hurt for you to be able to talk to him; however, you will have to talk to him under supervision. No offense, but we certainly don't want you trying to sneak anything in to him that might allow him to escape.

Wren (as Eight): The thought of aiding a criminal in escaping would never have crossed our minds! Though - 

Kappa (as Rou): Well, now that you mention it, how would Arcterus escape?

Wren (as Eight): He's incapable of moving of his own free will.

Dax (as Council Member One): You've seen the magic use of a communications orb. You've seen a talking skull. You can't possibly tell me that you can't imagine a way for said skull to find a way to escape without legs?

Kappa (as Rou): But we've also traveled with him for several weeks and he had no signs of locomotion on his own. Maybe except for the flapping of his jaw up and down. A severely inefficient method of travel. 

Wren (as Eight): I believe in the time we've traveled with Arcterus, I would say he is more like a baby bird than anything else. 

Kappa (as Rou): Or like a lump of coal.

Wren (as Eight): But a lot more vocal. I suppose I should ask, I am curious: has the Council decided the “fate” of Arcterus? What is to become of him? 

Kappa (as Rou): Yes, you keep saying “his fate”, “awaiting his fate”. It sounds so ominous. 

Dax: The Council member looks at his companions and then turns to look back at the two of you.

Dax (as Council Member One): We tried Arcterus this past week and we determined that, while he was guilty, suffering nearly a hundred years trapped in a wall, living past his death was punishment enough. We have agreed that he is to be set free from the prison of a bodiless skeleton.

Wren (as Eight): You mean to execute him? 

Dax (as Council Member One): More like, to release his soul, which seems to be trapped here. 

Kappa (as Rou): I see. So, the releasing of a soul is something positive, right? 

Dax (as Council Member One): Arcterus seemed to think so.

Kappa (as Rou): Wonderful! That's actually good news! That's something to be celebrated. I don't see why we have to be so “awaiting his fate, ooh”. So scary about it. 

Wren (as Eight): Do you suppose bringing a celebratory cake would be in poor taste?

Dax (as Council Member One): I am assuming he never told you the truth about his crime, did he? 

Wren (as Eight): Well, we discovered the truth of his crime when we arrived here.

Dax (as Council Member One): And what do you know of it? 

Kappa (as Rou): He stole something very important and things went wrong and he died for it. 

Wren (as Eight): Well, sort of died. Mostly dead. 

Kappa (as Rou): Sort of died. Mostly dead. 

Wren (as Eight): He made use of an ancient and powerful relic which, otherwise, would have been left languishing in a chamber somewhere! 

Kappa (as Rou): And the price was his living body. 

Wren (as Eight): The hubris of it all!

Dax (as Council Member One): Arcterus was the professor of history about a hundred years ago under headmaster Kiran and Arcterus had a record of breaking the law.

Kappa: I nod.

Dax (as Council Member One): Most of it was relatively minor, nothing that would get him expelled as a professor… until this incident. 

Kappa (as Rou): Every group needs a bad boy, right?

Wren (as Eight): If I might ask: what was the record? Did he break the law the most times? Did he break the most heinous of laws? Did he break a law while wearing twelve hats? 

Dax: The Elf gives you a very confused look and then realizes what you're saying.

Dax (as Council Member One): No, not that kind of record. Meaning a list. A list of crimes he committed. 

Wren (as Eight): Oh, he was a repeat offender.

Dax (as Council Member One): Yes.

Wren (as Eight): I see. Well, I am not here to judge a skull for its past! 

Dax (as Council Member One): That is fine. That is our job.

Upbeat string music fades in [31:49] 

Kappa (as Rou): It seems as if Arcterus' time in the wall as a skeleton has rehabilitated him. He seems quite regretful. 

Dax (as Council Member One): Perhaps. But we're also not willing to take any chances. Hence why he is being treated as any other convicted criminal. But instead of awaiting execution, he is awaiting release. Now, to be fair, this was a term he agreed to. Does that comfort you? 

Kappa (as Rou): You know, a little bit, yes. Just that much more. I would be most comfortable if I knew that you were feeding him. He might be a skull but he still enjoys food. 

Dax: All six of them seem very confused by this comment. Like it's something they've never considered. 

Kappa (as Rou): Ah, so the guard I told to feed Arcterus never – didn't send the memo anywhere? Okay. 

Dax (as Council Member One): We don't deal with prisoner treatment. That is under the warden's jurisdiction.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, okay. For your edification, you just place a piece of cheese in Arcterus's jaw and then he will enjoy it. Then you can slide that piece of cheese out from under and reuse hit. He'll enjoy it all the same! It's not like you have to put in new pieces of cheese. Doesn’t even have to be cheese, it could be crackers. Or grapes!

Wren (as Eight): Or jerky.

Kappa (as Rou): Or jerky!

Wren (as Eight): Does your warden typically not feed his prisoners?

Dax (as Council Member One): Well, living prisoners, yes, would get food. 

Wren (as Eight): Why would you make any exceptions? 

Dax (as Council Member One): A creature that does not need nourishment would not necessarily need food from our stores. 

Wren (as Eight): Would it not be up to the prisoner in question to determine whether or not they feel they need to eat? 

Dax (as Council Member One): It's possible, but, as I've said, we don't deal with their care. That is up to the warden. So if Arcterus has requested the warden provide food, then the warden would provide food. 

Kappa: I'll lean over to Eight. 

Kappa (as Rou): [whispering] They might be too important to deal with the day-to-day. 

Wren (as Eight): [whispering] Perhaps. But, perhaps, we should have a quote “friendly talk” end quote, with the warden as well.

Kappa (as Rou): [whispering] Okay.

Wren: A big doofy smile creases across my face again.

Kappa: I'm thinking about cake. 

Wren: Right? 

Dax (as Council Member Two): [British accent, slightly femme voice] Could I ask a question of the two of you?

Wren (as Eight): [normal voice] Are we on trial?

Kappa (as Rou): [normal voice] One question each or…? 

Dax (as Council Member Two): Just a general question. 

Dax: This is from an Elf, off to the side. 

Dax (as Council Member Two): I was told by the headmaster that the two of you and your companion, who is not here...

Wren (as Eight): Arthas. 

Dax (as Council Member Two): The headmaster had said that you were doing research in the library of some important matters. She was a little vague on the details, but, then again, they did say that you came to them in confidence.

Wren (as Eight): That is correct. 

Dax (as Council Member Two): I am inquiring as to whether or not you would be willing to share the details with us? 

Kappa (as Rou): What are your credentials? 

Dax (as Council Member Two): What do you mean, “what are our credentials?” We're the High Council of this city.

Kappa (as Rou): Sure. What is your relation with the headmaster? 

Wren (as Eight): To be quite frank, I am not really certain what the High Council does in this city, aside from try criminals, apparently. 

Kappa (as Rou): And that's not any slight towards you. We genuinely do not know. 

Wren (as Eight): That is true! I legitimately do not know anything about the way that this city works other than there is a university, a headmaster, whom we have asked for access to the archives that we may conduct our research unhindered, and apparently, now, there is also a Council. 

Kappa (as Rou): Who makes very important decisions, but what those decisions are, we do not know. 

Wren (as Eight): Though they do not handle arranging for the feeding of their prisoners. 

Kappa (as Rou): And thus is the entirety of our knowledge of what and who you are.

Dax: A different Elf, on the other end of the table pipes in.

Dax (as Council Member Three): [British accent, deep femme voice] The High Council is responsible for making laws, enforcing those laws and ensuring the safety of our citizens. If that means trying criminals and putting them in the dungeon or executing them or banishing them as the case may be, just to keep our citizens and our visitors safe, then so be it. We are responsible for making sure that democracy and ambassadorship is carried forward to other cities in this world. And we represent Kidohlva's interests to the Ruheran Council. 

Wren (as Eight): Ah! The Ruheran Council! Which one of you serves as the envoy to the Council?

Dax: The Elf that originally greeted you, the one seated dead center among the group...which I shouldn't say dead center because it's six people. You can't – you get the idea. 

Wren: Off-center. 

Dax: Yeah, off-center. Raises his hand.

Wren: Seems silly to have a Council of even numbers.

Dax: I know, I know. But, shush.

Wren: [laughing] How do they break a tie? The headmaster is called in? 

Kappa: Their chair is slightly taller. 

Dax: A Board and a Council should never be anything other than odd numbers. If they are, they are not a functioning Council. But, anyway...

Wren (as Eight): Oh, wonderful! Hello! I actually was conducting some research on the Ruheran council.

Dax (as Council Member One): Why? 

Wren (as Eight): Well, I was led to research the Council a bit as I was conducting related research. 

Dax (as Council Member One): You still have not quite answered our question as to what you are researching. 

Wren (as Eight): I was researching - 

Dax (as Council Member One): The headmaster came to us because you came to her saying that you had dire need of their services and the services of the university.

Wren (as Eight): Yes. 

Dax (as Council Member One): Apparently, whatever you told her gave them enough pause to come to us and report that you were here doing some important research. But not enough that she broke your trust in relaying the details. So, we are curious.

Wren (as Eight): Do you trust your headmaster? 

Dax (as Council Member One): She has done a wonderful job in the fifty years they have held the seat.

Wren (as Eight): But do you trust them? 

Dax (as Council Member One): Enough.

Wren (as Eight): And how good are you at keeping secrets? 

Dax: All six of them glance at each other. 

Kappa (as Rou): [whispering] I think a little bit too well, judging on that reaction.

Wren (as Eight): [whispering] I don't know. I almost feel less confident at this point than when I originally had asked. 

Kappa (as Rou): [whispering]Do you think they can hear us? 

Wren (as Eight): [whispering] No. 

Dax (as Council Member One): We can hear you just fine. The chamber does echo. 

Wren (as Eight): [whispering] Drat. 

Kappa (as Rou): [whispering] Oh. 

Dax (as Council Member One): If you need us to keep confidence, we can do that.

Wren (as Eight): [whispering] My confidence is shaken.

Kappa (as Rou): [whispering] They have a very spicy attitude. Perhaps we should tell them.

Wren: I will lean in towards Rou even closer. 

Wren (as Eight): [whispering] I must be quite frank; I have interest in quote “cozying up” to the member that reports to the Ruheran Council. It is possible that someone on that Council might know more about my creation and the family to which my mother belonged. 

Kappa (as Rou): [whispering] Okay, I think it would be worth it then to give them an idea of what we were researching. 

Wren (as Eight): [whispering] Yes. 

Kappa (as Rou): [whispering] As shady as it sounds, I am inclined to give us as much of an advantage and we can deal with the consequences later, in true adventurer's fashion.

Wren (as Eight): [whispering] You said “shady”. Is this shady? 

Kappa (as Rou): [whispering] Well, not shady, but just a little bit – the fact that when you asked about secrets, they all looked at each other weird. 

Wren (as Eight): [whispering] They did. It was noticeable.

Kappa (as Rou): [whispering] Meaning that they have secrets from each other, but not necessarily from us. 

Wren (as Eight): [whispering] Do you think they keep each other's secrets or do you suppose they keep their own secrets from one another?

Kappa (as Rou): [whispering] I don't know, but I think we should stop whispering to another and address the question. One of them looks very impatient. 

Wren (as Eight): [whispering] Which one? They all look impatient. 

Kappa (as Rou): [whispering] The one that's tapping their foot.

Wren (as Eight): [whispering] Ah.

Kappa (as Rou): [whispering] I think.. I think they might be hungry.

Wren: I'll break that huddle. 

Wren (as Eight): [normal voice] You see, my companions and I are here on a very important mission that was tasked to us from the leader from the city of Saleen. Perhaps you have heard that all of the children under the age of majority from the city of Saleen have gone missing. As such - 

Dax: The Council looks at each other. 

Wren (as Eight): I had believed it would be the most wise course of action to attend the archives to find any literature or history regarding the sudden disappearance of people throughout the chronicled stories of this land. 

Dax: One of the Elves, the one that had originally asked why you were here... 

Dax (as Council Member Two): We had heard of the tragedy in Saleen. Our hearts and thoughts do go out to the parents, the siblings, of those lost children. We had been pondering what we could do once we had heard of the news. It seems that we might be able to offer you a little help, then, if that is what your mission is. Do you know where you plan on going once you leave this city?

Kappa (as Rou): I believe we were hoping to figure that out once we have done our research. Gain another heading. 

Dax (as Council Member Two): There is a magician.

Kappa (as Rou): Oh perfect, any suggestions are welcome. 

Dax (as Council Member Two): Who dwells south of here beyond the town of Ravenspire and past the crystal shoreline. This magician is rumored to have knowledge of...perhaps unsavory is not the right word that I want to use, but...let's just say that he is an expert in old relics.

Kappa (as Rou): Would these relics be historically misunderstood? 

Dax (as Council Member Two): That is what he has always purported. Unfortunately, his methods have always been a little eccentric and he was expelled from this city a few centuries ago. He might be a good person to talk to. After all, I can't think of anyone else who might have an idea as to how those children could have disappeared all in one night. Especially in that great of a number. 

If you would be willing to make the journey, we might be able to offer you some supplies, a map, but, of course, that also determines on where you plan to go. Because it is not a guarantee that he would have the answer. 

Kappa (as Rou): I mean, this is a better direction than any we have ever received, Eight.

Wren (as Eight): That is true. I believe it would be in our best interest to accept this help and go looking for this magician. 

Kappa: Turning to the Council. 

Kappa (as Rou): I think we can agree on those terms. 

Dax (as Council Member Two): Then all you need to do is just let us know when you are ready to depart and we shall ensure that you are outfitted appropriately. Now, if you would still like to talk to Arcterus you are going to have to be escorted down to the dungeons. Is that something you still require? 

Kappa (as Rou): Oh, yes. Of course. Perhaps, after we get a cake of some sorts.

Wren (as Eight): Yes. 

Kappa (as Rou): Maybe a cupcake? Arcterus is not going to eat an entire cake. What do you think? 

Kappa: And I’m motioning over to the Council.

Dax: One of the Council members is clearly trying to hide a snicker. The rest of them this point, a little bored. A little like “we have more important things to deal with. Why are we still dealing with these two?” But the “central” quote-unquote Elf, 

Dax (as Council Member One): If you insist on getting something to bring to the prisoner, by all means. Given his size, a cupcake might be best, especially since it's not going to go anywhere. 

Kappa (as Rou): Or maybe a donut hole.

Wren (as Eight): Or a small cheesecake?

Dax (as Council Member One): Whatever it is you decide to get, just make sure you hand the guards this. 

Dax: And with that, he takes a piece of parchment, he scribbles a note on the parchment. Closes it and seals it with wax and holds it out to the two of you. 

Kappa: I grab it, examine the seal and then gingerly place it in, I'm guessing I've got a knapsack of some sort. Somewhere safer. Protected from the elements! 

Dax: Yeah, yeah. Not a problem. 

Kappa (as Rou): Wonderful. We'll just take this to the guard and then we'll see you in a few days! How do we contact you? Do we get one of those call spheres?

Dax (as Council Member One): Call sphere? Oh, the communications orb. No. There is a… 

Dax: And with that, the Elf points to a small alcove to the right by the door where you came in.

Dax (as Council Member One): If you go in there, we have a receptionist who will make sure you are given an appointment.

Kappa: I turn.

Kappa (as Rou): Ah!

Dax (as Council Member One): We can take note of what you are going to need and make sure you are outfitted accordingly. 

Kappa (as Rou): Okay. We'll do that. Thank you for your time. I hope you have a good lunch. 

Dax: The Council Members nod. Wren, did you want to say anything? 

Wren: Nope. I agree with everything Rou says. 

[Kappa laughs] 

Dax: I think in that case, we'll end that session there.

Music fades out [47:14]

Dax: Thanks for listening! We hope you’ll join us next time but in the interim, follow us on Twitter @RoadsUncharted.

The “Roads Uncharted” podcast is GMed and produced by Dax, who you can find on Twitter @GM_Dax. We use the Genesys RPG system published by Fantasy Flight Games, and music licensed by Epidemic Sound. 

Arthas, Champion of Offam, is played by Neil. 

Eight is played by Wren, who also composed the music for our opening theme. Follow them on Twitter @ThornyDryad.

Rou is played by Kappa, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheKappaChris.