Roads Uncharted

S3 E31: Giant Commendation

Episode Summary

Eight and Rou arrive in the village of Chillfalls and discover that Arthas has made a name for himself.

Episode Notes

Rou hears soft crying nearby and, believing it to be Elaine, begins to call out for her. When he realizes that the crying is synced with the shivering form of Eight, he goes to comfort his friend. Eight shares that during the night they experienced visions of a person called Amara, and experienced a series of life events through her eyes. Rou ensures that he’ll do his best to help Eight understand these new emotions.

The pair continue down the road until they arrive in the village of Chillfalls, where a group of people are arguing near a large boulder. Listening in, they realize the group is arguing about a way to honor Arthas for his deeds. They also learn Arthas has gone on with Archimedes, and hopes to meet up with them later. 

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