Roads Uncharted

S3 E32: The Lily and the Rose

Episode Summary

Eight and Rou arrive at the village of Pineview, but what they find is far from what they expected.

Episode Notes

CW: This episode includes references to corpses and hanging bodies related to the destruction of a town the party encounters. Please skip 15:20-15:26, 16:14-18:09, 19:00-19:09, 35:20-35:34, 36:29-38:05, and 38:46-38:52 if this content would be difficult to hear. Your safety is very important to us.

The pair leave the town of Chillfalls, after a few days of rest and relaxation. While they travel south toward the mountains, Eight takes the opportunity to question Rou about his pack and his past. Their jovial travel is disrupted once the village of Pineview becomes visible.

The village has been destroyed, burned buildings and death are the mark of a group Eight has run into before. They recognize the symbol carved into charred buildings, but confess to Rou they haven’t learned the name of the group. As Eight and Rou try to bring peace to those left behind, Eight realizes that they can complete their quest for Professor Trela. When the locket is buried, a rose and a lily spring forth. A moment of peace during a time of sadness.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris and Wren @ThornyDryad