Roads Uncharted

S3 E33: Pax

Episode Summary

As Eight and Rou continue their journey south they encounter a Tiefling named Pax, who reveals there’s more to her than meets the eye.

Episode Notes

CW: This episode includes references to corpses and hanging bodies related to the destruction of a town the party encounters. Please skip 1:22-1:27, 6:25-6:35, 7:41-7:50 and 10:15-10:28 if this content would be difficult to hear. Your safety is very important to us.

Pax charges toward Pineview, but discovers she’s too late to save the village. While her horse rests, Pax searches the remains of the village for clues and picks up where Rou and Eight left off in caring for the dead. It isn’t long before they’re on the road again, following footprints of potential survivors.

Meanwhile, Eight and Rou continue their journey, following footprints in the hopes of finding survivors. Before long, they hear the sound of hoofbeats behind them and decide to hide in the trees off of the road. Pax comes to a halt and calls out to the party, hoping to find out if they know anything about what happened at the village. As Pax learns more, she begins to give hints that she knows the party better than they might realize.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, Wren @ThornyDryad and Mer @archmageofdice