Roads Uncharted

S3 E34: Collected Favors

Episode Summary

Eight, Rou and Pax arrive at Liam’s manor, hoping to find the survivors of Pineview. Their discoveries, however, leave them with more questions than answers.

Episode Notes

Pax joins Eight and Rou as they continue following the tracks of Pineview’s survivors, meandering toward Liam’s manor. During their trek, the pair learn about Pax’s unique family, as well as the organizations known as Scarlet Harmony and The Eyes of Tanir. When they arrive, they find the manor appears abandoned, but Pax assures them this is a tactic of Liam’s to keep intruders away.

When Pax calls on a favor owed to her grandfather, Liam agrees to utilize his special skills to help the group. He helps Pax send a message to Scarlet Harmony, while Eight and Rou contact Viktor about what they’ve found. When they ask Liam to scry on the children, they find their first big lead as to where they must head next.

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