Roads Uncharted

S3 E7: Lessons and Favors

Episode Summary

Eight pays a visit to Eda Trela, a Professor of Divination at the university.

Episode Notes

At the suggestion of Arcterus, Eight visits Professor Trela. It takes them a little while to locate her classroom in the upper levels, but once they do they find they’re greeted by a Moldir elf with black hair and emerald piercings.

She agrees to help Eight learn divination on two conditions. First, they must never use this magic to harm anyone. Second, they must deliver something for her as part of the exchange. Trela requests that Eight bury a locket at the grave of a dear friend of hers, resting somewhere near the Crystal Shoreline to the south. When Eight agrees to these terms, she demonstrates the possibilities of divination.

The rest of their visit is spent learning the basics of this new type of casting, and Trela gives them a book that they can use to continue their studies. However, before they leave, the Professor has a word of warning for their journey. 

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