Roads Uncharted

S4 Bonus 3: Introducing Trix

Episode Summary

Who is Trix and what do they want?

Episode Notes

Trix chats with you about who they are, where they come from, and what they hope to accomplish as they explore Baukora.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, Wren @ThornyDryad and Sebastian @sebastianyue

Episode Transcription

Sebastian (as Trix): My name is Novatrix Thelassan, Trix to my friends, and a nuisance to my enemies. Not that there are many people I consider to be enemies. There are people who consider me to be their enemy, but I always thought that calling someone an enemy implies some base level of respect for them, which I’ll take as a compliment.

Anyway, between you and me, I spent my childhood on some island, the name doesn’t really matter, and I’m looking for a few folks. I thought they’d be in Baukora so I set sail and I’ve been making my way here ever since. With all this new technology and experimental magic, if I wanted to make as much trouble as these people have been causing, I’d go here if I were them. But as long as I’ve lived here, I haven’t found any leads on their whereabouts and there must be something I’m missing, but I don’t know what.

I’m looking for people who bear the crest of a bull with flaming nostrils; you might have heard of them? I have a score to settle with them and they probably wouldn’t be too happy to see me either. So keep an eye out for me, hm? In the meantime, I’ve just been trying to stay alive, picking up work, doing odd jobs, and generally living the life of an honest independent contractor. So, if you know of anyone who needs say, some goods acquired or transported, or information obtained, or some other manner of personal favor done discretely, please let me know. I’m always looking for work, and I’m very reliable.