Roads Uncharted

S4 Bonus 6: Dax Reviews Season 4

Episode Summary

A recap of Season Four with Dax, including clips and Game Master commentary.

Episode Notes

Welcome to the Season Four Recap episode! If you are just joining us and want to jump right into Season Five – or you need a reminder of some of the events from last season – this episode was made for you.

Thank you to Magic Mind for sponsoring this episode: if you'd like to try it, then go to and use my code DAXARA20 for 20% off your order! If you’re ordering by January 31st, 2024 then that means you’re also getting a month free when you subscribe for 3 months – a value of 75% off! 

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Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, Sebastian @sebastianyue and Wren @ThornyDryad 

Transcript by Dax

Episode Transcription

Upbeat piano intro ends [00:28]  

Dax: Heads up so that if you’re listening to this episode you are prepared for spoilers from Season 4. This is a recap episode, which means I’ll be diving into some of the highlights of last season and there will be clips. So, if you do not want spoilers, turn this off and go back and listen to Season 4. This has been your fair dues warning.

Alright listeners, we’re going to do the recap a little different this year. We’ll still have clips and a review of the story, but I wanted to make it a bit more personal. You know, add in my two cents as the GM every now and then, and keep it very casual. I’ll do my best to reign in any tangents, but I make no guarantees. Looking at you, Wren. 

Season 4 had a lot going on, didn’t it? We introduced a new full-time player to the cast, Sebastian. We had some wonderful guests, including the return of Pax from Season 3, and we left off on a dramatic cliffhanger because, let’s face it, what season finale shouldn’t leave you wanting more. Right?

So back at the beginning of the season, before Sebastian joined us full-time, they guested as one of Aerin Vess’s cousins. Now, remember that name from Season 2? You know, the assassin that the party met when investigating the murder of Jane Freewell, the pie eating champion of Azarra? Yeah, that guy. Well their character, Latherial, disguised themselves as a traveler in need of an escort through dangerous, bandit infested woods. But in reality it was all a ruse to get Rou and Eight alone and to exact some revenge. After all, the Eyes of Tanir are not always forgiving…

Mysterious flute music begins [2:06]

Kappa (as Rou): do you know Aerin, Latheriel?

Sebastian: And I think Latheriel is going to stop walking and just stand there and kind of grin at you and say -

Kappa: Balls.

Sebastian (as Latheriel): Aerin Vess was my cousin. And since his death, the organization that both of us were a part, has not been the same and I took it and they have been in fact looking for the both of you for some time. Their attempts have proven fruitless and I took it upon myself to find you. And, thank you so much for bringing me this far, but, I think it is time to exact revenge. 

Music shifts to suspenseful horn and drums [2:41]   

Kappa: GOD!

Wren: You brought us to the woods to kill us!

[everyone laughs]

Kappa: Holy shit!

Sebastian: Well not necessarily, there are more ways to suffer than…die.

Kappa: I think, as you’re going through this sort of reveal, the truth starts to dawn on me. As you’re going through that, the hand firmly grasps the sword. Ready to defend.

Sebastian: Okay.

Kappa: And sort of, there’s a pained look on my face as I understand why, but this is one of those instances where I wish it had gone differently. For sure.

Sebastian: Yeah.

Kappa: But, continuing on this is juicy and spicy and I love it!

[Sebastian laughs]

Dax: Eight? Any reaction?

Wren: I think I’m saddened, my eyes have gone toward that blue color remembering the events that occurred that led to Aerin Vess dying. Of course, being killed, I should say. When I see our companion stop, I also have stopped and I’m keeping my usual pace from Latheriel. As you’re talking and you reveal Aerin Vess is your cousin, I smile and I go,       

Wren (as Eight): Oh, you’re related!

[everyone laughs]

Wren: And like, it’s that moment of ‘Oh, family!’ and that acknowledgement of ‘oh this is the family business you were talking about’ and then slowly that, same as with Rou, that realization of ‘wait, something’s not right here’. Though, admittedly, it would take Eight infinitely longer to recognize that this might be going sideways.

Music fades out [5:08]  

Dax: Those episodes were really fun. The players were aware ahead of time that there was going to be some PvP in the sessions, because safety comes first and foremost, but they weren’t quite aware of what Sebastian and I were going to be bringing to the table on that regard. It ended up being a really good test of party dynamics, the “yes, and” or “no, but” give and take before Sebastian agreed to come on full-time – and I’m so glad they did. They are adding such a good foil to the other two, don’t you think? 

After that whole mess, Rou and Eight went to Stagg Hollow, where they ended up running into Pax. Well, the party ran into Pax, but being the mysterious individual that they are, if you’ll remember Pax had actually planned to be there about the time the pair would arrive because the Scarlet Harmony wanted Eight and Rou involved in a “secret mission”. Sorry, you can’t see my air quotes but just imagine that you did.

Gentle piano fades in [6:07]

Mer (as Pax): I would appreciate your help. But if you can’t give it I completely understand if this is something that is outside your comfort zone- 

Kappa (as Rou): No! No, no, no, no. We can do it, we’ve just never done it before.

Mer (as Pax): It might not be a bad idea to…

Mer: And I just motion to your oversized armor.

Mer (as Pax): Leave that with Bessie? Or an inn? It sounds like it might make noise.

Kappa (as Rou): What? No. I can be totally stealthy with this. 

Kappa: I like move my shoulders around and it’s very loud and I’m like,

Kappa (as Rou): But probably for the best.

Mer (as Pax): My sibling said that there weren’t any operatives around here except for one, but she’s not very…field-trained anymore. But they did mention that you two would be in the area. So…  

Kappa (as Rou): I see.

Music fades out [6:57]

Dax: Pax would then escort them to Rosewall where they infiltrated a hideout for the Order of Tannyth. Now, the hideout was actually under the city, and I commented, I think in the episode, that it was designed to be like “old San Francisco” where the current city is built on top of the one that was destroyed in a fire. So we got to showcase some new stuff (like Pax’s shapeshifting) and we had the return of Eight’s rogue persona, Seven. Although, really Seven was less helpful in those episodes than they had been previously. Which I personally think makes it funnier. It was there that they found out about “the Dragon” and his desire to get rid of “the construct”. Sorry, again, air quotes.

Suspenseful piano fades in [7:42]

Dax: As the three of you are getting into place, the lights that are around the amphitheater seem to dim and a hush falls across the crowd. In the center of the amphitheater is the remnants of a stage.

Music shifts to eerie strings [7:59]

Dax: A single figure ascends the stage and holds up a circular object that is probably about the size of two softballs together. They’re gripping this object in both their hands and they raise their arms up, and as they do so this blue light expands out from this orb. What you see in this blue light is an image of a lone figure, seated in what appears to be a massive throne. The color shifts from blue to greens, to yellows, to browns, and everything starts to mingle and come into focus. You can kinda picture it almost like a holograph…if Eulela was capable of such technology.

All three of you notice that the figure appears to be sitting slightly hunched in their chair, their bald pate and yellowish, sickly looking skin is very familiar to all three of you. A voice resonates in the amphitheater and begins to echo on the stone. 

Dax (as the figure): My faithful, loyal members of the once renowned Order of Tannyth. We have taken mighty steps in succeeding toward our goal. But I don’t want you to become complacent, I don’t want you to celebrate too soon. We have still much ahead of us. It has come to my attention that that creature that defeated us in Isha. That warforged is out causing…issue…and disrupting our plans. If you see it on the street I want you to destroy it. Any companions it has, make sure that they don’t talk. Or perhaps they forget their little friend. We are still without the object. I want it found and I want it found now. We are running out of time.

Music fades out [10:44]

Dax: Once the secret mission was finished, we said goodbye to Pax, we did a time skip, and then Rou and Eight returned to Liam’s manor. The time skip represented a few months that they spent wandering Eulela in search of some spell components because Liam was going to cast that spell that would transport them to Baukora. Why did they need spell components? Well, if you’ll remember from Season 2, the air ships between Eulela and Baukora are not in service between October to April. I don’t quite remember why I made that a thing but it probably had to do with imagined weather patterns or something. Anywho… 

When they arrived, they found that they were in a coastal town called Sparrow’s Landing, and it is there that they met an intriguing Adar-Kai named Trix.

Mysterious piano music fades in [11:30]

Dax: Sebastian, this individual, how long have they been in the town of Sparrow’s Landing?

Sebastian: The last couple of weeks at least.

Dax: Now, you’re on the rooftop, why are you on the rooftop? Where are you headed?

Sebastian: I’m in the middle of a job. I am headed to…I think I’m headed to a location across town. A residential location. I'm on the way to..I’m following somebody who I was tasked with following but I got waylaid along the way.

Dax: Would you please give me a Stealth check. I’m going to have you give that to me at…let’s see you’re on the rooftop, these roofs are tiled. They’ve got those nice ceramic tile, some of them have metal shingles, so I’m going to have you give that to me at Hard Difficulty so that will be three purple.

[dice rolls]

Sebastian: Three Advantages, one Failure.

Dax: Okay so you’re going to do what I like to call ‘fail with style’. So, why don’t you describe what this looks like.

Sebastian: So, given that it’s tiled, I will step on a loose tile and tumble to the ground but my cape looks very dramatic ‘cause that happens. But I do still fall to the ground, I will land on my feet ‘cause I’m very agile, but that was not where I was supposed to be. I am on the ground and curfew is very soon so - wait, hang on, sorry you said it was dark already therefore it is curfew. Sorry, oops!

Dax: That’s okay. Rou and Eight you are just coming up on this town when this individual falls from the roof - from the building in front of you - and lands on their feet, their cape billowing very dramatically. 

Music fades out [13:19]

Dax: It doesn’t take long for Rou and Eight to learn that the town is haunted by a Banshee, whom, of course, the pair decide to take on as a favor to the people that have suffered under its presence for the last few weeks. And naturally, they roped Trix into their plans and spent the rest of their time delving into the tangled web of intrigue and betrayal that resulted in her existence. This included confronting the mayor and the wealthy elite of Sparrow’s Landing, as you do, and exposing their dirty laundry.

Upbeat party music fades in [13:50]

Kappa (as Rou): But why? Why would the mayor want to frame Barrows? Well, we discovered - and can point to specific evidence - that Vivienne and Barrows were having an affair!

Dax: I was gonna say there’s not as big of a gasp as you were probably - like there are some that do go [gasps audibly in surprise]. But it’s nowhere near as loud as it probably should have been.  

Music shifts to a suspenseful string [14:30]

Kappa (as Rou): And so, new factory comes up, Barrows is in competition. Your lovely mayor discovers that Vivienne and Barrows are having an affair. Gets angry, wants to get rid of and punish Barrows for some reason and so what does he do? He torpedoes the factory that he invited to Sparrow’s Landing. Several people are injured, some perish…one of which came back.

Kappa: And I will motion to the door.   

Kappa (as Rou): They are just outside the door. However, your mayor does not feel any sense of guilt, in fact he’s quite confused. I’m not sure, but I’m quite certain that some of you here will know exactly who is to blame. 

Kappa: And I will pause a little bit.

Kappa (as Rou): ‘Cause all of you talk, all of you know exactly what’s going on here. I don’t. But it's quite apparent that all of you do.

Kappa: I will look over at Vivienne. 

Music fades out [15:32]

Dax: Those episodes in Sparrow’s Landing were so much fun for me. I set up this whole mystery and dropped clues, and watched my party dig through every bit of information like a dog on a bone. I even offered more surprises for the party during their stay. So, like, when Eight got drunk, I gave them another strange memory to experience. But this time they got to watch a guard rifle through a campsite while they hid in a body of water. AND before leaving the town for good, they ran into a Dragon-kin named Ozma, who had this connection with Eight’s creator.

Calm piano music fades in [16:07]

Wren: With your mouth full I will ask,

Wren (as Eight): So what can you tell me about Lord Buxley?

Jordan (as Ozma): [vaguely Russian accent] Right, sorry. [makes hacking/spitting/throat clearing noises] Right, right. Blueprints, Lord Buxley, right. So, okay. [sighs] I guess I have to start at the beginning here. So, this is…my whole head explode with the..okay. So, four hundred years ago there was a large war - Empire, rivals - this is something that you are vaguely familiar with, yes? Sort of the basic overview, right?    

Wren (as Eight): Mhmm. 

Jordan (as Ozma): Something you’ve heard of - right, perfect. So, four hundred years ago the rebellion purchased the plans to make warforged from the original creator of the warforged, Amara. My family, the Baoums, were hand-picked by the rebellion to take those blueprints, learn how to make warforged because we were already skilled artificers. Along the way, some of the blueprints were stolen but we managed to find work-arounds for the things. We were never able to recreate fully what Amara had created but we were able to find workarounds and create an army of warforged. At the end of the war, Amara’s son, Lord Evan Buxley, was brought on as part of the council.

He had left the council three hundred years ago and has just been working ever since. He is a very private individual, but he has remained a patron of my family for generations and we have worked closely with him. I’ve only met the man maybe a handful of times, but we regularly correspond. That’s also…four hundred years ago after the war there was a ban on creating warforged, et cetera et cetera. But, the blueprints are still in my keeping and the blueprints have the symbol for the original creator, Amara, that is the symbol that you have on your chest.          

Music fades out [18:28]

Dax: Jordan and I had a lot of fun meeting up to plan that one. And if you caught her literary references, bonus points for you! 

Okay let’s just take a second to reflect on that last bit because that’s about halfway through the season! We actually had a really good time laughing about this after the fact, but the first fifteen episodes – well, a good portion of the first fifteen episodes – is us in this one town dealing with this one mystery which was way longer than we really wanted to spend in Sparrow’s Landing [chuckles]. And if you haven’t listened to our talkback episode, we comment on that a little bit and some of our thoughts there so you know make sure you go check that out. 

But, I gotta say, we’re halfway through this recap and I haven’t gone on any tangents. So, applause for me! I do that sometimes, I take the long road for a short trip and Wren can attest to that. Probably shaking their head while they’re listening to this in editing. So it’s gotta be those Magic Mind shots I’ve been drinking lately? 

They’re these little fruity, matcha based supplement shots that I started taking after my first cup of coffee and I think it’s actually helping me focus. You know, fewer “squirrel!” moments and all that. If it’s something you think you might wanna try, they’re actually offering a promotion in January 2024 where you can get a month free when you subscribe, and if you use Daxara20, which is my code, you can actually get an extra 20% off. I put the link and code in the show notes so go check that out! 

Where were we…oh, yeah! So, with the mystery of the Banshee resolved, the group takes a detour south to Duskhollow, where Trix has been tasked with looking into the mysteries of its ruler. While on the road, Rou is actually visited by the deity of the moon, who has been watching Rou. You know me, I love my deities, you know, meddling with the mortals. Now, do you remember the scent of sandalwood and lilies from Season 2 that put Rou on edge? Like, really early on in the season? Well, it’s revealed in this episode that Lunahse is said to be followed by those aromas, and his appearance was both a warning and of comfort.

Mysterious piano fades in [20:28]

Kappa (as Rou): I thought you were just some sort of myth. A tale, a legend. Although, now that I’ve experienced magic and seen greater things, I can understand a little bit, maybe…maybe those things are true. You are the…avatar…of the moon, are you not?

Dax: He gently nods in the affirmative.

Kappa: The confirmation does not abate the confusion. If anything, more questions are flooding and it’s very, very apparent on Rou’s face. 

Dax (as Lunahse): [deeper masc voice, echoing] Look, I know you have questions, but we don’t have time for that. My time here is short. I come only to offer you a warning.  

Kappa (as Rou): Warning? Is there danger?

Dax (as Lunahse): Beware in Duskhollow. 

Kappa (as Rou): Beware in Duskhollow. 

Dax (as Lunahse): You might not find as warm a welcome as you’ve experienced thus far.  

Kappa (as Rou): Okay are there…there’s…is there another pack? Is there hunters? Do -

Dax (as Lunahse): I can’t say much more than that. Just…

Kappa (as Rou): Right, right. Okay.

Dax (as Lunahse): You’re brave, but I sometimes wonder if you’re a little more reckless than you should be.  

Kappa (as Rou): Before you go, can I ask you a question?

Dax: He tilts his head. 

Kappa (as Rou): It’s about home. If I were to go back will I be welcome or…?

Kappa: And I kinda trail off.

Dax: He looks down at his feet for a moment, and then looks up at you and says, 

Dax (as Lunahse): That will depend on who you’re speaking to.

Dax: He furrows his brow, and then he reaches forward, his hand toward you Rou, and if you don’t back up he will gently press his thumb on the spot right on your forehead between your eyes.  

Music fades out [22:34]

Dax: Remember earlier I said that the party confronted the mayor and wealthy elite in Sparrow’s Landing? Well, during that whole shenaniganery, Trix actually stole some jewelry and cash while everyone was distracted, and very quickly afterward discovers that the necklace is magical. In fact, it turns out that the necklace’s jewel holds one of the Seven Swords, a group of powerful warriors that suddenly went missing 400 years ago. 

You know, you’ve heard that mentioned throughout the series a few times. It’s something I’ve been waiting for the party to get to for so long! I’ve been dropping hints and it’s come up a few times in research, so it’s nice to finally showcase, at least in part, what happened to them.

Gentle piano music fades in [23:18]

Sebastian (as Trix): There isn’t any way around this…one of the necklaces that we acquired - we liberated - from the mayor’s house started talking to me.

Kappa (as Rou): [gasps] What?!

Wren (as Eight): Interesting.

Sebastian (as Trix): Yes.

Kappa (as Rou): And then the necklace cast the time spell?

Sebastian (as Trix): No, no! Uh, that was me. Because I was talking to the person inside.

Kappa (as Rou): Ohh…interesting. So we have a cursed necklace!

Sebastian (as Trix): It’s not cursed! Their name is Eriluc Greyheart, he said he was an enemy of the Emperor and a former mage? From what I can tell he has no ill intention and he is trapped in there against his will. I said hello and he said ‘Oh, thank goodness, somebody else. I hear a voice!’ you know? And he seemed distressed. 

Kappa (as Rou): You said the Emperor.

Sebastian (as Trix): Yes, and then I said ‘Nope, the Emperor has not been…no one’s heard of the Emperor in, like, four hundred years’ and you know ‘all of the imperial loyalists were exiled’ and he seems surprised to hear this.

Kappa: Visibly surprised, now standing up straight.

Kappa (as Rou): So, this Greyheart has been trapped for over four hundred years…

Sebastian (as Trix): That is certainly the implication. He doesn’t seem to have any idea about how much time has passed. 

Kappa (as Rou): Just hanging out in the mayor’s safe.

Sebastian (as Trix): Yes, I tried to ask him about it and he said ‘Wait I don’t know anything about any mayor’. He doesn’t really know much about his situation.  

Music fades out [24:47]

Dax: As their travels continued, Trix was able to get a little bit more information from Eriluc, the party had to fight a cyborg bear and then upon reaching the border of the Dreata Kingdom, they ended up helping a woman named Priya, who would end up tagging along with them to Duskhollow. Now, despite Trix’s suspicions, and Rou and Eight’s assumptions that everything is fine, she’s just a normal traveler, it wasn’t really until they arrived at the glorious city that they realized that there was more to her than she let on. 

Upbeat party music fades in [25:20]

Dax (as Priya): [soft, femme voice] Have any of you greeted…a monarch before?

Sebastian: Trix says no, very tersely. [chuckles]

Kappa: I think about it.

Kappa (as Rou): Does a mayor count?

Dax (as Priya): No, a mayor does not count. 

Kappa (as Rou): I’m going to say yes, but not this kind of monarch.

Dax (as Priya): That’s strangely cryptic, Rou.

Kappa (as Rou): Yeah…yes. It’s on purpose. You know, create an air of mystery so that people are interested in you.

Dax (as Priya): [laughs nervously] Uh, Eight?

Wren (as Eight): If what friend Rou says is true, then I certainly have met with royalty before. Though, in all actuality, I do believe I have met with royalty before.  

Dax (as Priya): Alright well then I guess just…follow my lead.

Dax: She wanders through the crowd and you watch that, as she starts heading towards the throne her posture and her movement change. Instead of this heavy-footed, ‘I’m getting from point A to point B’, she kind of becomes more graceful. Almost as if she’s floating rather than walking. She stands a little straighter, her shoulders back a little bit, her head tilted slightly up. She waits in line behind a couple of other folks that pay their homage to the Sultan and when it is her turn, she walks forward and she leans down to go to touch his feet.

Val: I interrupt her. Akbar holds her by the forearm and lifts her as he stands up to his full height. And he says, 

Val (as Sultan Akbar): No, no, no my dear there is no need for that.

Val: Cups her face and presses a loving kiss upon her forehead and he says,

Val (as Sultan Akbar): Oh, my little lamb my brother has been beside himself for concern for you. You must be kinder to your uncle, I cannot come up with falsehoods off the back of my hand now.

Val: And kind of holds up her hand as he presses another kiss against it. 

Music fades out [27:34]

Dax: Val was such a good sport. I have been waiting for him to guest and I knew he could pull off the role of the Sultan. So, fun fact: Val was the source of inspiration for the feel of Duskhollow – the colors, the dress, the vibes. I let him have free reign because what’s the best way to get buy-in, GMs? You let the players dictate some of the world and the story.

Despite Priya’s deception, the party did agree to a very important job at the Sultan’s request. He wanted them to travel into the woods and make a deal with a Witch because he was cursed and he wanted to end his curse and only she had the, you know, solution. You know the standard hero stuff. So, realizing that the ruler could prove a powerful ally down the road, they decide that they’re going to take on this job and they set out the next day. 

The downside is that the sword he wants them to trade for payment seems to have one of the Seven Swords. So, that means the party had to wrestle with ‘well, how much can we stretch the lines of this contract’ and get away with leaving – not giving up the sword but does the Witch really want a sword and all that. So it was a lot of back and forth there.

Let me tell you though, that off camera the players did joke a lot about how now they have to go through wealthy folks’ jewelry because clearly that’s where all the seven swords are hidden. [sighs] Gotta love it when the GM does that. Wren gave me similar hassle in Season…I think Season 2 had both of ‘em. Where I had two NPCs named Benny. Yeah, they let me have a good ribbing at that.

So as if that wasn’t trouble enough, the party’s troubles ended up multiplying when Rou ends up being surprised by an old friend from home while they were still in Duskhollow, believe it or not. However, he was…while excited to see Ari, he was very disturbed by how not happy she was to see him. They ended up giving Rou a clear idea of what is happening back home.  

Tense flute music fades in [29:28]  

Kappa (as Rou): Someone from home is here. My home.

Sebastian (as Trix): Oh.

Wren (as Eight): one of your…acquaintances?

Wren: I say in a hushed whisper.

Sea (as Ari): Acquaintances, really? Is that all? I seem to remember that Rou and I were best friends.

Sea: And cutting through the crowd, tall as anything, comes Ari. Going from hunched to just all the way up, shoulders back, that long fur cape draped over one shoulder. With a kind of power that is unfamiliar to you Rou. Ari has always been a wallflower, has always been small and kind of timid. But this…person…wears their face, wears their stature, wears their features…oh but they move and talk so very differently than you remember.

Sea (as Ari): Huh.

Kappa: I gently nudge Trix and Eight aside and take a step past them towards you. 

Sea (as Ari): Well, well, well…  

Kappa (as Rou): Ari? Is that you?     

Sea (as Ari): I really didn’t think I’d see Ashguard’s coward all the way down here.

Music fades out [30:46]

Dax: Sea, Kappa and I did a little work behind the scenes to develop the relationship between Rou and Ari, and again the other players were made aware that there was gonna be PvP in those sessions because we want everyone to feel comfortable with the drama. We made sure we were doing check-ins all throughout because that one did get a lot more intense than the scenario with Latherial earlier on in the season. Everyone you know, played it off really nicely. 

And, Kappa wasn’t even fully aware to the extent of the drama that Sea would bring, but there was that overall like ‘hey, this is probably gonna get intense are folks okay with it.’ And it did. The two werewolves ended up facing off in this dramatic fight, but it was Rou who ended up shining and showcasing what true strength means when he takes an arrow on Ari’s behalf. Past hurts were not completely healed in those sessions. Ari ended up leaving with a new level of respect and understanding for the old friend, but the good thing is that it kinda leaves us open for maybe a future season for Ari to return? Who knows? 

Tense, suspenseful music fades in [31:50]

Sea (as Ari): You didn’t just leave home, Rou. You left me! And you had the strength to do that. And I’m glad you did, but I didn't have the strength to be left. I do now. [huffs] And now I have…now I have my own destiny, Rou. And I have the strength to leave you too! I don’t need you anymore. We’re not children.

Kappa: At this, I get up to my feet and start taking steps toward you. I look over at Eight and give you a look of ‘it’s okay’.

Wren: I will drop the barrier.

Kappa: Face to face with you now,  

Kappa (as Rou): I know if I had asked, you would have come with me.

Sea: Ari turns away from you, closes their eyes. But you know you’re right. She doesn’t say anything back, the silence speaks volumes.

Kappa (as Rou): And I was scared, because I didn’t know what was ahead of me. What would be ahead of us ...and I could not risk bringing you into that unknown. 

Sea (as Ari): I see.

Kappa (as Rou): I know you’re hurt. I…can’t ask you to forgive me. But I will find you and the pack, again, to make amends. If you’ll have me.   

Sea: Ari looks at you for a really long time. And that new kind of solid expression is still tight on their features. That age, that responsibility, that power that is new on their face but doesn’t seem…wrong. It’s not what you remember but it still feels right for them. They take a deep breath, she sighs. 

Sea (as Ari): Well, let’s hope that you’re ability to make amends is better than your ability to tank blows. 

[Kappa chuckles]

Music fades out [34:02]

Dax: So, once the confrontation with Ari was concluded, all that was left was to deal with the Witch. The woods were a little tricky to get through, you know they ended up having to do some negotiating with her. She did end up giving them the antidote they requested, but at a pretty steep price. Eight ended up surrendering a memory that has to deal with why they are afraid of thunderstorms, and Rou and Trix offered up some blood to be used for some future spell purpose and they don’t know what. So it’s a very risky thing to give of yourself – such an intimate part of yourself.

That wasn’t all that the Witch did though. Right as they were leaving she did have some very strange parting words for Trix.  

Tense, mysterious music fades in [34:47]

Dax: When it’s all said and done she graciously, as best she can, shoos you out of the hut. But before she closes the door, she turns to Trix and says,

Dax (as the Witch): Oh, and next chance you get, tell your family I said hello. 

Dax: And as she shuts the door that is where we will end the session. 

Kappa: What?!

Sebastian: [laughs] Ooh-kay.

Music fades out [35:10]

Dax: Now, despite Eight and Rou’s questioning, Trix seemed as perplexed as they were about the Witch’s comments. So, they return to Duskhollow and, as promised, in return for the cure the Sultan gives them all the notes from his Spymaster, gives them some disguises and a direction on the location of the Order’s nearest outpost. Basically all the information at his disposal.

Already that ally is proving worthy, right? Armed with fresh supplies, both of the Seven Swords – because remember they didn’t have to give up that sword – and renewed determination, they set off northeast. And their high spirits are quickly dashed when they receive a disturbing message from Viktor.

Dramatic music fades in [35:50]

Dax: Rou you’re driving the cart.

Kappa: Yes.

Dax: Trix you have your head poked out the window, your bow and arrow at the ready, watching as you slowly get closer and closer to this dust cloud. As it gets closer you notice that it’s a few horses that are charging your way.

Sebastian: Horses? Oh no. We’re gonna get trampled.

Kappa: Oh…my god.

Dax: Eight, while you are sipping your cup of wine and trying to recover from your hangover, you hear in your head,

Dax (as Viktor): [slightly deeper masc, echoing] Eight, Rou, Arthas! Are you there? Kidohlva’s under attack! The guards have barred the gates and are holding but I doubt for long. 

Wren (as Eight): So noisy…Viktor, is that you?

Dax: There is a pause and then you hear,

Dax (as Viktor): Look, I don’t know where you are but you must stay away. I can hear them outside. There has to be thousands of them, it's just so loud!

Wren (as Eight): Who’s attacking Kidohlva? 

Dax: There’s another pause. And then you hear,

Dax (as Viktor): They keep calling for “the construct”. They’re offering peace if you’re surrendered. You-you have to stay away, you hear me? Stay away from Kidohlva. I’ll see if I can -

Dax: And then nothing.

Kappa: Ohhh shit. Viktor got sniped. Viktor’s dead.

Wren (as Eight): Viktor? Friend Trix, something terrible has happened.

Sebastian (as Trix): What?

Wren (as Eight): Kidohlva. It is under attack!

Music fades out [37:12]

Dax: C’mon, can’t give the party a one-way communication based magical item and not tease them with it, right? The last thing that happened in the finale was that the party saw a young man being chased by guards on horseback. 

So, who is the person being chased? Will the party get involved? Probably. Will they find the other Seven Swords? Hopefully. What in all the deities is happening in Kidohlva?! Who knows! Tune in when Season 5 hits the airwaves in February 2024.

Thanks for listening! We hope you’ll join us next time, but in the interim follow us on Twitter and BlueSky at RoadsUncharted. We want to thank Magic Mind for sponsoring this episode, so please check the show notes for details on how you can try this product and get a discount! 

The Roads Uncharted podcast is GM’d and produced by Dax, who you can find on Twitter at gm_dax. We use the Genesys RPG system published by Fantasy Flight Games, and music licensed through Epidemic Sound. 

Eight is played by Wren, who also composed the music for our opening theme. Follow them on Twitter at Thornydryad. 

Rou is played by Kappa, and you can follow him on Twitter at TheKappaChris. 

Trix is played by Sebastian and you can follow them on Twitter at sebastianyue.