Roads Uncharted

S4 E12: Imbued Study

Episode Summary

Intent on learning more about the creature, the party heads to the town library. Research proves fruitful when they find a lead in the mystery.

Episode Notes

Leaving the mayor’s house, the party begins to plan how they might take care of the creature that has been plaguing Sparrow’s Landing. The hope is to find a way to get rid of it without fighting it, given how difficult the last encounter was. Deciding the library might be the best place to start, they set off with a list of stuff to search for.

The group splits up to cover as much ground as possible. Eight peruses the books about enchantment, hoping to find something to imbue their weapons. Unfortunately, they meet a brief roadblock in the form of a rude teenager. Rou pores over books about specters and other creepy monsters, while Trix scours old newspapers for any information on the creature's origin. 

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, Sebastian @sebastianyue and Wren @ThornyDryad