Roads Uncharted

S4 E13: A Little Tranquili-Tea

Episode Summary

The group visits a tea house and enjoys a small break before continuing their investigation.

Episode Notes

With their research at the library completed, the group heads toward the hospital. On the way, Rou suggests grabbing a bite to eat beforehand. Knowing that a port town like Sparrow’s Landing often has access to strange and exciting supplies, he suggests finding a tea house to sample something that Eight might not normally procure.

They eventually run into a shop called “Verna’s Tranquili-Tea”, and when they head inside they notice several patrons are playing games while enjoying their tea. Verna, a Kinder-Kai, brings them a selection of teas, as well as an almond and orange cake. Enjoying their snack, Trix teaches their new companions how to play BlackJack until it is time to leave and proceed with their task.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, Sebastian @sebastianyue and Wren @ThornyDryad 

Affiliates with Friday Afternoon Tea