Roads Uncharted

S4 E29: Party at the Palace

Episode Summary

When Rou, Trix and Eight attend a party at the palace, they’re approached by the Sultan for an important task. During the festivities, Priya’s true identity is revealed.

Episode Notes

Dressed in new finery, the group finds that the palace is decorated with fountains, fish tanks in the floor and hundreds of lanterns. Trumpets sound and the Sultan enters, inviting his guests to partake in the food and wine that is circulating. Priya takes them to pay homage and it is revealed she is in fact the Sultan’s niece, a precious member of the royal family. Sultan Akbar apologizes for the subterfuge, claiming that he needed to judge them for himself before asking a favor of them.

Their suspicions justified, Trix refuses to partake in the food for fear of poison. They admonish Rou for sharing their true purpose with Priya and, after Eight confirms the food isn’t poisoned, sulkily agrees to grab some food before they leave if the meeting with the Sultan goes well.

Sultan Akbar pulls them into a private meeting and reveals he is under a curse. Trix, Rou and Eight are asked to head into the nearby forest to beg an antidote from the local witch. In exchange for her assistance, the Sultan offers a talking sword.

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