Roads Uncharted

S4 E3: Tea with Pax

Episode Summary

Pax returns with an intriguing proposition.

Episode Notes

As Rou and Eight continue their quest to collect supplies for Liam’s transportation spell, they run into an old friend in Stagg Hollow. As the pair leave one of the shops, discussing the purpose of eel scales, they spy Pax seated in the “Mint-Tea House”. Deciding to see what she’s up to, they are led into a secret back room.

Once the trio is away from prying ears, Pax tells them that the Order of Tannyth is going to have a secret meeting in the town of Rosewall. They’ve been tasked with gathering information, and she would like some assistance. It will require stealth, and avoiding confrontation at all costs.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, Wren @ThornyDryad and Mer @archmageofdice