Roads Uncharted

S4 E30: A Twist of Fate

Episode Summary

When Rou meets an old friend in the streets of Duskhollow, the reunion doesn’t go as he might have hoped.

Episode Notes

CW: This episode leans heavily into player v. player and conflict. While we have discussed and consented for the content in this episode, please forego listening if aggression/violence between friends would be triggering for you. Your safety and enjoyment is important to us.

The morning after a wonderful party at the Sultan’s palace, the group sets off toward the forest west of Duskhollow. Armed with a little knowledge and the sword they were given to trade, they’re in good spirits. Trix attempts to find a way for Eriluc and Garac to talk to each other, but finds it is more difficult than they originally anticipated. Wandering through the market, Rou gets the feeling they’re being watched and darts off into a nearby alley.

As he is explaining his worries to Eight and Trix, a familiar voice interrupts them. Ari, an old packmate of Rou’s, has spotted him and is itching to cause trouble for his “new pack”. At first Rou feels conflicted when Ari decides to tag along, as she had been his closest friend. Their constant aggression and belittling of his choices, however, leads him to stand up for himself, Eight and Trix. When he tries to appeal to Ari’s former innocent self that she lunges in attack.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, Sea @Sea PlaysRPG, Sebastian @sebastianyue and Wren @ThornyDryad

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