Roads Uncharted

S4 E31: True Strength

Episode Summary

Ari’s brute force goes up against the strength of Rou’s heart.

Episode Notes

CW: This episode leans heavily into player v. player and conflict. While we have discussed and consented for the content in this episode, please forego listening if aggression/violence between friends would be triggering for you. Your safety and enjoyment is important to us.

Ari has engaged Rou in combat, lurching at their old friend in wolf form. She tumbles into him and pushes him to the ground, snarling and scraping claws against his armor. While the two werewolves tumble in the dirt, Eight is left in utter shock and tries to talk them down. Trix, on the other hand, takes the opportunity to knock an arrow and attempt to help their new friend.

Blows and words continue to be thrown throughout the fight, Rou doing his best to avoid attacking Ari while she vents their anger and frustration. Seeing Ari is vulnerable, Trix takes their shot. Senses heightened, Rou hears the arrow let loose and maneuvers to block it. When it strikes, Rou falls and Eight creates a barrier to protect their friend from the attacker.

However, seeing Rou fall brings Ari to their senses. Separated by the magical barrier, she is forced to come clean about their emotions, rather than using claws and teeth. When it’s time to go their separate ways, Rou brings them into a hug before she leaves. While their friendship isn’t completely repaired, the two werewolves leave on better terms.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, Sea @Sea PlaysRPG, Sebastian @sebastianyue and Wren @ThornyDryad

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