Roads Uncharted

S4 E32: Out of the Frying Pan

Episode Summary

A confrontation with an old friend is over, but the dangers of the forest still lurk ahead.

Episode Notes

Upon separating from Ari, the group enters the forest and begins to search for the witch. It is an old growth forest filled with energies that can be felt prickling along the skin. Lost in his thoughts regarding his erstwhile friend, Rou absentmindedly pushes forward. As they wander, nearly aimlessly, Trix takes the opportunity to try and get Garac and Eriluc to interact. They find success when they realize touching the gems together allows the pair to carry on a conversation with each other.  

Eight, meanwhile, is focused on Ari’s words and what that might mean for their future as Rou’s friend. They spend their time pouting and moping, while Rou and Trix figure out what to do about the sword. Suddenly, the group stumbles upon a bubbling, black, oozing pit. Realizing it is large and deep, they decide to circumvent it rather than trudge through it. Eight, trailing behind, is soon ensnared as the ooze comes to life. 

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