Roads Uncharted

S4 E33: Into the Fire

Episode Summary

Following a disembodied voice is not as easy as it sounds, particularly if the voice likes to taunt.

Episode Notes

The group, surrounded by a dense fog, begins to hear echoing whispers in the air around them. They’re called liars, thieves and murderers. When they discover that the voice responds to their assertions that they are not those things, they reveal their purpose that they wish to move forward and cause no harm. “Catch me if you can” is the response before the voice goes silent.

As they attempt to find their original trail, Trix makes the suggestion that the voice may be the witch and Rou asks the disembodied voice. The only response is a laugh and the sound of tinkling bells. When Eight calls out that they wish to offer the witch something in trade, the fog begins to thin. Ahead of them is a hut, surrounded by gardens, goats and wandering rabbits. They enter the hut, eyes scanning for traps and tricks. 

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