Roads Uncharted

S4 E34: Deals with a Witch

Episode Summary

The witch makes a deal for the Sultan’s antidote, though the price is much higher than the group originally planned for.

Episode Notes

CW: Blood. We mention blood and make reference to drawing it, without detail. However, if this might be triggering to you, please skip 33:03 to 34:36. Your safety and enjoyment is important to us.

The rabbit that had caused Eight’s spoon to light up transforms into a woman with brown skin and black hair tied in ribbons, as well as a rabbit fur wrap around her shoulders. As she listens to the group’s reason for their intrusion into her home, she mixes various oils and essences into a wooden bowl. The smells suggest it is an ointment of some sort, and their suspicions are confirmed when the witch offers it to Rou for his wounds. 

Getting to business, the witch bluntly tells them that the cost for the antidote the Sultan seeks is high. She is not interested in cash, or even the bejeweled sword sent with them for trade. She would rather take blood or memories in exchange. Though they can’t be sure what it will be used for, Rou and Trix offer drops of their own blood and Eight gives up an old memory. However, despite the strangeness of the whole encounter, it isn’t until they leave that the witch makes them feel uneasy. 

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