Roads Uncharted

S4 E36: The Dragon Strikes

Episode Summary

Eight receives disturbing news from Eulela as an ominous sight draws near along the road.

Episode Notes

The party enjoys a sumptuous breakfast before leaving the palace. Priya takes a moment to personally thank the party, once again apologizing for her deceptions, before heading home. Armed with cult uniforms, fresh supplies and rested donkeys, they set onto the road that will lead them to the Cragsward Mountains.

Moving slowly after a late night of celebrations, Rou takes the reins while Trix and a hungover Eight try to get some rest in the cart. Hoping that Garac or Eriluc might have insight into the Order of Tannyth, Trix checks in and updates them on the next steps. However, they are disappointed to find out that neither has any insight into the situation.

Up ahead, the party spies a dust cloud being kicked up by horses charging down the road toward them. As Rou maneuvers the cart off the road, Eight receives a series of distressed messages from Viktor. Kidohlva is under attack. While they ponder the messages, Trix looks out the window to see that astride the horses are a pair of guards and a teen boy fleeing ahead of them.

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