Roads Uncharted

S4 E5: The Dragon Rises

Episode Summary

Pax, Eight and Rou attend a secret meeting for the Order of Tannyth. They discover some very disturbing news in the process.

Episode Notes

Pax continues the investigation during the afternoon hours while Rou and Eight rest. When it comes time to explore the secret door they discovered earlier, Pax goes first to try and scope out a safe pathway. Rou and Eight follow a short time later, doing their best to remain hidden despite the lamplight.

Heading through the door, the group finds themselves among the ruined buildings of the old city. Still scouting ahead, Pax unintentionally gives away their position and she turns into a rat to hide from the approaching guard. Not as successful, Eight is caught by a guard and escorted away, but is later rescued by Rou who pretends to be a new member of the Order.

Once reunited, the group heads to the remnants of a large amphitheater, where the meeting is being held. Pax and Eight watch from out of sight, while Rou takes advantage of his successful disguise to get a better vantage point.  

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