Roads Uncharted

S5 E13: Keeping Watch

Episode Summary

The group splits into pairs for a night watch, and each shift brings new information about Indy & Company.

Episode Notes

Rou and Dassana help Amara clean up the dishes before settling in for the first watch. Amara doesn’t officially join, but sits by the fire stoking it while the other two swap stories. Rou learns a little about Dassana’s background and how she came to adventure with Indy and Sierra. They bond over talk of magic, past adventures and fears of failure. Overall watch seems to be pretty peaceful and uneventful.    

Trix and Indy share the next watch. As Trix often does, they begin to ask questions about Indy’s past. Where does he come from, what’s his experience adventuring been like, and so forth. It doesn’t take Trix long to figure out most of Indy’s knowledge comes from books, and that he’s not everything he seems to be. As Indy offers Trix a spot with their group instead, Trix is left wondering what else he may be hiding. 

Finally, Amara and Sierra take over. As both agree they prefer silence and to remain out of each other’s business, it is nearly an uneventful shift. However, as dawn approaches, Amara notices something flying off in the distance and the pair give chase to check it out.

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