Roads Uncharted

S5 E14: Outpost Infiltration

Episode Summary

The party arrives at the outpost at the base of the mountains and sends Trix in to scout it out.

Episode Notes

Amara and Sierra chase after the mysterious flying creature. As they get closer, they find it has leathery wings, a rounded body and seems to be quite large. Amara touches the gem on their chest and sends out a lightning spell. The struck creature falls to the ground, and Sierra is immediately disturbed by the glass globe that makes up its face. She shatters it with her warhammer and insists they must pack and leave immediately.

Once they’re far enough away, Sierra reveals that the creature is used for spying by the same group that makes the mechanical beasts. Over the next several days, she shares more about her past entanglements with the Order of Tannyth and what she knows of them. Eventually, the group arrives at the outpost at the base of the Cragsward Mountains. They formulate a plan, of which the first step involves Trix sneaking in to scope out the interior. Unfortunately, Trix’s luck runs out when they decide to investigate the largest building.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, Sebastian @sebastianyue and Wren @ThornyDryad