Roads Uncharted

S5 E18: A Great Escape

Episode Summary

The group escapes the outpost, but what have they lost as a result?

Episode Notes

CW: This episode involves a PC being brought to zero wounds. While we discussed this and have safety tools in place, we want to make sure your listening experience is as enjoyable as possible. Please skip 17:01 to 18:17 if this would be triggering for you. There is also a gory description of an arm being chopped off from 23:53 to 23:59, please skip this if it would be triggering.

Rou and Anaan make their way through the outpost toward the source of the scream. They come upon the sight of Trix on a dais with the Emperor and The Dragon, the rest of the party standing in front of a pit and surrounded by guards. Anaan sneaks up to the dais as The Dragon summons a staff. The Dragon tells Trix to pay attention to what they do to traitors. Even after the hit she has taken, Amara still manages a snide comment in the Emperor’s direction.

The Dragon casts a spell, suffocating Amara until their form drops to the ground. Seeing this, Rou rushes up to the crowd and stands over Amara’s limp form. Trix uses the distraction to shoot an arrow at the pit, the blast from the rune forcing dust into the air and obscuring Rou and the others. As a fight breaks out, The Dragon lashes out to catch Trix at the throat, but his attempt is thwarted when Anaan cuts off his arm. When The Dragon and Emperor flee, the party uses the chaos to escape the outpost.

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Kappa @TheKappaChris, Sebastian @sebastianyue and Wren @ThornyDryad