Roads Uncharted

S1 E4: Stories from the Past

Episode Summary

After spending several hours travelling through the desert, the group runs into a mysterious stranger with a connection to Jokul and Rialla. Do they come with a hidden purpose? Why are they following these strangers from another plane?

Episode Notes

After traipsing through the desert, the group crosses paths with a mysterious stranger they first confronted in Saleen. They soon learn this stranger is an unexpected visitor from Rialla and Jokul's past. While in his company, the pair learns a bit more about the King's Sworn and Rialla recovers an item she thought long-forgotten.

Eight is forced to face the reality of his best friends’ past, while Arthas shares some of the secrets of Giant-kin society.

Transcript by Dax

Episode Transcription

Upbeat piano intro music ends [00:27]

Relaxing background music fades in [00:28]

Dax: We last left the party as they were making camp after a long day and partial night of travel. The sun set quite a few hours ago, and it’s now very cold. Jokul, Rialla, Eight and Art, you crest the sand dune that you had agreed would be the final one for the day. You left the canyon wall behind you...maybe about an hour ago. And you’ve been wandering northward through open desert. In the distance, you see a reddish glow over the ridge of the next dune ahead. What are you all doing this fine, chilly desert evening?      

Wren: Reddish glow, you say? I...get my footing on top of the dune and uh, look ahead towards the glow and I turn to my companions. How close is this glow to us? If-if uh we could wager a guess?  

Dax: Mm..probably fifty feet. 

Wren: Well that’s pretty close.

Dax: Well they’re not large dunes. I mean you aren’t in the “middle middle” of the desert. 

Wren: But the glow is within fifty feet well ya know that’s…

Dax: Well you see this light emanating over the next sand dune which is fifty feet.

Wren: Ah. Gotcha.

Wren (as Eight): Perhaps one more sand dune is in order?

Neil (as Arthas): Agreed. 

Cole (as Rialla): Yeah if nothing’s coming to bother us I think it might be best to just keep going onward until we find somewhere to camp.  

Wren (as Eight): And we wouldn’t want to set up too close to this glow without knowing what’s causing it, so...if we can at least scope it out maybe we’ll find a good place to set up camp afterwards.

James: Is the glow unnatural or does it look like it’s like the setting sun or-

Cole: A campfire- 

James: A campfire. Yeah like a-

Dax: Yeah, it’s it’s-

James: Campfire in the distance.

Dax: It’s...flickering akin to a campfire light…

James (as Jokul): Perhaps they’re fellow desert crossers that we could encounter? 

Wren (as Eight): If so I hope they’re friendly.

Dax: Alright, heading over to the next ridge then?

Wren: Uhh...I would say so.

Cole: Yeah.

James: Yeah. Try-

Neil: Sounds good.

James: Try and get eyes on whoever’s out here.

Dax: Okay. 

Wren (as Eight): Uhm, I-I could advance first, uhm, at-at the very least to…[clears throat] make sure that my friends are well protected before uh, we-we stumble upon any strangers. 

[group pauses]

Wren: So I will...range out front! Because...I’m...slow and ponderous so, try and stop me!

[James giggles]

Dax: Slow and ponderous...Eight you walk down the sand dune that you had just crested and you walk a little ways and begin to creep back up the next one and as you get close to the ridge you poke your eyes over and you see that there is indeed a campfire at the base of this sand dune. And there is a log nearby, on which someone is resting their head as they lay down nearby the fire.    

Wren: I turn and uhm, the rest of the party to-to come closer, to the extent that you haven't been behind me. Uhm, and I’ll wait for them to kinda...close in on..on where I’m standing. Just kinda...tappin’ ma fingers together and waiting. So as to uh, not get too far ahead.

Neil: I’m just following-

Cole: So it’s just-

Neil: Along after Eight.

Cole: Once I approach and see what he-what they see, uhm, I’ll just,

Cole (as Rialla): It’s just another person’s campsite shouldn’t...we probably shouldn’t bother them.  

Dax: Art what did you say?

Neil: Oh! I’m just following behind. 

Dax: Not that you have to really loom too much, I mean you can pretty much see everything.

Neil: Yeah.

[Dax giggles]

Dax: Alright so Rialla you-you come up to the crest and you-you say this to Eight, you said?

Wren (as Eight): I mean I suppose...Rialla you’re right we-we might not want to bother this-this traveller but, at the same would be rude to pass by in the desert and not at least say ‘hello’.

Cole (as Rialla): They’re sleeping.

Dax: From the darkness, well partial darkness you hear,

Dax (as the stranger): [in a slightly lower register] Not exactly! If you’re going to come and sit by my fire you might as well.   

Wren (as Eight): See? They were expecting us. Which is...odd. But-

Cole (as Rialla): Exp-

James (as Jokul): You’re not exactly quiet, Eight.

Cole: I kinda give Jokul an exasperated look…

Wren (as Eight): [sighs] That’s true. Well..!

Wren: I turn, and start sliding down the rest of the sand dune towards this person’s campfire. Oh, you’re face-palming... 

Cole: I’m gonna creepily lurk where I’m standing and just kinda watch. 

Dax: You’re...are you heading down or are you just gonna kinda like stand there and watch and make sure happens?

[Dax laughs]

Cole: Yeah. The second one-

Dax: Okay. You see Eight-

Cole: I’m not particularly looking to talk to random strangers in the desert who could kill us. 

Dax: That’s fine. 

[Wren chuckles]

Dax: Art are you hanging back as well or are you gonna follow Eight?

Neil: Nah I think I’m gonna follow Eight.

Dax: Alright-

Neil: This hasn’t steered me wrong before!

Dax: That’s fair, that’s fair. So the two of you, uhm, head down the sand dune. Jokul, Rialla kinda hanging back keeping an eye out. I’m sure Jokul is scoping as he often does. And as you get closer the stranger begins to rise from their position and they are what you can see in the firelight very dark leathers, high boots, a dark cloak with a big hood covering their face. They stand up and they grab a nearby poker, they stoke the fire a little bit. Sparks flying up into the desert night sky. Pats the nearby bundle of firewood and sets out a couple of logs. Waves to the two of you, up at the crest of the sand dune.

Dax (as the stranger): Well are you going to come and sit or not? The desert gets quite cold, the later it gets.

Cole: Was that, to me..and Jokul?

Dax: Yep.

Cole: I will sigh, look to Jokul...see what he does.

James: I-I kinda shrug and just kinda gi-give Maeve’s reins a little tug and head down the dune just…

[James chuckles]

Cole: I follow. 

James (as Jokul): At the very least we outnumber him. 

Neil: Hm.

Cole (as Rialla): That’s true...  

Dax: As you come down the sand dune you see that the stranger is now rustling in their knapsack and they come out of it with a bright red apple. And they walk close to the two of you and...and Maeve and he holds out the apple and you see a hand in this close proximity that is quite pale. And you can see from the lip of the hood, a kind smile.    

Dax (as the stranger): Don’t worry, I don’t bite. Can I offer this for your horse? She looks a little...tired...from a day in the desert.     

James: I smile and just,

James (as Jokul): I-I think she would appreciate that.

James: And Jokul accepts the apple and kinda like spins it over in his hand before offering it to Maeve.

Dax: The stranger watches and you can hear Maeve first,

[Dax imitates horse sniffing and snorting] 

Dax: Snorting and quickly grasps the apple out of your hand and-and you can feel her soft muzzle over your fingers and she scarfs it up readily. The stranger returns to the firelight and retakes a seat on one of the logs and lifts the hood back. And...Rialla you know this person. His jet black hair, and ice blue eyes, still standing out in your memory after that night at the temple in Saleen.      

Cole (as Rialla): [gasps] 

Cole: My hand goes to my holy symbol.

Dax (as the stranger): I must say Rialla I almost didn’t recognize you and those outfits you’re wearing. Quite different from the ones you were wearing in Saleen. But...I’m glad to see you’ve taken my word of warning.       

Cole (as Rialla): Who are you?

Dax: He looks up at you and he gives a slight devilish grin.

Dax (as the stranger): Well, you can call me Viktor...if you would like. Would anyone like anything to eat?

Dax: He begins to rummage in his knapsack again.

Wren: I turn and look to uh, the rest of you.

Wren (as Eight): Uh, I’m sure the lot of you are famished from a day of travel in the desert. After all, cactus and cactus juice only go so far.  

Neil (as Arthas): I have had unfortunate situations with strangers offering me food today so I will decline.

[Wren chuckles]

Dax: He stops and he looks up at you and kinda raises an eyebrow at first. And then shrugs.

Dax (as Viktor): Uh, I suppose that’s fair I mean I’ve...had my fair share of people offering me poisons and the lot and....I can understand that so..uhm, Jokul, Rialla..uhm and..

Dax: And with that-

Wren (as Eight): I am-

Dax: He looks at you Eight.

Wren (as Eight): I am Eight! And I am best friends with Jokul and Rialla.

Dax (as Viktor): Oh!

Wren (as Eight): And this is Bessie. She is-

Dax: He looks-

Wren (as Eight): A donkey.

Dax: He looks behind you at the donkey and cart.

Cole: Rialla has not taken her eyes off this person.

Dax (as Viktor): Eh,’s a pleasure to meet you Eight. Uhm, would you like anything to eat? I..

Dax: And with that he looks over at Jokul and Rialla and he says,

Dax (as Viktor): I-I don’t think that...your companions are quite interested in any supper from me

Wren (as Eight): I would be taste some of your food.

Wren: I turn to Rialla and Jokul...and Art, and give a long drawn out wink to them.

Neil: Art just nods. I am-

Dax: Alright-

Neil: Deeply curious as to how it eats. 

[Dax chuckles]

Dax: Poor Eight.

Cole (as Rialla): What brings you to the desert, Viktor?

Dax: He doesn’t exactly ignore you, he looks at you...smiles and finishes rummaging in his knapsack and he hands Eight a small pot. Ceramic pot with a lid on it. And once he has passed that over he turns to you Rialla and says,

Dax (as Viktor): Well funnily enough I was looking for the two of you. I had heard that you left Saleen shortly after our encounter and...I’ve been keeping an eye on you to make sure you stay safe. I lost track of you, a while back. And I was hoping to run into you out here...and as luck would have it, here you are! 

Cole (as Rialla): You’ll have to pardon my rudeness but, uhm, I don’t think I’ve seen you before I saw you at Saleen. Have we met before? Why are you so interested in keeping us safe? 

Dax: He looks over at you and,

Dax (as Viktor): [chuckles] No, Rialla. You or Jokul would not have seen me before...but we have worked together in some...odd...way of saying it. [sighs]

Cole (as Rialla): King’s Sworn.

Dax (as Viktor): Yes. You remember the old rules. You’re not supposed to know who your fellow members are. With the exception of you two.

Dax: And with that he raises an eyebrow.

Cole (as Rialla): I don’ did you follow us?

Dax (as Viktor): Well I wouldn’t really call it “following”. Uhm, look. I...used to work quite closely with a friend of yours. And I do use the term “friend” loosely. But then...things began to happen that were a little outside of my realm of comfort. The guild started to...turn. Change. And then I overheard my...ex...colleague? Boss? Whatever you’d like to call him. Implicate the two of you in the changes. 

Cole (as Rialla): Implicated? Of doing what?

Dax (as Viktor): Do you remember the old dragon? Embershard.

Cole (as Rialla): [sighs] I do.

Dax (as Viktor): He went missing a few days before you left. I overheard that they were going to implicate you in his death. And to kill such a high-ranking member of the King’s Sworn...death.

Cole (as Rialla): They hadn’t worked with the King’s Sworn in...he was...demoted. 

Dax (as Viktor): Well...I think that’s what they wanted him to believe. At first I...believed them. You disappeared after his body was found and [pauses and sighs]. You disappeared after his body was found and [exasperated noise] uhm, but some things happened that...and I won’t share what...because I still can’t believe it myself. Something happened that made me distrust my colleague and I started to wonder if perhaps you were innocent in all this. And, I was able-

Cole (as Rialla): What-

Dax (as Viktor): To procure this.

Dax: And he reaches into his knapsack and what he pulls out is a-a package of some sort, wrapped in black velvet. And he reaches a hand out to you Rialla, holding this package.    

Cole: I..look to him and take the package and look over at Jokul before unwrapping the black velvet. 

James: Just kinda like peer over you-your-Rialla’s shoulder like…

Dax: As you slowly peel back the velvet, something comes into view that you haven’t seen in...years. A silver mirror.

[James chuckles]

Cole (as Rialla): did you acquire this?

Dax (as Viktor): Oh please. A thief never reveals his secrets... 

Cole: I trace the Lenoir crest that’s engraved on the back.  

Cole (as Rialla): I next question is what do you gain by finding us and were you followed?

Dax (as Viktor): I made sure to hide my tracks. I have...years of practice. As far as what can be gained? Let’s just say when you disappeared that somebody else had to be the scapegoat. So my life is also on the line. The difference between you and I is...they were able to successfully pin the murder on me and I had a harder time leaving Vendalla than you did. So it’s not so much a matter of gaining, by warning you or, following you. It’s more...what I gain from doing it in that...I don’t necessarily help you. I have people from home close by. People that I know are in a similar situation as me.

Cole (as Rialla): I’m sorry to hear that.

Dax (as Viktor): As far as why I rescued your mirror? I-I knew you wouldn’t trust a member of the King’s Sworn had reason to do so.

James (as Jokul): It certainly explains why you’re out here by yourself. 

Dax (as Viktor): I’ve always found it better to travel alone. In fact uh..Bran hated that.

Cole (as Rialla): Hm.

Dax (as Viktor): It made me very difficult to team up on some jobs.

Cole (as Rialla): Did you talk to...Embershard at all? Did you have any...connection to him?

Dax (as Viktor): I went to the same bar you did. We all used to, once.

Cole (as Rialla): What do you know…[pauses]

Dax (as Viktor): Regarding..what?

Cole: I dig through my pouch looking for something old from...before we left. I pull out a napkin with a drawing on it of..the rose.

Dax: He walks a little closer and leans to look down at the napkin.

Dax (as Viktor): Mm.

Cole (as Rialla): Do you know this symbol?

Dax (as Viktor): I do. Embershard was the only one that I knew that had it. [pauses] Look...I don’t know what the plan is, for back home. I don’t much care, considering I can't go back. All I know is that it had to do with Bran’s promotion. It had to do with Embershard’s death. And it had to do something with the crown prince. 

Cole (as Rialla): With what?

Dax (as Viktor): The crown prince-

Cole (as Rialla): Oh the prince.

Dax (as Viktor): I don’t know any details other than those.     

Cole (as Rialla): For you to find us, was there something that we missed? Did you follow our trail?

Dax (as Viktor): Well to be fair the two of you didn’t leave much of a trail. 

James (as Jokul): We did leave those bodies behind when they tracked us down to that farmhouse. We just didn’t expect anybody to find them. 

Cole (as Rialla): We were more careful going forward though. That was really the only incident. 

Dax (as Viktor): It was enough. It at-

Cole (as Rialla): Shit-

Dax (as Viktor): Least told me the direction you were going. I mean...footprints and hooves...hoofprints are uh...difficult to hide. In mud. Even when dry. Eventually I lost your footprints and I don’t know how you managed up here. I had to find my own way here. Once I lost you and I wasn’t...finding any rumours, about the two of you, I figured you were lost. So I found my way here, to Saleen. I had planned on setting up an apartment of some sort and then I ran into you at the temple. Strangely enough. It’s fate works sometimes. 

Cole: I kinda look back and forth between Viktor and Jokul.  

Cole (as Rialla): I just hope that whole mess just..stays back home.

Dax (as Viktor): You and I both. I haven’t heard..of anyone else crossing over into this world.

Cole (as Rialla): That’s the most we can hope for.

Dax (as Viktor): What do the two of you plan to do, now that you’re here? 

Cole (as Rialla): We were given a task from Saleen. We’re just going to do that. Try to do some good while we’re here. Maybe it’ll make up for the past, but...and if we find some answers along the way, that’s just a bonus. Can’t look back. We can only go forward.

Dax: Viktor looks at each of you in turn.

Dax (as Viktor): Would you care to stay the night? My...task has been fulfilled. I’ve given you back what is yours. And in the morning I’ll be leaving and...with any luck you’ll never see me again, Rialla. Jokul. That is the hope, anyway. I fear...the longer we stay together, the more likely we may draw attention. 

Cole (as Rialla): Agreed. We can part ways in the morning then.      

Dax: He returns to his seat by the fire and gestures to the two empty logs. And then he turns to Eight and Art.

Dax (as Viktor): So...Eight. Did I gave you? Is it sufficient?  

Wren: I would like to make sure it’s not poisonous. Uhm, so while he’s-while they’re talking uhm I’ve just got little bits in my mouth and I’m tasting ‘em. ‘Cause I wanna make sure it’s safe for muh friends.

Dax: You opened up the lid and it’s just some cold porridge that would’ve been leftover from an earlier meal. There’s no poisons no...anything to it.  

Wren (as Eight): Well, Viktor, your presentation is…[clears throat]

Wren: I take the spoon and kinda slop a little bit of the-the-the porridge back into the-the pot.

Wren (as Eight): Questionable. But, I suppose it’s sufficient for our needs.

Wren: And I just take the spoon again and kinda go,

[Wren makes noise like eating a big mouthful of food]

Wren: Stick it in my mouth, scrape a little bit off and...pretend to chew...and then swallow it. And I look-

James: I’m just picturing Eight as the-the Gordon Ramsay dude now and just being like, “Not good enough! Meh!”

[Wren chuckles]

Wren: “It’s rotten!” But I-I just kinda make a point of showcasing myself eating it to Rialla and Jokul and Art, and then put the spoon back in.    

Wren (as Eight): Oh...that was probably improper. I’m sorry. I just...put a dirty spoon back in the food.  

Dax: You see Viktor like putting his hand over his mouth and-but you see his shoulders shaking like he’s trying to hide a laugh.  

Wren (as Eight): Well, for what it’s’s passable.

Wren: And then I just kind of sit down on one of the logs and uh, cross my arms and hulk down on the ground.   

Dax (as Viktor): The two of you make some...interesting friends.

Dax: And he turns to Art and he looks up at you. 

Dax (as Viktor): Well, what’s your story friend?

Neil (as Arthas): I am Arthas Boston Wapon Dynevy Marston Thurlow Lilford, the Champion of Offam, and I wound up in this desert wandering and then I met these three. And their horse. 

Wren (as Eight): We are now best friends.

Neil (as Arthas): I’m going to take a shot in the dark and say you have a connection with these.

Dax (as Viktor): I...used to work with them...after a fashion. Why would anyone wander in the desert?

Neil (as Arthas): I...don’t really know where I’m going either.  

Dax (as Viktor): So you’re just...tagging along?

Neil (as Arthas): More or less. Doing good where I can and I figure following these sort seems like the best way to do it.   

Wren: [whispering loudly] He’s not wrong- 

Dax: He smirks a little bit and gives Jokul and Rialla a sidelong glance. 

Dax (as Viktor): Yes I su-I suppose. 

Cole (as Rialla): We’ve found ourselves among...interesting company. 

Neil (as Arthas): Like myself!

Wren: As I’m sitting there I just kinda use a little bit of magic to produce a spectral butterfly and I just kinda watch it float around me, as I’m sittin’ in the desert.

Neil: I am immediately enthralled by this.

Neil (as Arthas): I didn’t know you had a pet.  

Wren (as Eight): Oh I don’t. This is just my magic butterfly. I fear there..aren’t enough butterflies in the desert.

Neil (as Arthas): Agreed!

Wren: And it lands in my palm and I just kinda cradle it with giant fingers, and then shove it towards my face and the butterfly vanishes. 

Neil: Art’s a little put off by that, he assumed you were going to eat it.

[Cole guffaws]

Wren: Oh no-

Cole: Sorry.

Wren: I’m giving it a kiss.

Neil: Oh!

Wren: No one said Eight knows how to kiss.

[Neil laughs]

Cole: When you give an Eight a butterfly…

James: You write Eight a Dr. Seuss book.

Cole: Once uhm, the nerves kinda settle down and we’re sitting by the fire, I’m gonna scooch closer to Jokul and warm myself up and rest my head on his shoulder.  

James: Jokul returns and like le-leans opposite.

Wren: I just start eating the porridge while everyone’s relaxing and I’m just like,

Wren (as Eight): [mouth full] Is no one else gonna eat this? 

Neil: Art is gonna continue watching Eight because I have some questions about them and why they don’t ever take their armor off, or why they eat like that, or why their face plate moves with their mouth.   

[Wren makes eating noises]

Wren (as Eight): [mouth full] Arthas you’’re staring. 

[Wren makes more eating noises]

Neil (as Arthas): And?

Wren (as Eight): I’m told it is off-putting.

Neil (as Arthas): I am told I am off-putting.

Wren (as Eight): I am also told the same thing! 

Neil (as Arthas): Good! It must be a good trait. 

[Wren makes more eating noises]

Wren (as Eight): Agreed! 

Wren: Keep eating.

Neil: Keep staring.

Wren (as Eight): When you get tired, I will watch you sleep. 

Neil (as Arthas): Likewise! 

Wren (as Eight): I do not sleep.

Neil (as Arthas): ...why?

Wren (as Eight): I do not need to. I will watch you sleep. 

Wren: I turn and look to everyone. 

Wren (as Eight): I will watch over everyone while you sleep. 

Neil (as Arthas): Why do you not sleep? I tried that-

Dax (as Viktor): I think the better question is why do you have to watch us? 

Wren (as Eight): Well, Viktor, to make sure you’re safe, of course.

Neil (as Arthas): I tried not sleeping once. It was terrible. 

Wren (as Eight): I believe organic creatures do need to sleep. Just like you also need to breathe. And eat-

Neil (as Arthas): Do you not breathe?

Wren: I hold up the spoon with porridge on it.

Wren (as Eight): I insist you eat some of this.  

Neil (as Arthas): I still have several questions including the not needing to eat, or breathe. Were you cursed?

Wren: My chest heaves a little bit as I make a show of mock breathing.   

Wren (as Eight): Oh no I-I uh definitely need to breathe...friend…

[Wren inhales and then exhales audibly]

Wren (as Eight): Mm..very fresh.

Dax: Are you trying to deceive, Eight?

Wren: Uhh….sure!

Dax: ‘Cause if you are I’d like to make you-have you make a deception check for that.

Wren: Against uh..Art’s..

Dax: Yup.

Neil: I’m not very sharp.

[Dax and Wren giggle]

Wren: Against his own uh..what-what do you think? Discipline? Vigilance?  

Dax: Uhh-

Neil: Just two intelligence.

Dax: Vigilance. 

[Wren chuckles]

Wren: Alright alright...this is what happens when I try and...pretend to be a real boy. 

[Neil laughs]

Wren: Uhm..deee-ception it’s just my cun-oh! It’s my cunning which is great! I have a green. [pauses] Art what is your uh, what is yer whatever?

Neil: My vigilance is one. I have one green. 

Dax: Uh one green one his-

James: Such amaz-amazing-

Dax: Vigilance.

Wren: Okay so I get a red-

Dax: Yup.

Wren: Since it’s opposed.

James: Amazing battle of the wits we have.

[Wren grunts as they toss dice]

Dax: Not even.

[James and Dax laugh]

Wren: Awh! Alright well I just rolled the most obnoxious thing. I rolled two successes on the green, but I rolled a despair. 

Dax: Ohhh-kay.

[James giggles]

Neil: I have a great idea.

Dax: Oh?

Neil: The porridge is running out of his front.

[James and Dax cackle]

Wren: you believe that uh, I actually need to breathe but...I’ve just got porridge dribbling down my face is that- 

Dax: No no no like..out of your chest.

Wren: Oh uh we-well...okay…

[Dax laughs and Wren joins in]

Wren: I’m self-contained! 

Neil: Are you though?

Wren: Y-yes?

Dax: Yes. [laughs] They are. They are self-contained. Uhm...Art believes that Eight has to breathe, but what happens with Eight what’s the despair?

Wren: [sighs] No, maybe uh the fake breathing does cause something to spring loose and I got a little uh...little leak goin’ on.

Dax: Alright!

Wren: So, I can dig it.

Dax: Okay.

Wren: Ah crap. I just..I notice I’ve got the porridge comin’ out my front between the-

[Dax is chuckling]

Dax: Pouring onto your vestments.

Wren: Pouring out of...from between the-the-the darkwood core that I have and I’m just like,

Wren (as Eight): Oh no!

Wren: And I put the spoon back.

Wren (as Eight): [sighs] I guess I have something to take care of this evening.

Neil: Arthas is mortified.

Wren: I-I spring the mechanic tools out of wrist and I’m just gonna be ready start working on that tonight. I might even-

Dax: Well lemme ask you this-

Wren: Change my plating composition after this rest as well.

Dax: What does uhm...what does Art being mortified look like? Like do you turn red? Do you just hide your face bashfully? Like what does this look like? I mean you are-

Neil: Yes-

Dax: An eleven foot tall giant-kin.

[Wren chuckles]

Neil: inching back, curled up with my club at the ready. 

James: Just picturing the eleven foot giant like curling into the fetal position is like, “Is that a boulder?”

Neil: Literally.

Dax: Pretty much.

[Dax laughs]

Wren (as Eight): It’s ok Art you don’t need to be afraid.

Neil (as Arthas): Did the surgery do that to you?

Wren (as Eight): Surgery…?

Neil (as Arthas): That one who opened you up yesterday?

Wren (as Eight): Oh! No. Though, it is possible that something was missed...that’s ok-

Dax: Do you hear this Rialla? You’re getting blamed. 

Cole (as Rialla): I followed all of your instructions! Did I do something wrong?

Wren (as Eight): No! No no! That’s not the implication at all. I...I just need to..take care to breathe more naturally.

[Wren inhales sharply and then coughs]

Wren: I just kinda keep pushing at little sinuous core, trying to push it back together. 

Wren (as Eight): This..this will resolve itself.

Cole (as Rialla): Are you sure? Do you want me to take another look?

Wren (as Eight):, no. That's fine.

Wren: And I-I peel some of the porridge off from me and just kind of slap it into the sand. Off of my fingers. 

Wren (as Eight): This will be okay. We’ll-we’ll work with this, this’ll be fine. Everything’s fine.

Neil (as Arthas): Why don’t you eat?  

Wren (as Eight): I was just eating a moment ago!

Neil (as Arthas): But came out.

Wren (as Eight): Well...similarly if you eat too comes back out. Is that not correct?

Neil (as Arthas): Yeah but like...not there.

Wren (as Eight): Not where?

Neil (as Arthas): Out of the front…

Wren (as Eight): Oh...oh yes. Well, isn’t that what a navel is for?

Neil (as Arthas): A what?

Wren (as Eight): A bellybutton! As it were.

Wren: And I’m-I’m continuing to like...scrape the porridge that’s leaking out from the front plating. Just kinda getting it-

Neil: I-I have-

Wren: On the fingers and-

Neil: I have-

Wren: Dribbling it down onto the floor.

Neil: I have pulled up my tabard to check my bellybutton. I am...ninety percent sure that it is not for that.

Wren (as Eight): Well, until you see it for yourself, you can’t be certain. But...I do eat, I just don’t need to eat a lot. Just think of it like that. 

Neil (as Arthas): I’m thinking...why have you never taken your armor off?

Wren (as Eight): What armor?

Cole: Oh no.

Dax: Are you actually thinking this or are you asking?

Neil: I ask that and I’m slowly getting-connecting the dots.

Wren (as Eight): What armor?

Neil (as Arthas): This…

Neil: And he’ hand is...sorta motioning over my own face. 

Neil (as Arthas): The metal part-

Wren (as Eight): My skin

Neil (as Arthas): Skin does not take that tone.

Wren (as Eight): What tone?

Wren: I-I push my own hand against my face and kinda like tracing the..the plating. Goin’ around, tracing my eyebrows and the lenses for eyes.    

Neil (as Arthas): have no hair. Or...appendages.

Wren (as Eight): Appendages?

Neil (as Arthas): They must be- 

Wren (as Eight): I have-

Neil (as Arthas): Under the helmet.

Wren (as Eight): This-this is not a helmet. And..I do-

Neil (as Arthas): I-

Wren (as Eight): Not have hair. I have seen plenty of people who do not have hair. 

Neil (as Arthas): I shall-

Wren (as Eight): Should I get hair?

Neil (as Arthas): But...if...if it’s not your helmet what is it?

Wren (as Eight): It is my face, Simply Arthas.

Neil (as Arthas): Were you...were you...born with it?

Wren (as Eight): I suppose you could say that, yes.

Neil (as Arthas): Was..

Wren (as Eight): Is-

Neil (as Arthas): Was your mother and father like that?

Wren (as Eight): Like what?

Neil (as Arthas): Like you? With..out a face?

Wren (as Eight): Uh..

Wren: I-I turn to Rialla.

Wren (as Eight): Do I not have a face?

Cole (as Rialla): have a face. We’re looking at it.

Wren (as Eight): Oh, goodness. I thought that I’ve been traveling for these months without a face.’re implying that I don’t have a face...but I do have a face. I’m not sure I appreciate your tone.

Neil (as Arthas): I am deeply confused as to not needing to sleep, or not wearing armor. And if I may be rude, looking like that.

[Wren grunts, pauses and then grunts again]

Wren: I furrow my eyebrow-my eyes and kind of shift back a little bit. Give you a look quixotically, and I look to Jokul.

Wren (as Eight): Is that rude? Was that a rude statement?

Neil: I….think?

Wren (as Eight): I will chalk-

James: Jo-

Wren (as Eight): This up to-to-to exposure to the sun and heat in the desert. Perhaps you’re delirious.

James: I-I kinda look up at..whe-when Eight asks..directs that question at me but...outside of like, casually listening to the conversation I-I don’t think I was paying attention to the full details but..

[Wren chuckles]

James: I most definitely have a smirk-

Dax: Oh my god!

[Wren, James and Dax laugh]

Dax: Jokul was zoning out at the campfire!

James: Well..I-I imagine he’s like setting up the-the tent for Rialla, he-he’s taking care of Maeve. Just..that-that sort of stuff so he’s picking up pieces-

Cole: I feel like...they overheard this conversation they’re like, “!” and-

James: Exactly! Like-

[Cole talking quickly while Dax talks, incoherent]

Dax: We are gonna make ourselves as busy as possible and not get involved.

James: Like-like-

Cole: Nope! 

James: Jokul’s been casual-

Cole: We don’t have time to unpack all of that!

James: Just casually listening to the conversation my back turned to Eight so he can’t see the smirk on Jokul’s face just be like..

Dax: Oh my god that’s amazing that the two of you were like...ahh….oh my god.

[James chuckles]

James: Well I mean-

Dax: And this conversation has been long in coming and the two of them know that and that’s the worst part so it’s like “we need to like, make it look like we’re not paying attention”.

James: Stuff like “yes, no, what? Yeah, you-you have a face! No worries..”

Cole: Everything’s fine...

Neil: Hey-

James: Perfectly normal conversation to be having in the middle of the desert.

Dax: Viktor the entire time is watching this conversation between Eight and Art and...kinda like you if you’re people watching in a crowd you sit there and’re not really looking at the people you’re listening to but you are so listening. You can see every once in a while he turns his face and he for some reason has something itchy on his cheek and uhm, or has to yawn every once in a while and not...make it obvious that he’s laughing? After that whole exchange, he turns to the two of you and says,

Dax (as Viktor): Alright I...this needs to stop. Eight,’re a warforged, correct?

Wren (as Eight): I am a person.          

Dax (as Viktor): You-you’re a person. Alright uhm...Art...Eight here is a person. A person that...was designed..for specific purposes.  

Neil (as Arthas): By..

Dax (as Viktor): I think that’s-

Neil (as Arthas): By his parents?

Dax (as Viktor): All you need to know. Uh, yes!

Dax: And with that, Viktor is making this very...that face you make when you tell a child, “Yes. Yes you are a donkey…” or something like that. That is the face that Viktor is making and he is just nodding at Art.  

Dax (as Viktor): Yes, yes. By his parents mhm.

Neil (as Arthas): I’m trying to think..because I heard something like this from the Aerir once. That when-

Wren (as Eight): The what?

Neil (as Arthas): Two Giant-kin...Aerir are recordkeepers in Giant-kin society.

Wren (as Eight): Interesting. Tell me more.

Neil (as Arthas): When I was young, nearly six feet tall, I asked Yurgun, “Where did I come from?” and he said, “My mother loved my father very much, and clubbed him, and dragged him into a cave. And then they found the biggest rock, and carved me out of it.”

Wren (as Eight): Fascinating.

Cole: That’s actually- 

Neil (as Arthas): I assume this is the same situation.

Wren (as Eight): Well, I have no recollections of a father, mother did make me. And took good care of me. And then I cared for her when she got old. So-

Neil (as Arthas): Can one person make more..people?

Wren (as Eight): I don’t see why not. I have seen plenty of people who have been creating other people. Just in the last few months we have been travelling.   

Neil (as Arthas): That’s terrifying-

Wren: I turn slowly to Rialla.

Wren (as Eight): You’re looking quite well. How is...the chrysalis?

Cole (as Rialla): What are you talking about?

Wren (as Eight): Oh. Tate told me, many months back, that you a butterfly?

Cole (as Rialla): Haaa-how so?

Wren (as Eight): Oh..

Wren: I frown a little bit.

Wren (as Eight): Do not tell me I was deceived.

Cole (as Rialla): I...I still don’t quite...understand..what you mean by that?

Wren (as Eight): Now that I think about it, neither do I. 

Neil: I am deeply confused.

Cole: Rialla’s face

[Wren chuckles]

Cole: And she’s trying to basically get Eight to say what he’s trying to say but if it doesn’t happen I just-I’m gonna let it die. Hopefully.

[Cole giggles]

Wren: Consider it dead.

Cole: And of course uh, uh pink-faced I just look at Jokul and shake my head.

Dax: Viktor is staring at you and Jokul. 

Dax (as Viktor): [clears throat] Um…

Dax: And with that he scratches the back of his neck and tilts his head down and you can see his face, even in the shadows coming off the firelight, that he does not know what to make of this whole conversation and figures it’s more along the lines of “your business is your business and...that is where we are going to leave it”.

James: Jokul just gives him like the thieves’ cant like equivalent of “leave it!”

[James chuckles]

Cole: [laughing] The thieves’ cant equivalent of shaking head and like making the hand motion across the neck of like-

James: No no no-

Dax: Like the “nix it”? Don’t bring it up?

Cole: [laughing] Incorrect!

Dax: Viktor turns to you and says,

Dax (as Viktor): Alright. With that, considering how late it is early we have to be up in order to get on the road before the sun gets too high, I’m going to go to sleep now. And, I hope, that I can trust you won’t stab me in the middle of the night?  

Cole (as Rialla): If you don’t stab us we won’t stab you. 

Wren (as Eight): That seems like a fair trade. 

Dax (as Viktor): Hm. ‘Tis. Alright..Jokul, Rialla. It meet you...and actually converse with you. 

Cole (as Rialla): Hm.

Dax (as Viktor): Eight and was...even more interesting to meet you. 

Neil (as Arthas): Likewise!

Dax: And with that, Viktor lays down in an area of sand and stretches back out the way he was. Crosses his arms behind his head and he leans up against that wooden log that he’d been sitting on. He draws the hood over his eyes, and goes silent.   

Cole: I...give Jokul’s sleeve a tug and I head into our tent that we very-took a very long time to set up.  

[Cole laughs]

Cole: In hopes to distract ourselves from the horribly awkward conversation that just ensued. And I go to sleep. 

Neil: I am trying to connect the dots as to why those two sleep in the same tent. 

Cole: Oh boy. There are so many...I’ve connected ain’t connected shit.

Wren: It’s ok-

Neil (as Arthas): She hasn’t clubbed him over the they can’t be married.

James: [laughing] Arthas is just having this world explosion of thought like..he’s not a person, they’re in a tent..ahh! Too much thinking. 

[Neil chuckles]

Dax: [laughing] That one is maybe a knight, I’m not sure yet..

Neil: Horse, question mark, too small for a knight, question mark?

Dax: Eh Maeve’s a pretty good size. She-

James: I was-I was gonna say she’s small to you, Mr. Eleven Foot but..

Neil: Yeah like-

James: She is a very large horse.

Neil: My frame of reference for what other knights must look like is basically me but in cooler armor on a horse. And I’m..everything’s so small in comparison.

Cole: god. I’m having a heart attack.

Dax: The next morning, Rialla, Jokul when you exit your tent...and Art and Eight, well when Art awakes...Eight when you finish your..whatever you do at night. Your staring. Uhm, you notice that Viktor is gone and all of his belongings are gone. The only thing left behind is a dead fire and a few pieces of wood. The sun has not quite risen yet, there’s a golden edge to the horizon, and it’s still kinda cold. Desert hasn’t had a chance to warm up yet. But a new day is dawning.

Cole: Probably wake up, eat something, and head out in the direction I feel that we should be going.  

Wren: Yes. 

Wren (as Eight): I must say..

Wren: As you’re eating.

Wren (as Eight): Your friend was not very polite. He left without saying goodbye. I may have tried to say goodbye four or five times.

Cole (as Rialla): No it’s...sort of the way that was going to go either way. We can’t stay in contact. It’s safer that way.    

Wren (as Eight): I see. So, it’s true then. You two are “in trouble”.   

Cole (as Rialla): Maybe.

James (as Jokul): We were in trouble. [laughing] Hopefully.

Cole (as Rialla): Yeah it’s kind of hard to say now, if they pinned the blame on Viktor instead of us we..I don’t know maybe they’re not looking for us anymore so..hard to say. 

Wren (as Eight): Perhaps, though..for someone who was blamed for a murder, and lost everything they liked, and loved, he was awfully nice to us. The people to blame for his own misfortune. 

Cole (as Rialla): He certainly wasn’t the murderer. 

Wren (as Eight): [whispering] Was it you? You can tell me. 

Cole (as Rialla): No.

Wren: I squint my eyes. And lean in closer.  

Wren (as Eight): I will trust you. Because we are best friends.  

Cole (as Rialla): It is not my place to play god, and to decide when someone’s life is over. 

Wren: I just kind of sit, awkwardly, at that. And cross my fingers-

Cole: I go back over to the rest of our belongings and just kinda finish putting everything on Maeve’s saddlebags or like wherever things go. And get ready to head out.

Calm piano continues during the outro [51:30]

Dax: Thanks for tuning in to Roads Uncharted. I hope you’ll join us next time!