Roads Uncharted

S1 E10: The Thief Below

Episode Summary

Three companions venture into the sewers to rendezvous with the thieves’ guild. Will they regret arranging the meeting?

Episode Notes

Rialla, Jokul and Eight head down into the sewers to meet with the thieves’ guild of Kadiba. There they find the man who had introduced himself as Hassan when they met him outside of Ki’Ran. He attempts to convince the trio that they should join his guild and help them to branch out into the rest of the world. If they don’t, Rialla and Jokul are threatened with death and Eight would be rewired to serve the guild's needs. 

Rialla does her best to try and negotiate for their freedom, while Eight attempts to sway Hassan’s mind. Both to no avail. When Eight is frustrated by their failure and angered at the implication that they would no longer be free, drastic measures are taken. 

Follow Dax @GM_Dax, Cole @ColeMorreale and Wren @ThornyDryad

Transcript by CJ Kallevig

Episode Transcription

Upbeat piano intro music ends [00:28] 

Somber, mysterious music fades in [00:30] 

Dax: It’s midnight, or close to it. The Grumpy Goat is still silent in the dark of the night. You wait, down in the dining area. The bar, closed off and shuttered. The Procid owners, nowhere to be found. You can see out in the street that there is a full moon out. 

Cole: Hmmmm. 

Wren: Ominous. And we’re okay to just be sitting in the main floor here? That’s true, we don’t want them to know what room we’re from. 

Dax: Just as, 

Wren (overlapping): They might slip in and slit your throats. 

Dax: The mantle clock behind the bar strikes midnight. You see someone come up to the door. They peer into the window, and wave for you to come outside. 

Wren: On seeing them I grip Rialla’s arm. 

Wren (as Eight): Rialla, they’re here! It’s them. It has to be. Look, they’re waving. 

Cole (as Rialla): It’s fine, it’s okay. 

Wren (as Eight): Do we go? What do we do? 

Cole (as Rialla): We’re going to go. 

Cole: And I’ll lead and crack the door open. 

Dax (as the contact)(lower, rather scratchy voice): Would you be the ones that brought, and subsequently lost, the bird? 

Cole: I’ll nod and gesture for Jokul and Eight to follow and go outside. Shut the door behind them. 

Dax: The person, who you can’t really see, they are taller than you, Rialla, but still shorter than Jokul.

Cole: I’d also like to say that my hood is up. I have a black scarf, so you can only see my eyes and then I still… Well, if they stole our pack, I guess I don’t have my black dress. I’m probably, so then what am I wearing? If we, if the 

[Laughter from multiple people] 

Dax: Well, last I knew, you were wearing the robes that you had been given to wear in the desert. 

Cole: Right. 

Dax: Which would have been awfully constricting. Just black and tans. But it also depends on if you would have worn anything under said robes or not. 

Cole: [laughter] That’s a good question! Well, I don’t know. I would have done what everyone else was doing. 

Wren: Oh my. 

Cole: I don’t [laughing mumbling]. Knock it off! Yeah okay, so I have my hood up and a scarf over my nose and mouth. 

Dax: What about Jokul? Would Jokul have worn his armor underneath the robes? 

James: Yeah, Jokul is wearing light leathers and that stuff. So it’s easy to disguise under his clothing. He might have reverted back to some of the guild stuff, like a black scarf or head thing, but for the most part, he’s dressed as he was with the desert survival gear. He’s got his chain hidden up under the scarf or headpiece so nobody can see it outright. 

Dax: So at quick glances, you two look as if you belong in this city. But in reality, you are hiding. Nice! I like it. 

Cole: I definitely have a dagger tucked into each boot. My holy symbol is tucked in. 

Dax: So this individual, tallish, you can tell in the moonlight that they are dressed from head to toe in leather and delicate looking armor. The cloak across their shoulders, the hood is draped over their face so that you can’t see it. You can see the head swivel back and forth as they look down the street and then they lean in close to you. 

Dax (as the contact)(low, slightly scratching voice): Follow me.

Dax: And they take off down the street. 

Cole: Following. 

James: Yep. 

Cole: Could I cast, I assume that because Eight is stockier, they might be a little bit louder? 

Wren: I clomp fairly consistently, regardless of my makeup. So I suppose it stands to reason that I might sound sort of like horse steps on the ground, at the very least. 

Cole: Could I potentially use that sort of barrier spell again, and muffle the sound? If I can’t completely make them silent, like a muffling sort of noise? 

Dax: Let’s make that a Medium difficulty. 

Cole: Okay. 

Dax: Yes, you can use Divine, if you want. 

Cole: I have two successes and a threat. 

Dax: So, I will say that you do get the barrier up. You do muffle sound. The threat, I’m going to say, take a strain. You had to really focus in on Eight’s feet. 

Cole: I close my eyes for a minute and I trace some symbols in the air and I hold my hand out. You see your feet, there’s a, you know how the Autumn leaves do the little mini tornado thing? Just like that little swoosh? You see dusty black smoke fog around your feet and then dissipates. Then you notice that when you walk, you’re not making as much noise. 

Wren: I start stomping to test it. 

Cole: It sounds like a normal footstep. 

Dax: Of course you do.  

Wren (as Eight): This is quite excellent. 

Cole: I’ll gesture and we follow. Off we go. 

Dax: So, you are able to follow this individual, weaving in and amongst the city streets, down alleyways. It’s not too far, to the entrance of the sewers. You do manage to go down one last alleyway before you come to what appears to be the side of a building. You see the individual looking down the alleyway behind you to make sure nobody’s following you and they start moving some crates. And you see that there now is this big grate on the ground and they lift up the grate and they nod their head twice, to indicate that you go down. 

Cole: I’ll head down. 

Dax: As you do, you find that there is a ladder that leads down. 

Cole: Does it look wet at the bottom? 

Dax: I mean, it looks damp, but not really wet. What light you can see shining through the grate above you, [interrupted]. 

Cole: I wanted to know if it was sewer, gross. Okay. I would head down anyway, but I would try to avoid being splashed by gross poop water. 

Wren: Jokul and I at the top, will motion with my hands towards the grate. 

Wren (as Eight): Jokuls first. 

James: Jokul waits for Rialla to descend the ladder and, assuming it’s a metal ladder, once Rialla’s clear, he’ll try to do the power slide down the ladder. 

Dax: You know what, just for fun. Let’s have you make an Athletics check for that. 

Cole: Oh no. 

Dax: I’ll say, make it an Easy check. 

James: I have two Success and two Threat. 

Dax: For your threat, take two Strain. And here’s my reasoning. You managed to get yourself onto the ladder and you start to slide down. But you didn’t put on gloves, and you get that little friction burn-thing going on for your hands. 

James: I’d like to argue that he wouldn’t have done that if he wasn’t wearing gloves! [Laughter] 

James: I figure he’s, he’s an experienced thief. You always wear gloves! Or at least, the fingerless ones. 

Dax: All right, I mean, I can follow that logic.

Wren: You didn’t stick your landing! 

James: In counter to not wearing gloves, like twist an ankle. Just ‘ow, I landed funny’? 

Dax: Okay, yeah. We’ll go with that. You know, you’re not hurt to the point where you have to limp, but you gotta stretch and move your foot a little bit. Stretch out the ankle and all the tendons and everything, so that that weird pang is gone. 

James: I’m good with that. 

Dax: Eight. 

Wren (as Eight): I assume, I’m going to be the one to go down next?

Wren: I say to the gentlemen holding the grate. 

Dax: You just see the hood nod up and down. 

Wren (as Eight): Alright. Don’t come down on me.

Wren: And I just grab the ladder and start climbing down as slowly and methodically as possible. My giant feet kind of, clanging on the metal as I descend the ladder. Then just jump off the last rung. 

Dax: It’s probably still muffled. You’re within the aura of the Barrier spell that Rialla put up. So, I’d imagine they’re clangy inside the bubble, but to anyone outside, they might not hear it. As you reach the bottom, you hear 

[Dax makes a ‘clink’ sound] 

Dax: You look up and you see the grate has been closed above you and boxes are now being put back over the grate by the person that escorted you to the entrance way. 

Wren (as Eight): He didn’t come with us. We’re trapped down here. 

Dax (in a lilting femme voice): Not quite. 

Dax: You hear a voice from the darkness. Suddenly a torch alights, and in its shadows, you see the face of a young woman. Her garb completely done in black, very similar to the individual that just led you to the grate. Only, her hood is back so that you can see her face. 

Wren: DM, could I pop my spoon out and light it up? Just like the good old days? 

Dax: Sure, why not. I’ll say, if you want to cast that though, it’s going to be an Easy check. 

Wren: I’ll just go ahead and roll my two yellow, my green, and my purple. Hey! Look, that’s just a bunch of Success and some Advantages. My spoon is lit up.

Cole (as Rialla): Thank you for meeting us. 

Dax (as femme NPC):You look confused, Railla. 

Cole: What?!? 

Wren: I step forward and put my hand in front of my friends. 

Wren (as Eight): Who are you? 

Cole (as Rialla): Eight, it’s okay. 

Cole: Do I recognize this person? 

Dax: No you do not. 

Cole: Gracious DM, do I, did I give them my name? Or am I (overlapping)

Dax: You didn’t give the people in the Citadel your name. 

Cole (as Rialla): I don’t believe we have met. 

Dax (as femme NPC): No, we have not. Now, if you’ll follow me. Watch your step. Dax: And she turns and starts to head down the sewer. 

Cole: I kind of give a glance back to my companions, and I’ll give Jokul’s hand a reassuring squeeze before following. 

Dax: She leads you down some corridors. You can feel and smell the dampness in the air around you. You can feel the coolness emanating from the stone. You can hear water trickling the further you get in, and you can start to smell the rank odor of stale sewage water. Eventually, after a few twists and turns, she leads you up to a wooden door. And when she opens the door and steps aside, she motions with the torch for you to go in. 

Cole: I go in, I don’t hesitate. 

Dax: Do Jokul and Eight follow? 

Wren: I’m going to wait for Jokul to go in next.

James: (laughs) Yeah, move to follow. 

Dax: As you each go through the door, you see that the stone has opened up into almost a cavern. Probably at one point, this used to be used as a main thoroughfare for all the piping and city sewage. It is now relatively dry, and you can see that there are sofa beds and rugs, torches along the walls, and paintings. You can see a light above you has been set up, a chandelier rather, of yellow, waxy candles. There are several people in this room, and they all turn to look at you when you come in. Ahead of you, in the center, standing or rather sitting in a large chair on a dais, is Hassan. He stands up as you come through the door and just starts 

[Dax slow claps] 

Wren: Not the slow clap, no. 

Cole: Rialla has this facade, like, she’s exactly where she should be. She’s standing up tall for once and very confident stance. 

Wren (as Eight): Hassan is a pirate king. 

Dax: Do you whisper this out loud? 

Cole: Don’t…. 

Wren: I do whisper it, no I do. 

Dax: Hassan laughs. 

Dax (as Hassan): (laughs) Well, I’m glad you could make it here. You’ll have to forgive my deception. 

Dax: And he walks down a few steps to be eye-level with you. 

Dax (as Hassan): When traveling in and amongst the desert, one must act as if one belongs in the desert. I see that you took it upon yourselves to bring my invitation back to the city. Although, it sounds like you were not quite good at keeping it a secret as I had hoped you would. 

Cole (as Rialla): In our defense, you didn’t tell us much of anything really. 

Dax (as Hassan): Well that’s the point. It wouldn’t be much of a test now would it, if I did?

Wren (as Eight): You just robbed us. 

Cole (as Rialla): Why test us?

Dax (as Hassan): I heard rumors of an elf, looking to be like an Adar-kai, but not one of theirs, and a pale young woman with blonde hair and icy-blue eyes. Traveling with a Warforged, a powerful one at that. So I decided to test you. I’ve done some digging into the two of you and, I hear, you’re not originally from this plane. So, I decided to follow you into the desert and offer you the chance to join us. We could use good fighters like you, people with a way to scale the buildings, and who managed to decipher our symbols. We want to expand from this city. There’s only so much you can do in one city. And if you’re going to be traveling, perhaps you could garner some recruits. Or, even start an out-branch into some much larger cities. I hear Saleen is currently suffering, and might not be looking too much into those that are willing to infiltrate? 

Cole (as Rialla): What is your end goal? Why, what purpose would expanding your organization benefit you? 

Dax: The man you know as Hassan turns and walks towards one of the side tables, where a companion stands near. He pours some wine into a goblet and holds up the goblet toward you and Jokul, as if indicating if you would like some. 

Cole (as Rialla): I don’t, apologies, I don’t drink. 

James: Jokul declines as well. 

Dax: He nods. Does kind of an ‘okay’ shrug. Takes the glass for himself, takes a long sip, and then turns on his heels so that he is facing you again. 

Dax (as Hassan): The end goal, dear Rialla, is to dominate. This continent has long been at peace, and it’s god-awful boring. I’d like to shake it up. We’ve managed some success here in this city, we’ve amassed quite a treasure-hold for ourselves. Quite a name, as well. I would like to expand that. Move out of the city, move out of this nasty sewer and make a name for myself. So much so that when people hear it, they will fear us. Respect us. 

Cole (as Rialla): Fear and respect are not the same thing. 

Dax (as Hassan): Surely you have not read some of the great works of this world, if that is what you think. 

Cole (as Rialla):There’s so many ways to make a name. 

Dax (as Hassan):Are you telling me that you are declining, then? 

Cole (as Rialla): That depends. Hypothetically, if we were to decline, what would happen to us?

Dax (as Hassan): You most likely wouldn’t leave this sewer. Not in one piece, anyway. And your Warforged pet, can be rewired. We could use a weapon like that. After all, Seven, was it? Has already frightened one of my scouts, and proved to be rather dangerous in a chase. 

Cole (as Rialla):  Doesn’t sound like there’s much of a choice. 

Wren (as Eight): Can you help our friend, the giant? 

Dax (as Hassan): Yes. 

Wren (as Eight): He’s in prison because of you. 

Dax (as Hassan): Oh no, see here. There’s a flaw in your logic, Warforged. He’s in jail because of you. You failed a small part of your test to get the Miraspan back into the city, without the guards noticing. Had you gotten it in here successfully, they wouldn’t have noticed and he would still be around. But I assure you, he’s quite safe. The guards never do anything terrible to their prisoners. Kind of helped to be less of a deterrent, when we were first starting out. 

Cole (as Rialla):  So what are the terms of this agreement? What would we have to do? 

Dax (as Hassan): Nothing to start. You would sign a contract, indicating that you would be bound to your promises, and you would go off and explore as you currently are. And as you go to your larger cities, you will report back as to the structure of their security and any potential wealth that may lie hidden. Or among its nobility. And then, once you’ve accomplished that task, we would adjust your duties from there. 

Cole (as Rialla):  And you can return our belongings to us? And our friend? 

Dax: He snaps and the woman that had led you into the room goes off to the side. She drags a large chest out from behind one of the sofa beds. And when she opens it up, you see all of your belongings. 

Wren: How many people are there in here? 

Dax: Four, plus Hassan. 

Cole: That’s just how many we can see, though. 

Dax: You don’t know how many are in and amongst the sewers. It’s just that that’s what’s in this room. 

Cole (as Rialla):  Before we accept your terms, I want to know where you got your information about us.

Dax (as Hassan): You know, I wouldn’t be a king of thieves if I gave away all my secrets. 

Cole (as Rialla):  I think this one's a little personal to us. 

Dax (as Hassan): Let’s just say that a group of individuals that makes friends with strangers on the road bearing silvered mirrors should probably be careful who they’re talking to. 

Cole (as Rialla):  Victor. 

Dax (as Hassan): Oh you, you remember that poor chap? He was quite fun to talk to. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone of that high intelligence. But intelligent or not, certain applications can make anyone talk. 

Cole (as Rialla):  What did you do to him? 

Dax (as Hassan): I did nothing. 

Cole (as Rialla):  What did your people do to him? 

Dax: He turns and looks over at Jokul. 

Dax (as Hassan): She’s a very smart girl, that one. 

Dax: He looks back at you, Rialla. 

Dax (as Hassan): We just applied a little pressure. Convinced him to share some things that he knew. And if his tales are to be believed, you two are very dangerous in your own right. Now don’t you worry, Rialla. We did let him go. He is walking free in Rejiev. 

Wren: Can I do a thing? 

Dax: What would you like to do? 

Wren: As this guy keeps talking, when he mentions that we’re powerful, I’d like to try and do my mind reading ability and see if he actually believes that. So, I would need to make an opposed Discipline versus Discipline check against him. What’s his Discipline? 

Dax: Three. 

Wren: Three purple? 

Dax: Yes. And upgrade one. 

Cole: As this conversation’s going on, Rialla’s shoulders kind of fall and she deflates.

Wren: Oh you gotta be kidding me. It’s a wash, but I have a Triumph. 

Dax: How would you like to use that Triumph? 

Wren: Maybe I upgrade my next probe on this dude as I’m feeling out his brain? 

Dax: Yeah, I’ll give that to you. Let’s say that narratively, you try to probe it first and you met this very fuzzy barrier. But as you finished your first attempt, you did feel like you poked a hole through it and that would allow for the boost. 

Wren: I have a feeling, we haven’t really talked much about Rialla and Jokul’s thief background. So, Eight doesn’t know that they’re basically being threatened with trading one organization to another. But, this guy’s basically threatened to beat my friends up or kill them and fiddle with my brain. I don’t appreciate that! I don’t appreciate that. Just saying this out loud, really. I do think I’d take note of Rialla’s sudden defeat/deflation at this. I’m concerned. What’s Jokul doing? 

Dax: I was just going to ask that. 

James: Jokul’s not happy either, but he’s also, he’s not reaching for a weapon but he’s clearly posed to do so. He’s clearly self-restraining, like ‘I want to throw a knife at this man, I want to throw a knife at this man’. 

Dax: Kind of doing that like, ‘I’m going to very gently caress the pommel of my sword with my fingertips’ kind of deal? 

James: Not that obvious, but like, if he’s got a dagger on a wrist sheath, he’s crossed his arms in such a way that it’s like… 

Dax: I have poison I can put there.

Wren: So, I want to be a real cheeky non-meta-gamey bastard, and I’d like to take turns poking at my friends' minds, to see if I can feel exactly what they’re thinking they would like to do at this point. Because I can literally read your thoughts, without having to do anything other than just do it. 

(overlapping briefly) 

Cole: If we can tell if it was you, I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t hide that from you.

James: Yeah. You’d get exactly what I said: ‘I want to throw a knife at this man, I want to throw a knife at this man.’ 

Dax: Eight, if you would like to make two additional checks, you may do so. To see if you could read. And just indicate which roll is Rialla and which roll is Jokul. 

Wren: Rialla, what’s your discipline? 

Cole: It’s keyed off Wil, so three? But I don’t have any ranks in it. 

Wren: Okay. Well that’s just a fail on Rialla. 

Dax: Didn’t you boost your next check? 

Wren: On Hassan. 

Dax: Ah, okay. 

Cole: I think I would say, Rialla’s mind feels very frazzled and you have a hard time getting through. She also tends to kind of protect herself. It’s kind of weird because, if you’re getting a feel for the barrier instead of Rialla’s thoughts, it seems to be blocking something specific. 

Wren: And Jokul, what’s your discipline? 

James: I have one rank in discipline. I have a Willpower of one, woohoo. Wren: A red dice. 

James: But also, my, I have the Fey-Ancestry. I impose two black die on any mind-affecting spell. 

Wren: Cool. That’s a Success and a Triumph on Jokul, but two Threat. So I definitely know that you’re mad and want to stab someone in the face. 

James: Yeah, you’ve known Jokul long enough to know my go-to response is to stab it. Wren: I know I’m eating up a lot of time here. 

Cole: I love it. 

Wren: I, I think a Mind-Shaping is in order on Hassan. 

Cole: Oh!

Wren: And I would like to make him no longer hostile for the next minute, and direct his minions to step outside the room. Immediately. Maybe. We’ll see if we can do that. Actually, I can’t make him do things but ‘have him adopt an emotional state of my choice for the next minute.’ 

Dax: Okay. So is that an opposed thing? Or do you just have to cast it? 

Wren: Yeah, this will be discipline versus vigilance, using my brain again. So, after I’ve read everyone’s minds as he’s just been standing there talking for the last three minutes, and I know Jokul is very aggressive. And I know Rialla’s frazzled, but I don’t really know what she’s thinking. 

Cole: And sad, very sad. 

Wren: I look into the depths of my own mind and I try to do the same thing that I did on that thief in the alleyway. I just need to know his vigilance. 

Dax: It’s still the one. 

Wren: So two purple and a red? 

Dax: Yep. 

Wren: I get to upgrade one because of Triumph, which is fun. I’d like to spend a Story Point and upgrade my other one, if I might? 

Dax: Sure. 

Wren: So I’ll roll three yellows and hope to god that does something. So one of them is canceled out, ugh, 

Cole: Nooooo, Eight nooooo. 

Wren: Okay. I have a Failure and two Advantage. I don’t think it worked. Dax: No, no it did not. 

Wren: And he knows I was trying. 

Dax: So, after you tried that Eight, and this has been going on while he’s been talking to Rialla. He stops and he just turns his head ever so slightly to look at you. 

Dax (as Hassan): Well now. 

Wren: I just look up, my eyes are the different color still because I’m doing my thing. But-

Wren (as Eight): What? 

Dax: Try and make a Deception check. 

Wren: Do you want me to make it at his vigilance? 

Dax: Yes. 

Wren: Deception? I’m terrible at that. 

Dax: Mhmmm, yeah I just looked at your sheet (laughter). 

Wren: The funny part is it wound up being nothing. 

Dax: Nothing at all, okay. He looks at you and he just chuckles to himself. 

Dax (as Hassan): Oh, Eight, Seven, whatever it is you want to call yourself. Six? Maybe Nine? Don’t try that again. Or it won’t matter what these two decide. You’ll be rewired. Understand? 

Wren: GM, how close is this guy to us? 

Dax: He is probably 30 feet away from you. The woman that led you (cut off)

Wren: Let’s talk range bands. 

Dax: Yeah, I know. He is long range, long range is, how far is long range?

Wren: It’s abstract, but it would probably be like a house’s length away. 

Dax: Well that’s long. Medium, then? He’s medium range, the woman with the chest is short range. Two of the other people are medium range as well, and one of the, the person that is on the right side of the cavern from you, is also short range. So you have one person on the left and one person on the right that are short range, and the other three are medium range. 

James: Since we are talking layout and tactics, the room we came into. Are we talking just a big circular..? 

Dax: Yes. 

James: Dead end? Or, is the only entrance behind us or can we see? (overlapping) 

Dax: If you want to make a perception check, you can do so, Jokul. To see if you notice any further exits, other than what’s behind you.

James: I would like to do so. 

Dax: And I’ll say make that a Medium difficulty. 

James: Is that Medium difficulty caused by darkness by chance? 

Dax: No, it’s just that there’s a lot of stuff in this room. 

James: Had to ask! Because I have the Darkvision trait that we wrote up, so. 

Cole: I’m going to be a pain in the butt for the DM, just because it’s what I do best. Could I use a Story Point to find a friendly ghostie who might be willing to help us? 

Dax: You always have the option to do so as long as the Story Point is available for you. Because I believe it’s one Story Point that you can use per game. I think? 

Cole: Yeah, I thought it was per session. 

Dax: And Eight has used theirs per session. There are two Story Points still left and two that I can use. So, if you would like to, you may try. 

Cole: I reach up to where the holy symbol is under my clothes and I close my eyes and sort of feel out for… 

Dax: Baradesh. 

Cole: Another question. Have I gleaned that Baradesh and Corvusa are the same? Or are they just different goddesses of the same domain? 

Dax: To you, they seem to be the same. 

Cole: Okay. I wasn’t sure if I had gleaned that yet. Okay, so Baradesh. I, reaching out to her and any friendly presence that might linger down here, I basically request help. Because I don’t want to be in this situation again. 

Dax: Before we address that. Jokul, what did you get for your Perception check?

James: I got one Threat. 

Cole: Fuck! 

James: Right?!

Cole: Shit! 

Dax: You don’t see any other exits from this room, other than the entryway that you came into. How shall we spend your Threat? 

Cole: By not spending it? 

Dax: Well, no. Why don’t we just say that you take a Strain for that Threat? It’s an intense situation, you’re trying very hard to make this as not obvious as possible, because I can’t remember the word for ‘not obvious’. Subtle! (laughter) And it’s a little taxing. Rialla, when you cast your spell, your prayer sorry. When you send out your prayer, you feel something warm against your cheek, as if a hand were clasping you. And then it’s gone, and it’s the cold dampness of the sewer. 

Cole: When I open my eyes, do I see anyone? 

Dax: You don’t see anyone other than the physical forms in front of you. 

Cole (as Rialla): I take comfort in knowing that she’s with me. 

Dax (as Hassan): So, Rialla. Jokul. Are you going to take me up on my offer or not? Think of all the riches, the easy lifestyle that you could have. 

Cole (as Rialla): This life is not easy, but it doesn’t sound like you’re giving us a choice. If it means keeping my friends safe, getting our friend out of prison, I will do what I have to do. Just know that, whatever you may have heard about us, you found the two thieves that are not motivated by riches. 

Dax (as Hassan): Well, that’s a bit of a shame. 

Dax: He sets the goblet down and you see his right hand rest on the pommel of his sword. 

Cole (as Rialla): I said I would do what I have to. I’m not happy about it, but if it means we get out of here alive, and you return our friend to us, so be it. 

Dax: He pauses and looks at you. 

Dax (as Hassan): Alright, alright. Let me see if I get this straight. 

Dax: And he rubs his forehead with his fingers. He has this furrowed brow. 

Dax (as Hassan): See, I thought you just said that you and Jokul are not motivated by riches, which would mean that you are not taking me up on my offer. But then, you also said that you were going to do what you don’t want to do so long as your friends are kept safe. So, please explain to me what your answer is so that I may dispatch with you or let you free. 

Dax: And he moves the hand off his brow and just stares at you, Rialla. 

Cole (as Rialla): I thought I made it clear that we’re agreeing. 

Dax (as Hassan): Oh. Oh! Wonderful, yes. 

Dax: And he claps his hands. 

Dax (as Hassan): Alright, alright. Lily, please allow them to get their gear. Joe… 

Dax: And he turns to one of the men slouched on the couch. 

Dax (as Hassan): Go up to the jail and release the giant that’s, you can’t miss him. Go on. 

Dax: You see Joe leave out that door. He turns to the individual that’s at the far right of the cavern. 

Dax (as Hassan): Mikail, please. Do you need anything to eat, anything to drink? Any supplies to set you out on your way? 

Cole (as Rialla):Rations would be appreciated. 

Dax (as Hassan): Right, Mikail, get them some rations. Make sure that they are fully stocked and that cart that they have at that jail, make sure that is well loaded and protected until they are out of the city. Marcus. 

Dax: And he turns to the last man, the one that was standing by the end table with the wine. 

Dax (as Hassan): Marcus, do me a favor. If you would, write up some sort of paperwork for the jailkeeper. They’re going to need some reason not to follow after these people. Just, manage that. 

Dax: And you see that Marcus has pulled out this large tome that he flips open. You see that there’s all these blank pages and he just starts to scrawl. Lily starts unloading things from the chest. You see all of your bags, your packages. You see your waterskins, still with what little water they had left in them. All of your extra equipment, your rope, your lanterns. Everything is coming out of this chest. 

Wren (as Eight): Hassan, if I might. 

Dax (as Hassan):Yes.

Wren (as Eight): My companions might be fashioned as thieves in some of your circles, but I have seen a much different side of them these last few weeks I have been traveling with them. They’re kind, and thoughtful, and they want to help people. I do believe… 

Wren: And as I’m talking, I pop my spoon back into my wrist sheath and I point a finger at him.

 Wren (as Eight): I think your plan has but one flaw. 

Dax (as Hassan): I’m listening. 

Wren (as Eight): You forgot to think about what I would want. 

Dax (as Hassan): Well I would imagine your freedom might be a good enough encouragement. 

Wren (as Eight): That’s the thing. I am a free person. And you have threatened my friends. And for that, I will make you suffer. 

Wren: I will cast an Attack spell on him. 

Dax: Go ahead and do that and then I would like everybody to roll their initiative. You guys were all anticipating this to potentially happen, so you can go ahead and roll your vigilance. 

Music fades out [36:05] 

Dax: Thanks for listening! We hope you’ll join us next time but in the interim, follow us on Twitter @RoadsUncharted

The “Roads Uncharted” podcast is GMed and produced by Dax, using the Genesys Roleplaying System published by Fantasy Flight Games. You can follow me on Twitter @GM_Dax

Jokul Genhorn is played by James and Arthas, Champion of Offam is played by Neil.

Rialla Lenoir is played by Cole, follow them on Twitter @ColeMorreale and check out their art. 

Eight is played by Wren, who also composed the music for our opening theme. Follow them on Twitter @ThornyDryad.